Type | Author(s) | Title | Other Titles | Citation | Citation(alt) | Issue Date |
article | 吉田, 俊秀 | 鞘翅目昆蟲の染色体研究 Ⅳ. : コガネムシ科5種の染色体比較 | Chromosome studies in the Coleoptera, Ⅳ. : Comparison of the chromosomes n five species of the Scarabaeidae. | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 梅澤, 俊一 | ワムシの乾燥死に及ぼす乾燥速度の影響(第2報) | Influence of the evaporation velocity on the desiccation death of the Rorifer, (Ⅱ) | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 中原, 晧 | ネコにおける過剰趾の遺傳 | A case of polydactylism in cats | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 小村, 達夫 | 昆蟲數種の精子形成に於ける生殖細胞の分裂囘数の調査 | A survey of division-times of germ-cells in spermatogenesis of some incets. | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 牧野, 岩男 | ケナフの單体雄蕊柱に於ける葯の局部的發育不良 | Abnormal development of anthers found partially on the monadelphous staminal column in kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 廣瀬, 弘幸 | 紅藻ヒビラウドの雌性生殖器官の進展に就いての一考察 | Contribution to the knowledge of the devlopment of the female organ of Dudresnaya japonica Okamura | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
bulletin | - | 札幌博物学会会報 第18巻 第1-2号 全1冊 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society Vol.18, Part.1-2 | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 竹内, 恭 | 北海道に於けるシェパード犬の性比 | On the sex-ration of Shepherd-dogs in Hokkaido | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 早瀬, 廣司 | カボチャの兩性花に就て | On the occurrence of the hermaphrodite flowers in Cucurbita moschata | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 濱野, 繁 | 鮭卵の受精に於けるカノレシウムに就て(1) : 受精過程に於げるカノレシウムの役割に就て | Studies on the calcium in the fertilization of salmon (Oncorhynchuc keta) egg, 1 : The role of calcium ion fertilization process | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 山下, 次郎 | Cysticercus fasciolaris の異常型3例に就て | On three cases of abnormalities found in the rat cestode, Cysticercus fasciolaris | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |
article | 照井, 陸奥生 | 北千島産菌類 | Fungi collected in the northern Kuriles | 札幌博物学会会報 | Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society | 31-Jul-1949 |