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1. 大学院文学研究院 - Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences

1-1. 北海道大学文学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University


件数: 9

第165号 (2021-12-08)


  • Miyashita, Yayoi. Creating Infidelity and Jealousy from Nothing : Iagoʼs Rhetoric in Othello, 3.3.29-261. 北海道大学文学研究院紀要. 2021, 165, p.83(左)-106(左).


    Iagoʼs intelligence may be best demonstrated in his ability to capture the characteristics of the surrounding people, to manage them to act as his wishes, and to arrange the course of events totally for his own purposes. His seduction of Othello in Act 3 Scene 3, however, shows his capability with no less ruling power. After he has seduced Othello, the general shows a different personality, losing all his dignity and steadfast love for Desdemona. Iagoʼs insinuating passage is composed of just 232 lines altogether (from the time when Iago and Othello appear on stage where Cassio asking for help from Desdemona, to the point when Othello leaves Iago), and it is performed within approximately ten minutes. It shows Iagoʼs incredible capability to control othersʼ minds with his words. The aim of this essay, therefore, is 1) to analyse Iagoʼs facility to delude Othelloʼs judgement with mere words, and, by doing so, to explain his fiendish, but also efficient, nature from the perspective of his skilful command of language; and 2) to show how the audience appreciates Iagoʼs malignant tactics by being given an advantageous viewpoint.
    J. E. Tiles insists in “Logic and Rhetoric: An Introduction to Seductive Argument” that a “successful seducer need not lie: it may be sufficient to control selectively the seducedʼs attention in such a way that the victim connects the truth to a desired pattern,” and he gives Iagoʼs seduction of Othello as an example. Iago selects the truth for his end and lets “his victim draw the desired inference.” Tilesʼ view is very suggestive, capturing an important facet of Iagoʼs way of doing things: Iago never speaks of Desdemonaʼs unchastity explicitly, and he always makes Othello guess himself by giving clues. But if we scrutinise Iagoʼs concrete use of language, we will see that his tactics are much more complex and cunning than Tiles suggests.

第162号 (2021-02-26)


  • 池田, 証壽. 圍繞《篆隸萬象名義》所據《玉篇》的諸問題 = Issues around Yupian quoted by Tenreibanshomeigi. 北海道大学文学研究院紀要. 2021, 162, p.103(左)-121(左).


    日本・空海所撰述的《篆隸萬象名義》,為梁・顧野王《玉篇》的節略本。其前半部分的第一帖至第四帖為空海原撰,而後半部分的第五帖、第六帖則為後人續撰。本稿中,對《篆隸萬象名義》的唯一古寫本高山寺本(1114 年)中所確認的和訓等後人所追加的部分作分析,闡述這些部分應是由第五帖的續撰者所作的追記。同時,由兩音注記中散見有同音字例這一點,推想《篆隸萬象名義》的編纂過程中依據了數種《玉篇》的可能性較高。

第161号 (2020-12-18)


  • 加藤, 重広. 言語データの継承と保存に関する課題について = Ethics Concering Preservation and Succession of Linguistic Data. 北海道大学文学研究院紀要. 2020, 161, p.35(左)-49(左).


  • 小川, 佐和子. 戦間期ベルリン・オペレッタの重層性 : メロドラマ化と自己パロディ = Zur Vielschichtigkeit der Berliner Operette: Melodramatisierung und Selbstparodie. 北海道大学文学研究院紀要. 2020, 161, p.27(右)-62(右).


    Der vorliegende Beitrag legt den Fokus auf die Berliner Operette in der Zeit der 1920er bis 1930er Jahre. Die Berliner Operette der Weimarer Zeit hatte Elemente aus der Revue, dem Jazz oder dem Kino - also aus der typischen Populärunterhaltung - absorbiert und sich sehr rasch zu einer "modernen Operette" gewandelt. Als konkrete Erscheinungsformen können die Melodramatisierung von Operetten, die Neuinszenierung von klassischen Operetten, die Adaptation von klassischen Operetten in Revue-Form, neue Produktionen von Revue-Operetten oder neue Operetten, die klassische parodieren, genannt werden. Die Operette diente auch als Sprungbrett für die Kinostars des aufkommenden Tonfilms und war ebenso Stoff für diesen.
    Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist, die Gegebenheiten der "Modernisierung" der Operette, die in Berlin stattfand, darzulegen, wobei die von dem Bühnen- und Filmregisseur Erik Charell und dem Komponisten Ralph Benatzky gemeinsam geschaffene Operetten-Serie an dem großen Schauspielhaus Berlins im Zentrum steht und auch verschiedene Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit zwischen angrenzenden Unterhaltungsgenres eingeordnet werden. Es soll dabei auch die Entwicklung untersucht werden, wie zwei unterschiedliche Richtungen, nämlich die auf Emotionen setzende Tendenz zur Melodramatisierung und die satirische Tendenz zur Selbstparodie, die ab der zweiten Hälfte der 20er Jahre deutlich geworden waren, durch das Aufkommen des Nationalsozialismus nivelliert und vereinheitlicht wurden (was jedoch auch das Ende für die Operette bedeutete).
  • 井上, 敬介. 昭和戦前期の普通選挙と北海道第5区 = Universal Suffrage in the Pre-war Era of the Showa period And the Fifth Constituency of Hokkaido. 北海道大学文学研究院紀要. 2020, 161, p.1(左)-34(左).


    本論は,昭和戦前期の北海道第5区,すなわち,釧路,帯広市と河西(十勝),釧路国,根室,網走支庁管内町村における普通選挙(1928 年2月の第1回普通選挙から1937 年4月の第5回普通選挙まで)の得票数を検討することで,候補者の選挙地盤と政党の勢力変遷を明らかにすることを目的としている。その際,以下の点に着目する。
    第1に,第5区では立憲政友会と立憲民政党の影響力が強く,5度の衆議院議員選挙において,二大政党以外の候補が登場していない。政党内閣崩壊以降,道内の各選挙区では非政民勢力の進出が確認された。1937 年4月の第5回普通選挙(林銑十郎内閣が実施)に着目すると,第2区では昭和会の林路一,第3区では東方会の渡辺泰邦,第4区では国民協会の赤松克磨と中立の北勝太郎が当選している(赤松以外は前回から連続当選)。道央北西部の第1区は二大政党以外の代議士が誕生していないが,労働農民党や中立の候補は存在したし,1936 年8月の第11 期北海道会議員選挙では社会大衆党の正木清が1位当選を果たしていた。道東は道内で最も二大政党化が進展した地域だった。
    第3に,第5区は定員が4人にもかかわらず,道内最大の広域選挙区であり,地域社会の利害調整が困難な地域だった。例えば,1930 年2月の第2回普通選挙(浜口雄幸内閣が実施)では「釧勝根北」(釧路,十勝,根室,北見地方)会議が紛糾し,与党の民政党の候補者調整を妨げる結果となった。本論では,釧路市と釧路国支庁管内を「釧路地方」,帯広市と河西(十勝)支庁管内を「十勝地方」,根室支庁管内を「根室地方」,網走支庁管内を「北見地方」と定義する。
    This paper is a sequel to my paper "Universal suffrage in the pre-war era of the Showa period and the fifth constituency of Hokkaido", consider course of changes of the competition between two-parties in the fifth constituency of Hokkaido in the pre-war era of the Showa.
    This paper revealed the facts that political situation of the east of Hokkaido made progress two-parties.
    Firstly ,the voter in the fifth constituency of Hokkaido in the pre-war era of the Showa voted for the local candidate.
    Secondly, this paper discovered an independence of community in the fifth constituency of Hokkaido in the pre-war era of the Showa.
    Examples of the fifth constituency of Hokkaido in the pre-war era of the Showa prove the importance in the research on universal suffrage in the prewar era of the Showa period and political parties. Communal society community.

第160号 (2020-03-31)


  • 樋口, 麻里. 二重負担を受容する有配偶女性の意識の規定要因 : 全国調査SSP2015 を用いた資源の影響の検証 = Factors Influencing the Attitude of Married Women to Support for the Unequal Gender Norm of "Working and Caring" in Japan. 北海道大学文学研究院紀要. 2020, 160, p.97(左)-119(左).


    Previous studies suggest that Japanese women's attitude toward gender is one of the keys to understanding their obstinate resistance to gender equality in household work: on one hand, few women support existing restrictions on their participation in the labour market, yet on the other hand they are in favour of assigning themselves caring roles at homes. However, why women themselves support such a double burden norm of "working and caring" has not been adequately clarified.
    Using SSP2015 data and focusing on married women, this paper examines four hypotheses to investigate factors behind women's support for the "working and caring" norm. The first is the "household contribution hypothesis," which focuses on relative resources. It assumes that women's lower contribution to household income is associated with their greater support for the "working and caring" norm. The other three hypotheses -- the "education hypothesis," the "time availability hypothesis," and the "social evaluation hypothesis" -- focus on women's absolute resources. The social evaluation hypothesis assumes that if women are socially and economically evaluated through their jobs, they are more likely to reject the "working and caring" norm. It is a new hypothesis examined in this paper by looking at women's employment status, with a special focus on whether they work in caring-jobs or not. It can be imagined that if women use their caring skills in the labour market, they no longer adhere to take on a caring role at home.
    Results of my analysis generally support my hypotheses, except for the time availability hypothesis. Conditions such as lower contribution to the household income, lower level of education, irregular employment, and occupations other than caring-jobs go hand in hand with greater support by women for the "working and caring" than the "sharing both" norm.
  • 中村, 三春. 序説・現代芸術としての谷川俊太郎の詩 : ひらがな詩・翻訳・「私性」 = Introduction to the Poems of TANIKAWA Shuntaro : On Hiragana Poems, Translation, and the Self. 北海道大学文学研究院紀要. 2020, 160, p.27(右)-55(右).



第154号 (2018-03-23)


  • 池田, 証壽. 杜延業《群書新定字樣》再考 = Reconsideration of Du Yanyeʼs Qunshu Xinding Ziyang. 北海道大学文学研究科紀要. 2018, 154, p.1(左)-71(左).



第150号 (2016-12-15)


  • 池田, 証壽. 漢字字体史の資料と方法 : 初唐の宮廷写経と日本の古辞書 = The Resources and Methods on Historical Study of Hanzi Glyphs Standards : Buddhist Scriptures Written at the Early Tang Imperial Court and Hanzi Dictionaries in Early Japan. 北海道大学文学研究科紀要. 2016, 150, p.201(左)-236(左).



1-2. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences


件数: 35

Volume 17 (2022-02)


  • Canbul, Ozge. The Curious Case of a Cutpurse: Unhistorical Queerness through Female Crossdressing within The Roaring Girl. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2022, 17, p.23-29.


    The gender-biased heteronormative social anxiety within the Renaissance culture requires an other, a queer other. The external misrepresentation and crossdressing of the character Moll Cutpurse, who is featured within Thomas Dekker and Thomas Middletonʼs play The Roaring Girl, engages with this anxiety.
    The ambiguities and queer implications surrounding her sexuality and gender bias-resistant identity call for an anachronistic queer reading. In order to bridge the gap between the historicist and unhistoricist approaches, it is ideal to borrow the term “lipstick lesbian,” a homosexual female who is similar to the archetype femme lesbian since they both support a normative feminine appearance. However, lipstick lesbian may use her feminine apparel to conceal her sexual identity. Mollʼs lipstick lesbian status is amplified because of multi-layer discrepancies between internal and external self, thus both the term and her queer self throughout the play becomes inverted. As the play progresses, Mollʼs queer identity and her acts of crossdressing and masculine display evolve from being cases of misrepresentation and misidentification into apparatuses which she utilizes to gain her own foothold within the gender-biased social dynamics.
    Queerness within the play operates on various interchangeable layers and leads the way to her acceptance, as long as she accepts her role as the queer female who is not part of the predetermined heteronormative gender-biased social categories. Her queerness is amplified because of multi-layer discrepancies between internal and external self; thus, both the term and her queer self throughout the play becomes inverted. The resolution only comes when Moll is fully integrated both internally and externally into the society, as an honest woman in both male and female clothing.
  • Ichinose, Shimpei. Dickensʼs “A Confession Found in a Prison in the Time of Charles the Second”. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2022, 17, p.15-21.


    Dickensʼs short story “A Confession Found in a Prison in the Time of Charles the Second,” set in the period of the Restoration of the Stuart monarchy, around the 1680s, depicts the narratorʼs conflict with his nephew. The narrator goes on to kill his nephew and is subsequently tormented by the child appearing in his dreams. It is noteworthy that the conflicting revenge relationship between the nephew and his uncle is also applicable to the relationships that existed between the kings of the settingʼs period and their nephew: Charles II (and James II) and their nephew William of Orange. In the latter part of the 17th century, in the Third Anglo-Dutch War, England (his uncle: Charles II) attacked the Netherlands (William); however, William later went on to invade England, ousting the English king (another uncle: James II) in the Glorious Revolution. This work, with its theme of nephew and uncle, is elaboratively set in the period between the two historical events involving the clash between a nephew and his uncles. This covert association of the story with the great revolution of England indicates that a positive and pivotal meaning might be lurking underneath this gloomy work. This essay argues that this work is enmeshed with Dickensʼs conflict between concealing his dark past, his labour in the blacking warehouse during childhood, and his resolve to confront and unearth the agonising memory in order to rise to greater heights as a writer.
  • Karbovnycha, Anna. Ellipsis Constructions in Ukrainian : A Verbal Complex Perspective. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2022, 17, p.1-13.


    This study explores the structure of Ukrainian verbal complex and elliptical constructions, specifically object gapping (OG) constructions. Building on the previous research on the topic of OG constructions (Gribanova (2013), Baylin (2017), Landau (2020)) and exploring the two main approaches, the V-stranding VP-ellipsis analysis (VSVPE) and the argument ellipsis (AE) analysis, this study proposes that Ukrainian has both V-raising and T-lowering, assuming the Split-TP Hypothesis (Pollock, 1989). Furthermore, it is argued that OG constructions in Ukrainian present an instance of AE.

Volume 16 (2021-03)


  • Li, Naiqi. A Study of a Manuscript Copy of Yiqiejingyinyi Held by Kōshōji. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2021, 16, p.15-22.


    The Yiqiejingyinyi 一切経音義is the oldest Buddhist dictionary that exists in China. In the Tang Dynasty, Xuanzang 玄奘brought many Buddhist scriptures from India to China. To translate these Buddhist texts, a “translation place 訳場” was set up in Changʼan 長安, and intellectuals were selected from among the monks, including XuanYing 玄応. Xuan Ying was conscious of the fact that there are many difficult words in the Buddhist scriptures, and thus composed dictionaries for those texts whilst translating. This dictionary was called Yiqiejingyinyi, which has approximately 400,000 characters in a total of 25 volumes, taken from more than 400 Buddhist scriptures and having more than 8,000 entries.
    It was introduced to Japan in the Nara period and was widely transcribed. At present the Yiqiejingyinyi retains only printed editions in China, while in Japan it retains many manuscripts. In addition, the Dunhuang and Turfan manuscripts of this dictionary are preserved in the British Library and the French National Library.
  • Saiki, Masanao; Ikeda, Shoju. Historical Shifts in Hanzi Glyphs : Changed and Unchanged Glyphs in the Hanzi Normative Glyphs (HNG) Database. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2021, 16, p.1-14.


    This paper uses the Hanzi Normative Glyphs (HNG) to discuss about two issues.
    (1) The extent of the difference between the “Early Tang Standard” and the “Kaicheng Standard”.
    (2) The extent to which printed works from the Song Dynasty implement the “Kaicheng Standard” Hanzi glyphs.
    In doing so, it will serve as an empirical evaluation of the Ishizuka Model of glyph change.
    This study uses 3 Early Tang Standard texts, 1 Kaicheng Standard text, and 8 Song printed works among 64 texts, which are available as of September 2010 in HNG.
    The conclusions are as follows:
    (1) As regards the extent of the difference in Hanzi glyphs between the Early Tang Standard and the Kaicheng Standard, there was a 40% difference in the number of differing glyphs and a 30% difference in the cumulative total number of glyphs.
    (2) Then, as regards the extent to which the Song printed works implement the Kaicheng Standard, the rate is over 80% in terms of both number of differing glyphs and cumulative total of glyphs.

Volume 15 (2020-03)


  • BOREIKO, Inga. Reexamining Collective Memory : The Role of Landscape in Shaping Memories. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2020, 15, p.67-77.


    The purpose of this paper is to review the development and the theoretical framework of collective memory and to explore how it fits within the current anthropological discourse that challenges the human-nature divide. Namely, it examines how landscapes as agents of memory are contributing to shaping collective memories of a community.
    The concept of collective memory is best known from the works of Maurice Halbwachs. His theory that individuals acquire and share memories as members of a social group has been widely used in various disciplines, including anthropology. However, due to its prominent sociological background, until recently collective memory has only been applied to discussing human societies.
    The current anthropological research has introduced ontologies that challenge the Western dichotomy of nature-culture, offering the opportunity to rethink the way humans interact with the world and to include non-human agents into the debate. Therefore, it has also become necessary to reconsider collective memory within a broader context. However, while landscape memories have been an important topic in memory studies, landscape has mostly been viewed as being static and shaped by humans. Due to that,
    collective memory hasnʼt been able to venture outside of its initial social realm. This paper explores the agency of landscape and how it manifests itself within memory thus becoming a part of communities that share and shape collective memories.
    This study aims to contribute new perspectives in applying the concept of collective memory to current anthropological debates and to offer new insights on human and nature relations by focusing on how humans and landscapes interact and are connected through memories.
  • LI, Naiqi. Regarding Yiqiejingyinyi classical Japanese manuscripts. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2020, 15, p.59-65.


    In the early Inseii period, around 1100 CE, the Ruiju myōgi shō 類聚名義抄 (Zushoryō-bon 図書寮本 manuscript) was compiled by a monk of the Hossō 法相 sect. The Ruiju myōgi shō quotes a total of around 1,300 Chinese character radicals from Yiqiejingyinyi 一切経音義, which is the largest such collection. The Yiqiejingyinyi, which today exists only in Japan, is extremely valuable owing to its ancient handwriting.
    There are ten versions of the Yiqiejingyinyi, named according to where they are held: Daiji, Kongōji, Goryeo, Nanatsudera, The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tenri Library, Kunaichō, Saihōji, and Hiroshima University. My research aims to elucidate which version of the Yiqiejingyinyi makes reference to the codification of Zushoryō-bon Ruiju myōgi shō.
  • GOMES, Amanda; KONDO, Shiaki. Reflections on Ethnographic Methods Training at an Archaeological Field School : A Case Study from Rebun International Field School in Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2020, 15, p.49-58.


    In this paper we will investigate the introduction of ethnographic research and methods to the excavation and field school operated at the Hamanaka 2 site on Rebun, Japan. Through this case study, we explore the relationship between the interpretive frameworks, research methods, and the field training. We discuss the outcomes of introducing an ethnographic component to an archaeological field school, including some of the challenges that have arisen during this process. In response to this, we also provide a series of suggestions for further development and research concerning this model of training. While the process of including ethnography within the field school is ongoing, we hope that this paper will add to the growing literature on ethnography as a tools for archaeologists within Japan and prompt additional research on archaeological training in Japan in the future.
  • TAKASE, Katsunori. Diet of the Kuril Ainu as Evidenced from Charred Materials Adhering to Ceramic Surfaces. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2020, 15, p.37-58.


    The Kuril Ainu are the indigenous people of the Northern and Central Kuril Islands and also occupied Southern Kamchatka from the mid-15th to late 17th centuries according to recent archaeological studies. Although ethnographic documents have indicated that seafood, particularly the meat and fat of sea mammals, was the most important component of their diet, few studies have investigated this. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to gain a better understanding of their diet by undertaking stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of charred materials adhering to the surfaces of clay pans. We found that cooked meals consisted of seafood mixed with herbivores and/or C3 plants, supporting the information provided in ethnographic documents. We also determined that the radiocarbon dates of the charred materials from the pottery surfaces were 280 to 600 years older than those of wood charcoal samples from the same cultural layers as the pottery due to the marine reservoir effect. Further examination of the radiocarbon dates of marine animals such as shellfishes and fishes collected from the same sites will contribute to studies on the marine reservoir offset in this region.
  • CHIBA, Kei. Aristotleʼs Logikē (Art of formal argument) : Theoretical foundation of Dialectic and Ontology. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2020, 15, p.9-36.


    Aristotle's development of his method of dialectic is carried out not dialectically in the realm of opinion, but philosophically through the logikē method. This formal and universal dimension is ultimately founded in the most certain principle of non-contradiction. It constitutes the art of argument which offers the basis for logic as well as ontology. Since Aristotle devised 'dialectic' at an earlier stage in his career, the theoretical part of dialectic, as the logikē art of argumentation, can be employed in all his other theoretical works, even if the peirastic practice of dialectic remains a peculiarity of the Topics.
    I shall argue that (a) the method of Aristotelian dialectic consists of theories of (a1)(a2) terms and predications and (a3) topos and (a4) syllogism. This method is at work not only in this undertaking edited as the Topics but also in his theories of demonstration and being in other undertakings. Only when the theories of demonstration and being are added, can Aristotle complete his project, to show how an Academician can act as both a philosopher with knowledge and as a dialectician who dialectically examines any thesis proposed. This is because he began his initial project with aim of strengthening weak Socratic dialectic by establishing a formal system to grasp what a thing is.
    When Aristotle composed and edited the Topics, he reflected on the history of his project, mentioning at various occasions the products of other undertakings as well. Through these theoretical studies, such as the theories of division and demonstration, he can describe one goal of initial project as submitting and defending a thesis more specifically 'as the person having knowledge' (Top.I1. 100a20, IX32. 183b3). No one can deny that one can defend oneʼs thesis better, if one has knowledge.
  • MIYAJIMA, Shunichi. On the Complementarity between Phenomenological and Statistical Approaches for Prayer Research with reference to East Asia. Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences. 2020, 15, p.1-7.


    Heile's "prayer" is a classical research example of phenomenological and systematic studies of prayer; however, its tendency toward a Christian- and Western-centric viewpoint has been criticized. More objective and scientific research methods are required for comparative study of prayers including those found in East Asian religions. In this paper, I would like to consider new possibilities and limits that could be generated by combining statistical research methods and conventional phenomenological research.
    By utilizing a statistical approach, especially with international comparative researches, the possibility of studying prayer acts, not as acts bound by specific religious traditions, will be made possible. However, problems such as what kind of questions should be set remain. It is difficult to generalize and universalize the language used by various religions. There is an essential problem concerning translation of religious languages in religious studies. One of the tasks religious phenomenology has been to work on the problem of this translation. However, there was a problem in considering the concept presented there, not as an academic analytic concept but as an essential element of religious phenomena. Therefore, keeping in mind that the results of international comparative research are not indicative of some entity, but rather represent the analysis of results of a specific situation, it is necessary for us to situate the results in an individual and concrete situation and rethink them in those contexts. By doing so, we are able to obtain more meaningful results.

Volume 14 (2019-03)


  • Okada, Kazuhiro. Remarks on Kaempferʼs Imatto Canna. Journal of the graduate school of letters. 2019, 14, p.15-35.


    Engelbert Kaempferʼs The History of Japan describes an unusual Japanese script, Imatto Canna. Although the term can be attested in Japanese literature as such, the Japanese use of the term (Yamatogana in modern orthography) is itself varied and does not superficially agree with Kaempfer's. This paper attempts to classify the Japanese usages of this term and untangle the differences between Kaempfer's works on Japanese scripts. A comparison between his published works and his manuscripts reveals that his original understanding of Yamato-gana was not far from the Japanese use of the term, but that some misinterpretations arose during The History of Japan's editing process.
  • Toda, Satoshi. How Should We Understand Hans-Georg Beckʼs Interpretation of Byzantium as Reflected in his Das byzantinische Jahrtausend?. Journal of the graduate school of letters. 2019, 14, p.7-14.


    The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to understand Hans-Georg Beckʼs interpretation of Byzantium as reflected in his Das byzantinische Jahrtausend. It argues that, although Beck has accomplished remarkable contributions in the field of studies in Byzantine Verfassungsgeschichte and Gesellschaftsgeschichte, his main research interest remained centered, throughout his academic career, on Byzantine theology (and Christianity) as well as on Byzantine literature.
  • Miyajima, Shunichi. Religion and Violence : Theoretical and methodological aspects. Journal of the graduate school of letters. 2019, 14, p.1-6.


