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Utilization of Low Grade Iron Ore (FeOOH) and Biomass Through Integrated Pyrolysis-tar Decomposition (CVI process) in Ironmaking Industry : Exergy Analysis and its Application

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Title: Utilization of Low Grade Iron Ore (FeOOH) and Biomass Through Integrated Pyrolysis-tar Decomposition (CVI process) in Ironmaking Industry : Exergy Analysis and its Application
Authors: Cahyono, Rochim Bakti Browse this author
Yasuda, Naoto Browse this author
Nomura, Takahiro Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Akiyama, Tomohiro Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Keywords: biomass
tar decomposition
exergy analysis
sinter plant
coke breeze saving
Issue Date: 15-Feb-2015
Publisher: Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Journal Title: ISIJ International
Volume: 55
Issue: 2
Start Page: 428
End Page: 435
Publisher DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.55.428
Abstract: Effective utilization of low grade iron ore (FeOOH) and biomass represents a promising method to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and decrease raw material costs in the ironmaking industry. A process system diagram was made and a comparison of exergy losses in conventional methods was conducted to evaluate the proposed system, integrated pyrolysis-tar decomposition over a porous ore through Chemical Vapor Infiltration (CVI) process. As the main product, the CVI ore was employed for energy storage based on carbon deposition and pre-reduced ore, Fe3O4 as a product of proposed system that consisted of three units: pyrolysis, CVI, and dehydration-separation. The exergy of CVI ore increased significantly owing to exergy recovery through tar decomposition. In the basis of 3.86%wt carbon deposition (experimental value) and producing of 1000 kg metallic Fe, the exergy loss of the proposed system was found to decrease by about 17.6% compared to that in conventional systems by the recovery of both chemical and thermal tar exergy. The exergy loss decreased drastically to 37.0% when the expected carbon deposition was attained (10%wt). The CVI ore offered great chance to replace the coke breeze as a heat source in sinter plant. With regard to experimental value, the sinter plant could be operated without using additional coke breeze when the CVI ore content was 70% to total input ore. The total enthalpy of CVI ore consisted of the oxidation of deposited carbon and Fe3O4 in the ratio of 60.2% and 39.8%, respectively. Based on these results, the proposed system proffered effective biomass and low grade ore utilization as well as led to decrease in CO2 emissions by the ironmaking industry.
Rights: 著作権は日本鉄鋼協会にある
Type: article
Appears in Collections:工学院・工学研究院 (Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 能村 貴宏

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