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共通運命の認識に着目した集団を超えた全体への協力の実現過程 : 地球規模の環境問題を模した仮想世界ゲームを用いた検討

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Title: 共通運命の認識に着目した集団を超えた全体への協力の実現過程 : 地球規模の環境問題を模した仮想世界ゲームを用いた検討
Other Titles: The process of the cooperation beyond intergroup conflicts focused on recognition of common fate : a study using Simulated International Society Game simulating global environmental issues
Authors: 朱, 瑶1 Browse this author
大沼, 進2 Browse this author →KAKEN DB
Authors(alt): Zhu, Yao1
Ohnuma, Susumu2
Keywords: 集団を超えた全体への協力
Cooperation beyond intergroup conflicts
Recognition of common fate
Simulated International Society Game
Issue Date: 25-Jun-2021
Publisher: NPO法人 日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会
Journal Title: シミュレーション&ゲーミング
Volume: 31
Issue: 1
Start Page: 38
End Page: 49
Publisher DOI: 10.32165/jasag.31.1_38
Abstract: 格差のある集団間において,集団を超えた全体への協力を実現する過程を明らかにすることを目的に,本研究では,地球規模の環境問題を軸に,集団間の葛藤と協調をシミュレートした仮想世界ゲームを用いて検討した.共通運命の認識に着目し,共通運命の認識は話し合いにより形成され,協力することの受容を促進するという要因連関を検討した.また,個人単位だけではなく集団単位の分析も行うことで,共通運命の認識が集団ごとにどのように表象が異なるかを検討した.仮想世界ゲームを10ゲーム実施した.その結果,共通運命の認識は,集団間の話し合いに影響され,全体への協力を促進していた.また,集団ごとの表象を見たところ,全体の共通危機である環境問題発生後に共通運命の認識や協力が高まった地域が多かったが,共通運命の認識が高まらず協力に至らなかったゲームや地域もあり,こうしたゲームでは企業間競争が激化した例や,一方的に環境に配慮しない地域が生じた例など,ゲーム展開により異なることも確認された.
The goal of the current study is to clarify the process of cooperation beyond intergroup conflicts over the disparity in wealth and resources. We conducted the Simulated International Society Game, which simulates the process of conflicts and cooperations in intergroup dynamics focusing on global environmental issues. Focusing on the recognition of common fate, i.e., the recognition of superordinate goals, we examined the associations of the factors that recognition of common fate is formed by communication and promotes acceptance of cooperation. We also examined how the representation of recognition of common fate differs for each group, analyzing at not only the individual level but also the group level. We conducted ten games. The results indicated that recognition of common fate was formed by communication and promoted acceptance of cooperation. In addition, in the representation on the group level, while many groups shaped recognition of common fate and increased cooperation after the occurrence of environmental issues which was the common crisis for all, some groups failed to shape recognition of common fate and increasing cooperation. Those failed groups intensified competition between companies and did not express concern about the environmental issues. The differences in the representations were discussed.
Type: article
Appears in Collections:文学院・文学研究院 (Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences / Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences) > 雑誌発表論文等 (Peer-reviewed Journal Articles, etc)

Submitter: 大沼 進

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