    Religion and violence have been the subject of numerous discussions. One side considers that religion has the function of eliminating raw violence. According to R. Girard, when violence occurs as a result of the tension and hostile relationships that inevitably occur within a community, and to prevent further retaliative violence, a sacrifice is required to end the cycle of violence. This sacrificial mechanism becomes a purification from violence. The other side, as represented by M. Juergensmeyer, suggests that religion may be the cause of war. He called the struggle between good and evil "cosmic war," noting that it not only provides a background of violence, but also an excuse to use violence. One reason for this conflict in discussions about religion and violence is the ambiguity of the terms "religion" and "violence." For example, terrorism is direct violence and terrorists are undeniable perpetrators. If, however, those who became terrorists did so as a result of being kept in poverty, of discrimination and oppression, they themselves would be the victims of greater structural violence. One religion may give them a way to cope with structural violence peacefully, while another may provide an ideological affirmation of terrorism as a means of release from such violence. Discussions of religion and violence are diverse; it is not easy to grasp the relationship between the two, but it is, however, necessary to provide a platform for discussion allowing religions to recognize each otherʼs existence.

volume 13 (2018-03)


  • Ikuma, Genichi. What was the Artist Struggling Against? On Autobiographical Novels by Andrey Monastyrsky. Journal of the graduate school of letters. 2018, 13, p.65-73.


    This paper analyses the activities of Andrey Monastyrsky, the leader of the group called “Collective Actions” (CA) which is a part of Moscow conceptualism, namely, a remarkable community of Soviet unofficial art in the 1970s and 1980s. CA is a group that has practiced many performances (they call it “action”) in the field and the forest near Moscow since 1976. The perspective which could be the key to re-examine their long history is the issue of how they sought to appropriate and privatize spacetime. Regarding the privatization, Boris Groys, Russian art-critic and philosopher, pointed out that this term is linked to Moscow conceptualism, though his argument is mainly related to another group from a younger generation of conceptualism. Meanwhile, it is researcher Octavian Esanu who mentions the problem of space and time in CA. However, there exists scope for further research on the theme of time based on the perspective of appropriation. Therefore, this paper tried to shed light on Monastyrskyʼs awareness of the issue about time above all. Specifically, a comparative review of Monastyrskyʼs twin diary-novels (“Kashirckoe Shosse” written in 1987 and “Maintenance work of Kashirskoe Shosse” written in 2009) was conducted in this paper. As a result, it turns out that Monastyrsky, who was absorbed in an eternal metaphysical world in “Kashirskoe Shosse,” began to be desperately aware of the systematic passage of time, i.e., a concept in opposition to his sense of an eternity in “Maintenance work.” It should be noted, however, that in this instance, the passage of time dominates his consciousness as a certain type of god and he invokes the words of Buddhism to keep a proper distance from this new absolute being. In other words, he has struggled against the temptation to the metaphysical in another world in “Kashirskoe Shosse,” and against the gravity of the passage of time in “Maintenance work.” Recent actions of the CA might be regarded as the results of such an attempt. In some actions of the CA, obsession about dominative time and the metaphysical world disappeared and the conception of transcendence itself was transformed. There occurred a rearrangement of the past and the construction of private spacetime through the appropriation of the absolute thing, which can be regarded as one of the distinctive strategies of CAʼs activity.
  • Ikeda, Shoju; Li, Yuan. Building a General Database System of Chinese Character Dictionaries in Early Japan : Tenreibanshōmeigi in the HDIC Project. Journal of the graduate school of letters. 2018, 13, p.49-64.


    This paper introduces the Integrated Database of Hanzi Dictionaries in Early Japan, also known as the HDIC project, which is composed of three main dictionaries of the Heian period. We provide a detailed report of the full-text publication of one dictionary: Tenreibanshōmeigi in the HDIC.
  • Sengoku, Manabu. 2015 parliamentary election in Poland : Does the migrant/refugee issue matter?. Journal of the graduate school of letters. 2018, 13, p.35-47.


    In the 2015 parliamentary general election held in Poland, the opposition party Law and Justice (PiS) became the leading party and obtained an absolute majority in parliament. It is sometimes said that the so-called European migrant/refugee crisis has brought about this result. However, though the landslide victory of PiS was a consequence of the crisis, PiS would have won the election even without this crisis. The main factors behind the victory of PiS are the disappointment of the young with the Civil Platform (PO) government, skillful electoral strategy of PiS, and the peculiarity of the electoral system. This paper makes this point clear by comparing the results of this election with the results of the presidential election held five months before the general election, when the migrant/refugee crisis had not been so acute.
  • Takase, Katsunori. Pit dwellings of the Nalychevo Culture in Southern Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands. Journal of the graduate school of letters. 2018, 13, p.11-33.


    The purpose of this study is to reveal the regional characteristics of pit dwellings of the Nalychevo Culture that are distributed in Southern Kamchatka and the Northern Kuril Islands between the 15th and the 19th centuries. Materials examined in this study are semi-subterranean residences excavated at the Nalychevo 9 and the Listvennichnaya II sites in Southern Kamchatka as well as instances from the Northern Kuril Islands. As a result of analysis, we found that there are differences in building technique, a method for making a hearth (or a furnace), and the post arrangement between Southern Kamchatka and the Northern Kurils, while other elements are common in these regions. This indicates that archaeological sites in Southern Kamchatka were not necessarily remained by a seasonal occupation of hunter-fishers from the Northern Kurils, but two different human groups settled in Southern Kamchatka and the Northern Kurils respectively. Finally, we compare characteristics of pit dwellings in the regions to those in Sakhalin. Although the origin of these pit dwellings could not be clarified, we highlight that Sakhalin is still one of the strong candidates for the homeland of pit dwellings in Southern Kamchatka and the Northern Kurils.
  • Miyajima, Shunichi. Introducing the concept of spirituality in Japan by centering on medical field. Journal of the graduate school of letters. 2018, 13, p.1-10.


    In recent years, the word “spirituality” is frequently used in a wide range of research areas, such as religion, medical care, nursing, nursing care, clinical psychology, bioethics, education, and business activities. Not only within academic research areas but also within non-academic areas, such as the arena of mass media and medical care practice, nursing and the nursing care practice, this word is being frequently used. Definitions of this term vary as per the userʼs perspective but there are many cases where this word is used to refer to the appearances which were thought of as religion, religiosity, and something being religious or similar. In this paper, I have considered the background of the use of the term “spirituality” in religious research and medical areas, respectively. What is common to both is that the current state of the term “spirituality” is being used to talk about “religious” matters while maintain a distance from the conventional “religion” as an institution. Here we discuss the continuity and discontinuity of “religion” and “spirituality.” If one is conscious of the connection between “religion” and “spirituality,” there should be something that should be derived from the “religion” research to further research on “spirituality” as a concept and as a word. In order to use it as a concept, it is necessary to further examine and train it. The ambiguity of the term “spirituality” has proved useful, and it is also possible to include a wide range of phenomena in the term “spirituality” that could not be included in the concept of “religion”. It is possible to expect further research in this area but at present there are many problems due to ambiguity. Discussions about “spirituality” are expected to gain prominence and in turn, increase the usefulness of this word.

volume 12 (2017-02)


  • Kudo, Haruka. Community-Based Child-Rearing Support for Families : Based on an Investigation in Sapporo, Japan. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2017, 12, p.29-37.


    Against the backdrop of a high proportion of mothers who take care of their children at home and the problem of child-rearing anxiety and social isolation among them, the Japanese government has currently expanded child-rearing support via the Community-based Child-rearing Support Centers (CCSCs). They are open spaces for infants and parents in the community, where they can gather freely, communicate with each other, and share their anxieties and worries related to child rearing. There are also many voluntary programs that are similar to the CCSCs in each region, and all of these are often called “childcare salons.” In this study, I categorize these childcare salons into 4 types based on their management bodies, namely, the center type, childrenʼs hall type, Hiroba type, and local-based type. Based on a qualitative investigation conducted in Sapporo, a Japanese urban area, I briefly summarize how these childcare salons support child rearing by “full-time mothers” and affect the formation of their childcare support networks. These childcare salons are diverse in terms of staff members and volunteers, space and facilities, and their opening hours. These features characterize the institutional support provided by these salons, which affects the relational support mutually provided among mothers who avail these services; therefore, different types of social exchanges and network formation are prevalent among the users. These childcare salons embody the idea of the “socialization of childcare” and practically “socialize” child rearing by moving it from the private sphere to the public sphere outside the family and by sharing it among families and people in the community. However, there are still issues and limitations with respect to gender division and family responsibility of childcare.
  • Dallyn, Thomas. Accentual Change in Hokkaido Japanese. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2017, 12, p.19-27.


    This paper will report and analyze ongoing changes in the accentual system of Hokkaido Japanese (HJ), a regional variety spoken on the northernmost islands of the Japanese archipelago, originating in relatively recent settlement from mainland Japan. In recent years, as in almost all regions of Japan, HJ has undergone dialect levelling towards standard (Tokyo) Japanese (TJ). Although the accentual system of HJ, in terms of the possible number of contrastive accent patterns and the prosodic characteristics that define them, is largely identical to that of TJ, traditional HJ differs significantly from TJ in which lexical items are realised with which accent pattern. Adopting an analysis using Kindaichiʼs word-accent classes (Kindaichi, 1973; 1975), this paper will examine accent class correspondences in bimoraic native nouns, based on a survey 24 native speakers of HJ from four different areas across the island. The results of this survey illustrate a clear pattern of agestratified variation in accent class correspondences that are shown to be consistent with a broader dialect levelling trend towards TJ. However, the pace of this process does not appear consistent across all survey sites, suggesting possible implications for media-driven models of dialect levelling in Japan.

volume 11 (2016-03)


  • Ng, Ka Shing. Development of End of Life (EOL) Services in Hong Kong : A Case Study of Caritas Hong Kong's Ning-An Scheme for the Elderly. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2016, 11, p.97-109.


    Population ageing is advancing rapidly in Hong Kong. Between 1987 and 2013, the percentage of population considered elderly rose from 7%in 1987 to 14%, indicating the city is joining the ranks of the ageing societies. Together with increasing quality of health care services and openness to the discussion of death in society,End of Life(EOL) services are not only used by terminally or chronically ill patients,but have also begun to attract many old people in good state of health who wish to prepare for ‘a good death’in advance. This paper studies this relatively new form of elderly service―EOL services for the healthy elderly in Hong Kong by using a case study of Ning-An Scheme. It aims to answer these questions:how has EOL services developed in Hong Kong? Why EOL services have become increasingly important in Hong Kong? What are the characteristic of Ning-An Scheme and their users? Based on statistics from the government and Caritas Hong Kong, as well as interview with staffs and users, the author argues that EOL services like Ning-An Scheme can be important resources for the elderly, especially the one-person/couples-only households and the economically challenged. They offer supports to help elder participants embrace their life’s final journey positively and gain a sense of well-being.
  • Li, Yuan; Shin, Woongchul; Okada, Kazuhiro. Japanese rendition of Tenrei bansho meigi's definition in early Japanese lexicography : An essay. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2016, 11, p.83-96.


    This essay will address differences in orientation in early Japanese lexicography with regard to the Japanese rendering of definitions in a Chinese language dictionary. Most,if not all, premodern Japanese dictionaries took the form of rendering the headword in Chinese characters and Chinese words,while also offering a Japanese reading. This does not, however, entail that early Japanese lexicography was entirely oriented to the Chinese language:in fact,a representative portion of Japanese oriented language dictionaries were produced. Japanese readings in Japanese language dictionaries explain the Japanese use of the headword. Alternatively, Chinese-Japanese dictionaries, including Chinese character dictionaries, explain the Chinese use in the Japanese language. By virtue of this fact,they are not distinctive in their form. This essay attempts to distinguish which orientation a dictionary inclines to by focusing on its rendering of definitions of earlier Chinese dictionaries. Here,we will examine the nature of Japanese renditions in a Japanese dictionary,Ruiju myogi sho 類聚名義抄, cited from the Chinese character dictionary Tenrei bansho meigi 篆隷万象名義. Our findings suggest that Japanese renditions illustrate Chinese use rather than Japanese use, which accounts for differences in the Japanese readings and compiling strategies of the dictionaries.
  • Wu, Lin. Frequencies and Semantic Category Distribution of Idioms in Japanese. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2016, 11, p.75-82.


    This paper investigated the frequencies and semantic category distribution of Japanese idioms based on The Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese(BCCWJ) and Word List by Semantic Principles, Revised and Enlarged Edition. The following three main conclusions were drawn. First, from the perspective of“class”distribution, idioms of each group are concentrated in the verb class,while those in adjective and adverb,noun,and other classes are less. Second,from the perspective of“division”distribution, idioms of each group are concentrated in Division 1: Abstract Relations and Division 3: Human Behavior―Spirit and Action, while those in Division 2:Human Beings―Subjects of Human Behavior,Division 4:Products and Equipment, and Division 5:Natural Beings and Natural Phenomena are less. Third,from the perspective of “section”distribution,idioms of each group are concentrated in sections“Kokoro 心,”“Gengo 言語,”and“Taigu 待遇,”while those in sections“Kukan 空間,”“Busshitsu 物質,”and“Tenchi 天地”are less. In Japanese language teaching, many learners have shown interest in idioms, but they have also encountered some difficulties in learning. So,how should we guide students in learning and mastering idioms? This paper made a preliminary attempt to answer this question. It was found that understanding and memorizing high frequency idioms occurring in each semantic category could greatly improve learning efficiency.
  • Ichinose, Shimpei. Liberation from Circulation : The Lord of the Rings and the Vanquishing of Tolkien's Agony. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2016, 11, p.67-74.


    The concept of“return”is considered significant in J.R.R.Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings;this paper aims to illuminate the perspective afforded by Tolkien’s personal experiences with the concept, and to explain its role in his trilogy. Tolkien endured various traumatic experiences where some of the people closest to him never came back. In his childhood, Tolkien’s father died in Bloemfontein in the Orange Free State, far away from his homeland of Britain. During Tolkien’s youth, close friends and numerous fellow soldiers died overseas in World War I. Because of these experiences, Tolkien seems to have adhered strongly to the concept of return and/or circulation while writing his work. The Lord of the Rings has a structure in which many characters return somewhere or other through disappearance or death. The characters’departures and returns create an image of circulation,which brings to mind the Ring ― the trilogy’s central theme. Tolkien is as obsessed with circulation as his characters are with the Ring. Yet,this story’s circulating structure collapses at the final scene,where Frodo and other characters are willing to choose departure without return. This paper interprets the collapse as Tolkien’s trial to overcome his emotional shock. By writing this trilogy,Tolkien is liberated from the traumatic “no return”experience, thus ending the constantly circulating journey of repeated departures and returns.
  • Terazawa, Shigenori; Ng, Ka Shing; Yokoyama, Tadanori. The Impact of Parents’Religious Affiliation on Children’s Educational Attainment in Taiwan. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2016, 11, p.55-65.


    This paper examines the effects of parents’religious affiliation on respondents’educational attainment in contemporary Taiwan. Data comes from religion module of 1999 Taiwan Social Change Survey. Controlling for various socio-demographic variables including ethnicity, occupational status of fathers, and educational attainment of parents, OLS regression analyses showed that educational attainment is significantly affected by the religious affiliation of parents. Clearer differences were found among Eastern religion such as folk religion and Taoism. These results imply that traditional religiosities maybe one of the important determinants of educational disparities in contemporary Taiwan.
  • Tayama, Tadayuki; Sato, Fumiaki. Minimum temporal thresholds for discriminating changes in motion direction. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2016, 11, p.37-53.


    Minimum temporal thresholds(Tmin)for discriminating motion direction were measured in various conditions. The results of Experiment 1 showed that Tmin for the change from a stationary pattern to a moving pattern was shorter than that for the abrupt appearance of a moving pattern. The time needed to process the pattern explained this difference. The results of Experiment 2 showed that Tmin for the change from a stationary pattern to a moving pattern was shorter than that for the directional change of a moving pattern. Furthermore,Tmin for discriminating a directional change with a 90 deg difference was shorter than that of 45 and 135 deg. In addition,an anisotropy in discriminating motion direction was observed between oblique-upward and oblique-downward directions. The validity of mathematical models that explain these results was discussed.
  • Takase, Katsunori; Lebedintsev, Aleksandr I.. A study on pottery from Southern Kamchatka in T.M.Dikova and N.N.Dikov collections. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2016, 11, p.9-36.


    T. M. Dikova and N. N. Dikov collections, currently conserved in the North-Eastern Interdisciplinary Research Institute(NEISRI),Far Eastern Branch,Russian Academy of Sciences, are the largest collections of archaeological materials from the Kamchatka Peninsula. Although ceramic specimens in these collections definitely play a significant role in our approach to study the early history of the Kuril Ainu,only a small number of potsherd in them have been published so far. In this study,we present a total picture of the pottery from Southern Kamchatka housed in these collections and demonstrate that a hypothesis on temporal change in the distribution of Naiji pottery can be supported.
  • Miyajima, Shunichi. Considering Japanese Spirituality in Matters of Life and Death. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2016, 11, p.1-8.


    The term “spiritual”can be taken to mean “religious”―that is, something universal and comprehensive―rather than relating to a specific or traditional religion. Indeed, in the present day,we tend more and more not to follow or rely on notions of life and death as approved by a particular religion but, rather, are influenced in our views by contemporary thinking,mass media and the like. Such apparent diversity and modernism, however, is unlikely to lead to an immediate or radical change in the general attitude to life and death. In particular,people will not suddenly alter key life practices and ceremonies, such as weddings and funerals. In Japan, for example,while there is a growing trend towards more varied burial practices,such as adopting a Western style, the long-established, orthodox Japanese form of funeral still predominates. Further,spirituality in Japan is often considered to be rooted in a particular Japanese perception or consciousness, but such a limited outlook can be dangerous if it leads to the worst kind of nationalism. Accordingly, without dismissing tradition and custom out of hand, we should encourage and welcome the growing diversity of views and practices in Japan and elsewhere,even on such major issues as matters of life or death.

volume 10 (2015-03)


  • Matsuura, Kazuhiro. Morality and the Failure of Redemption : F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “Babylon Revisited” and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.”. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2015, 10, p.87-94.


    This paper examines thematic similarities between the mythical story of the Wandering Jew and the works of F.Scott Fitzgerald; more specifically his short stories“Babylon Revisited” and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.” Permeating all three tales are themes of wandering, inability to escape the repercussions of the past, and debt, particularly to the dead, that can never be repaid. I argue that the protagonists of“Babylon Revisited”and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”have serious and unredeemable moral debts they acquired spontaneously. I argue that in both stories, Fitzgerald deliberately draws on the myth to explore issues of moral redemption,guilt,suffering,and the impossibility to revisit the past to retrieve and heal previous transgressions;and that these themes are exemplified in the stories circular narrative structures.
  • Moriya, Toyohito. A Study of the Utilization of Wood to Build Pit Dwellings from the Epi-Jomon Culture to the Satsumon Culture in Hokkaido Region, Japan.. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2015, 10, p.71-85.


    The purpose of this report is to reveal the utilization of woods, which were used for materials of pit dwellings from the Epi-Jomon culture (1 st century) to Satsumon culture (13 th century). I analyzed and concentrated on three points concerning the charred woods excavated at sites in Hokkaido. First, I analyzed the situations of wood materials that were construed as roof structure by investigating the distribution patterns of excavated woods in pit dwellings at several sites. In Hokkaido, some houses were discovered to be burned down, which is a sign of abandonment, and in those situations charred woods were found in the soil. Second, I made wood identifications by scanning an electron microscope over the charred woods excavated at pit dwellings and examining the results. Finally, I compared the results of the wood identifications with vegetation around each site, which has been suggested in previous analyses of geomorphological processes and pollen analyses. I concluded that the utilization of woods to build pit dwellings changed from diverse to uniformed between the Epi-Jomon culture and Satsumon culture, and that this was mainly due to the selections from surrounding environments.
  • Terazawa, Shigenori; Ng, ka Shing. Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification in Taiwan (2000-2010) Analysis of Taiwan Social Change Survey. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2015, 10, p.59-70.


    Religion and social stratification has been an important sociological topic since Max Weber and Karl Marx. It continues to attract scholarly attention nowadays in the United States, giving rise to numerous empirical studies on their complex relationships. However, there is no or inadequate studies on the relations between religion and social stratification in societies that have very different cultural backgrounds compared to the U.S. This research note attempts to expand this sociological topic to non-Christian societies using Taiwan as a case study, where Christianity is not the dominant culture. It first offers a literature review of religion and social stratification in Taiwan, followed by a quantitative study based on a national survey, Taiwan Social Change Survey. Analysis is based on the data from the 2000, 2005, and 2010 dataset. This research note focuses on three important social stratification indicators, namely education level, occupation, and income, and their effects on religious affiliation. Changes in such relations over ten years are also studied. Our analysis has at least five significant findings: (1) respondents belonging to “Protestantism” and “No Religion” tend to be in the upper class. (2) Except for “Protestantism” and “No Religion,” religious affiliation is affected by different social stratification indicators and such effect is particular strong for “Buddhism,” “Taoism,” and “Folk religion.” While (3) “Catholics” have declining score in occupation and income level, (4) “Buddhists” are achieving higher status in occupation. (5) Education, occupation, and income level are increasing for “Yiguan Dao” practitioners.
  • Takahashi, Hidemitsu. A Usage-Based Analysis of Indirect Directives in English (3) : I wonder if you. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2015, 10, p.27-40.


    The present paper deals with the I wonder if you VP construction in English, with a special focus on its use for conveying a request as opposed to genuine information question. The paper has three aims: (i) to define the nature of request made with this construction from the viewpoint of the types of verbs that frequently appear; (ii) to characterize this directive construction within the framework of the 6-parameter analysis of FORCE EXERTION (Takahashi 2012), a theory originally designed to capture the difference in illocutionary force among different imperative utterances; and (iii) to describe the ways in which this construction functions, and interacts with other directive constructions, in actual discourse. It is argued that I wonder if you is prototypically an information-seeking device when it is used as directive. Furthermore, quite unlike the expression I’d appreciate it if you (Takahashi 2014b),its appearance is not restricted to the core or conclusive segment of directive discourse but rather the construction may occur in an introductory part of the entire directive discourse to communicate to the addressee that the speaker is about to make a request.
  • Takase, Katsunori. Use-wear analysis of stone tools from the coast of Karaga Bay, Northeastern Kamchatka, Russia. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2015, 10, p.13-25.


    This study examined the functions of chipped and ground stone tools from the coast of Karaga Bay in Northeastern Kamchatka, Russia. The specimens analyzed include 27 stone tools restored after the excavations at the Karaga 6 (11th to 13th centuries) as well as the Karaga 10 and 13 (15th to 17th centuries) sites in 2012. The high-power approach of the lithic use-wear analysis was applied. Because of microscopic observations, six specimens displayed distinct use-wear polish. Polish morphology indicated that two utilized flakes and a retouched flake were used for hide working, while a side scraper exhibited a use-wear polish that was mainly generated by plant working. Two end scrapers also showed traces of plant working,whereas evidence of dry hide tanning was found on one specimen. The findings show that utilized or retouched flakes, not end scrapers, were the main tools for hide working from the 11th to 17th centuries C.E. in Northeastern Kamchatka. This result is extremely suggestive for the explanation concerning the diffusion process of the Paleo-Asiatic type scrapers that have been used by the indigenous peoples in Kamchatka. Finally, ethnographic implications regarding the long-term history of stone scrapers are discussed.
  • Hayashidera, Shoshun. A Hitherto Unknown Version of the San fa du lun 三法度論 in Old Japanese Manuscript Collections : Potential and Problems. Journal of the Graduate School of Letters. 2015, 10, p.1-11.


    An increasing number of Buddhist texts are being discovered among old manuscript collections extant in Japan that bear titles identical to the woodblock printed editions produced in China but that differ significantly in content. The discovery in recent years of such texts is helping to shed light on different aspects of the transmission of Buddhist texts, aspects that we would not have learned from the study of the woodblock editions alone. In this paper I would like to take up one such text, namely the text of the San fa du lun 三法度論 found in old manuscript collections. This hitherto unknown text diverges from the known editions, most notably in that it has an independent text titled ‘San fa du jing ben’ 三法度經本 by Vasubhadra in its opening. This paper discusses its considerable importance as a text as well as problems that the text raises which require further research.

1-3. 研究論集 = Research Journal of the Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences


件数: 132

第21号 (2022-1-31)


  • 間枝, 遼太郎. 叡山文庫天海蔵『諏訪大明神画詞』解題・翻刻(下) : 付『当社春日大明神之秘記』 = Bibliographical Introduction and Transcription of “Suwadaimyojin-ekotoba”in the Eizan-bunko Tenkaizo Collection (2). 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.59(右)-79(右).


