Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | 池田, 賢一; 宮田, 幸昌; 吉原, 隆浩; 高田, 尚記; 中島, 英治 | 6111アルミニウム合金のリジング発生に及ぼす加工熱処理の影響とCube方位粒形成過程 | Effect of thermo-mechanical treatment on ridging behavior and cube-oriented grain formation process in 6111 aluminum alloy | 軽金属 | Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals | 30-Aug-2014 |
article | Takata, Naoki; Yoshida, Fuyuki; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Nakashima, Hideharu; Abe, Hiroshi | Abnormal Grain Growth of Off-Cube Grains in High Purity Aluminum Foils with Cube Texture | - | MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS | - | Dec-2005 |
article | Takata, Naoki; Yamada, Kousuke; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Yoshida, Fuyuki; Nakashima, Hideharu; Tsuji, Nobuhiro | Change in Microstructure and Texture during Annealing of Pure Copper Heavily Deformed by Accumulative Roll Bonding | - | MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS | - | 1-Aug-2007 |
article | Ii, Seiichiro; Hirota, Takeshi; Fujimoto, Kensuke; Sugimoto, Youhei; Takata, Naoki; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Nakashima, Hideharu; Nakashima, Hiroshi | Direct Evidence of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films Formation during Aluminum Induced Crystallization by In-Situ Heating TEM Observation | - | MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS | - | 1-Apr-2008 |
article | Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Yamada, Kousuke; Takata, Naoki; Yoshida, Fuyuki; Nakashima, Hideharu; Tsuji, Nobuhiro | Grain Boundary Structure of Ultrafine Grained Pure Copper Fabricated by Accumulative Roll Bonding | - | MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS | - | 1-Jan-2008 |
article | Hori, Chiaki; Takata, Naoki; Lam, Pui Ying; Tobimatsu, Yuki; Nagano, Soichiro; Mortimer, Jenny C.; Cullen, Dan | Identifying transcription factors that reduce wood recalcitrance and improve enzymatic degradation of xylem cell wall in Populus | - | Scientific reports | - | 16-Dec-2020 |
article | Takata, Naoki; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Yoshida, Fuyuki; Nakashima, Hideharu; Abe, Hiroshi | Influence of Purity on the Formation of Cube Texture in Aluminum Foils for Electrolytic Capacitors | - | MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS | - | May-2004 |
article | 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治; 廣田, 健; 藤本, 健資; 杉本, 陽平; 高田, 尚記; 井, 誠一郎; 中島, 寛 | アルミニウム誘起結晶化法による多結晶シリコン形成過程のその場加熱観察 | In-situ Heating Observation of Formation Process of Polycrystalline Si Using Aluminum Induced Crystallization | まてりあ | Materia Japan | 20-Dec-2006 |
article | 池田, 賢一; 廣田, 健; 藤本, 健資; 杉本, 陽平; 高田, 尚記; 井, 誠一郎; 中島, 英治; 中島, 寛 | アルミニウム誘起結晶化法による多結晶シリコン薄膜形成挙動のその場加熱観察 | In-Situ Heating Observation for Formation Behavior of Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films Fabricated Using Aluminum Induced Crystallization | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | Feb-2007 |
article | 水口, 隆; 高田, 尚記; 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治 | パラジウム<110>対称傾角粒界の原子構造と電子状態 | Atomic Structure and Electronic State of <110> Symmetric Tilt Boundaries in Palladium | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | Nov-2005 |
article | 高田, 尚記; 池田, 賢一; 吉田, 冬樹; 中島, 英治; 阿部, 弘 | 純銅の<110>対称傾角粒界における粒界エネルギーとその構造 | Grain Boundary Energy and Atomic Structure of <110> Symmetric Tilt Boundaries in Copper | 日本金属学会誌 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals | Apr-2004 |
article | 高田, 尚記; 池田, 賢一; 吉田, 冬樹; 中島, 英治; 阿部, 弘 | 電解コンデンサ用アルミニウム箔の立方体集合組織形成に及ぼす加工熱処理条件の影響 | Effect of thermo-mechanical treatment on cube texture in aluminum foils for electrolytic capacitor | 軽金属 | Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals | May-2003 |
article | 高田, 尚記; 吉田, 冬樹; 池田, 賢一; 中島, 英治; 阿部, 弘 | 立方体集合組織を有する高純度アルミニウム箔中に存在する非立方体方位粒の特徴 | Characteristics of off-cube grains in high purity aluminum foil sheets with cube texture | 軽金属 | Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals | Dec-2004 |