Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers >
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date | column | 三浦, 誠司; 吉見, 享祐 | 21世紀の社会基盤整備に向けた材料開発 | Materials Development for Social Infrastructure Improvement in the 21st Century | まてりあ | Materia Japan | 1-Mar-2007 |
article (author version) | Yamauchi, A.; Tsunekane, M.; Kurokawa, Kazuya; Hanada, Shuji; Yoshimi, Kyosuke | Influence of vacuum annealing conditions on the surface oxidation and vacancy condensation in the surface of an FeAl single crystal | - | Intermetallics | - | Apr-2010 |
article | Yoshida, Yutaka; Oosawa, Kazuya; Watanabe, Seiichi; Kaiju, Hideo; Kondo, Kenji; Ishibashi, Akira; Yoshimi, Kyosuke | Nanopatterns induced by pulsed laser irradiation on the surface of an Fe-Al alloy and their magnetic properties | - | Applied Physics Letters | - | 7-May-2013 |
article (author version) | Yamauchi, Akira; Yoshimi, Kyosuke; Murakami, Yoshihiro; Kurokawa, Kazuya; Hanada, Shuji | Oxidation behavior of Mo-Si-B in-situ Composites | - | Designing of Interfacial Structures (Solid State Phenomena: 127) | - | 2007 |
article (author version) | Yamauchi, Akira; Yoshimi, Kyosuke; Kurokawa, Kazuya; Hanada, Shuji | Synthesis of Mo–Si–B in situ composites by mechanical alloying | - | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | - | 31-May-2007 |
column | 三浦, 誠司; 吉見, 享祐; 杉山, 昌章; 津﨑, 兼彰 | 「企画にあたって」 | Preface of Special Issue on “Materials science for disaster prevention” | まてりあ | Materia Japan | 20-Feb-2006 |
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6