  • 齊田, 春菜. 円地文子「妖」論 : 女性と物語 = A study of Fumiko Enchi's Yo : Women and narrative. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.49(右)-57(右).


  • 肖, 禾子. 『ねじまき鳥クロニクル』論 : 物語の永久生成 = A study of Haruki Murakami's The Wind-up Bird Chronicle : The permanent generation of narratives. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.33(右)-48(右).


  • 田中, 帆南. 太宰治「女生徒」における模倣と個性 = Dazai's Schoolgirl : Focusing on Imitaition and Identity. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.13(右)-31(右).


  • 酒谷, 美知子. 芥川龍之介「神々の微笑」論 : 南蛮屏風鑑賞者と読者の同調 = Ryunosuke Akutagawa's “Smiles of the Gods” : Synchronization between Nanban folding screen viewer and reader. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.1(右)-11(右).


  • 清水, 颯. 完全性と義務づけ : 18世紀ドイツ倫理思想の一側面 = Perfection and Obligation : An Aspect of 18th Century German Ethical Thought. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.237(左)-251(左).


    本稿では,義務づけ(obligatio / Verbindlichkeit)の根拠をめぐる18世紀ドイツ倫理思想を,完全性(perfectio / Vollkommenheit)との関連から考察する。完全性を実現するよう自らを義務づけるという発想を倫理学の原則として採用するのは,18世紀のドイツ倫理思想においては常識的見解だったからである。例えば,当時の講壇哲学を席巻していたヴォルフ学派の倫理学においては,完全性を求めることが倫理学の基本原理となっている。ここでは,三人のヴォルフ学派の思想家を取り上げる。
    ヴォルフはライプニッツから多大な影響を受けながら,「多様なものの一致(Zusammenstimmung)」と定義される完全性を倫理学の中心概念へと据えた。完全性へと向かっていくよう努力することが人間には義務づけられており,それは自らの自然本性によって要求されるために,義務づけの根拠は「自然の法則(Gesetz der Natur)」となる。それゆえ,完全性へ努力する義務は「自己自身に対する義務」であると明確に打ち出しているヴォルフは,カントの義務づけ論の始祖とみなすことができるだろう。
  • 白水, 大吾. F. H. Bradleyの自己実現の概念 = F. H. Bradley's Conception of Self-Realisation. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.217(左)-235(左).


    本論考は,F. H. Bradleyの倫理学思想をどのようなものとして理解すればよいのか,その手掛かりとなる解釈を示そうとする試みである。まず,私たちはBradley倫理学の中心概念である自己実現という考えを巡って,道徳的な自己実現においてはどのような自己が実現されるか,という問いに対するBradleyの解答を探る。そこで見出されるのは,私たちの自己はその本質において普遍的であり,道徳的な自己実現とはこの普遍的な自己の実現に他ならない,という考えである。次に,T. H. Greenの倫理学における自己実現の概念を概観し,Bradleyのそれと比較する。すると,Greenの倫理学には良心という概念が不可欠であること,およびそれは,Bradleyの倫理学とは違って,規範的な指示を与えようとするものであることが見出される。Bradley倫理学の非規範性はHegelの哲学理解と共通している。しかしながら,実際にはHegelの哲学のうちにもある種の規範的なテーゼを読み取ることができる。そのことを確認したうえで,最後に,やはりBradleyの倫理学のうちには規範的テーゼが存在しないことを主張し,その事実をいかに解釈すべきか,その示唆を与える。
  • 翁, 康健. 脱共同体社会における民俗宗教のダイナミズム : タイ華人宗教の動態からみる = The dynamism of Folk Religions in the Age of Declining Community : Case Study of Chinese Folk Religions in Thailand. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.197(左)-216(左).


  • 三浦, 光彦. ロベール・ブレッソンの演技論 : モデルの「痙攣」する身体 = Robert Bresson's Theory of Acting : The “Compulsive” Bodies of Models. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.179(左)-195(左).


  • 龔, 金浪. 抒情は空の彼方へ : 侯孝賢『恋恋風塵』における感情表現をめぐって = Lyricism Is beyond the Sky : On the Expression of Emotion in Dust in the Wind. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.159(左)-177(左).


    1986 年に発表された『恋恋風塵』は,侯孝賢の初期の代表作であり,悲恋の物語における切なさや悲痛を描こうとした映画だとされている。しかし,このような悲痛で感傷を感じさせやすい物語において,監督は悲しく感傷的なものではなく,むしろ感傷とはまるで異質のものを映画の全体に漂わせている。本稿は,本作における感情表現をめぐって,その異質のものがどのように作り出されるのかを解明することを目的とする。まず,第一節では,プロットの設定と俳優のパフォーマンスから,安易な感情移入を拒否することによる登場人物の内面の感情抑制について分析する。第二節では,物語の展開に注目し,挟まれる中心的なアクションと簡素化される恋愛の場面という二つの点から,「中心」から「周辺」への「脱中心化」の表現を見出し,われわれの「中心」にある感情に浸ろうとする動きがそれによって切断される事態を指摘する。そして,第三節では,カメラワークの側面から,本作における目立つロングショットと空ショットについて考察し,自然が色濃く表現されることを確認したうえで,人間の感情が自然へ導かれ,人間の断裂が自然によって修復されることを画面に即して分析する。最後に,それまでの議論をまとめ,内面から表層へ,「中心」から「周辺」へ,人間から自然へ,といった外向きの線を見せる遠心的な映像形態が,映画の感情を内向きの「感傷」から超越させ,個人ないし人間を越える時空間と結ばせようとする様態について論ずる。以上,『恋恋風塵』における感情表現の仕方についての考察によって,感情を「外」へ導くという特徴を見出し,映画作家としての侯孝賢の初期のスタイルとアンチ・センチメンタリズムという感情表現についての姿勢をも読み取っていく。
  • モルナール, レヴェンテ. ヤンチョー・ミクローシュ監督の『カンタータ』における現代性について = The Modernism of the ‘Cantata’ by Miklós Jancsó. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.141(左)-158(左).


  • 崔, 文婕. 「恐怖映画」の前夜 : 松本俊夫のアヴァンギャルド理論から大和屋竺の映画理論へ = Before “Scary Movie” (Kyōfū Ēga) : A Comparison between Yamatoya Atsushi's Film Theory and Matsumoto Toshio's Avant-garde Theory. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.123(左)-140(左).


    本論は,映画監督・脚本家の大和屋竺が独自に構築し,J ホラーにも影響を与えた「恐怖映画論」の背景についての研究である。彼の書いたもの(体系的ではない)を縦断して得られる「恐怖映画」の認識は一見,同時代の日本映画批評と同じ土壌にありながら,大和屋自身の経験(たとえば本土から離れた北海道出身であること,インドでの流浪体験など)と,思想(西洋思想に影響されるのではなく,自分の実体験に基づく思考)によって,独自の寓喩性に向かう進展を見せた。基本にあったのは,現代美術の「オブジェ」を捉える着眼,さらにはアヴァンギャルディズムとドキュメンタリズムに関わる見解で,彼の述懐では,日活へ入社して具体的に映画作家の道に入る前に,花田清輝と松本俊夫から影響を受けている。また,オブジェに関する見解もほぼ松本俊夫を踏襲している。ところがその後の大和屋自身の奔放な映画評論,あるいは師匠・鈴木清順の「非連続」の美学への接近により,さらに本質的・前衛的な恐怖映画観が生まれた(それを,J ホラーブームを牽引したひとり高橋洋らに継承される)。本論は大和屋の映画理論の源流の探求を目的に,彼の実作活動と批評活動に照明を当て,松本俊夫のアヴァンギャルド理論との相違点を明らかにする。第一節では,大和屋のオブジェ論を中心に,松本俊夫のシュルレアリスム=ドキュメンタリズムを特徴づける「オブジェ」から,大和屋の見解がいかに離反していったかを検証する。従来も映写機,ダッチワイフなど,大和屋が作品に頻用するオブジェは,彼の作品の大きな特徴として認識されてきた。これらは明らかに松本俊夫のオブジェ論の影響下にあるとされてきたが,実際は作家が「ものを見つめる」主体的な発見よりオブジェが各状況内に変貌していく「ダイナミズム」がそこに加味されることで,松本理論からの超越も図られている。第二節では,「凝視」における松本俊夫のアヴァンギャルド理論と大和屋の映画理論との相違性を分析することで,松本俊夫の理論の重点である作家の主体性からどのように大和屋が宣言したインパーソナルなエロダクション運動になり代わったかを明らかにし,大和屋の映画理論における作家の問題を解明する。第三節では,大和屋と同時代に書かれた松本俊夫の「状況」の概念と大和屋が多用する評論用語「地獄」との同質性を分析することで,両者の関連性をさらに確定する。特に,松本の状況論における早期の主体論からの転向が,「オブジェ」,「凝視」における大和屋の超越と同質化していったことを解明し,大和屋の理論の重要性を明らかにする。
  • 一瀬, 真平. 南北戦争とチャールズ・ディケンズ = The American Civil War and Charles Dickens. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.111(左)-122(左).


    アメリカの南北戦争は,当時,イギリスの人々の関心事となっていた。しかし,英国作家チャールズ・ディケンズは,彼が監修する雑誌『一年中』の中でその話題を扱うことを抑制し,自身もその戦争について語ることを控えていた。本論では,この戦争と関連するテーマが,南北戦争期に発表された彼の作品の中に密かに刻まれている可能性に着眼したい。南北戦争中にイギリスの雑誌や新聞などでしばしば議論された話題に,アメリカの奴隷制への批判や,イギリスでの綿花不足の問題(アメリカ南部から綿花の輸入が途絶えることに関する危機感)がある。1860-1861 年に書かれた『大いなる遺産』には,どうもこれらの話題が潜んでいるようなのだ。本稿は,南北戦争がディケンズの作品執筆に与えた影響について述べていきたい。
  • 泉, 瞳. B.B.カードを利用した小学生に対する英語指導法 : 使用依拠モデルからの考察 = English Teaching Method to Elementary School Students Using B.B. Cards : A Study from the Perspective of the Usage-Based Model. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.89(左)-110(左).


    近年日本では英語教育の改革が進められており,その一環として英語が2020年度から小学校教育課程において5,6年生で教科化され,3,4年生では必修となった。しかし教授法に関しては,従来から行われているPPP型(presentation-practice-production)の演繹的指導が現在も主流であり,平易な項目から学習を開始し,徐々に難易度の高い項目を積み上げるものとなっている。PPP 型のような積み上げ型の指導法は,日本のような外国語環境では,学習した内容について,実生活での十分な言語使用経験が得られないため,基礎力が定着しないことが問題となっており,日本人の英語力が伸びない要因の1つと考えられている。
    そこで本研究では,認知言語学が提唱する使用依拠モデル(Usage-based model)を基盤とした母語習得研究に着目し,PPP 型積み上げ式の指導法に代わるものとして,母語習得プロセスを援用した英語指導法について,観察に基づき考察を行った。複数の研究によると,言語習得は言葉の固まりから始まることが明らかになっている(Hakuta 1974, Tomasello 1992, 2003,Wong-Fillmore 1976,橋本2007,2008,2018)。観察した指導法でも,学習開始時から64の構文という「言葉の固まり」を言語材料として使用し,母語習得のプロセスに倣って豊富なインプットを与えることにより,外国語環境においても帰納的に英語を習得することが可能であり,固まりからの習得は第二言語習得でも有効であることが確認できた。従来からの積み上げ型とは逆の発想である「固まりから始める英語指導法は,児童の学習適性にかかわらず習得を容易にするものであり,そのための条件を提示する。
  • 松村, 大寿. 英語前置詞 on の迷惑・不利益を表す用法に関する意味論的・語用論的分析 = A Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis of Adversative Usage of English Preposition on. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.73(左)-87(左).


    本稿では,多義語である英語前置詞on の意味ネットワークにおいて「迷惑」の意味が1つの固着した意味をなしているかどうかを判断すべく,Tyler and Evans(2003)に基づき,on が持つ迷惑の意味・用法を分析した。まず迷惑の意味に関しては,その意味的動機付けと成立年代に着目し,共時的にon の多義的構造を分析した先行研究の議論と通時的にon の意味を捉えたOED の記述を分析した。これを踏まえ,本稿は,迷惑の意味が「影響」の意味から成立したこと,ゆえに迷惑の意味は他のon の意味から区別されることを主張する。他方の用法に関しては,母語話者に対するアンケート調査の結果に基づき,迷惑の意味が文脈に応じて現れたり消えたりするのかどうかを検討した。そして,Mary ate ice cream on me. のような表現の容認度が迷惑を意味する文脈において著しく増加したり,My father has died on me. のような典型的な迷惑表現における迷惑性が矛盾する文脈において取り消されたりすることが確認された。この点でon の迷惑の意味は文脈依存性が高いのではないかと考えられる。従って,on の迷惑の意味は,他の意味と区別される一方で文脈依存性が高く慣習化の度合いが低いと見られることから,on の意味ネットワークにおいて完全に固着しているとは言えないものの現時点で固着化の途上にあると言える。
  • 畢, 亜莉. 新漢語「発展」の基本語化と類義語「開発」との比較 : 「太陽コーパス」を中心に = On the Change to a Basic Sino-Japanese word of “Hatten” and Comparison with “Kaihatsu” : Taiyo Corpus (1895-1925) as example. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.55(左)-72(左).


    (1)「発展」は近代新造語である。使用された初期には,他動詞用法であり,ほとんど自由民権運動に関わる文章に使われていた。1909 年と1917 年には,自動詞用法が増加し,主体となる語句はほとんど「公私」「事業」の分野に集中する。それは日本の殖産興業政策と関わっていると考えられる。
  • 肖, 潔. 初対面時の会話終結部における現代日本語交感発話の考察 = The Characteristics of Phatic Communion in the Close Phase of Conversation in Japanese. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.35(左)-53(左).


  • 李, 娜. 可能の否定文に関する多義的解釈について = The Ambiguous Interpretations of Negative Potential Expression. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.21(左)-34(左).


  • 中村, 真衣佳. コピュラの定義からみる日本語の断定の助動詞 = View Japanese assertive auxiliary verb the definition of copula. 研究論集. 2022, 21, p.1(左)-19(左).


    本稿では,一般言語学における伝統的なコピュラの定義が日本語の指定・断定の助動詞と呼ばれる形態にも整合するか否かを検討した。その結果,「である」「だ」「です」のコピュラ機能が希薄である一方で,「なり」は現代語よりもコピュラの定義に近いことを指摘する。「主語と(動詞以外の)述語を結ぶ連結語(Pustet 2003)」「コピュラはどのような意味内容も加えない(Narahara2002)」というコピュラの機能にもとづき,「なり」「である」「だ」「です」を検討したところ,以下の結論に至った。連結機能については,構造的な統語的連結が中心的機能ではなく,主語と述語を意味機能的に結ぶことを指摘した。また,コピュラはどのような語彙的な意味内容も加えないという定義に関しては,古代語と現代語とでは振る舞いが異なる。「なり」は,述語に意味内容を加えない点でコピュラの定義と整合するが,現代語は,文体,話し手の心的態度,丁寧さや敬意といった社会言語学的要因を背景に形態の多様化が進んだことで意味的,語用的機能が生じていることを指摘した。したがって,現代語は古代語よりもコピュラ機能が希薄化したと結論づける。

第20号 (2021-03-31)


  • 齊田, 春菜. 円地文子「交配花」論 : 『源氏物語』「橋姫」巻との関係から = A study of Fumiko Enchi's Kouhaika and the story of chapter Hashihime in The Tale of Genji. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.53(右)-62(右).


  • 河野, 友哉. 『藤原保則伝』覚書 : 〝悪吏〟の描写を手がかりに = An Essay of “Fujiwara no Yasunori Den”: Its Description of “Bad Officials” as A Clue. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.39(右)-51(右).


  • 間枝, 遼太郎. 叡山文庫天海蔵『諏訪大明神画詞』解題・翻刻(上) = Bibliographical Introduction and Transcription of “Suwadaimyojin-ekotoba” in the Eizan-bunko Tenkaizo Collection (1). 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.17(右)-37(右).


  • 高, 先慶. 韓国語の「-(u)silkeyyo」の意味機能について = Semantic Roles of ‘-silkeyyo’ in Korean. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.167(左)-183(左).


  • 肖, 潔. 東京都議会速記録に現れる雑談の研究 : 交感機能の観点からの分析 = A Study of Small Talks in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Proceedings: Analysis from the Perspective of Phatic Communion. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.153(左)-166(左).


  • 畢, 亜莉. 新漢語「発展」の成立と中国語への受容 = 発展 ‘fāzhǎn’ as a new Chinese word created in Japan and its acceptance into the Chinese Language. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.135(左)-152(左).


  • 李, 娜. 発話内力の獲得における推意の役割について : 可能形式を含む疑問文を例として = The role of implicature in the acquisition of illocutionary force: a case study of potential expression in interrogative sentences. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.123(左)-133(左).


  • 都, 賢娥. 文脈から見た日本語の対称表現の特徴 = Features of Japanese Terms Referring to Hearer Focusing on Context. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.111(左)-121(左).


  • 中村, 真衣佳. 日本語の名詞述語における複合動詞由来の転成名詞用法 = Compound verbs to noun conversion in Japanese noun predicates. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.91(左)-110(左).


  • 福島, 令佳. 自然栽培の世界観とケアの質的研究 : 季刊書籍『自然栽培』の内容分析から = A Qualitative Study of Care and the Natural Cultivation Worldview: A Content Analysis of the Quarterly Book Natural Cultivation. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.73(左)-90(左).


  • 宮﨑, 勝正. いかにして遊びを研究しうるのか : ホイジンガ批判から出発して = How can we study play? Starting with a criticism of Huizinga. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.51(左)-71(左).


  • モルナール, レヴェンテ. タル・ベーラの『ファミリー・ネスト』(1977)における空間表象をめぐって = On the Film Space of Family Nest (1977) by Tarr Béla. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.33(左)-50(左).


    ハンガリー出身のタル・ベーラは世界的に知られている映画作家ではあるが,1989年前の作品群,とりわけ1977年の長編デビュー作『ファミリー・ネスト』とそれに続く『ザ・アウトサイダー』(1980年)と『プリファブ・ピープル』(1982年)は十分に研究されているとは言い難い。その原因の一つは,当時の映像を入手し確認することは非常に困難という現実的なことだが,理論上の問題もある。それらの作品は形式上で当時のドキュメンタリー映画運動に属しているため,分析するにあたって,その映画運動も精査する必要がある。1970年代において,バラージュ・ベーラ撮影所(本稿はBBSと略記する)所属の若手映画監督らは,社会主義国家ハンガリーの「人生の現実」を洗い出そうとしていた。そのために,社会科学の調査方法を最大限に活かした独特な映画形式を創り上げた。監督上昇を目ざしたタル・ベーラ自身もその表現形式を採用した。以上により,本稿の目的は二つある。まずは,BBSのドキュメンタリー映画形式〈社会(科学)主義映画〉の特質に触れる上で,初期タルのナラティヴ,演出,カメラワーク,編集等々を分析する。さらには,デビュー作『ファミリー・ネスト』にみられる映画空間の問題をめぐって,タルの独特な映画的世界を構築する方法がすでに本作品においてすら ─その胚型であるが─ 姿をみせていることを明らかにする。
  • 吉村, 佳樹. スキャンロンの契約主義と「道徳的動機づけ」 = Scanlonʼs Contractualism and “moral motivation”. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.15(左)-32(左).


  • 稲荷森, 輝一. 現代自由意志論の問題点 : Pereboomのハードな非両立論を手掛かりとして = An Essential Problem of Philosophical Debate about Free Will: Exploring Pereboomʼs Hard Incompatibilism. 研究論集. 2021, 20, p.1(左)-14(左).


    本論文ではペレブームの「ハードな非両立論」を手掛かりとして,現代自由意志論の問題点を指摘する。現代分析哲学の自由意志論では,「人間は道徳的責任に必要な自由意志を持つか否か」という問題が,もっぱら両立論-非両立論という対立図式において論じられてきた。両立論は「道徳的責任に十分な自由意志は決定論的世界と両立可能である」と主張する一方,非両立論は「道徳的責任に必要な自由意志は決定論的世界と両立しない」と主張する。そうした中ペレブームは,非両立論的自由意志を前提しつつ,「世界が決定論的であれ非決定論的であれ,人間は道徳的責任に必要な自由意志を持たない」とする「ハードな非両立論」を展開している。彼によれば,人間が道徳的責任を負うためには「行為者因果」,すなわち「行為者が(出来事に還元されない実体として)原初的に行為をはじめる能力」が要求されるが,経験科学の知見に照らしたとき,人間がこうした能力を持つとは考え難い。したがって,人間は道徳的責任に必要な自由意志を持たないと考えられる。非両立論的自由意志を前提するこの立場は両立論への反論を含むものであり,その論証は manipulation argument を通じてなされる。この論証においては,行為者が神経科学者に決定論的な仕方で操作されている事例に始まり,そこから徐々に通常の決定論的事例へと近づいていくような順番で,主要な両立論的帰責条件の充足された4つの事例が提示される。ペレブームはこれらの事例を通じ,我々の直観によれば両立論的帰責条件は不十分であること,および決定論的世界において行為者は道徳的責任を負わないことを主張する。しかし実際のところ,両立論者は尚も直観によってこの論証を退けることができるため,彼が両立論の論駁に成功しているとは言い難い。そして,この論証の問題点は自由意志論の方法論それ自体の問題点,つまり直観に依拠して自由意志を定義することで問題に答えようとすることの限界を暗示しているように思われる。

第19号 (2019-12-20)


  • 西岡, 沙都美. 岡本綺堂「人狼」論 : キリシタンとその信仰をめぐって = A Study of Okomoto Kido's "Were-wolf" : Focusing on Kirishitan and Teir Faity in Christianity. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.37 (右)-52 (右).


  • 田海, 秀穗. 横井小楠と橋本左内の学校思想について = A study on Yokoi Shonan and Hashimoto Sanai's Thought of School. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.21 (右)-35 (右).


  • 張, 可勝. 『うつほ物語』の四方四季 = The Shihoshiki of Utsuho Monogatari. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.1 (右)-20 (右).


  • 翁, 康健. 福建省出身の老華僑と新華僑の協力による神戸普度勝会の継承 = The Pudu Festival Inherited by Cooperation between old-overseas Chinese and New-overseas Chinese in Kobe. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.293 (左)-311 (左).


    在日華僑は,日本の「お盆」と似た「普度勝会」という中国民間信仰の宗教儀礼を行っている。普度勝会とは旧暦の7月15 日に行われる,祖先と無縁仏を祭る儀礼である。神戸普度勝会が最初に行われたのは1934 年のことである。それは,かつて神戸の老華僑が日本へと持ち込んだ民間信仰の文化であり,戦争などで中断を余儀なくされたこともあったが,様々な困難を乗り越えながら今日においても守り続けられている。1997 年には神戸市地域無形民族文化財に認定され,現在は福建省出身の老華僑─ 福建同郷会がその運営を担っている。他の地域の出身者たちは,当日の一般参加者として参加するという形で関わっている。
    しかし,老華僑たちが年老いてきたこともあり,20 世紀の末から継承者不足の問題が浮き彫りとなり,普度勝会は存続の危機に直面している。その危機を解決したのは1970 年代以降に来日した同じく福建省出身の新華僑による普度勝会への参加と協力である。
    それでは,今日の神戸普度勝会はどのように行われているのか。神戸普度勝会の開催内容については,1980,90 年代の調査に基づいた詳しい記録がある(曽,1987;2013)。しかし,すでに約30,40 年が経過していることを踏まえれば,改めて調査を行う価値があるだろう。また,曽の調査は主に普度勝会の儀礼内容そのものについてのものであったが,本稿では今日の儀礼内容を確認したうえで,主に人々がどのように普度勝会に参加し,その活動を行っているのかを確認していく。以上を踏まえたうえで,福建省出身の新華僑はいかに老華僑と接触し,神戸普度勝会の継承に協力しているのかを明らかにしたい。
  • 張, 馨方. 改編本『類聚名義抄』の掲出字体について = Entry Characters of Ruijumyogi-sho Kaihen version. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.283 (左)-292 (左).


  • 李, 娜. 叙述タイプにおける時間的限定性 : 日本語の可能表現を中心として = On Telicity in Two Predication Types : Focussing on Japanese Potential Expressions. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.271 (左)-281 (左).


  • 都, 賢娥. 日本語の対称詞における出現タイプと機能について = Appearance Types and Functions of Japanese Address Terms. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.255 (左)-269 (左).


  • 肖, 潔. あいさつとあいさつ表現の判断基準及び分類に関する考察 : 日本語の視点をもとに = A Study of greeting expressions in Japanese : focusing on their definition. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.233 (左)-243 (左).


