北の息吹 Ver. 4 が公開されています。ダウンロードはこちらから (2020.03.03)


デジタル写真本「北の息吹 Ver. 3 ―日本の魅力的なワイルドフラワー500種」のダウンロードページへようこそ。文字化けを防ぐため、英文のあるファイル名を英語表記にしてあります。(2018.1.31)

Welcome to the Download Page of the Digital Book “Blessings from the Northern Island Ver. 3 – 500 Attractive Wildflowers of Japan”. (2018.1.31)

○「北の息吹 Ver. 3.0」はVer. 2を大幅に改訂してバージョンアップし、日本国内に自生する魅力的なワイルドフラワー500種(537種類)を取り上げたもので、上下2巻の構成です。また、図鑑としての利便性を顧慮して、地域や季節的な枠組みを外した統合版も作りました。さらに、モバイル機器での観賞に適した圧縮版も用意しました。


○This Version 3.0, newly expanded from Version 2, contains 500 attractive species (537 taxa) of Japanese wildflowers, and consists of two parts (Volumes A and B). In addition, an integrated volume, treating all taxa in order of Japanese name, has been prepared. Also, compressed files that may be suitable for mobile devices are also available for all three volumes.

 Volume A: Flowers of Hokkaido (267 wildflowers)
 Volume B: Flowers of Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu (270 wildflowers)
 Integrated volume: Flowers of Japan (537 wildflowers)




○For viewing purpose with mobile devices, please download the following compressed files. (Front covers are white colored)

   ▼ BNI File Ver. 3.0 (Vol. A: 上巻) (18 megabytes)
   ▼ BNI File Ver. 3.0 (Vol. B: 下巻) (17 megabytes)
   ▼ BNI File Ver. 3.0 (Integrated Volume) (34 megabytes)


○For viewing purpose with larger monitors, please download the following files. (Front covers are either green or yellow colored)

   ▼ BNI File Ver. 3.0 (Vol. A: 上巻) (52 megabytes)
   ▼ BNI File Ver. 3.0 (Vol. B: 下巻) (49 megabytes)
   ▼ BNI File Ver. 3.0 (Integrated Volume) (94 megabytes)


   ▼ BNI-Japanese List (146 kilobytes)

○ If you are interested in the taxonomy of these wildflowers, please download the following list prepared using MS Excel.

   ▼ BNI-English List (107 kilobytes)

○The authors welcome comments or opinions for improvement. Please write to the following e-mail address.




