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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
TypeAuthor(s)TitleOther TitlesCitationCitation(alt)Issue Date
article (author version)Kong, Fanjiang; Gao, Xiquan; Nam, Kyong-Hee; Takahashi, Kosaku; Matsuura, Hideyuki; Yoshihara, TeruhikoInhibition of stem elongation in spinach by theobroxide-Journal of Plant Physiology-3-Mar-2006
article (author version)Kong, Fanjiang; Abe, Jun; Takahashi, Kosaku; Matsuura, Hideyuki; Yoshihara, Teruhiko; Nabeta, KensukeAllene oxide cyclase is essential for theobroxide-induced jasmonic acid biosynthesis in Pharbitis nil-Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications-4-Nov-2005
article (author version)Kong, Fanjiang; Gao, Xiquan; Nam, Kyong-Hee; Takahashi, Kosaku; Matsuura, Hideyuki; Yoshihara, TeruhikoTheobroxide inhibits stem elongation in Pharbitis nil by regulating jasmonic acid and gibberellin biosynthesis-Plant Science-Oct-2005
articleMurnigsih, Tri; Subeki; Matsuura, Hideyuki; Takahashi, Kosaku; Yamasaki, Masahiro; Yamato, Osamu; Maede, Yoshimitsu; Katakura, Ken; Suzuki, Mamoru; Kobayashi, Sumiko; Chairul; Yoshihara, TeruhikoEvaluation of the Inhibitory Activities of the Extracts of Indonesian Traditional Medicinal Plants against Plasmodium falciparum and Babesia gibsoni-Journal of Veterinary Medical Science-5-Sep-2005
articleLi, Peng; Takahashi, Kosaku; Matsuura, Hideyuki; Yoshihara, TeruhikoNovel potato micro-tuber-inducing compound, (3R,6S)-6-hydroxylasiodiplodin, from a strain of Lasiodiplodia theobromae.-Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry-Aug-2005
articleTakahashi, Kosaku; Koshino, Hiroyuki; Narita, Yasusaburo; Yoshihara, TeruhikoNovel antifungal compounds produced by Sterile Dark, an unidentified wheat rhizosphere fungus-Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry-May-2005
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6


Hokkaido University