Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | article | Morishima, Kagayaki; Fujimoto, Takafumi; Sato, Mami; Kawae, Ayako; Zhao, Yan; Yamaha, Etsuro; Arai, Katsutoshi | Cold-shock eliminates female nucleus in fertilized eggs to induce androgenesis in the loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus), a teleost fish. | - | BMC Biotechnology | - | 29-Nov-2011 |
bulletin (article) | YAMANO, Keisuke; KASAHARA, Noboru; YAMAHA, Etsuro; YAMAZAKI, Fumio | Cryopreservation of masu salmon sperm by the pellet method | ペレット法によるサクラマス精子の凍結保存 | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Nov-1990 |
article | Yamaha, Etsuro; Otani, Satoshi; Minami, Atsuyoshi; Arai, Katsutoshi | Dorso-ventral axis perturbation in goldfish embryos caused by heat- and pressure-shock treatments for chromosome set manipulation | - | Fisheries Science | - | Apr-2002 |
bulletin (article) | YAMAHA, Etsuro; ONOZATO, Hiroshi | Histological Investigation on the Gonads of Artificially Induced Triploid Crucian Carp, Carassius auratus | フナの人為3倍体の生殖腺に関する組織学的研究 | 北海道大學水産學部研究彙報 | BULLETIN OF THE FACULTY OF FISHERIES HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY | Dec-1985 |
article (author version) | Fujimoto, Takafumi; Yasui, George Shigueki; Hayakawa, Mayumi; Sakao, Suzu; Yamaha, Etsuro; Arai, Katsutoshi | Reproductive capacity of neo-tetraploid loaches produced using diploid spermatozoa from a natural tetraploid male | - | Aquaculture | - | 2010 |
article | 斉藤, 大樹; 荒井, 克俊; 山羽, 悦郎 | シマウキゴリの胚発生過程 | The embryonic development of Shima-ukigori, Gymnogobius opperiens | 水産増殖 | - | 2004 |
article | 長井, 輝美; 大谷, 哲; 斎藤, 大樹; 前川, 真吾; 井上, 邦夫; 荒井, 克俊; 山羽, 悦郎 | ゼブラフィッシュの胚盤移植による生殖系列キメラの誘導 | Germ-line chimera produced by blastoderm transplantation in zebrafish | 日本水産学会誌 | - | 2005 |
article | 阪尾, 寿々; 藤本, 貴史; 田中, 稔; 山羽, 悦郎; 荒井, 克俊 | 第一卵割阻止処理によるサクラマスの四倍体誘起に伴う発生異常 | Aberrant and arrested embryos from masu salmon eggs treated for tetraploidization by inhibition of the first cleavage | 日本水産学会誌 | - | 2003 |
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8