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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
bulletin (article)髙橋, 誠「親密性」から見る「戦争もの」アニメの研究 : アニメ映画『ジョバンニの島』を題材としてA Study of Animated War Films from thePerspective of Intimacy : A case study ofthe animated film Giovanni's Island国際広報メディア・観光ジャーナルThe Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies15-Nov-2023
bulletin (article)Segawa, Kazuhito; Takahashi, Chika; Takahashi, Makoto; Ito, Tetsuro; Neo, Sakurako; Hisasue, Masaharu; Tsuchiya, RyoAge-related change of the plasma fibrinogen concentration in dogs-Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research-May-2018
articleKuriki, Shinya; Yokosawa, Koichi; Takahashi, MakotoNeural Representation of Scale Illusion : Magnetoencephalographic Study on the Auditory Illusion Induced by Distinctive Tone Sequences in the Two Ears-Plos one-23-Sep-2013
article (author version)Suzuki, Yumiko; Okamoto, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Makoto; Kataoka, Takashi; Shibata, YouichiMapping the spatial distribution of botanical composition and herbage mass in pastures using hyperspectral imaging-Grassland Science-Mar-2012
articleGoto, Kotaro; Hoshi, Yoko; Sata, Masashi; Kawahara, Masatoshi; Takahashi, Makoto; Murohashi, HarumitsuRole of the prefrontal cortex in the cognitive control of reaching movements: near-infrared spectroscopy study-Journal of Biomedical Optics-Dec-2011
articleTakahashi, Makoto; Todorobaru, Makoto; Wakita, Koichi; Uosaki, KoheiHeteroepitaxial growth of CdTe on a p-Si(111) substrate by pulsed-light-assisted electrodeposition-Applied Physics Letters-25-Mar-2002
bulletin (article)渡辺, 研一; 高橋, 誠; 鎌田, 研一; 杉澤, 輝文; 吉水, 守ハナサキガニ幼生の大量死に関する細菌学的研究:幼生および種苗生産水槽の細菌叢Bacteriological Study on the Mass Mortality of Cultured Hanasakicrab Larvae:Bacterial flora of cultured hanasakicrab larvae北海道大學水産學部研究彙報BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYAug-1998
articleTakahashi, Makoto; Uosaki, Kohei; Kita, Hideaki; Yamaguchi, ShojiResistivity, carrier concentration, and carrier mobility of electrochemically deposited CdTe films-Journal of Applied Physics-15-Sep-1986
articleTakahashi, Makoto; Uosaki, Kohei; Kita, HideakiPhotoelectrochemical Generation of Hydrogen at Electrochemically Deposited p-CdTe Films : Effect of Heat-Treatment, Surface Modification by Platinum and Surface Oxide Layer on Conversion Efficiency-Journal of The Electrochemical Society-1986
articleTakahashi, Makoto; Uosaki, Kohei; Kita, Hideaki; Suzuki, YoshikazuEffects of heat treatment on the composition and semiconductivity of electrochemically deposited CdTe films-Journal of Applied Physics-1-Dec-1985
articleTakahashi, Makoto; Uosaki, Kohei; Kita, HideakiComposition and electronic properties of electrochemically deposited CdTe films-Journal of Applied Physics-15-May-1984
articleTakahashi, Makoto; Uosaki, Kohei; Kita, HideakiElectrochemical Deposition, Optical Properties, and Photoelectrochemical Behavior of CdTe Films-Journal of The Electrochemical Society-1984
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12


Hokkaido University