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Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences >
volume 11 >

A study on pottery from Southern Kamchatka in T.M.Dikova and N.N.Dikov collections

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Title: A study on pottery from Southern Kamchatka in T.M.Dikova and N.N.Dikov collections
Authors: Takase, Katsunori Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Lebedintsev, Aleksandr I. Browse this author
Issue Date: Mar-2016
Publisher: 北海道大学文学研究科
Journal Title: Journal of the Graduate School of Letters
Volume: 11
Start Page: 9
End Page: 36
Abstract: T. M. Dikova and N. N. Dikov collections, currently conserved in the North-Eastern Interdisciplinary Research Institute(NEISRI),Far Eastern Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences, are the largest collections of archaeological materials from the Kamchatka Peninsula. Although ceramic specimens in these collections definitely play a significant role in our approach to study the early history of the Kuril Ainu,only a small number of potsherd in them have been published so far. In this study,we present a total picture of the pottery from Southern Kamchatka housed in these collections and demonstrate that a hypothesis on temporal change in the distribution of Naiji pottery can be supported.
Type: bulletin (article)
Appears in Collections:Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences > volume 11

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