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articleIzumitani, Hiroyuki F.; Kusaka, Yohei; Koshikawa, Shigeyuki; Toda, Masanori J.; Katoh, ToruPhylogeography of the Subgenus Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae): Evolutionary History of Faunal Divergence between the Old and the New Worlds-PLoS ONE-28-Jul-2016
bulletin (article)Toda, Masanori J.; Tanabe, Shin-ichi; Akutsu, KosukeStructure and diversity of drosophilid communities in special relation to the three-dimensional structure of forest-低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2011
bulletin (article)胡, 耀光; 戸田, 正憲昆虫群集組成解析への変性剤濃度勾配ゲル電気泳動(DGGE)法適用の試みA test for applying the method of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to analysis of insect community composition低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2011
bulletin (article)和多田, 正義; 布山, 喜章; 田辺, 慎一; 渡部, 英昭; 吉岡, 伸也; 戸田, 正憲小笠原諸島におけるショウジョウバエ相の変遷と新たな侵入種Temporal changes of the drosophilid fauna in the Ogasawara Islands, with a report on a new colonizing species低温科学Low Temperature Science31-Mar-2011
article (author version)Hirao, Toshihide; Murakami, Masashi; Kogi, Hiroyuki; Kashizaki, Akira; Hirai, Yoshiyuki; Tanabe, Shin-ich; Inari, Naoki; Yorozuya, Hiroshi; Toda, Masanori J.International Biodiversity Observation Year in Western-Pacific and Asian regions (DIWPA-IBOY) : a case report on species rarity and spatio-temporal variability of species composition in Lepidoptera and Coleoptera communities from a temperate forest of northern Japan-Ecological Research-Nov-2006
proceedingsToda, Masanori J.; Matsushita, Kotaro; Mawatari, Shunsuke F.Biological Classification and Identification System (BioCIS)-Neo-Science of Natural History: Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies : Proceedings of International Symposium on "Dawn of a New Natural History - Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies" March 5-6, 2004, Sapporo-2004
articleWynn, Soe; Toda, Masanori J.; Peng, Tong XuThe Genus Phorticella Duda (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from Burma and Southern China-Zoological Science-Apr-1990
articleToda, Masanori J.; Peng, Tong XuEight Species of the Subgenus Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from Guangdong Province, Southern China-Zoological Science-Feb-1989
articleZhang, Wen Xia; Toda, Masanori J.The Drosophila immigrans Species-group of the Subgenus Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Yunnan, China-Zoological Science-Oct-1988
bulletin (article)HIGASHI, Seigo; HINOMIZU, Hitoshi; NAKANO, Susumu; OHTANI, Takeshi; TODA, Masanori J.; YAMAMOTO, MichiyaDispersion Patterns of Ant Nests in a Cool-temperate Woodland of Northern Japan冷温帯森林内におけるアリ巣の分散様式北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYJul-1987
bulletin (article)TODA, Masanori J.Vertical Microdistribution of Drosophilidae (Diptera) within Various Forests in Hokkaido:Ⅲ. The Tomakomai Experiment Forest, Hokkaido University北海道におけるいろいろな森林内のショウジョウバエ類の垂直分布:Ⅲ.北海道大学苫小牧演習林北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYJul-1987
bulletin (article)山本, 道也; 東, 正剛; 日野水, 仁; 星川, 和夫; 中野, 進; 大谷, 剛; 岡沢, 孝雄; 戸田, 正憲苫小牧演習林におけるモミジニタイケアブラとその共生アリの分布:特に,高速道路建設の影響についてDistribution Patterns of the Maple Aphid, Periphyllus californiensis SHINJI (Homoptera, Aphididae), and Its Ant Attendants in the Tomakomai Experiment Forest, with a Special Reference to Effects of Construction of a Highway北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYJul-1987
bulletin (article)戸田, 正憲; 東, 正剛; 日野水, 仁; 大谷, 剛; 山本, 道也苫小牧演習林におけるアリ群集の生態的構造Ecological Structure of an Ant Community in the Tomakomai Experiment Forest北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYJul-1987
bulletin (article)Toda, Masanori J.; Fukuda, HiromiEffects of the 1977 Eruption of Mt. Usu on Drosophilid Flies : II. August, 1984-Environmental science, Hokkaido : journal of the Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo-15-Mar-1986
bulletin (article)山本, 道也; 東, 正剛; 日野水, 仁; 星川, 和夫; 中野, 進; 大久保, 利道; 大谷, 剛; 戸田, 正憲北海道大学苫小牧地方演習林のアブラムシ相:概要,特にアリとの共生関係についてThe Aphid Faunal Survey at Hokkaido University Tomakomai Experiment Forest with a Special Reference on Symbiosis北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYSep-1981
bulletin (article)YAMANE, Seiki; MAKINO, Shun'ichi; TODA, Masanori J.Nests of Dolichovespula albida from the Arctic Canada (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)-Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological sciences-30-Mar-1981
bulletin (article)TODA, Masanori J.Daily Activity of Drosophilid Flies in the Arctic Summer-Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological sciences-25-Mar-1981
bulletin (article)TODA, Masanori J.A Preliminary Note on winter Drosophilid Flies in Southern Japan, with Special Reference to Reproductive Conditions-Low temperature science. Ser. B, Biological sciences-15-Mar-1980
bulletin (article)南, 尚貴; 戸田, 正憲; 別府, 桂北海道大学苫小牧地方演習林におけるショウジョウバエ集団の生態的構造:附:Niche parameters算出の補正法についてEcological Structure of Drosophilid Assemblage in Tomakomai Experiment Forest, Hokkaido University :Appendix: Some Discussions on the Calculation of Niche Parameters北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYJul-1979
bulletin (article)木村, 正人; 戸田, 正憲北海道大学中川地方演習林のショウジョウバエ相Drosophilid Fauna in Nakagawa Experiment Forest, Hokkaido University北海道大學農學部 演習林研究報告RESEARCH BULLETINS OF THE COLLEGE EXPERIMENT FORESTS HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYNov-1976
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