    あいさつは,毎日行われる行為として常に見られるものであるが,人間の会話の中核的な部分ではないため,あまり重要視されてこなかった。先行研究でもあいさつやあいさつ言葉に対して考察されてはいるが,未だ全面的かつ体系的な解釈はなされていないと思われる。本論は,語用論におけるphatic communion(交感機能)という概念を用いて,あいさつ及びあいさつ表現に対して考察を行い,その判断基準を定めた上で分類することを試みた。「条件」「目的」「形式」「機能」という四つの観点から分析することにより,あいさつは,「同一の共同体または設定中の共同体における人間が,定型性のある表現や仕種を用いて行う交感機能の持つ行為である」という定義を提案する。また,その判断基準をもとに,あいさつ表現及び関連する交感発話に対して幅広く考察し,「交感機能」を持つことを分類の前提として,「定型性」「文体分化」「場面」という三つの側面より分類することを試みた。特に,「あいさつ表現」「準あいさつ表現」「あいさつ以外の関連表現」という大分類も示した。
  • 陳, 琁. 日中両国におけるW.H.オーデン受容の比較研究 : 日中戦争期を中心にする = A Comparative Study of China and Japan's Acceptance of W.H. Auden : Focusuing on the Period of the Second Sino-Japanese War. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.213 (左)-231 (左).


    W.H. オーデンは,日中の現代詩人に深く影響を及ぼした英語圏の詩人である。彼は日中戦争期に中国を訪問し,1930 年代最も重要な英語作品と言われるソネット連作「戦時にて」("In Time of War")を創り上げた。彼の訪問後,中国ではオーデン・ブームが起き,各地の文学誌や新聞で盛んに紹介・翻訳していた。特に,1940 年代に西南聯合大学におけるウィリアム・エンプソンの英詩の講義を通じて,中国の現代詩人たちが,積極的に彼の詩を翻訳,評論,受容していた。中国では,西南聯大の教員と学生が中心となり,オーデンの翻訳と研究を進めた。
    一方,戦時下の日本では,『新領土』を中心とする反ファシズム的文学誌に,オーデン作品の翻訳が掲載されていた。とりわけいち早く紹介されたのが,オーデンが中国で発表したソネット「中国兵士」("Chinese Soldier")及び彼とクリストファー・イシャウッドの共著『戦争への旅』(Journey to a War)である。しかし,言論統制下の日本では,日本の知識人たちは時勢に配慮しなければならなかった。また,オーデンと共鳴していたのは,戦時下の詩人たちではなく,むしろ戦後の「荒地」派詩人であった。「荒地」派詩人たちはオーデンの詩よりも思想に関心を抱き,オーデンのエッセイを重要視していた。
  • 龔, 金浪. 侯孝賢『珈琲時光』論 : オマージュの視座から = About Hou Hsiao-Hsiens's Coffee Jikou : From the perspective of homage. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.189 (左)-212 (左).


    『珈琲時光』は侯孝賢が2003 年に松竹株式会社からの招待を受け,映画監督小津安二郎の生誕100 年の記念作品として作られた日本映画である。記念作品という明確な目的があらかじめ規定されることによって,本作は強いオマージュ作品としての性格を持つものになった。本稿はオマージュという要素に注目し,本作におけるオマージュのあり方を究明することを目的とする。まず,先行研究において,本作と小津映画の類似点が安易に侯孝賢による小津へのオマージュとみなされていることや,両者の違いのほうが多いという事実が見過ごされてきたことなどの問題点を指摘しながら,侯孝賢が述べる「異なる方法」でオマージュするということに注目する。
  • 熊, 征. 『孫子』形篇の攻守観について : 竹簡本と十一家注本の比較を中心に = The view about defence and attack of Disposition of Military Strength in Sun Tzu : Focusing on the comparison between the version which is written on bamboo slips and the version with eleven people's explanation. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.157 (左)-187 (左).


    本稿は,1972 年4月に山東省臨沂県銀雀山の漢墓から発掘された竹簡『孫子兵法』を取り上げ,その「攻」と「守」に対する考え方と,テキストの変遷に示される後世における解釈の変化について考察する。全体は3つの部分に分けられる。
  • 古田, ゆかり. 企業博物館の登場の背景に関する考察 = A Study on the Background of the Origin of the Corporate Museum. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.139 (左)-155 (左).


    企業博物館等施設については,これまでさまざまな定義づけが試みられてはいるものの統一した見解は得られていない。企業博物館等施設には博物館としてだけではなく,PR やブランディングなどの役割が認められるため,これまでは企業博物館等施設を「博物館としていかなる存在であるか」または「博物館でありながらも,このような活動も行っている」といった視点で論考が行われてきた。しかしながら,「博物館」以外の活動が数多く提示されている現在,博物館という前提で論考を進めていくことが企業博物館等施設の本質をとらえる方法として適切なのだろうか。
    本稿では,博覧会という視点を導入して企業博物館等施設に関する考察を試みる。万国博覧会は19 世紀半ばに産声をあげ,その後ヨーロッパ各国で開催されるようになったが,それらは博物館の発展や博物館そのものの考え方に大きく影響を与えた。わが国においては全国の動植物,鉱物,美術工芸品などを調査・収集して招魂社(靖国神社)で物産会を開き,また湯島聖堂内に観覧場を設け一般に公開した。この「文部省博物館」が日本の博物館の先駆けとなったことからも,博覧会が博物館の始まりに影響を与えたことが認められる。
    企業博物館等施設には,過去だけではなく現在の製品や会社の姿勢,未来の技術や会社ならびに社会の姿を扱う例も観察される。これは博物館とは異なる企業博物館等施設の特徴的な部分である。視点を転じると,現在や未来を示す企業の展示活動には見本市・展示会,ショールームがある。見本市,ショールーム,博物館の観察や歴史的経緯を俯瞰すると「国境を越えた産業技術の見本市」として出発した万国博覧会や内国勧業博覧会との関連が見えてくる。そこで,企業博物館等施設と博覧会の歴史的な関連や機能の類似性に着目して,企業博物館等施設の起こりを考察した。日本において「企業博物館」という用語が使われはじめ,その数が増えたのが1980 年代であるとの報告がある。企業博物館等施設は,博物館の一形態として論じられることが多いが,博覧会との関連を見ることから,企業博物館等施設が博物館的な要素を含みながらもその類似性がむしろ博覧会に認められ,企業博物館等施設の起こりが博覧会にあることの検証を試みた。
  • 番匠, 美玖. 「オイヌ様」は何故絶滅しなかったのか : 武蔵御嶽神社における実態調査を通しての一考察 = Why the oinu-sama' had not become extinct : A study on actual conditions of Musashi Mitake shrine. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.107 (左)-137 (左).


    本研究の目的は,武蔵御嶽神社の狼信仰に関わる人々が,武蔵御嶽神社で行われている狼信仰の対象であるオイヌ様と既に絶滅しているニホンオオカミとの関係を,どのようにとらえているのかを明らかにすることである。筆者は日本では神として崇められていたニホンオオカミが,種としては絶滅してしまっている,という状況に疑問を持った。ニホンオオカミと日本人との関係という点においては,かつては畑の害獣であるシカやイノシシを狩ってくれる存在として,農民はオオカミを盟友としてみていたとも言われている(Knight 2003)。しかし何故,現在ニホンオオカミは絶滅し,狼信仰は残っているのだろうか。
  • 昆野, 清美. 『論理哲学論考』における論理の概念について = On the Concept of Logic in the Tractatus. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.87 (左)-105 (左).


    本論考では,『論考』の体系が持つ命題の構成能力とその構文論の解釈について交わされたフォーゲリンとギーチの間の論争を主に取り扱う。この論争の具体相を敷衍するにあたり,本論考では先ず彼らの論争の争点である『論考』の命題の構成可能性に関して,その構成手続きを表現する『論考』6節に示される「命題の一般形式」の特徴を説明する。これを通じて,要素命題と操作という2つの概念が『論考』の構文論の基礎に位置づくことが確認される。次に,こうした理解を基にして,フォーゲリンが『論考』に与えた真理の「決定手続き」の存在の指摘と,異なる量化を含む多重一般命題と全称命題の構成不可能性の指摘の内容を確認し,それによって彼の『論考』解釈の特徴を敷衍していく。続いて,真理操作の演算子N に対するギーチの解釈とそれに基づくフォーゲリンへの批判の内容,及び演算子N についてのギーチの解釈に対して為されたフォーゲリンのギーチへの応答とそれに対するギーチの再批判の動向が確認される。この論争において,彼らのそれぞれの解釈の相違は折衷困難なものであるが,しかし『論考』の記号体系に対する基本的理解と命題を構成する操作を議論の中心に据えている点で彼らは共通している。この論争を整理,検討し,両者の立場と『論考』解釈の特徴を浮かび上がらせることで,『論考』の記号体系における要素命題とそれに対して与えられる真理操作の演算子N の持つ役割の重要性が改めて強調されると共に,『論考』の論理,引いては論理の概念を理解する上で留意されるべき点が明確になる。
  • 本間, 宗一郎. 考慮両立論の擁護 = A Defense of deliberation compatibilism. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.65 (左)-85 (左).


    本稿は,決定論者が相互に排他的な複数の行為についての考慮を行なったとしても整合的な信念を抱けるということを,考慮中の行為を行うことが信念的に偶然であり得るということに訴えて擁護するものである。このことによって,考慮と合理性は決定論を信じることと両立するという考慮両立論が抱える大きな問題の1つが取り除かれる。まず,決定論者は相互に排他的な複数の行為についての考慮を行う際に,考慮中の諸行為を行うことができると信じることによって整合的でない信念を抱き,その結果合理的でなくなってしまうように思われるという問題について説明する。そして,考慮中の行為を行うことが信念的に偶然であるとはどういうことかを明らかにした上で,考慮中の諸行為を行うことができるという信念を,考慮中の諸行為を行うことが信念的に偶然であるというように解するならば,相互に排他的な行為について考慮している決定論者でも整合的な信念を抱けるということを示す。また,理想的には認識的偶然性の方が考慮両立論を擁護するという目的に照らすと望ましいが,限定合理性が課すような条件を満たしているならば信念的偶然性でも考慮両立論の擁護には十分だということと,R. クラークの挙げた例は認識的偶然性によって考慮中の諸行為を行うことができるということを解釈する上での問題とはならないことを示す。その後は,信念的偶然性に基づく考慮両立論の擁護に対する反論に応答する。具体的には,P. ヴァン・インワーゲンの提示した例には,考慮の因果的効力性についての信念を取り入れれば対処ができ,考慮中の諸行為を行うことができるという信念は因果的な非決定性についての信念だと解されるべきだとするE. ヘンデンの批判には,選択肢を選ぶという行為は決定論者でも現実の因果だと信じられるという仕方で応答できるということを明らかにする。
  • 栗, 楨. 芸術作品の認識的価値について = Research on the Cognitive Value of Art-Works. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.51 (左)-64 (左).


    本稿は主にBerys Gaut の著作に基づいており,その構成は,以上の一つ目の問題に対して肯定的に答える立場から始めて,次に他の哲学者からの反論を紹介し,問題の両面を検討するという形になっている。
  • 小林, 知恵. 準実在論者はハイブリッド表出主義を採用すべきか = Sould Quasi-Realists Adopot Hyprid-Expressivism?. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.35 (左)-49 (左).


    S. ブラックバーンの準実在論は,態度の投影という考えを経由することによって,道徳的性質や道徳的事実の存在を前提とすることなく,私たちの道徳的実践を説明することを目指すプログラムである。彼は道徳的言語実践の説明に際して,道徳的言明の意味論的機能は態度の表出であるとする表出主義を採用する。しかし,表出主義の妥当性は長らく現代メタ倫理学上の一大トピックとして盛んに論じられ続けており,近年では表出主義の難点を解消する代替案として様々なタイプのハイブリッド表出主義が提唱されている。本稿では,ブラックバーンの純粋な表出主義とM. リッジが提唱したハイブリッド表出主義の相違点を明らかにし,ブラックバーン流の表出主義がハイブリッド表出主義に取って代わられるべきではない理由を,彼の理論内部の整合性という観点と,ハイブリッド表出主義自体が抱える難点に基づいて提示する。
  • 西本, 優樹. 制度に従う行為の理由 : サールの社会存在論の検討 = Reasons for following the institutuion : Study of Searle's social ontology. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.17 (左)-33 (左).


  • 白水, 大吾. カント『判断力批判』における「合目的性」の解釈 : 美的理念と反省的判断力 = On Kant's 'Zheckmäßigket'. 研究論集. 2019, 19, p.1 (左)-16 (左).



第18号 (2018-12-26)


  • 黄, 也. 成瀬巳喜男『めし』における同一化=交換のメカニズム = The mechanism of identification=exchange in Mikio Naruse's "Repast". 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.157(左)-172(左).


  • 堅田, 諒. ジョン・カサヴェテス『フェイシズ』論 : 顔,身体,空間 = John Cassavetes's Faces : Face, Body, Space. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.141(左)-155(左).


  • 齊田, 春菜. 円地文子「蛇の声」論 : 「老女もの」における少女表象 = A study of Fumiko Enchi's "HEBINOKOE" : The representation of "girl" in the performance of old women's plays. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.51(右)-66(右).


  • 袁, 嘉孜. 『世界の終りとハードボイルド・ワンダーランド』論 : 異世界の入れ子構造と「私」の中間性 = Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World : the Nested Structure of Different Worlds and the Intermediary First Person. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.31(右)-50(右).


  • 桒原, 彩. ティム・バートンの『ビッグ・アイズ』における疎外 = The Alienation in Tim Burton's Big Eyes. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.125(左)-139(左).


    本稿において,二者の疎外の分析を通じて見いだされるのは身体と表象の対立である。ゴーストペインターであるマーガレットが自身の表象/記号を社会的に奪われた身体だけの存在としてあるのに対し,ウォルターは身体をほとんどなきものとしてイメージの表面を漂う分裂的な表象/記号そのものである。しかしそれらの疎外は,BIG EYESがまなざしのアレゴリーとして働くとき,そのまなざしを原動力として,いずれも異なったかたちで身体を求めることとなる。
  • モルナール, レヴェンテ. 精神・身体・視覚的支配 : 現象学に基づく映画理論における映画と観客の関係性をめぐって = Mind, Body and Visual Mastery : Cinema and Spectatorship in the Phenomenological Film Theory. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.109(左)-123(左).


    約120年前に誕生したシネマと同時に,映画の理解を促すための,後ほど映画理論と呼ばれた研究分野が生まれた。その研究分野を総合的に考察した巨大な著作『Film Theory』では,トマス・エルセサーとマルテ・ハーゲネルは映画理論の最優先すべき問題を1つの問い掛けで次のようにまとめた。「映画とその観客の間には,どういった関係があるのか」。
    本稿では,1つの路線,すなわち現象学に基づく映画理論(Phenomenological film theory)からの提案に絞って観客と映画の関係性が孕む諸問題に触れたい。該当路線の先駆者であるヴィヴィアン・ソブチャックは,『The Address of the Eye』という先行研究で認知心理学の見方から出発して観客の立場を徹底的に再定義し,映画を観る行為を多感覚的体験として論じあげた。本稿でこの理論を包括的にまとめることは難しいとしても,ソブチャックの他に現象学的路線の2人の代表者,ローラ・U・マークスとジェニファー・バーカーによるテキストを精読した上で,今後の研究課題の出発点を俎に載せたい。
  • 関, 雅泉. 熊澤蕃山における誠意と致知の解釋について : 中江藤樹の思想との比較 = A Study on Kumazawa Banzan's interpretation of 'Sei-i' and 'Chichi' : Compare with Nakae Toju's thought. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.17(右)-29(右).


  • 熊, 征. 『詩品』と「雑体詩」における陶淵明 : 「中品」という評価をめぐって = Tao Yuanming in "Shi-pin" and "Za-ti-shi" : About the evaluation of Middle grade. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.77(左)-107(左).


  • 張, 可勝. 『うつほ物語』における俊蔭の位置づけ : 「琴の師」拒否をめぐって = The positioning of Toshikage in the Utsuho-monogatari : Focusing on his refusal to serve as a kin teacher. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.1(右)-15(右).


  • 隋, 暁静. 日本語の自己卑下表出に関する一考察 = A Study on Self-deprecation In Japanese. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.63(左)-76(左).


  • 武, 倩; 劉, 冠偉. 『本草和名』所載薬の漢名と和名について = The study of Chinese names and Japanese names of the Medicines in Honzowamyo. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.49(左)-61(左).


  • 陳, 静静. 『実学報』における注釈付き日本漢字語の受容 = On the Acceptance of Japanese Words Written in Chinese Characters in ShiXueBao over the Annotation. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.35(左)-48(左).


    近代中国の定期刊行物に関して,中日同形語の観点から多くの研究がなされている。『実学報』に関して,秦(2010)は812 語と大量の日本漢字語の使用を確認している。しかし,新語に対する翻訳者の理解度には触れていない。翻訳者の理解度が日本漢字語の受容を反映しているため,日本語の漢字表記を理解せずに写すことはその語を受け容れたとは言えない。本稿は,注釈付き語を中心に,翻訳者における日本漢字語の受容情況を分析する。
  • 鄭, 門鎬. 東洋文庫蔵『論語集解』正和四年鈔本の漢字音について = A study on Sino-Japanese of Lun Yu Ji Jie possessed by Tōyō-Bunke transcripted in 1315. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.11(左)-33(左).


  • 侯, 乃禎. 西田哲学における宗教の論理 : 『善の研究』と『場所的論理と宗教的世界観』との比較を手がかりに = The Logic of Religion in the Philosophy of Nishida Kitaro : Based on the Comparison Between An Inquiry into the Good and The Logic of Place and the Religions Worldview. 研究論集. 2018, 18, p.1(左)-10(左).



第17号 (2017-11-29)


  • 黄, 也. ワイドスクリーン過渡期における“窃視”の考察 : 川島雄三『雁の寺』を中心に = Consideration of “Voyeurism” in the widescreen transition period : Focusing on Yuzo Kawashimaʼs “Temple of Wild Geese”. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.247(左)-262(左).


  • 中井, 朋美. 『殺人の追憶』における「混ざること」,中間性 = The Analysis of Memories of Murder in term of mixture and intermediacy. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.229(左)-245(左).


  • モルナール, レヴェンテ. 女の勝利が女自身しか笑えないコメディ : 今村昌平の「重喜劇」・『赤い殺意』をめぐって = Comedy that only woman can laugh about her own victory : “Jukigeki” of Imamura Shohei based on Intentions of Murder. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.209(左)-228(左).


  • 唐, 雪. 虚無よりの創造 : 太宰治「トカトントン」論 = Creation from Nihilism -A study of Osamu Dazaiʼs “Tokatonton”. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.31(右)-43(右).


  • 増井, 真琴. 小川未明と日本少国民文化協会 : 日中・「大東亜」戦争下の歩み = Mimei Ogawa and Nihon Shoukokumin Bunka Kyoukai in the Asia-Pacific War. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.15(右)-30(右).


  • 朱, 依拉. 『秋津温泉』論 = A study on “Akitsu Springs”. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.185(左)-207(左).


  • 関, 雅泉. 林鵞峰『論語集注私考』について : 明代の著作の引用状況と『論語』解釋の特徴 = A Study on Hayashi Gahoʼs "Rongo-shicchu-shiko" : The situation of Hayashi Gahoʼs quotation of the scholarʼs writings of the Ming Dynasty and the characteristic of his interpretation of "The Analects of Confucius". 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.1(右)-14(右).


  • 中村, 真衣佳. 同一指示と解釈される「N1のN2」と「N2のN1」 : 反転表現「N2のN1」の焦点化の要因 = What makes the reversed NPs share the same semantic referent? : Reasons for different focusing in "N2-no N1". 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.169(左)-183(左).


  • 稲吉, 真子. 数量詞に後接する「も」の用法に関する分析 = An analysis of the usage of Japanese "mo" procliticized to quantifiers. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.157(左)-167(左).


    日本語では,数量詞の接続構造において,数量詞が遊離した構造が無標とされる。加えて,数量詞に後接する副助詞の意味的関与が大きいという点も特徴的な点の一つとして挙げられる。本稿では,数量詞に「も」をはじめとする副助詞が共起している例について,実際の運用に着目しながら分析を行う。数量詞の運用には推意が伴い,それには尺度に関与するScalar Q-Implicature(尺度のQ推意)が関与する。しかし,英語と日本語では構造や語彙が異なるため,先行研究の定義をそのまま応用することはできない。特に,日本語では副助詞の意味に基づき推意が発生するため,副助詞ごとの特徴を分析する必要があると言える。これについては,さらに「話し手の想定」と「話し手の評価」という観点を加えることで,より詳細な分析を試みる。まず「話し手の想定」とは,当該の値に対する事実的な叙述,判断であり,想定は個人の知識や経験に起因する。一方で「話し手の評価」とは,想定に付加される話し手の主観的な多寡の価値付けであり,後者は副助詞の中でも,「も」や「しか(ない)」などの一部のものにしか生じない。これらには,当該事項に対する話し手の評価を伝達することで,それに伴う副次的な意味を推意として伝達する場合がある。一方で「は」などの副助詞は,当該の値に対し,話し手の想定による事実を提示するにとどまり,話し手の評価を伝達する機能はない。また,各副助詞と共起した場合,どのような意味が生じるかについては,当該の値の作用域という観点から,「も」,「しか(ない)」,「は」を比較,分析する。これに先述の「話し手の評価」という観点も加え,「作用する範囲」と「話し手の想定と実際の値」という観点から全体の特徴としてまとめる。
  • 大山, 隆子. 「し」の機能 : 「よ」「から」との比較を含めて = Functions of "shi" Through the comparison with "yo" and "kara". 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.135(左)-155(左).


  • 裴, 明文. 日韓語の副詞終了文に対する対照研究 : 副詞の感動詞的用法について = A comparative study of Japanese-Korean Adverb Termination sentence : On the adjective usage of adverbs. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.119(左)-134(左).


  • 趙, 恵真. 韓国語の漢語形容詞に関する考察 = A Study on Sino-Korean Adjectives. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.95(左)-118(左).


    日韓両言語には,漢語の後部に「スル」と「hada」が結合して使われる場合が多く,この場合,「漢語+スル(スル形)」と「漢語+hada(hada 形)」には比較的整然とした対応関係がみられており,これらは通常動詞性があらわれている。しかし,韓国語の「漢語+hada」の内,形容詞性があらわれる場合もあり,これらの動詞性と形容詞性を判定するため次の判定基準を立てた。現在終止形の「-nda・-da」,現在連体形の「-neun・-n」のどちらかの形態を取るのか,対照言語学的な観点から日本語のスル形と形容動詞のどちらに対応するのかの方法を用いて,一方は動詞,もう一方は形容詞として扱える。
  • 張, 馨方. 注文中の漢字字体の記載からみた改編本系『類聚名義抄』 = Hanzi Glyphs standerds of the annotation text In the Ruiju myōgi shō kaihen version. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.83(左)-94(左).


  • 陳, 静静. 近代日本新聞の中国への導入について : 『実学報』「東報輯訳」「東報訳補」欄の場合 = A Research on the Introduction of Modern Japanese Newspaper Articles to China : In the Case of Shi Xue Bao. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.67(左)-82(左).


  • 李, 乃琦. 憬興『無量寿経連義述文賛』の出典から見た編纂方針 = The source of Kyungheungʼs Muryangsukyung Yuni-sulmunchan and his compiling principle. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.55(左)-66(左).


  • 山本, 晶絵. 北海道アイヌにおけるフクロウ類の呼称に関する研究 : 聴き取り調査資料を中心的題材として = Owl naming system of Hokkaido Ainu : An investigate study based on published interviews and survey materials on Strigidae. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.31(左)-53(左).


