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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleTomoda, Motonobu; Matsueda, Shinnosuke; Otsuka, Paul H.; Matsuda, Osamu; Veres, Istvan A.; Gusev, Vitalyi E.; Wright, Oliver B.Imaging acoustic waves in microscopic wedges-New Journal of Physics-Oct-2014
articleKelf, Timothy A.; Hoshii, Wataru; Otsuka, Paul H.; Sakuma, Hirotaka; Veres, Istvan A.; Cole, Robin M.; Mahajan, Sumeet; Baumberg, Jeremy J.; Tomoda, Motonobu; Matsuda, Osamu; Wright, Oliver B.Mapping gigahertz vibrations in a plasmonic-phononic crystal-New Journal of Physics-Feb-2013
articleSakuma, Hirotaka; Tomoda, Motonobu; Otsuka, Paul H.; Matsuda, Osamu; Wright, Oliver B.; Fukui, Takashi; Tomioka, Katsuhiro; Veres, Istvan A.Vibrational modes of GaAs hexagonal nanopillar arrays studied with ultrashort optical pulses-Applied Physics Letters-26-Mar-2012
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3


Hokkaido University