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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
articleYANO, T.; YUNOKI, T.; MATSUURA, R.; ARIMITSU, T.Relationship between Hyperventilation and Excessive CO2 Output during Recovery from Repeated Cycling Sprints-Physiological Research-2009
article (author version)Matsuura, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Yunoki, T.; Yano, T.Effects of resistive load on performance and surface EMG activity during repeated cycling sprints on a non-isokinetic cycle ergometer-British Journal of Sports Medicine-2009
article (author version)Yano, T.; Yunoki, T.; Matsuura, R.; Arimitsu, T.; Kimura, T.Effect of change in blood volume in skin plus active muscle on heart rate drift during submaximal exercise-Acta Physiologica Hungarica-2008
articleYano, T.; Uemura, T.; Matsuda, K.-i.; Yamamoto, M.Effect of a MgO interlayer on the structural and magnetic properties of Co[sub 2]Cr[sub 0.6]Fe[sub 0.4]Al thin films epitaxially grown on GaAs substrates-Journal of Applied Physics-15-Mar-2007
articleYANO, T.; YUNOKI, T.; MATSUURA, R.; ARIMITSU, T.; KIMURA, T.Effects of Rate of Decrease in Power Output in Decrement-Load Exercise on Oxygen Uptake-Physiological Research-2007
articleYANO, T.; YUNOKI, T.; MATSUURA, R.; ARIMITSU, T.; KIMURA, T.Excessive oxygen Uptake during Exercise and Recovery in Heavy Exercise-Physiological Research-2007
articleYANO, T.; OGATA, H.; MATSUURA, R.; ARIMITSU, T.; YUNOKI, T.Comparison of Oxygen Uptake at the Onset of Decrement-Load and Constant-Load Exercise-Physiological Research-2007
article (author version)Mikami, S.; Kobayashi, K.; Ota, T.; Fujikawa, S.; Yano, T.; Ichijo, M.Molecular gas dynamics approaches to interfacial phenomena accompanied with condensation-Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science-Aug-2006
articleYano, T.; Yunoki, T.; Ogata, H.; Mastuura, R.Relation between excessive CO2 expiration and performance in high-intensity exercise-Biology of Sport-Jun-2005
articleYANO, T.; HORIUCHI, M.; YUNOKI, T.; MATSUURA, R.; OGATA, H.Relationship Between Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Oxygenation Level in Inactive Muscle at Exhaustion in Incremental Exercise in Humans-Physiological Research-2005
articleYano, T.; Okuyama, T.; Reihan, A.; Ogata, H.Effect of blood lactate level on oxygen uptake at the offset of middle-intensity exercise-Biology of Sport-Sep-2004
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11


Hokkaido University