    アイヌの古老らに対する聴き取り調査資料を主な対象とし,資料中に記述されるフクロウ類の呼称について整理・検討を行った。これは,アイヌのシマフクロウ送りに関する調査・研究の基礎として位置づけられる。本稿では,シマフクロウKetupa blakistoni blakistoniおよびエゾフクロウStrix uralensis japonicaに関する呼称を10に大別して地方ごとに整理し,資料中に見られる“フクロウ”に関する呼称が示す種について,考察を行った。シマフクロウを指す呼称としては,“コタンコロカムイ”が北海道の最も広い範囲で見られたほか,“カムイチカプ”および“フムフムカムイ”は石狩,胆振,日高地方を中心に,“ニヤシコロカムイ”や“アノノカカムイ”は主に十勝,釧路地方においてのみ確認することができた。雅語であったと考えられる“カムイエカシ”および“モシリコロカムイ”は,前者は日高地方,後者は釧路(根釧)地方に偏って確認されたが,今後新たな事例が追加されることで,地域差が緩やかになる可能性が高いと考えている。エゾフクロウを指す呼称としては,“クンネレクカムイ”が最頻出であった。しかし,シマフクロウと比べると全体的に事例数そのものが少なく,さらに,“クンネレクカムイ”が重点的に見られたのは釧路地方のみで,石狩,日高地方では“イソサンケカムイ”および“ユクチカプカムイ”が比較的多く見られたことから,“クンネレクカムイ”が一般的な呼称であったとは,現段階では判断できかねるとした。フクロウに関する呼称については,シマフクロウとエゾフクロウ,および他のフクロウ類を指すものが混在している可能性が高い。記述の内容からシマフクロウを指すものと推測できる事例はあったが,エゾフクロウおよび他のフクロウ類を指すと考えられる呼称に関しては,判断材料となる情報が断片的であることから検討が困難であった。対象とする資料の範囲を広げ,新たな情報を追加することで,より詳細な検討が可能になるものと考えている。
  • 卓, 彦伶. 1970年代以降の博物館における連携活動に関する施策の変遷 = An investigation of the transiton in museum policies on cooperation after the 1970ʼs. 研究論集. 2017, 17, p.1(左)-29(左).


    本稿は,1971(昭和46)年以降の生涯学習施策における法令・答申などを通して,博物館における連携に関する施策の概要と変遷を①生涯学習体系へ移行するための基盤整備期(1971 年~1991 年),②教育改革や地方分権などの動きに対応する施策期(1992 年~2003 年),③連携対象および生涯学習の概念の拡充期(2004~2011),④地域社会における多様な主体との連携の再構築期(2012 年~2016 年)の4つの時代に分類し,概観する。

第16号 (2016-12-15)


  • 肖, 錕. 日本のジオパークにおけるジオツーリズムの現状と課題 : 苗場山麓ジオパークを事例に = The Present Situation and Problems of Geo-tourism in Geo-parks of Japan : A Case Study of Naeba Mountain Geopark. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.231(左)-243(左).


  • 遠山, 景広. 大都市における子育て家族の社会的孤立要因 : SSP2015を用いた地域信頼度の分析より = The isolation of child-rearing families in urban area : From the analysis of trust in local communities using SSP2015. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.209(左)-230(左).


  • シリヌット, クーチャルーンパイブーン. タイ学生の政治意識・行動 : 政治的有効性感覚・政治参加を中心に = The Political Awareness and Action of Thai Students : Focusing on Political Efficacy and Political Participation. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.187(左)-207(左).


  • 李, 雅旬. 挿絵から読む川端康成『美しさと哀しみと』 : 結末の再検討 = On Yasunari Kawabata's Beauty and Sadness Through the Illustrations : A Review of the Ending Part. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.111(右)-124(右).


  • 張, 輝. 有島武郎『クララの出家』論 : 越境するセクシュアリティ = On Takeo Arishima's “Clara's Departure from Home” : Corssing the Borders of Sexuality. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.101(右)-109(右).


  • 髙橋, 小百合. <木戸孝允>を支えた女 : 幾松の「維新」と「復古」 = Ikumatsu : The woman behind, “Kido Takayoshi” : Regarding discourse on Meiji era renewaland the corresponding inperial restoration. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.85(右)-100(右).


    本論文は、明治期における木戸孝允と幾松に関する言説を、二人の関係性の描写から分析し、同時代の男女交際論等、男女関係についての思潮をふまえながら、文化史中に占める二人の描写の位置および意義について考察したものである。論者には『日本近代文学会北海道支部会報』一九号掲載予定の別稿「<木戸孝允>像の生成」があり、そこでは木戸孝允が死去から明治末年までのあいだ、どのように語られていったのか、その変容と文脈パターンについて論じた。本論文では、そこで見出した六つの文脈パターンのうち、以後、大正、昭和期とより重要性を濃くするであろう<木戸と幾松> <幾松あっての木戸>について一歩踏み込んだ論を展開したつもりである。本論文の第一章「木戸表象の傾向と類別」は、木戸を語る文脈パターンについてまとめ、右の別稿の内容を引き継いだかたちである。よって、本論文の核は第二章以降にあるといえる。幾松はなぜ、木戸を語る言説のなかで存在感を増し、大衆的歓迎をうけたのか。第二章では、木戸と幾松の関係が、近代的恋愛の文脈に読み替え可能であることを論じ、同時に、幾松の芸妓という出自に着目して、近代と前近代の微妙なあわいに、ふたりの「恋愛」があることを明らかにした。第三章は、一方で二人の関係表象がもつ「復古」性について論じている。「王政復古」「一君万民」のイデオロギーとからめながら、<尊いから尊い>カミの論理で語られる木戸と、太古、国運を占う巫でありえた(元)芸妓幾松との関係が、国生み神話に準ずる「復古」の国づくりを表徴しうると指摘した。幾松あることによって、木戸のイメージは①愛妓とついには恋愛結婚を遂げた②<勤王の志士・桂小五郎>として定型化していく。それは同時に<近代>化と<復古>の二律背反、あるいは混淆を示す営為でもある。これこそ、日本の<近代化>の姿そのままであり、本論文のもっとも強調しておきたいところである。
  • 王, 玉輝. 中国映画における分身の表象に関する史的考察 : 『舞台女優』(1987)を中心に = The Historical Analysis on the Representations of Doppelgänger in Chinese Cinema : the case study of Woman-Demon-Human (1987). 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.173(左)-186(左).


  • 余, 迅. 草創期の中国連環漫画における「運動」 : 葉浅予の『王先生』を中心として = "Movement" in Early Chinese Comics : an Example from Ye Qianyu's Mr. Wang. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.159(左)-171(左).


    『王先生』は、1928年から1937年にかけての10年間に、著名漫画家の葉浅予(1907-1995)が創作した連環漫画作品である。中国漫画史においては、連載期間が最も長い連環漫画と考えられてきた。『上海漫画』の第一号にはじめて姿を現し、徐々に漫画界の注目を浴び、広範な大衆の間で熱狂的な人気を博した。先行研究ではしばしば、『王先生』が「官僚の世界の腐敗を暴露し、下層社会の人民に対する同情を表現した」と指摘されたが、本来の主旨、及び表現論のアプローチからの分析などはまだ十分とは言えない。本論は、二つの部分から構成されている。論文の前半では、まず、『王先生』がジョージ・マクマナスの漫画『親爺教育』からどのような影響を受けたかについて考察した。当時の上海において、英字新聞『大陸報』(China Press)に掲載された『親爺教育』(Bringing up Father)は非常に人気があった。葉浅予は読者を引きつけるため、この漫画を模倣し、中国初の長編漫画を創作した。しかし、この『王先生』は単純な模倣作品ではなく、新たな「上海漫画」として生成されたことを本稿では明らかにした。また葉浅予が『親爺教育』における「妻の尻に敷かれる夫」の話から出発し、テクストの空間を広げ、私的空間から公共空間への流動性を示していたことも発見できた。後半では、王先生を例として取り上げ、表現論のアプローチにより、草創期の中国連環漫画と映画の相関について考察した。また、「逃走-復帰」の主題をめぐり、『王先生』から感じられる人物の「動き」についても検討した。
  • 田海, 秀穗. 熊本藩校「時習館學規」に關する一考察 = A Study on “Jishukan-Gakki” (School Regulation of the Kumamoto Clan). 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.65(右)-84(右).


  • 関, 雅泉. 林羅山「寄朝鮮國三官使」に關する考察 = A Study on Razan Hayashi's Ki Chosenkoku Sankanshi. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.45(右)-63(右).


  • 稲吉, 真子. 「も」の同一範疇判断に関する語用論的考察 = A Pragmatic Study about Identical Categry of Japanese “mo”. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.149(左)-158(左).


  • 馬, 穎瑞. 疑問文発話による話者交替の要求について = A study of request for Turn-taking through Interrogative Sentences. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.129(左)-148(左).


  • 陳, 静静. 公定尺度の単位「キロ」について = On ‘kiro’ in the International System of Units. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.115(左)-128(左).


  • 呉, 琳. BCCWJ を用いた基幹慣用句の選定 = Selection of Basic Idioms in Japanese Using the BCCWJ. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.99(左)-113(左).


  • 李, 乃琦. 玄応音義に関する研究史と課題 = On the History of Xuanying yinyi Research and Future Issues for Consideration. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.85(左)-98(左).


  • 宮澤, 優樹. Stephen King の The Body と恐怖を書くこと = Writing, Fear, and Stephen King's The Body. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.73(左)-84(左).


    ホラー作家として知られるStephen King(1947-)のThe Body(1982)は,作家がホラー小説を書くことについて自己言及的に表現している。この作品は小説家を語り手として,行方不明の同級生の死体を発見しようとした幼い頃の経験を描いている。その冒頭で,これから始まる物語は「言葉では言い尽くせない大切な経験」だと語り手は宣言する。対象を言語化するのが困難であることを認めることは,そのこと自体が自身の作家としての存在意義に疑義を提示するように見える。だが語り手は,言葉にしづらいことがらを,誰もが見聞きしたことのあるホラー小説のクリシェを用いて表現することによって,その対象が恐怖の形をとって体験可能なものに置き換えている。こうして,言葉に言い尽くせぬものは体験される。このことを小説家志望の幼い語り手を通して表現した上で,King はさらに,小説家として大成したのちの語り手の目線で物語を回想させることにより,物語にメタ的な視点を導入している。冒頭で「言葉では語り尽くせないものだ」と述べられた体験は,事実プロット上で幼い語り手たちにとって決して口にしてはならない秘密となった。だが作家は,成長した語り手がそうするように,その秘密を語らなければ小説を執筆することができない。ホラー小説のクリシェの形にして語り尽くせぬ対象を暴露することが,King にとっての創作なのである。Stephen King 作品における倫理性や文学史との連続性はすでに研究されつつあることだが,ジャンル作家としての位置づけからか,やはりいまだKing 作品が積極的に評価されているとは言いがたい。本論は,作品論の視点から,これまで言及されることのなかったKing の作家としての自己意識を指摘する。
  • 植木, 健二. 『検察官』と古典主義演劇の関係 = Relation between the Government Inspector and Dramas of the Classical Scool. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.53(左)-72(左).


  • 上村, 正之. 動乱期におけるコサック・イメージ : M.ザゴスキン『ユーリー・ミロスラフスキー, あるいは1612年のロシア人』を例に = The image of the Cossacks in the Time of Troubles in Mikhail Zagoskin's “Yury Miloslavsky, or the Russians in 1612”. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.33(左)-52(左).


  • 宮本, 花恵. 北海道大学附属図書館蔵伝貞傳手記『大臼山御由来』翻刻と解題 = The Repriting and Bibliographical Introduction to the history of Usu Zenkou-ji temple by TEIDEN : the Collection of the Hokkaido University Library. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.23(右)-43(右).


  • 武藤, 三代平. 明治政府における榎本武揚の位置づけ : 明治十年代の井上馨との関係から = The Position of Enomoto Takeaki in the Meiji Government:From the relations with Inoue Kaoru in the Meiji 10’. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.15(左)-32(左).


  • 鈴木, 仁. 近代樺太の地名選定と研究史 = Place name selection and toponymy in Sakhalin. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.1(右)-21(右).


  • リツ, テイ. 道徳理論言語の感覚知覚という側面からの道徳と美学の関係の研究 = Research on the Relationship between Ethnics and Aethtics from the Level of Sensation and Perception of the Language of Moral Theory. 研究論集. 2016, 16, p.1(左)-14(左).



第15号 (2016-1-15)


  • 横山, 忠範. 高齢者の主観的健康と身体的・精神的・社会的資源について : 全国調査データの計量分析 = The Subjective Health of the elderly and Physical, Mental, and Social Resources : Analysis of JGSS-2010. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.289(左)-306(左).


    本稿の課題は,「主観的健康感と身体的・精神的・社会的資源にはどのような関係が見出されるのか」という問いに,高齢者(未高齢・前期高齢・後期高齢)の3層と,さらに男性・女性別に焦点を当て,日本版General Social Surveys(JGSS-2010)の探索的分析に答えることである。知見は以下のとおりである。「生活を楽しむ」「活力にあふれる」の精神的資源に関して,主観的健康感の良い前期・後期高齢者が高い有意を示し,未高齢者(55~64歳)は有意を示さず,層差がでた。また,男女別の分析を行ったところ,「配偶者に対して」「クラブ等の参加(宗教団体)」は,有意の有無および高低が男女別により違った結果を示し,社会的資源(ネットワーク等)の性別差があきらかになった。全体を通し高齢者層別・男女別かかわらず共通して「生命の予後に対する予測性の高い主観的健康感」と高く有意になったのは,精神的資源である「活力にあふれる」である。社会情動的選択論,すなわち,「高齢になり残された時間が限られてくると悲しいことより楽しいことを思い出しやすかったり,悲観的な刺激よりも楽観的な刺激に対して注意を向ける」のような努力が,よい心の健康をつくるためのノウハウの一つかもしれない。
  • 百古楽. 在日華人教会の布教と課題 : 在日華人クリスチャンセンターの活動を事例に = Missions and Issues of Ethnic Chinese Church in Japan. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.271(左)-288(左).


  • 郭, 莉莉. 日本の高齢化と小規模多機能ケアの実践 : 札幌市のNPOの事例調査より = Aging in Japan and the Practice of Small-scale Multi-functional care : A Case Study of NPO in Sapporo. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.253(左)-270(左).


  • 時, 渝軒. 隠されたホモセクシュアリティ : 大江健三郎『取り替え子』論 = The Male Homosexuality Being Hidden : On Kenzaburo Oe's The changeling. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.135(右)-149(右).


  • 唐, 雪. 太宰治「古典風」のアヴァンギャルド性 = Osamu Dazai's Kotenfuu as Avant-garde. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.123(右)-134(右).


  • 齊田, 春菜. 円地文子「秋夕夢」論 : 少女小説の観点として = A Study of Fumiko Enchi's "Shuusekimu" : From the perspective of stories for young girls. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.107(右)-122(右).


  • 閻, 慧. 宮沢賢治文学における植民地主義と越境への意志 : 「鹿踊りのはじまり」、「狼森と笊森、盗森」、「なめとこ山の熊」 = Colonialism and Volition of Border Transgression in Kenji Miyazawa's Literature. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.93(右)-106(右).


  • 武石, 智典. 藤田東湖の『孟子』観 : 徂徠学派との比較から = Fujita Toko's Meng-zi interpretation : Comparison with Sorai School. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.81(右)-92(右).


  • 趙, 熠瑋. 荻生徂徠『大學解』における朱子學批判について = Criticisms on "Neo-Confucianism" in Ogyu-sorai "Daigakukai". 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.61(右)-79(右).



  • ダリン, トーマス. 北海道方言の韻律的な特徴に関する記述的研究 : 北海道方言の名詞アクセントについて = On Noun Accent in Hokkaido Japanese. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.229(左)-252(左).


  • 崔, 鉉鎭. 韓国語一型アクセントにおける アクセント単位の認定と特質 = On the recognition and the characteristics of the accentual units in the Korean one-pattern accent. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.213(左)-252(左).


  • 趙, 恵真. 日韓漢語動詞における通時的対照研究 : 前期現代語を中心として = A Diachronic contrastive study of ancient Chinese verbs used in Japan and Korea : Focusing on the first term modern Language. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.195(左)-211(左).


  • 劉, 暁苹. 意味論的な省略による言いさし文 = The semantic elliptic type of insubordination. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.179(左)-194(左).


  • 呂, 晶. 広告における非述定文に関する一考察 : 統語語用論の観点から = A Study of Non-predicative Sentences in Advertisement Copies : From the Viewpoint of Syntactic Pragmatics. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.161(左)-178(左).


  • 稲吉, 真子. 「も」の語用論的考察 = A Pragmatic Study of "mo" in Japanese. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.147(左)-159(左).


  • 安田, 崇裕. ノダ系の諸表現の機能について = On the functions of no da-related expressions. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.125(左)-145(左).


  • 武, 倩. 松本書屋本『本草和名』について = An Instroduction to Honzowamyo Owned by Matsumoto Sho-Oku. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.51(右)-60(右).


  • 劉, 琳. 諸本の比較からみた日本書紀古訓の形容詞 = The Adjectives-Kundoku in the old manuscriptis of Nihon Shoki : A Comparative Study on various Manuscripts. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.109(左)-124(左).


  • 許, 春艶. 日本における『全体新論』医学用語の受容 = The Acceptance of Quantixinlun's Medical Terminology in Japan. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.39(右)-49(右).


  • 呉, 琳. 新聞記事データベースを利用した「鳥肌が立つ」の 使用実態調査 = A Research on the Usage of "Torihada ga tatsu" Using a Newspaper Article Database. 研究論集. 2016, p.93(左)-108(左).


  • 宮澤, 優樹. 『ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石』をホラー小説として読む = Reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone as a Horror Novel. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.25(右)-38(右).


  • 一瀬, 真平. Sherwood Anderson 再考 : Something と Tandy = A Reconsideration of Sherwood Anderson : Something and Tandy. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.81(左)-91(左).


    本稿はSherwood Andersonの短編集Winesburg,Ohioに描かれる真理のビジョンを考察するものである。プロローグの〝The Book of Grotesque"において,真理の理論が提示されているように,この短編集では,「真理」が重要な主題となる。難しい言葉をどんなに並べても正確には言い表すことのできない真理を,Andersonは,簡潔な言葉と文体によって,いかにして表現するのか。本稿は,各短編の真理の描かれ方に共通のパターンがあることを解き明かしていきたい。これまでの先行研究でも,この作品の主題である真理について論じたものは多くあった。特に注目したいのは,表現主義からAnderson作品を解釈したDavid Stouckの論である。Stouckは,Anderson作品では表現が不可能なものが度々言及されることを指摘している。本稿は,この言語化が困難なものを考察する鍵として,somethingの多用とTandyという不可解な言葉に焦点をあてる。Andersonは,物語における真理に関わる場面を表現する際,「何か(something)」と表したり,意味を持たない言葉を使ったりすることで,具体的な表現を避ける。一方で,各短編において表現が暈された真理には,共通するビジョンが描かれている。それは,老いと若さ,生と死,破壊と創造など,対立する要素が入り交じったイメージである。このシニフィアンにならない真理のビジョンを,Andersonは言語化することはせず,各短編を通してそのイメージを提示することで,そのビジョンを読者の頭の中に浮かび上がらせようとしていた。
  • 石川, まりあ. 後悔でつむぐ繭 : Karen Russellの〝Reeling for the Empire"と「逆回転」の戦略 = Cocoons Made from Regrets : A Key to Survival in Karen Russell's "Reeling for the Empire". 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.69(左)-80(左).


    カレン・ラッセルの短篇〝Reeling for the Empire"(2013)は,歴史的事実
  • 梅木, 佳代. エゾオオカミ研究史の検討 = Research history of extinct wolues in Hokkaido : Overview and issue. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.35(左)-67(左).


    本稿は,エゾオオカミ(Canis lupus hattai)に関する従来の研究動向を概観し,個々の論点における現状の到達点と問題点を整理することを目的とする。日本国内にかつて生息していたエゾオオカミおよびニホンオオカミ(Canis lupus hodophilaxあるいはCanis hodophilax)は,どちらも明治時代に絶滅した。これら在来のオオカミに対する関心は高く,明治時代以来さまざまな形で情報の発信と蓄積が行われてきた。しかし,その内容や成果の全体が整理されまとめられたことはない。本稿では明治時代から現在までに刊行された日本のオオカミについて記述がある文献を収集し,そのうちエゾオオカミに言及する213件の文献を分析対象としてその研究史を検討した。これらの文献の内容から,従来の知見の多くが限られた事例に基づいて提唱されたものであること,その妥当性の評価が行われていないことが示された。エゾオオカミに関する研究・議論においては,北海道内にオオカミが生息していた期間の記録や情報,そして確実な標本資料の双方が非常に少ないことが常に議論の前提とされてきた。しかし,専門的・学術的な議論の中ではそうした前提をふまえた「仮説」として提示された記述が,繰り返し参照されるうちに定説と化している。また,限られた情報に基づいて提唱された知見が一般化される一方で,エゾオオカミに関する情報や資料を体系的に収集し,情報を質・量ともに拡充しようとする試みはごく一部にとどまっている。今後のエゾオオカミに関する研究では,既存の知見の妥当性の評価が求められると同時に,検討対象とするべき情報や事例の数を増やすことが優先的に目指されるべきである。
  • 張, 集歓. 1930年代における国民党党内権力闘争の一側面 : 寧粤対立の中の蒋胡合作構想 = A study of the Power Struggle inside Kuomingang in 30s : The Changing Relationship between Hu Han-Min and Chiang Kai-Shek. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.19(左)-34(左).


  • 曹, 建平. 満州国期の日系新聞における煙草広告とその内容分析 : 『満日』を対象に = Tobacco Advertisements in Mannichi, a Japanese Newspaper in the "ManchuKuo" era. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.1(左)-18(左).


  • 鈴木, 仁. 樺太における郷土教育 = The Study of "Heimaterziehung" in Karafuto. 研究論集. 2016, 15, p.1(右)-23(右).



1-4. 応用倫理


件数: 19

第12号 (2021-03-25)


  • 西本, 優樹. 企業の道徳的行為者性をめぐる企業の意図の問題 : 推論主義に基づく検討. 応用倫理. 2021, 12, p.22-44.


    本稿では、ビジネス倫理で「企業の道徳的行為者性」(corporate moral agency)をめぐって中心的な論点となる企業の意図の問題を、推論主義(Brandom 1994)と呼ばれる言語行為論の一類型を援用して検討する。
    This paper shows that the problem of corporate intentions, discussed in the issue of the “corporate moral agency” in business ethics, can be successfully explained from inferentialism (Brandom 1994), an argument from the philosophy of language. The question of whether corporations have intentions has traditionally evolved in a way that reflects the debate between psychologism and functionalism in the philosophy of mind. That is, while Rönnegard and Velasquez(2017) who support psychologism argue that corporations cannot have intentions without minds, proponents of functionalism argue that functional features of intentions can be found in corporate activities. After reviewing this debate, this paper raises a counterargument to Rönnegard and Velasquez by supporting inferentialism that is linguistic functionalism concerning intentions, and shows that inferentialism is appropriate. After this discussion, this paper shows that corporate intentions and corporate moral agency can be justified from inferentialism, albeit conditionally, and points out the problems that result from such arguments.
  • 前田, 春香. アルゴリズムの判断はいつ差別になるのか : COMPAS 事例を参照して. 応用倫理. 2021, 12, p.3-21.


    本論文の目的は、Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions(以下COMPAS)事例においてアルゴリズムが人間と似た方法で差別ができると示すことにある。技術発展とともにアルゴリズムによる差別の事例が増加しているが、何を根拠に差別だといえるかは明らかではない。今回使用するCOMPAS 事例は、人種間格差が問題になっているにもかかわらず、そのアルゴリズムが公平であるかどうかについて未だ論争的な事例であり、さらには差別の観点からは説明されていない。本論文では、「どのような差異の取り扱いが間違っているのか」を説明する差別の規範理論を使ってCOMPAS 事例を分析する。より具体的には、差別の規範理論の中から「ふるまい」による不正さを指摘するHellman 説を適切なものとして選び、アルゴリズムに適用できるよう改良したうえでCOMPAS 事例が差別的であるかどうか分析をおこなう。この作業によって、差別的行為を「ふるまい」の問題として独立させ、一見差別の理論が適用できなさそうなアルゴリズムによる差別性の指摘が可能になる。
    This paper aims to explain how algorithms can discriminate wrongly against humans in a human-like way. With technological developments, discrimination by algorithmic systems has become an issue. However, it is not clear what the wrongness of discrimination by algorithms is. It is also true for a famous case of Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions(hereafter COMPAS). The case has been controversial because of the fairness of the algorithm. Besides, the question of whether it is morally wrong discrimination or not remains to be seen. In this paper, I will give an analysis of the case of COMPAS by focusing on the point of whether this algorithm discriminates in a wrong way or not. First, More concretely, I will choose Hellman’s account, which can detect the wrongness of discrimination based on the behavior of the discriminator, as an appropriate one for algorithmic discrimination. Secondly, Hellman’s account assumes that humans as a discriminator will be improved in terms of power for this account to apply to algorithms. After that, I will offer an explanation of the case of COMPAS from an ethical viewpoint. This paper may provide a way to explain the wrongness of discrimination by algorithms based on their behavior even if it seems to be impossible for a theory of discrimination to apply to algorithms.

