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Communication in Science and Technology Education and Research Program : CoSTEP >
科学技術コミュニケーション = Japanese Journal of Science Communication >
12号 >

サイエンス・アートが社会に果たす役割 : Eduardo Kacの遺伝子組換えアート作品の事例を通じて

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Title: サイエンス・アートが社会に果たす役割 : Eduardo Kacの遺伝子組換えアート作品の事例を通じて
Other Titles: The Role of Science Arts in Society : A Case Study of the Transgenic Art of Eduardo Kac
Authors: 佐藤, 亮子1 Browse this author
標葉, 隆馬2 Browse this author
Authors(alt): Sato, Akiko1
Shineha, Ryuma2
Keywords: gene modified organisms
science art
text analysis
Eduardo Kac
GFP bunny Alba
Issue Date: Dec-2012
Publisher: 北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
Journal Title: 科学技術コミュニケーション
Journal Title(alt): Japanese Journal of Science Communication
Volume: 12
Start Page: 31
End Page: 43
Abstract: Currently, various challenges fusing science and art (known as "science art") have been encountered. In this paper, we investigate how mass media deal with science art through a text analysis of the articles about the transgenic art of Eduardo Kac. Kac's works were presented when the debates concerning genetically modified organisms (GMOs) got complicated. Particularly, GFP Bunny Alba, one of his works, came to be described as a symbol of transgenic technologies and genetically modified organisms in those news articles. It was found that there are several frames of reference in articles about Kac's works: discussions on GMOs, perspectives on religions and ethics, and the possibilities or wonderment derived from the fusion of different genres. Considering text analysis, we discuss the role of science arts (1) to give scientific knowledge to people, (2) to give speculative images of the future world or alarming derived from new scientific technologies, and (3) to call attention to advances in scientific knowledge.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:科学技術コミュニケーション = Japanese Journal of Science Communication > 12号

Submitter: 『科学技術コミュニケーション』編集委員会

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