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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleWakui, Akimi; Kudo, GakuEcotypic differentiation of a circumpolar Arctic-alpine species at mid-latitudes: variations in the ploidy level and reproductive system of Vaccinium vitis-idaea-AoB plants-Jun-2021
theses (doctoral)和久井, 彬実Ecotypic differentiation of northern plant species in mid-latitudes : the mechanisms of population maintenance in two ericaceous alpine species in northern Japan中緯度地域における北方植物の生態型変異:ツツジ科高山植物2種の北日本における個体群維持機構--25-Mar-2021
article (author version)Wakui, Akimi; Sueyoshi, Masanao; Shimokawabe, Ayuma; Kudo, Gaku; Morimoto, Junko; Nakamura, FutoshiEnvironmental factors determining the distribution of highland plants at low-altitude algific talus sites-Ecological Research-2017
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3


Hokkaido University