第11号 (2020-05-31)


  • 研究ノート 七戸, 秀夫. 脳疾患に対する他家/異種細胞移植前後での人格の同一性に関する違和感の検討 = A Sense of Incongruity about Possible Loss of Personal Identity Due to Allogeneic/Xenogeneic Cell Transplantation for Cerebral Disorder. 応用倫理. 2020, 11, p.3-15.


    脳疾患に対する他家/異種細胞移植( 他人や動物の細胞が脳内に入り込む) に関して現状を分析し、Derek Parfit 著『理由と人格 非人格性の倫理へ』で言及される〈R 関係〉に基づいて考察を行う。実際に他家/異種細胞が脳内に長期生着しキメラ状態となっている患者が多数存在しているが、人格の同一性については深く検討されてこなかった。我が国では自家細胞を用いた治療が先行してきたが、最近他家細胞に関する臨床研究も開始され、今後増加すると予想される。自家細胞と異なり、他家/異種細胞移植では回復した意識や認知機能は新たに生じたキメラ状態の脳に由来し、そこに〈R 関係〉は存在しない。患者らに漠たる違和感が生じるとすれば、〈R 関係〉を有しないことに(無意識的ながら)根ざしているように思われる。移植によるキメラ状態は、臓器移植や骨髄移植など日常診療としてありふれているが、キメラ状態の臓器の問題は脳とそれ以外で倫理学上の重要性が異なる。
    A recent breakthrough in cell therapy is expected to cure the neurological symptoms associated with various brain disorders. However, the issue concerning patients' personal identity, especially those who undergo allogeneic/xenogeneic cell transplantation, was hardly considered at all.
    The aim of the present study is to analyze the status quo about allogeneic/xenogeneic cell transplantation. Moreover, the personal identity of patients who undergo cell transplantation is discussed from an ethical point of view based on "Relation R" from "Reasons and Persons" written by Derek Parfit. Since the late 1980s, there have been lots of patients with chimeric brain because of allogeneic/xenogeneic cell transplantation to the brain. In Japan, although studies on autologous cell transplantation have preceded, clinical trials for allogeneic cell transplantation have increased in number. If a patient with severe disturbance of consciousness or dementia is treated with allogeneic/xenogeneic cell transplantation, but not autologous cell transplantation, the reason behind the improved consciousness or cognitive function would be the patient's chimeric brain and any "Relation R" would not exist before and after the treatment. If vague sense of incongruity occurs in the patient, it would come from the absence of "Relation R." In conclusion, although the chimeric state is as common as medical treatment including organ and bone marrow transplantation, brain is in a unique position in terms of ethics as an organ with a chimeric state.

第10号 (2017-11-30)


  • 研究ノート 七戸, 秀夫. 脳神経倫理学の嚆矢としてのParfit論 = Derek Parfit: The whistle for starting neuroethics. 応用倫理. 2017, 10, p.17-25.


    Chapter 12 in the book, Reasons and Persons (1984), written by Derek Parfit, has a well-known content on thought experiments based on “split–brain” researches. In this study, we aimed to interpret chapter 12 based on the “neuroscience of ethics” point of view in neuroethics.
    Moreover, we also considered the ideas of Sperry and Gazzaniga, who were the leaders of “split-brain” researches and the growth of cognitive neuroscience because of their influence in solving the issue as to why Parfit was interested in neuroscience.
    Parfit’s thought experiments lacked reality, and his comprehension of“ split–brain” researches was unsuitable because he believed that the real brain structure and mechanism were not so important. Furthermore, his research was evidently limited to the field of authentic ethics and not as a pioneer of a new field such as neuroethics.
    However, he still greatly contributed in establishing neuroethics. In the book, Reasons and Persons (1984), he unconsciously reported the relationship between the real brain structure and mechanism and the ethical issues before the dawn of neuroethics. Consequently, he told the researchers interested in the real brain structure and mechanism that ethical issues were just next door to them. Therefore, he played a role in the whistle for starting neuroethics.
    Parfitの「理由と人格」(1984)において分離脳研究の思考実験で著名な第12章を中心に、Parfitとその後に発展した脳神経倫理学、特に倫理の神経科学(neuroscience of ethics)との関係を検討した。また、分離脳研究を発展させたSperryとGazzanigaを中心に認知神経科学の発展の歴史を振り返ることで、Parfit が神経科学に注目した理由を探った。しかし彼の理論にとって脳の実際の物理的構造はほとんど重要性を持たないため、思考実験自体にリアリティーが欠け、分離脳研究の解釈にも問題点が見られた。また、自らはオーソドックスな倫理学のフィールドから足を踏み出すことがなく、脳神経倫理学という新たなフィールドを開拓しなかったことは、Parfitの限界といえる。それでも、脳神経倫理学の夜明け前に脳の構造と倫理学的課題を(無自覚的ではあっても)結びつけ、結果的に脳の構造に関心を抱く人々に倫理学的課題がごく身近にあることを理解させた彼の功績は、脳神経倫理学の嚆矢と呼ぶべきである。
  • 論文 圓増, 文. ディレンマ解決の取り組みにおける原則アプローチの意義について : 臨床倫理の視点から. 応用倫理. 2017, 10, p.1-16.


    This study aims to clarify the significance of a principle-based approach to confronting moral dilemmas in clinical ethics by examining the functions of ethical principles in the practice of clinical ethics. The way of discussions that relies on ethical principles in some aspects has become very common in ethics or philosophy dealing with morality, as well as in bioethics.
    However, one distinctive facet of a principle-based approach to biomedical ethics, without relying on any one established ethical theory, is the proposal and defense of a set of ethical principles as a shared framework for identifying and analyzing ethical issues in biomedicine as well as guiding our action.
    We find that principle-based approach is the least sharable framework wherein people with diverse views can collaborate with each other in addressing common biomedical ethics challenges. However, this approach has been criticized for a number of reasons. This study focuses on one particular criticism that principle-based approaches cannot give any guide to moral dilemmas (Clouser and Gert 1990).This point seems critical for principle-based approaches because the basic role of ethics or ethical approaches is to guide our actions.
    Many ethical issues in biomedical ethics, such as euthanasia or abortion, are usually analyzed as moral dilemmas derived from a conflict between principles. If a principle-based approach could not adequately address these dilemmas, it follows that it cannot fulfill the basic role of an ethical approach. However, at least in Japan, this approach has been accepted in clinical ethics practice, where the primary aim is to guide practical judgment for ethical issues in each particular case. This study attempts to advocate a principle-based approach by demonstrating that it can have profound clinical significance in not trying to explain associations between principles.

第9号 (2016-03-31)


  • 秋葉, 剛史. 自己抹消的な道徳理論の問題点は(あるとすれば)何か = What are the Problems( if any) of Self-Effacing Moral Theories?. 応用倫理. 2016, 9, p.12-29.


    Moral theories generally tell us the right course of action. They deliver practical advices (or a series of commands) about how we should act, so it seems natural for those who sincerely accept a given moral theory to try to figure out, in each case where some practical decision is needed, what the theory recommends, and act accordingly. However, this is not what a moral theory always tells us to do. Certain moral theories in fact tell their followers not to consult them in daily decision-making. The reason for this is simply that if we consciously intend to act as the theories recommend, it would become difficult or even impossible for us to act in that manner. In recent literature, moral theories that satisfy this condition are called selfeffacing, and have attracted some attention. Although quite a few authors seem to endorse the view that this character of self-effacement makes a moral theory highly problematic (or even unacceptable), in this paper I shall argue that this view is ungrounded. To do this, I will critically examine various objections to self-effacing moral theories found in the literature that concern the following points, respectively: lack of action-guidingness; threat of undermining psychological harmony and the desirable form of moral deliberation; an absurd requirement to have mutually contradicting beliefs; and an invitation to a kind of self-deception. It will be argued that none of these objections constitutes a serious threat to self-effacing moral theories as such.
  • 寺本, 剛. コリングリッジの技術選択論 : 原子力発電を手がかりとして = David Collingridge’s Theory of Technology Selection. 応用倫理. 2016, 9, p.1-11.


    New technologies appear constantly in rapid succession in the modern world of science and technology. Through development and diversification in technology, each technology poses large, divers and unpredictable risks to society. From the ethical point of view, effective ways to discern risky technologies are required in such a situation, to avoid negative social effects in advance. David Collingridge’s theory of decision-making provides a guiding principle to assess technologies. According to Collingridge, human understanding, analytical capacities and information acquisition are so limited that no decision can be known to be correct in advance. After a decision has been made, it is threatened by the discovery of unexpected facts that may cause those who made the original decision to regret their choice. Collingridge maintains that incrementalism is the most effective way under such circumstances; new technologies should be adopted step by step through “trial and error learning”. However, technologies with their four properties of long lead-time, large unit size, capital intensity and dependence upon infrastructure, have a strong tendency to prevent trial and error learning. He calls these kinds of technologies “inflexible” and argues that such technologies should not be adopted, because they are highly likely to entail large economical and social costs. This paper aims to describe Collingridge’s theory in detail and to evaluate it as giving a basic insight about how to recognize risky technologies under great uncertainty, even though the effectiveness of this theory is essentially limited.

第8号 (2014-12-31)


  • 大石, 敏広. 技術者と一般人の信頼関係構築のために = Toward Establishing the Relationship of Mutual Trust between Engineers and the Public. 応用倫理. 2014, 8, p.3-18.


    The purpose of this study is to make suggestions about the way to establish the relationship of mutual trust between engineers and the public from the aspect of safety and risk of technology. First, I argue that the four viewpoints on safety and risk of technology, namely each engineer, a group of engineers, engineers’ communication to the public, and interactive communication between engineers and the public, are mingled in arguments in engineering ethics. Second, I take up the disaster of the space shuttle Challenger, and argue that we should discuss five essential problems besides the well-known problem of a complicated organization. Third, I show that these essential problems are closely related to interactive communication and that interactive communication makes it possible for engineers and the public to establish the relationship of mutual trust. Fourth, I argue that there are two problems that we should solve to establish the relationship of mutual trust by interactive communication. One is that there is a deep-rooted tendency for engineers to regard science as objective and certain. The other is that there is a grave conflict between engineers and the public over risk assessment of technology. Fifth, I show three direct countermeasures and a countermeasure from the viewpoint of design thinking against these two problems.

第7号 (2013-10-01)


  • 眞嶋, 俊造. 反政府テロとしての暗殺は道徳的に許容されるのか? = Moral (Im)permissibility of Assassination as a Means of Anti-Regime Terrorism. 応用倫理. 2013, 7, p.16-27.


    The purpose of this article is to examine the following two questions: one is, why, at what point terrorism cannot morally be justified; the other is, all kinds of acts of terrorism are morally impermissible under any circumstances. This paper is divided into three sections. In the first section, I examine the definition of terrorism and discuss the first question. In the second section, I examine (im)morality of assassination as a means of anti-government terrorism. In the third section, I explore the moral (im)permissibility of assassination by reference to the framework of just war theory in order to consider the second question. I conclude by arguing that there is no such morally justifiable assassination in reality although we can construct an ideal type of just assassination and argue moral permissibility of assassination at a theoretical level.
  • 塚本, 晴二朗. 少年犯罪報道と専門職倫理 : 成長発達権を手がかりとして = Juvenile Crime Reporting and Professional Ethics. 応用倫理. 2013, 7, p.3-15.


    The ideal behind the Juvenile Law is the “nurturing of sound and healthy juveniles.” Following this ideal, Article 61 of the Juvenile Law forbids the reporting of “rulings that pertain to judgments concerning juvenile offenders in family court or crimes committed when the individual prosecuted is a juvenile.” However, starting from Article 21 of the Constitution which honors freedom of expression as central, Article 61 of the Juvenile Law becomes an ethical standard. Article 21 of the Constitution starts from the idea of respecting freedom of expression, granting autonomy to the press. In this article, I draw attention this. In this article, I argue that juvenile crime reporting is not only a legal but also an ethical issue. Firstly, I provide a brief overview on a logic which approves of such reporting that the juveniles who committed a crime can be guessed. Secondly, I consider “the rights to grow and develop for the juveniles” in the light of an anonymous reporting on a juvenile crime. This idea is based on ethics of rights, which I criticize in the rest of the article. Thirdly, I explore Clifford Christians's ethics of the “common good” in order to critically to examine the rights-based rationale of juvenile crime reporting. Lastly, I examine the interrelations of juvenile crime reporting, journalists as professionals, and professional ethics.
    少年法の理念は、「少年の健全な育成」である。その理念に沿って、少年法61 条は「家庭裁判所の審判に付された少年又は少年のとき犯した罪により公訴を提起された者」の推知報道を禁止している。しかし同規定は、罰則規定がともなわない倫理規定となっており、憲法21 条の表現の自由を尊重する趣旨から、同規定の遵守は報道機関の自主性に任せられている。本論はこの点に注目する。つまり少年犯罪報道に関する問題は、法解釈の問題ではなく、極めて倫理学的な問題と考える事はできないだろうか、という点である。そこで、本論では、まず少年犯罪を実名で報道する側の論理を確認し、次に少年犯罪の匿名報道の主張の中の「成長発達権」論を検討する。その後、「権利」を中心とした視点に批判的な、クリフォード・クリスチャンズの「共通善」の倫理学を概観し、彼の理論をもとに、少年犯罪報道の問題が、「権利」中心の問題であるのか、「共通善」中心の問題であるのかを明らかにする。そして最終的に、少年犯罪報道、ジャーナリスト、専門職倫理という三つの概念の関係を確認する。

第6号 (2012-10)


  • 杉本, 俊介. ピーター・シンガーとWhy be Moral? 問題 = Peter Singer and the “Why be Moral?” Problem. 応用倫理. 2012, 6, p.35-50.


    In this paper, I will discuss Peter Singer’s answer to “Why be Moral?”. There have been many debates regarding the “Why be Moral?” problem. It is, however, still unclear whether at least one answer is correct. I take up and examine Singer’s argument. Firstly, I will provide a brief overview of the literature on the Why be Moral? problem, and place Singer’s contribution within the literature. Secondly, I claim that Singer’s argument from a meaning of life does not intend to provide everyone with the reasons for acting morally, as opposed to the standard interpretation. His 1973 article supports my claim. However, in fact, Singer requires us to be moral, which is an apparent contradiction to my interpretation. Lastly, I explain why it is not a contradiction.
    本論文は、ピーター・シンガーが「なぜ道徳的であるべきか」(Why be Moral?)という問いに十分に答えているかどうかを検討する。この問いは誰がどう答えたかは知られていても、それが十分な答えかどうかはあまり明らかにされていない。そこで本論文では、シンガーの答えを取り上げ、彼の回答がWhy be Moral? という問いに対する十分な答えであるかどうかを検討したい。本論文のおおまかな流れは以下のとおりである。まず、Why be Moral? 問題の概要を示すとともに、そのなかでのシンガーの答えがどのように位置づけられてきたかを確認する。次いで、従来の解釈と異なり、シンガーは〈あらゆる人にとって道徳的であるべき理由を与えようとはしていない〉ことを確認する。彼がどうしてこのようなスタンスをとるかについても説明を与える。これに対しては、実際シンガーは道徳を気にかけない人々を説得しようとしているではないかという反論が挙げられるだろう。一見すると「なぜ道徳的でなければならないか」という問いに答えられないことを認めているにもかかわらず、我々に道徳的になるように要求することは矛盾した態度であるように思われるからだ。最後に、この反論を検討する。
  • 比屋根, 均. 工学教育の変革に資する技術者倫理教育の研究 = A Study on Engineering Ethics Education for Improving Engineering Education in Japan. 応用倫理. 2012, 6, p.15-34.


    A study on engineering ethics education for improving engineering education in Japan Engineering ethics has multi-meanings, and commentators and teachers of engineering ethics have different understandings and opinions. What is required for engineering education in Japan is the shift from the conventional education on engineering science to the new model that focuses on nurturing professional skills as responsible engineers. So what we are expected to do is to meet such a requirement, by developing desirable and effective educational contents. The conventional model of education for engineers in Japan are facing with three weak points: engineering ethics, engineering design(solution for problems that is not structured)and communication. These three are often considered to be separate issues and thus dealt with separately. However, these problems should not be understood as three mutually independent ones as they are mutually interrelated and interlocked in conventional Technological Program education. It presupposes knowledge as hierarchical and top-down, with “general principles”at the highest level and “concrete problem solving” at the lowest level. To overcome these problems and to provide a theoretical foundation for engineering design and communication, engineering ethics education will be expected to offer the following seven elements:(1)to clarify differences between practical life as an professional engineer and academic life as a student,(2)to understand characteristics of the non-uniformity of ethics and pluralistic nature of values that often make communications difficult,(3)to develop a trial-and-error method to transcend the limits of “correctness” in science and engineering knowledge,(4)to understand the relationship between the creation and rules,(5)to understand methodology of recognition to deal with reality, (6)to understand values and norms, and(7)to acquire a way of thinking on safety that is determined from both internal and external rationality of technology.
  • 船木, 祝. 人間関係から見た安楽死是非の再考 = Rethinking the Problems in Euthanasia from Human Relations Viewpoint. 応用倫理. 2012, 6, p.3-14.


    Recent discussion of euthanasia in the field of medical ethics reveals two major features. First, it is clear that there are many academics in opposition to a distinction being made between active euthanasia, which is the act of killing a patient on request through the administration of drugs, and passive euthanasia, which is primarily the withdrawal of lifesustaining treatment. Second, there are also many people in the field who are focusing on the subject from a human relations viewpoint. Namely, they note that reciprocal relations among patients, their family members and health care providers are influenced by euthanasia policies. Much of the present study examines this latter point. In this study, I first examine the two features from a perspective representative of Japanese moral philosophers. Additionally, I clarify the similarities and distinctions inherent in them. Next, I consider the noteworthy views prevalent in German literature. In recent years, German researchers have placed a greater emphasis on respecting the wishes of patients. Similarly, they have taken into consideration the importance of developing confidential relations between doctors and patients. They not only discuss the influence that permission to conduct active euthanasia may have on human relations, but also consider the conditions necessary for confidential relations among medical staff, patients and family members.

第5号 (2011-11)


  • Davis, Michael. 技術者と持続可能性 : 三種の倫理学(マクロ倫理、ミクロ倫理、メソ倫理)の微妙な区別について. 応用倫理. 2011, 5, p.25-40.


    近年、社会政策、技術哲学、技術に関する社会的研究にかかわる多くの人々の間で、マクロ倫理とミクロ倫理の区別に対する関心が再燃している。この区別に関心を寄せる人々は一般に、工学倫理(engineering ethics)、とりわけ教室や教科書で教えられているような種類の工学倫理を批判してきた。それらが微視的(ミクロ)な倫理ばかりを重視しているからだ。(彼らにいわせれば)工学倫理はもっと巨視的(マクロ)な倫理を扱うべきである。さて、持続可能な開発という論点は、工学倫理がまさしくこの批判に甘んじねばならない論点かもしれない。今日の工学倫理の大部分の教科書には、環境保護に関する記述は見られるものの、持続可能な開発それ自体に関しては何の記述も見られない。工学倫理は持続可能な開発のような「マクロな主題」をうまく扱うために劇的な変化を遂げる必要があるのではないか?

第4号 (2010-09)


  • 神崎, 宣次. 人間の健康と環境の健康. 応用倫理. 2010, 4, p.2-12.



第3号 (2010-03)


  • 佐藤, 岳詩. 気分明朗剤と快楽主義. 応用倫理. 2010, 3, p.45-62.


  • 柏葉, 武秀. リベラリズムと障害者. 応用倫理. 2010, 3, p.34-44.


  • Davis, Michael. 15種類の社会契約. 応用倫理. 2010, 3, p.2-21.



第2号 (2009-11)


  • Chadwick, Ruth. 応用倫理学では何が「応用」されているのか?. 応用倫理. 2009, 2, p.2-12.


    「応用倫理学」という言葉の「応用(された)(applied)」という語を見ると、何か応用されているものがあると考えたくなる。だが、倫理学理論の応用に依拠する応用倫理学、というモデルは、多くの批判をひき起こしてきた。そうした批判には、倫理的専門知識(ethical expertise)という概念を巡る諸問題も含まれている。また、例えば文脈主義や個別主義に基づくアプローチ(particularist approach)、あるいは倫理的「道具(‘tools’)」の発展といった応用倫理学の他のモデルがそうした批判を免れられるのかについても、問いが生じてきている。応用倫理学の主要な課題の一つは、ある状況の倫理的諸側面の同定にある、と論じられてきた。しかし、ある問題に「枠組みが与えられた」としても、重要なのは、枠組みだけでなくそれが取りこぼしてしまったかもしれないものにも敏感であることだ。これを現実のものとするには、様々な学問間の協力が望ましい。

1-5. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy


件数: 25

vol. 13 (2022-02)


  • Discussion Paper Stone, Richard. Living in the Age of the Automatic Sweetheart : A Brief Survey on the Ethics of Sexual Robotics. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2022, 13, p.21-30.


    As technology continues to grow (and sex-robots gain a more prominent position in our society), so too does concern about the way they will impact our lives and our sexuality. While many ethicists have started to assess what this impact could be (and if it would be positive or negative), the challenges and opportunities presented by sex-robots span over a wide range of topics and cannot be assessed easily. Hence, in this paper, I will attempt to categorize the main questions concerning the ethics of sexual robotics in order to help ethicists gather their thoughts on this new technology. While doing so, I will principally identify four overarching issues: (1) how robots’ representation of human sexuality affects human gender issues; (2) how robots could potentially be utilized for medical purposes; (3) if robots could possibly deceive their users; (4) if sex-robots could end up as a new form of sex-slaves.
  • Zardai, Istvan Zoltan. Making Sense of the Knobe-effect : Praise demands both Intention and Voluntariness. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2022, 13, p.11-20.


    The paper defends the idea that when we evaluate whether agents deserve praise or blame for their actions, we evaluate both whether their action was intentional, and whether it was voluntary. This idea can explain an asymmetry in blameworthiness and praiseworthiness: Agents can be blamed if they have acted either intentionally or voluntarily. However, to merit praise we expect agents to have acted both intentionally and voluntarily. This asymmetry between demands of praise and blame offers an interpretation of the Knobeeffect: in the well-known experiment people blame a company chairman because, although he harmed the environment unintentionally, he did so voluntarily. In turn, praise is withheld, because the chairman did not benefit the environment intentionally. This is a way of rendering the Knobe-effect a rational outcome. It is an advantage of this position, that the distinction between the intentionality and voluntariness of actions can be upheld, whether or not it is the best explanation of the Knobe-effect.
  • Balogh, Lehel. The Evolution of Sartre’s Concept of Authenticity : From a Non-Egological Theory ofConsciousness to the Unrealized Practical Ethics of the Gift-giving (No-)Self. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2022, 13, p.1-10.


    Over forty years have passed since the death of Jean-Paul Sartre, still, his oeuvre stands out as a paramount achievement in existential-phenomenological thought. Among the numerous ideas and challenges he offered to contemporary continental philosophy, the problem of authenticity deserves a special place, for it connects many of existentialism’s key concerns. The ever reforming conceptualization of authenticity had spread from the mid-1930s (La transcendance de l’égo) till Sartre’s posthumously published Cahiers pour une morale that appeared in the early 1980s, and it had a profound impact not only on ethical and literary theories, but also on psychiatry and psychotherapy. The present essay’s undertaking is to closely follow the trajectory of this celebrated concept, to contextualize its development in accordance with Sartre’s shifting philosophical as well as ethical projects over the years, and to point out some of the affinities this concept might have with East Asian thought, and with Buddhism in particular

vol. 12 (2021-02)


  • Ohreen, David. A Critical Review of Mirror Neurons in Business Ethics : They Don’t Reflect As Much As You Think. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2021, 12, p.8-18.


    Mirror neuron activation (MNA) has been applied to number of business ethics contexts including marketing, charitable giving, organizational connectedness, and leadership. Unfortunately, the business literature has often ignored research in philosophy and psychology which can provide insight into the application of mirror neurons to business contexts and other disciplines. I will argue that the use of mirror neurons to support business decisions cannot be established solely on the existence of neural activation as it requires higher level cognitive functions that go beyond biological reductionism. But research into MNA does support their use in basic motor action understanding which is below the level of mental and psychological attributions. The corollary supports a dual-process model. On the one hand, mirror neurons are an automatic and unconscious process by which we understand human movement and, on the other hand, there is a cognitive system by which we understand action in terms of situational specifics and mental states.
  • Miller, Seumas. Joint Rights : Human Beings, Corporations and Animals. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2021, 12, p.1-7.


    In this paper I, firstly (section 1), distinguish between human rights, natural rights and
    institutional rights and argue that some so-called human rights, such as the right to life, are natural rights and others, such as the right to vote, are institutional rights. Secondly (section 2), I sketch my account of joint rights (developed in more detail elsewhere1) and apply it to two kinds of entities that are importantly different from one another and from individual human beings, namely, business corporations (section 3) and non-human animals (section 4). I do so to test the scope of joint rights in the context of the ascription of joint rights to human beings being uncontroversial (although the analysis of joint rights is far from being a settled matter). I argue that neither corporations nor animals have joint moral rights, since in neither case do they have moral rights, but that they do have, or at least they ought to have, legal rights, and some of these legal rights arguably ought to be joint legal rights. In doing so, I introduce a significant theoretical innovation to the literature on joint rights, namely, that of a layered structure of joint rights.

vol. 11 (2020-01)


  • Balogh, Lehel. Zen Buddhism, Japanese Therapies, and the Self : Philosophical and Psychiatric Concepts of Madness and Mental Health in Modern Japan. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2020, 11, p.1-10.


    In my paper, I propose to investigate the philosophical underpinnings of representative
    indigenous Japanese psychotherapeutic approaches, particularly that of Morita and Naikan
    therapies, that have, at their foundations, distinctly Buddhist psychological tenets, and that offer to deal with mental health issues in a manifestly different way compared with their western counterparts. I offer a comprehensive account of how the characterizations of madness and mental illness have been shifting over the last two hundred years in Japanese society and culture, and how this has affected mental health care in Japan. Finally, the ways in which modern day thinkers, such as Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki and Keiji Nishitani have been re-shaping the concepts of the self in Japanese religion and philosophy while, at the same time, taking care to remain faithful to the original East Asian sensibilities will also be expounded and connected to the themes of mental health and mental illness.

vol. 10 (2019-02)


  • Andrew, Oberg. Approaches to Finitude : Death, Self, Others. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2019, 10, p.8-17.


    The only real guarantee in life is that it will end, that each of us will die. We are of course aware of this, but we tend to be so in a superficial way, a knowledge of the type that is recognized but not felt. If we do think of death it is usually in regards to someone else’s, and how their passing affects us, not how one’s own passing might relate to others. In the below we seek to rectify these shortcomings and reflect on death with a bit more clarity, situating ourselves initially by a consideration of Heidegger’s being-toward-death and examining his 'possibility' with a view directed at authenticity and expectation. Dying and death are differentiated, and what death as annihilation implies is stressed – and this throughout. The framework we have thereby found then becomes an important element in our next effort to discover some approaches to death, to human finitude, that might prove more apposite than the default one. We finally apply our ideas and attempts to ethical concerns about the other, and to how dying – while strictly personal – is never singular.
  • Bertrand, Guillaume. The Roots of Hans Jonas' Ethics of the Future, and Precaution. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2019, 10, p.1-7.


    It is sometimes asserted that Hans Jonas would have formulated the precautionary principle because of his awareness of the involuntary consequences of human activity as well as his profound respect for nature. Returning to the origins of the arguments regarding his contribution to 20th century ecological thought, I identify two principal themes in the philosophical enterprise of the German-born American Jewish philosopher. One is a critique of technology and a practical philosophy, i.e. an ethics, regarding mankind and nature. The other is linked to the phenomenology of life and the fundamental ontology of its evolution according to a specific view. In line with this genealogy, I discuss the initial assertion that Jonas’ thinking actually articulates the precautionary principle. Qualifying the two kinds of precaution we are dealing with, I finally offer an analysis of their differences in a strong sustainability framework from the point of view of epistemology.

vol. 9 (2017-09)


  • Schuster, Alfons Josef. Forms of Organizing Human Society Inspired by Technological Structures. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2017, 9, p.10-22.


    Fundamentally, any system consists of objects and relationships between these objects. A major goal in ‘systems theory’ concerns the systematic discovery of general patterns or principles that are broadly applicable across a wide range of domains. From this perspective, we investigate the patterns and other relationships that may emerge between computer networks and organizations of human society. Our investigation emphasizes not only that computer networks reflect human society in various ways, but also that new ways of organizing human society inspired by technological structures may be emerging.
  • Davis, Michael. How Applied Should Applied Ethics Be?. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2017, 9, p.1-9.


    How applied should applied ethics be? I take up that question not because it belongs to the past of applied ethics (though it does), but because, given the present, it seems likely to be a part of the future of applied ethics as well. Consider, for example, a recent debate in the journal Bioethics: One of the four papers was titled, “Why Moral Philosophers Are Not and Should Not Be Moral Experts”; another, “Moral Philosophers Are Moral Experts!” In that debate, a “moral expert” was a philosopher who used his knowledge of philosophy to speak with authority on practical questions. In the course of answering my question, I make a number of distinctions: between ethics-as-practice and ethics-as-theory; between ethics-as-morality, ethics-as-afield-of-philosophy, and ethics-as-special standards; and so on. Having thereby narrowed my question to:what can ethics-as-a-field-of-philosophy properly contribute to moral practice? I answer that ethics-as-a-field-of-philosophy can contribute much to moral practice, but only by maintaining a certain distance from it. For example, experts in ethics-as-a-field-of-philosophy—or even experts in all of philosophy—should not on that basis alone undertake to advise on questions of ethics-as-morality or ethics-as-special-standards. Practical experience has something to teach that is not philosophy—sensitivity to context, know-how, judgment, or the like.

vol. 8 (2016)


  • ARTICLE Rose, David Edward. Debts and Duties of Patients Who Benefit from Medical Research with Reference to Arthroplasty. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2016, 8, p.1-8.


    The following article concerns the ethics of the treatment of cadavers and the duty that some agents may have with respect to the furtherance of knowledge via medical research. According to the argument which follows, a patient who benefits from medical treatment has an imperfect (or general) duty to contribute to the furtherance of medical knowledge and, in the specific case of treatment, a perfect (or defined) duty to allow one’s body to be the object of research which will contribute to that technique or intervention. The intention is to open a discussion which may lead to various applications of consent and recognitions of related duties being applied to the acceptance of joint replacements and, eventually, other interventions. The decision to begin with arthroplasty is due to the felt need to improve joint replacement prostheses which currently stands at more or less 150,000 interventions a year and 30 to 40,000 revisions per year. With an ageing population, the frequency of such interventions will only increase. Research on cadavers is required in both successful and failed replacements in order to improve the technology of artificial joints to achieve the non-controversial medical goals of alleviating suffering and restoring function to a patient. At present the objects of research are mostly the failed joints which are then revised and not the successful joints leading to a skewed data set for the improvement of such joints. The argument, though, may have wider appeal.

vol. 7 (2015-09)


  • Oberg, Andrew. A Realist Self?. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2015, 7, p.24-33.


    Since the demise of the Cartesian dualist view of the self a number of possible definitions of what the self could be, if indeed it can be said to be anything, have been put forward but no consensus has yet been reached. In fact, such seems a long way off. In what follows four accounts of the self that are representative of the broad trends in the literature are analyzed for theoretical vigor and empirical accuracy in light of recent advances in cognitive studies and the findings of psychological research into behavior and decision-making. The self-concepts examined are of both the anti-realist and realist varieties, with one particular realist account found to be most apposite. The account is not without its flaws, however, and as such an alternative self view is offered that builds on and adds to its strengths. Finally, some ethical implications of adopting the proffered self-concept are considered.
  • Cohen-Almagor, Raphael. Netcitizenship : Addressing Cyberevenge and Sexbullying. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2015, 7, p.14-23.


    This article discusses the phenomena of Cyberevenge, sexbullying, and sextortion, especially among young people. The discussion, based on extensive review of books, research reports, newspapers, journal articles and pertinent websites, analyzes these challenges. The article suggests some remedies to counter these online social ills which pertain to promoting responsibility of netcitizens, schools, governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and social networking sites.
  • Muresan, Valentin. Codes of Ethics : Towards a Principlist Justification. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2015, 7, p.1-13.


    The subject of this article is the “ethical justification” of a code of conduct. How does a code of conduct become an ethical code? The article focuses on the principlist approach in a broad sense, assessing its comparative advantages. Many scholarly critics are unhappy with the chaotic methods of grounding and writing ethical codes. They therefore stress the necessity of reducing this harmful abundant diversity. This paper does not support the monistic (single principle only) justification of an ethical code; instead, it proposes a pluralist justification based on “principlism”. The core of the article is a sketch of the conceptual and managerial complexity generated by the principlist justification of an ethical code. It is mainly a conceptual and future-oriented approach, suggesting ways of building codes of ethics that are not yet practically enacted on a large scale and which, for this reason, may seem impractical. Lest they remain so, we have to keep an open mind with regard to their real, and not only their potential, practicality.

vol. 6 (2014-09)


  • Kleinig, John. Challenges for Professional Loyalties. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2014, 6, p.10-17.


    The paper develops a conception of “professional loyalties” and then reviews several challenges that professional loyalties encounter. The conception of professional loyalty is developed against George Fletcher’s attempt to marginalize such loyalties. Instead of being viewed primarily as loyalty to clients, it is characterized as loyalty to the ends of the profession. That conception gives rise to several challenges, which are then discussed in turn: (1) whether professions have enough unity to enable a coherent account of professional loyalty to be given; (2) whether the loyalty that professions warrant is only contingent or should be seen as integral to their nature; (3) whether professional loyalties have characteristics that undermine the moral accountability of their subjects; and (4) how normative tensions arising out of institutionally embedded professional loyalties may be resolved.
  • Davis, Michael. Professional Ethics without Moral Theory : A Practical Guide for the Perplexed Non-Philosopher. Journal of Applied Ethics and Philosophy. 2014, 6, p.1-9.


    My thesis is that any course in professional ethics —even in a philosophy department —is, all else equal, better without moral theory than with it. In defending this thesis, I shall return to a debate I had with Bernie Gert and Ed Harris a few years ago, itself the culmination of almost four decades of teaching professional ethics and more than two decades of teaching others to do the same. I am, I should make clear, not against moral theory (the attempt to understand morality as a reasonable undertaking). Indeed, not only do I enjoy teaching a course in moral theory every few years and publish on the subject now and then, I would agree that, in principle, moral theory can not only enlighten students but also be useful to them, helping them to identify moral issues they might otherwise overlook, seek information they might otherwise not think relevant, and formulate courses of action that might otherwise not occur to them. My thesis is entirely practical: Given the time normally allotted to a course in professional ethics (45 or so classroom hours), moral theory will never be useful enough. There is always a less-timeconsuming way to do what moral theory can also do, leaving more room for other topics that a course in professional ethics should include. Moral theory is, therefore, always a waste of time in a professional-ethics course.

vol. 5 (2013-09)


  • White, Amy. Liberty and Pornography : An Examination of the Use of John Stuart Mill in Pro-Censorship Feminist Arguments. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy. 2013, 5, p.18-24.


    The freedom to create and disseminate pornography has often been defended based on a liberal claim that the free speech of pornographers would be violated if pornography were censored. The classic defense of free speech, given by John Stuart Mill, is often invoked to defend this position. In opposition, many feminist theorists have advocated arguments for regulatory measures against pornography. Some of these authors have also utilized the writings of Mill. They have argued that, contrary to the liberal defense of free speech, Mill’s arguments are compatible with, or even require, the forced regulation of pornography. Logically, unless Mill’s writings are contradictory, they should not be invoked to support diametrically opposed positions. This paper investigates this apparent dilemma and argues that, contrary to the antipornography feminist position, Mill’s writings do not support pornography regulation. In fact, in a surprising twist, the arguments of anti-pornography feminists can, using the writings of Mill, be seen as strongly supporting the liberal anti-censorship position.
  • Boylan, Michael. Can there be a Just Cyber War?. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy. 2013, 5, p.10-17.


    Cyber warfare is challenging traditional paradigms about what constitutes a just war. It is an emerging phenomenon that needs to be addressed separately in order to create reasonable regulations on its use and proper responses to the same. Some of these challenges refer to first what might constitute an act of war as opposed to a case of criminal sabotage. Other difficulties concern issues of sovereignty, the right to remain neutral, and proportionate responses to attack. Several recent examples of cyber-attack are brought forth and analyzed within this framework. The paper proposes that the traditional just war paradigm needs to be expanded to account for the anomalies created by this new mechanism of warfare. This essay will raise some critical questions about this changing paradigm with intent to suggest alterations to the way we think about war that can include cyber warfare as part of the traditional just war paradigm.
  • Schlossberger, Eugene. The Right to an Unsafe Car? : Consumer Choice and Three Types of Autonomy. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy. 2013, 5, p.1-9.


    The Ford Pinto’s fuel tank was prone to rupture in collisions above 20 mph, sometimes resulting in burn deaths. An infamous Ford memo estimated the cost of a shield correcting the problem at $11. Should Ford have installed the shield, holding public safety paramount, or, respecting consumer autonomy, have made the shield an option? Answering this question requires distinguishing between three kinds of autonomy: merechoice autonomy (deciding something for oneself, regardless of the content of the choice), proclamative autonomy (making a choice that holds up a value or standard, commitment to which is partly definitive of who one is), and high-impact autonomy (making a choice that profoundly affects one’s ability to make proclamative choices). (This is not a formal distinction, that is, a distinction meant be to be clear, rigorous, and neutral). Autonomy is thus asymmetric: choosing to do x may be highly proclamative while choosing not to do x is not. In the Pinto case, not giving consumers the option of declining the shield undercuts only mere-choice autonomy. Several arguments are provided (including an argument based on the nature of moral agency) that proclamative autonomy (and, derivatively, high-impact autonomy), rather than mere-choice autonomy, has significant positive value. More precisely, it is argued that, as a rule, the more proclamative a choice is, other things being equal, the more weight autonomy claims about that choice possess. The paper concludes that common sense is correct about the Pinto case. In some instances, consumer choice may legitimately count more than the engineer’s commitment to public safety (particularly when proclamative choice is involved). However, losing the opportunity to save $11 is not too large a price to pay in order to counter market pressures against safety by inducing in engineers a professional commitment to put safety first.

vol. 4 (2012-08)


  • Boylan, Michael. International Immigration : A Reply to Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez and Julie Kirsch. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy. 2012, 4, p.42-45.


    Among the various issues in Global Justice that I address in Morality and Global Justice: Justifications and Applications (2011-a), international immigration is one of the most important. Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez and Julie Kirsch have written sensitive queries about my position that I will address in order .
  • Kirsch, Julie E.. A Compromise Solution to the Immigration Problem : A Response to Michael Boylan. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy. 2012, 4, p.38-41.


    In Morality and Global Justice, Michael Boylan presents us with a set of solutions to some of the world’s most pressing moral issues. Boylan claims that his solutions are not utopian; instead, they are practical, workable policy recommendations that governments and other organizations should adopt. For the most part, Boylan is correct; there are no obviously insurmountable obstacles to implementing many of his recommendations. But, as he himself admits, his position on immigrants and refugees borders on the utopian (Boylan 2011, 204). In what follows, I will discuss two concerns that I have about his position. The first concern (1) is consequentialist: I fear that implementing a policy of open borders may lead to economic, environmental, and political consequences that are on balance undesirable. The second (2) is practical: even if American citizens have moral reasons for supporting a policy of open borders, they may have reasons of self-interest for rejecting it. If this is correct, then Boylan may have a difficult time garnering the support necessary to make the policy a reality.
  • Palmer-Fernandez, Gabriel. Boylan on Immigration. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy. 2012, 4, p.34-37.


    My remarks on Boylan’s ideas on Immigration divide into four brief sections. First, I describe an exchange of ideas with Michael Boylan on his earlier book, A Just Society; second, I turn to his most recent work, Morality and Global Justice, and focus on his chapter on immigration; third, while I share the basic thesis of that chapter, I try to expand the analysis on immigration; finally, I briefly note harms of immigration caused by the globalization of production.
  • Shaw, William H.. Business Ethics and Military Ethics : A Study in Comparative Applied Ethics. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy. 2012, 4, p.22-33.


    In the past three decades, philosophers have delved into applied ethics, pursuing a surprisingly wide range of practically oriented normative questions, and a number of fields of applied ethical research and teaching are flourishing. There have, however, been few comparative studies of different fields in applied ethics, but such studies can, I believe, teach us something. Accordingly, this essay compares and contrasts business ethics and military ethics as distinct disciplinary or sub-disciplinary areas. The two subjects might appear to be worlds apart. Yet there are not only differences, but also intriguing similarities between them. Specifically, I discuss the skepticism that often greets the idea of both business ethics and military ethics, compare the emergence of the two as academic fields, and examine some pedagogical issues they face. I then try to put some central questions in both fields in fresh light by comparing and contrasting the goals and responsibilities of corporations and their managers, on one hand, and of the military and its officers, on the other.
  • Muresan, Valentin. A Pluralist Ethical Decision-making Procedure. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy. 2012, 4, p.11-21.


    This paper claims that the use of several moral tests to assess the ethics of a new policy is unavoidable. All the efforts to make credible a methodological monism – by critical or reductionist strategies – have been unsuccessful; moreover, it must be acknowledged that even if there were a single test, when applied successively or by different people it would usually give divergent results. The main aim of the paper is to propose a pluralist procedure of ethical decision-making, using a set of proper ethical tests (such as utilitarian, Kantian, Christian, principlist and casuist) in the frame of an “ethical Delphi” procedure intended to make convergent the supposed variety of verdicts. This pluralist testing process, made by moral experts, is only a fraction of a more complex procedure intended to deliver social sanction for a new moral policy. This longer procedure also shows that the adoption of a new moral policy, rule or law is not only a question of passing a strict ethical test, but also a political (i.e. multicriteria) decision. In general, the adoption of a new moral rule does not rely solely on an ethical test, but is essentially the outcome of a complicated social agreement. That is why in academic applications of the usual moral tests we do not take a moral decision on a new case, but merely simulate it.
  • Davis, Michael. Three Nuclear Disasters and a Hurricane : Some Reflections on Engineering Ethics. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy. 2012, 4, p.1-10.


    The nuclear disaster that Japan suffered at Fukushima in the months following March 11, 2011 has been compared with other major nuclear disasters, especially, Three Mile Island (1979) and Chernobyl (1986). It is more like Chernobyl in severity, the only other 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale; more like Three Mile Island in long-term effects. Yet Fukushima is not just another nuclear disaster. In ways important to engineering ethics, it is much more like Katrina’s destruction of New Orleans than like any nuclear disaster. It is (primarily) a consequence of a natural disaster, the enormous earthquake and tsunami that wrecked much of northeast Japan. One lesson of Fukushima, one shared with Katrina, concerns the different roles engineers have at different stages in an engineering project (planning, designing, management, and operations). In the planning stage, engineers seem to have relatively little power to affect certain early large-scale trade-offs between public safety and public welfare. Another lesson may be the importance of not leaving complex technical systems untended. The events that made the disasters at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl inevitable lasted only a few minutes or hours; the events that made the disasters in New Orleans and Fukushima inevitable were spread over several days. Fukushima avoided a more serious disaster because the plants were not abandoned in the way New Orleans was. A third lesson concerns our ideas of heroism, especially our sense that heroism is sometimes one’s duty. An engineer’s duty sometimes includes protecting others from harm even at the risk of the engineer’s life.

1-6. 北大宗教学年報


件数: 5

第2号 (2019-08-31)


  • 報告 吉谷, かおる. 結婚と教会 : 現代社会における<結婚>をめぐる神学的課題. 北大宗教学年報. 2019, 2, p.38-41.


    宗教とかかわる女性の課題に取り組む活動の一端を報告するため、日本聖公会というキリスト教の団体に所属し、フェミニスト神学を学ぶ者として、今日教会の現場で議論になっている「結婚」をどうとらえるかという問題を取り上げたい。私は聖職ではなく一信徒であるが、日本聖公会の管区女性に関する課題の担当者(女性デスク)と神学教理委員会委員を務めている。英国国教会の流れを汲む教会、Anglican Churchを日本では聖公会と呼ぶ。カンタベリー大主教のいるカンタベリーの主教座との交わりをもつゆるやかな繋がりの教会をAnglican Communion と呼び、世界におよそ160か国、40の管区がある。日本は日本で1管区をなし、国内は11の教区に分かれている。分類上プロテスタントであるが、典礼はローマ・カトリックと近いかたちで行われている。女性デスクのポストは、Anglican Consultative Council(全聖公会中央協議会)による各管区への要請を受けて、日本聖公会では2006年に設置された。そのタスクは、女性のエンパワメントを目的とすることの企画・運営と、国内・国外の女性団体との連絡・調整である。日本聖公会では20年前に法規が改定され、女性の司祭按手が実現されたが、いまでもそれに反対するグループが活動を続けている。そうした中で女性の権利を中心にジェンダーの平等が求められてきたが、しだいに多様な性のありかたが強く意識されるようになり、最近では性的少数者についての講演会や学習会を開きたいという信徒の要望も増えている。
  • 報告 近藤, 望. カトリック学校の宗教教育の実践と課題 : 教科指導と学校生活を中心に. 北大宗教学年報. 2019, 2, p.33-37.


  • 研究ノート 堀, 雅彦. W.ジェイムズにおける「未分類の残余」への視点と「宗教」概念の再構成. 北大宗教学年報. 2019, 2, p.26-32.


    本稿は、2018年12月に東京大学で行われた研究会―「宗教学生成期における哲学の位置」―での発表をもとにしたものである。堀の発表は、ウィリアム・ジェイムズ(William James 1842-1910)の哲学的(かつ神学的)営みとしての「宗教の科学」に注目し、その対象と方法の側面から、彼が描き出そうとした「宗教」の姿の再構成を試みるものであった。後日の考察を加えて行った北大宗教学研究会(2019年2月18日)での報告内容も含めて、以下、その概要を研究ノートとして記す。
  • 研究ノート 長島, 徹. ヘイドン・ホワイトの『メタヒストリー 十九世紀ヨーロッパにおける歴史的想像力』における「歴史の詩学(The Poetics of history)」についての考察. 北大宗教学年報. 2019, 2, p.11-25.


    現在、宗教学において、マックス・ミュラー、タイラー、マレット、フレイザーなどが示した、十八、十九世紀の「時代遅れの」宗教史は、それ自体が古典(史料)として扱われており、それらが反映する思想について、またそれらのテキストにおける文学的表現について、分析の対象となっている。これらの関心はつまり、歴史学的な「テキスト」そのものに対する関心ともいえる。またこうした観点から研究が行われる場合には、その「メタ」的な分析が準拠すべき理論的・方法論的な枠組みについての議論も当然現れてくる。本稿はこうした「メタ」的な分析における研究の方向性を探り、その可能性について検討するための予備的な考察を行うことを目的とする。その題材として、歴史学における「言語論的転回」 の端緒となり、広範な論争を巻き起した、ヘイドン・ホワイトの『メタヒストリー 十九世紀ヨーロッパにおける歴史的想像力』を取扱う。特にそこにおいて提示された「歴史の詩学(The Poetics of history)」という図式について考察する。
  • 研究ノート 鄭, 君達. 20世紀の宗教研究における男性中心主義を暴くフェミニズム研究の再考 : C.P.クライストを中心に. 北大宗教学年報. 2019, 2, p.1-10.



2. 大学院水産学研究院 - Faculty of Fisheries Sciences

2-1. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University


件数: 6

Vol. 60 (2021-12)


  • 小林, 淳希; 宮下, 洋平; 大洞, 裕貴; 織田, さやか; 田中, 邦明; 松野, 孝平; 山口, 篤; 今井, 一郎. 北海道渡島大沼および小沼における植物プランクトンの季節的変動 = Seasonal Fluctuations of Phytoplankton in Lake Onuma and Konuma, Nanae, Hokkaido. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University. 2021, 60, p.33-67.


    Onuma and Konuma are belonging to the Onuma Quasi-National Park and are located in southern Hokkaido. The fisheries and tourism are important industries in this lake area. Eutrophication has progressed in these lakes since the 1980s, and nuisance blooms of cyanobacteria have occurred every summer to autumn. The outbreaks of cyanobacterial blooms substantially destroy the ecosystem due to the production of cyanobacterial toxins, and effective countermeasures are urgently needed. However, in the lakes of Oshima Onuma, there is a paucity of knowledge about the appearance trends of phytoplankton including cyanobacteria.
     Therefore, seasonal monitorings were carried out on the phytoplankton community in the water column and the relatioships were discussed between dynamics of phytoplankton communities and changes in environmental factors in the lakes of Oshima Onuma.
      The survey was conducted once a month as a rule at Stns. 1-5 (Stn. 1 is the northeastern end of Onuma, only Stn. 5 is in Konuma) and at Stn. OP and Stn. OC along the shore of the Lake Onuma during the period of May-November 2015 and April- October 2016. The parameters of hydraulic environments were measured about water temperature, pH, transparency, dissolved oxygen, nutrient concentrations (NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, SiO2-Si), chlorophyll a concentration, and pheophytin.
      The chlorophyll a concentration of the surface water showed a single-peak type fluctuation with the maximum value (28.7 μg L-1 at Stn. 2) in August at all stations in 2015. In 2016, the largest single-peak type fluctuation was observed in September- October with the exception of Stn. 3. Concerning the seasonal variation of the phytoplankton species, the proportion of Uroglena volvox (Chrysophyceae) was high at Stn. 5 in May, but the pennate diatoms Fragilaria crotonensis and Asterionella formosa, and the centric diatoms Aulacoseira spp. at other stations other than Stn. 5. As for cyanobacteria in August 2015, Dolichospermum planctonicum, possessing an ability of nitrogen-fixation, dominated (maximum 4.4×104 cells mL-1) at all the stations under the severe nitrogen-deficient conditions (N/P < 16). In the following year 2016, the cell densities of Dolichospermum spp. were low, and Microcystis spp. dominated at all the stations (up to 5.6×104 cells mL-1) with the enough nitrogen conditions. It is hence thought that the N / P ratio determined the dominant species of cyanobacteria in the summer season. In September and thereafter, the number of phytoplankton cells decreased on the whole in both years, and the centric diatoms Aulacoseira spp., Cyclotella spp. and the cryptophyte Cryptmonas spp. tended to increase.
      Considering the occurrence mechanisms of cyanobacterial blooms based on the fluctuation trends of cyanobacteria in the water columns, it is found that the supply of Microcystis aeruginosa from the lake bottom sediment to the water column (water temperature of 10-15ºC is required) is progressing at all stations in April-June. Since Onuma and Konuma are shallow with an average depth of 4.7 m, wind-inducing resuspension of bottom sediments probably contribute to the supply of cyanobacteria to water columns. In addition, since cyanobacterial cells tend to float and accumulate in surface water, it is needed to take physical factors such as wind and flow into consideration regarding the distribution of the blooms of cyanobacteria.
  • 石崎, 廣; 五十嵐, 弘道; 荒井, 頼子; 蒲地, 政文; 石川, 洋一; 齊藤, 誠一. 「ひまわり」及び「しきさい」衛星の海面水温とクロロフィルa データに対するヒストグラム解析に基づくフロント検出法の適用 : 初期平滑化の重要性 = Application of a Histogram-Based Method for Front Detection to the Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a Data by ‘Himawari’ and ‘Shikisai’ Satellite : Importance of initial data smoothing. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University. 2021, 60, p.1-31.


    When a histogram-based method for front detection was applied to the sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a (CHL) data by ‘Himawari’ and ‘Shikisai’ (GCOM-C) satellite, the obtained frontal patterns were scale-selective, corresponding to the window scales (W). On this basis, the optimum initial smoothing condition as the data preprocessing was searched for, that maximizes the frontal edge point detection rate to the given W. As the smoothing filter, the median filter (MF) and the Gaussian filter (GF) were used solely or co-used. As the result, it was found that the frontal edge point detection rate was maximized
    when the original data were smoothed until the scale of about a half of W, that is, when the disturbances with the scales less than about a half of W were removed, for the low-latitude SST data of ‘Himawari’ with the co-use of MF and GF. Namely, the optimum smoothing scale (D) that maximizes the frontal edge point detection rate is roughly proportional to W. The mean values (Rm) of the ratio of D to W (R=D/W), averaged over the practical range of W for various data and regions, fall in a range 0.3 < Rm < 0.5.

Vol. 59, No. 1/2 (2017-12)


  • 中谷, 敏邦. 1991年から2013年に至る冬季北海道噴火湾の海洋環境とスケトウダラ Walleye Pollock Gadus chalcogrammus 北海道太平洋個体群の年級群強度との関係 = Relationship between Hydrographic Conditions in Funka Bay, Hokkaido, during Winter and Year Class Strength of the Japanese Pacific Population of Walleye Pollock Gadus chalcogrammus from 1991 to 2013. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University. 2017, 59(1/2), p.19-43.


    Funka Bay is the main nursery ground of the Japanese Pacific population of walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus. To better understand how hydrographic and biological conditions are related to the survival of this population during the early life stages, hydrographic observations and field samplings have been conducted in Funka Bay since 1991 aboard the T/S Usio-Maru, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkkaido University. Data have been collected on hydrographic conditions and the distributions of larval pollock and copepod nauplii(larval prey). The year class strength estimated by tuning VPA calculation has fluctuated annually and strong year classes occurred in 1991,1994,1995, 2005, and 2007. In these years, the Tsugaru Warm Water(TWW,>6℃, salinity>33.6) distributed in late January in Funka Bay and the Oyashio Cold Water(OCW,<3.0℃, salinity 33.0-33.3)entered the bay after mid February. In contrast, the recruitment failure was found in 2010,when cold water prevailed in early February in the bay due to early intrusion of OCW. From 1991 to 2013, walleye pollock larvae were mostly collected in late January. A positive relationship was found between the temperatures at 15 m depth in late January and the year class strength of the population(r=0.56, p=0.017). While no significant relationship was found between the density of copepod nauplii in late January and the year class strength(r=0.32, p=0.259). Previous studies have shown the feeding success of larval pollock is higher in TWW than in OCW. These results suggest that higher feeding success during the warmer years in late January in Funka Bay might have resulted in the strong year classes.
  • 百田, 和幸; 宗原, 弘幸. 北海道函館市臼尻からSCUBA潜水によって採集された北限記録6種を含む初記録9種の魚類 = The First Records of Nine Species Including the Northernmost Records of Six Species Collected with SCUBA Diving from Usujiri, Southern Hokkaido Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University. 2017, 59(1/2), p.1-17.


    We conducted SCUBA-based surveys of the larval and juvenile fish fauna in reef and seaweed areas in the inshore region of Usujiri, Hakodate, along the Pacific coast of southern Hokkaido, Japan, from 2011 to 2015. A total of 97 species in 9 orders and 33 families were identified based on morphological observations and DNA barcoding analyses of the Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I(COI) gene. Of these species, three specimens of the syngnathid, Urocampus nanus Gunther, 1870, three specimens of the pomacentrid, Chromis notata(Temminck and Schlegel, 1843), one specimen of the pomacentrid, Abudefduf notatus(Day, 1870), one specimen of the pomacentrid, Pomacentrus coelestis Jordan and Starks, 1901, one specimen of the tetrarogid, Hypodytes rubripinnis(Temminck and Schlegel, 1845), 20 specimens of the labrid, Halichoeres tenuispinis(Gunther, 1862), 20 specimens of the labrid, Parajulis poecileptera(Temmminck and Schlegel, 1843), one specimen of the cottid, Pseudoblennius sp. 2 and one specimen of the ostraciid Ostracion cubicus Linnaeus, 1758, represent the first records of these nine species in the study area. Of these nine species, the records for U.nanus, A.nonatus, H.rubripinnis, H.tenuispinis, P.sp.2 and O.cubicus represent the northernmost records of these six species in the Pacific Ocean.

Vol. 58, No. 1/2 (2016-12)


  • Nakatani, Toshiyuki. Year Class Strength and Early Life History of the Pacific Population of Walleye Pollock, Gadus chalcogrammus, in Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University. 2016, 58(1/2), p.1-11.


    From 1970s, year round field samplings and observations of Funka Bay have been conducted aboard the R/V Ushio-Maru, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University. The hydrographic, chemical, and biological data have been used to understand the ecosystem of Funka Bay, especially the relationships among the biological production of low trophic levels, nutrient dynamics, and the behavior of the Oyashio Coastal Water(OCW) from winter through early spring. Tagging experiments conducted by the Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute have shown that the Pacific population of walleye pollock occurs from the eastern side Hokkaido Island to northern coastal area of Honshu Island. The distribution of early stage eggs indicates that the spawning grounds are formed from the mouth of Funka Bay to the eastern shelf area outside of the bay. The relationship between the mean days required for 50% hatching(D) and temperature(T) is expressed as follows; D=31.70 exp(-0.12T) by development. Pollock eggs are transported into the bay, where hatchings initiate feeding on copepod nauplii. The feeding success of pollock larvae is higher in Tsugaru Warm Water, which stagnates in winter in the bay, than in OCW, which enters the bay in late January-early February. Early invasion of OCW into the bay is thought to increase the larval pollock mortality due to low temperature and transportation of carnivorous plankton. Strong year classes occurred only in years when late invasions of OCW were observed. With growth, the main food of pollock larvae and juveniles changed to copepodids such as Pseudocalanus newmanii, Neocalanus spp. and Eucalanus bungii. Their biological production might be controlled by the primary production from late winter through early spring, which might be affected by the behavior of OCW. Therefore, the annual fluctuation of the behavior of OCW is a factor affecting complicatedly the year class strength of the walleye pollock Pacific population.

Vol. 57, No. 1/2 (2015-12)


  • 山崎, 彩; 永野, 優季; 菊地, 優; 百田, 和幸; 鈴木, 将太; 五十嵐, 健志; 宗原, 弘幸. 潜水調査による下北半島沿岸域の魚類相調査報告 = Annotated Checklist of Fishes Sighted while Diving off the Shimokita Peninsula, Northern Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University. 2015, 57(1-2), p.1-24.


    From 2012 to 2014 intertidal and coastal fishes were collected while SCUBA diving at Ohata, Kawauchi, Asizaki and Wakinosawa in the Shimokita Peninsula, Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan. During these surveys, 21 families, 43 genera and 51 species were collected and 7 families 7 genera and 7 species were photographed. Eleven species(Halichoeres tenuispinis, Porocottus allisi, Furcina osimae, Furcina ishikawae, Pseudoblennius cottoides, Lethotremus awae, Aptocyclus ventricosus, Chirolophis saitone, Neoclinus briyope, Parablennius yatabei, and Sagamia geneionema) were newly recorded from Ohata, 3 from kawauchi(Omobranchus elegans, Repomucenus valenciennei, and Acentrogobius virgatulus), and 1 from Ashizaki(Acentrogobius virgatulus), although they have been previously recorded from other areas of Aomori Prefecture.

2-2. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 = Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University


件数: 70

第71巻 第2号 (2021-12-23)


  • 東, 大聖; 宗原, 弘幸. 北海道函館市臼尻からSCUBA潜水によって採集された初記録4種を含む稚魚 = The Juveniles Collected with SCUBA Diving from Usujiri, Southern Hokkaido, Japan,Including the First Records of Four Species. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2021, 71(2), p.51-67.


    We conducted SCUBA-based surveys of the larval and juvenile fish fauna in reef and seaweed areas in the inshore region of Usujiri, Hakodate, along the Pacific coast of southern Hokkaido, Japan, from 2019 to 2020. A total of 100 species in 10 orders and 44 families were identified based on morphological observations and DNA barcoding analyses of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Of these species, two specimens of the labrid, Pseudolabrus sieboldi Mabuchi and Nakabo, 1997, one specimen of the cottid, Cottus hangiongensis Mori, 1930, two specimens of the blennid, Petroscirtes breviceps (Valenciennes, 1836), and one specimen of the gobiid, Pterogobius zacalles Jordan and Snyder, 1901, represent the first records of these four species in the study area. In addition, three specimens of the Stichaeid, Lumpenopsis pavlenkoi Soldatov, 1916, represent the first records captured during juvenile stages of this species, and one specimen of the pleuronectid, Lepidopsetta mochigarei (Snyder, 1911) represent the first juvenile captured in Usujiri of these species. The fish list is also added in this report.

第71巻 第1号 (2021-8-3)


  • Sugioka, Rikuto; Matsuno, Kohei; Takahashi, Keigo D.; Makabe, Ryosuke; Takahashi, Kunio T.; Moteki, Masato; Odate, Tsuneo; Yamaguchi, Atsushi. North-south changes of zooplankton community and copepods population along the 110°E line in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during the austral summer. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2021, 71(1), p.39-50.


    Various zooplankton studies have been conducted in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, but studies investigating spatial changes in both meso- and macro-zooplankton populations are limited. To reveal the north-south change of the mesoand macro-zooplankton community structure and the population structure of large copepods, we investigated zooplankton communities collected by the Ocean Research Institute (ORI) net along the 110°E transect in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during the austral summer. The zooplankton abundance and biomass were high at the stations north of 60°S and was dominated by large copepods, especially Calanoides acutus. A cluster analysis identified four zooplankton community groups.
    The distribution pattern of the community groups is likely to be related to the frontal system. The population structure of the dominant species of C. acutus, Calanus propinquus and Rhincalanus gigas had a similar tendency ; early copepodite stages were abundant in the northern region, while late copepodite stages dominated in the southern region. The meridional changes in the population structure are explained by different reproduction periods in each region related to sea-ice melt timing.
  • Yamaguchi, Atsushi. Impacts of diel vertical migration of the copepod Metridia pacifica on primary production and respiratory carbon flux in the subarctic Pacific Ocean. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2021, 71(1), p.29-37.


    Respiratory oxygen consumption rates (at the two temperatures of 0-50 m and 50-200 m depth strata) and day/night biomass in the top 50 m water column were determined on adult female Metridia pacifica at twelve stations in the western/ eastern subarctic Pacific and one station in the oceanic Bering Sea during summer. At each station, the respiration rates at 0-50 m depth temperatures were used to estimate ingestion rates during nighttime by assuming empirical carbon budget efficiencies, and rates at 50-200 m to estimate respiratory carbon flux during daytime. The abundance of the females in the upper 50 m at night varied between 27 and 5,422 inds. m−2 and no specimen was collected from the same layer at daytime throughout the stations. The size of the females varied regionally from 25 to 77 μg C ind.−1. As a result, diel vertical migrant biomass of the females varied greatly from one station to the next (1 and 309 mg C m−2). Weight-specific respiration rates of the females were 2.2-6.3 μl O2 mg C−1 h−1, which was a function of experiment temperatures and body mass (C) of the females. Taking into
    account of residence time at 0-50 m and 50-200 m in the day, daily population ingestion was estimated as 0.04-11.04 mg C m−2 day−1, which accounted for 0-2.4% of primary production at each station. Daily population respiration in the 50-200 m was calculated as 0.02-9.39 mg C m−2 day−1, which corresponds to 0-10% of the POC flux down from the euphotic zone.
  • 樋口, 淳也; 河合, 俊郎; 宇治, 利樹; 今井, 圭理. 東北地方沖太平洋の流れ藻から採集された甲殻類および魚類 = Crustaceans and fishes collected with drifting algae from off the Pacific coast of Tohoku region. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2021, 71(1), p.21-28.


    Seven specimens of fishes and three specimens of crabs were collected with drifting algae by T/S Oshoro-maru from off the Pacific coast of Tohoku region, northern Japan. In fishes, a single specimen was identified as Histrio histrio (Linnaeus, 1758), five specimens as Oplegnathus punctatus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1844) and a single specimen as Stephanolepis cirrhifer (Temminck and Schlegel, 1850). In crabs, except a single specimen of megalopa, a single specimen was identified as Guinusia dentipes (De Haan, 1835) and a single specimen as Portunus (Portunus) sanguinolentus sanguinolentus (Herbst, 1783). Because previous northernmost records of P. (P.) sanguinolentus sanguinolentus were reported from Boso Peninsula in the Pacific Ocean and Akita Prefecture in the Sea of Japan, the present specimen represents the northernmost record of the species in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Obata, Kota; Kawai, Toshio; Takatsu, Tetsuya. Coloration of a small Nozawa’s prickleback, Stichaeus nozawae Jordan and Snyder, 1902 (Zoarcoidei : Stichaeidae). 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2021, 71(1), p.15-20.


    The coloration of small individuals of Nozawa’s prickleback, Stichaeus nozawae is presented for the first time, based on a specimen (112 mm SL) collected by T/S Ushio-maru from the Funka Bay, Hokkaido. The specimen has obscure bands on dorsal, anal, caudal and pectoral fins. Although specimens of comparable sizes (57.4-168 mm SL) have obscure bands on these fins, most larger specimens (252-361 mm SL) have no bands on the caudal and pectoral fins. Most descriptions or images in previous studies, including the original description, were based on large specimens (220-450 mm SL), which have no bands on these fins. Thus, bands on caudal and pectoral fins of S. nozawae tend to disappear with growth
  • Yamakami, Ryusei; Wada, Satoshi. Assemblages of Mollusks (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) on the Intertidal Platform around Kattoshi, Hakodate Bay, Hokkaido. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2021, 71(1), p.1-14.


    This study described quantitative data on the current molluscan assemblage on the intertidal platform around Kattoshi, Hakodate Bay, southern Hokkaido, Japan. A total of 25 gastropod species and ten bivalve species were recorded from four-season sampling. Cluster analysis and subsequent indicator value (IndVal) calculation showed that the platform has three groups of sites with different assemblages. Group-1 accounted for 78-88% of the sites and was characterized by two gastropods Barleeia angustata and Reticunassa fratercula, which were also the top two species in the annual abundance. The indicator species of Group-2 (6-13% of the sites) included three gastropods, Cantharidus japonicus, Lirularia iridescens and Homalopoma sangarense. Group-3 was the least abundant (3-8% of the sites) and Batillaria cumingii and Ruditapes philippinarum were significant indicators. Overall, the current molluscan assemblage of the platform was characterized by two extremely dominant gastropod species, B. angustata and R. fratercula, while a previous study found H. sangarense to be dominant from December 1996 to August 1997. These results indicate the molluscan assemblage has changed over the past quarter-century.

第70巻 第2号 (2020-12-23)


  • Umezawa, Ryuhei; Urushibata, Hirotaro; Takahashi, Eisuke; Arai, Katsutoshi; Yamaha, Etsuro. Intersubfamilial Hybridization of Two Danio and Six Related Cyprinid Fishes. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(2), p.133-144.


    Production of sterile individuals is the key technique for surrogate propagation in teleosts. Sterile hybrids may be the ideal surrogate host when they do not generate their own germ cells in their gonads. Here, we attempted hybridization experiments between zebrafish (Danio rerio) and six closely related species (Danio albolineatus, Aphycypris chinensis, Hemigrammocypris rasborella, Opsariichthys platypus, Nipponocypris temminckii, N. sieboldii) and one remotely related species (Tanichthys albonubes). Intersubfamilial hybridizations in the family Cyprinidae resulted in the occurrence of inviable abnormal larvae with the two parental genomes, except for the T. albonubes x A. chinensis hybridization, in which normal larvae survived. Allotetraploidy and spontaneous gynogenetic diploidy were infrequently detected in T. albonubes x A. chinensis and D. albolineatus x A. chinensis, respectively
  • 磯田, 豊; 荒巻, 能史. 日本海深層水の海水年齢 = Average Age of Deep Circulation in the Japan Sea. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(2), p.119-132.


    Selecting the parameters to represent vertical distributions of potential temperature and carbon isotope of δ14C obtained over almost whole areas in the Japan Sea, the average age of deep circulation was calculated using vertical one dimensional multi-layered model. The model results suggest that the maximum age of 160 year appears near the depth of 2,000 m and a reasonable vertical diffusive coefficient is around 2 cm2s−1. A sinking volume transport to deep water below 1°C is estimated to be about 1.3 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3s−1), which has the same order of magnitude as the inflow volume transport of the Tsushima Warm Current.
  • 笠井, 久会; 荒井, 克俊. 水産学部学生便覧と女子学生の学科選択 = Influence of the Student Handbook in Program Enrolment of Female Students in the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(2), p.113-118.


    The student handbook (Gakubu-Annai or Gakusei-Binran) is distributed to all the freshman students in Hokkaido University at the first guidance class. This book provides various instructions on daily student life as well as general information for academic programs given by different undergraduate schools or faculties. In the chapter related to the Department of Fishing Science (DFS), Faculty of Fisheries, precondition sentence, female students are not suitable for DFS or similar sentences, was continuously found in the student handbook from 1980 to 1992. Such a statement presumably gave negative influence on female students, when choosing the undergraduate program to study. Although two female students graduated the department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries, for the first time in 1953, female students who graduated DFS first appeared in 1978. They decided to study fishing science despite the influence of the statement. Here, we examined the relationship between descriptions in the student handbook and percentages of female students in undergraduate and graduate programs of the Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University.

第70巻 第1号 (2020-08-24)


  • Fujimoto, Takafumi; Fujimoto, Suzu; Murakami, Masaru; Yamaha, Etsuro; Arai, Katsutoshi. Ploidy Manipulation Using Diploid Sperm of a Wild Tetraploid Ginbuna (Japanese Silver Crucian Carp, Carassius auratus langsdorfii). 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(1), p.103-111.


    Tetraploid strains are important sources of diploid gametes available for further expansion of ploidy manipulation. Although artificial induction of tetraploid strains has been attempted by inhibition of a mitotic cell division of zygotes using hydrostatic pressure or temperature treatments at the early developmental stage, successful examples of viable and fertile tetraploid fish were very rare. Because most resultant tetraploid progeny exhibited extremely high mortality. Natural tetraploid
    variants are considered another source of diploid gametes. In the present study, we tried to induce new strains of tetraploid, triploid and androgenetic diploid using diploid sperm of a tetraploid ginbuna (Japanese silver crucian carp Carassius auratus langsdorfii), which caught at the Jounuma lake, Gunma Prefecture, Japan. New tetraploids, i.e., neo-tetraploids were induced by fertilizing eggs of a diploid goldfish Carassius auratus auratus with diploid sperm of the tetraploid ginbuna, followed by heatshock (40°C for 45, 60 and 75 s) to inhibit the second polar body release at 5 min after fertilization. Although a small number of neo-tetraploid fish survived, we could not obtain any fertile gametes from them in the present study. Triploids were successfully induced by fertilizing eggs of a diploid goldfish with diploid sperm of the tetraploid ginbuna. Some resultant triploid males produced aneuploid sperm at the age of maturation. Androgenetic diploids were induced by fertilizing UV-irradiated eggs of diploid goldfish with diploid sperm of the tetraploid ginbuna. A mature androgenetic diploid produced fertile haploid sperm.
  • Abe, Yoshiyuki; Hildebrandt, Nicole; Matsuno, Kohei; Niehoff, Barbara; Yamaguchi, Atsushi. Comparison of the vertical distribution of pelagic copepod abundance, biomass and community structure between the Atlantic and Pacific sectors of the Arctic Ocean. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(1), p.91-102.


    We compared copepod abundance, biomass and community structure in the Atlantic sector (Fram Strait) and Pacific sector (Canada Basin) of the Arctic Ocean by using vertical stratified zooplankton samples collected from 0-1,000 m or 0-1,500 m during daytime in summer. Abundance and biomass were high at the surface layer and decreased with increasing depth in both regions. Abundance and biomass in the surface layer in the Fram Strait were 6-18 times higher than those in the Canada Basin. 
    According to cluster analysis, the copepod communities were separated into three groups that varied vertically and included both locations. Regional differences were marked for Calanus finmarchicus, which was distributed only in the Fram Strait. In the Canada Basin, Spinocalanidae composed 56.1% of calanoid copepod abundance for the bathypelagic groups and also contributed 7.5% of abundance throughout the water column. The dominance of Spinocalanidae may reflect the oligotrophic environment in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean.
  • Hanamiya, Yurika; Murase, Hiroto; Matsuno, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Atsushi. Vertical Distribution, Community Structure, and Active Carbon Flux of Two Macrozooplankton Taxa : Amphipods and Euphausiids in the Summer of the Western North Pacific. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(1), p.77-89.


    This study conducted diel vertical migration and active migration flux estimation of macrozooplanktonic amphipods and euphausiids at 0-250 m water column of the three stations in the western North Pacific during summer. For amphipods, 25 species belonging to 17 genera were identified. Their standing stock was 60-574 ind. m−2 during the daytime and 35-5,228 ind. m−2 at night-time. For euphausiids, 19 species belonging to 7 genera were identified. The standing stock of euphausiids was 80-382 ind. m−2 and 286-2,156 ind. m−2 during the day and at night, respectively. Feeding impacts during the night were estimated to be 0.19-11.76 mg C m−2 day−1 (amphipods) and 5.12-16.42 mg C m−2 day−1 (euphausiids). Respiration during the daytime accounted for 0.08-6.38 mg C m−2 day−1 (amphipods) and 2.33-7.70 mg C m−2 day−1 (euphausiids). The feeding impact and respiratory flux by active migration of macrozooplankton taxa were estimated as 8.34-28.18 mg C m−2 day−1 and 3.15-14.08 mg C m−2 day−1, respectively. These values corresponded to 3.7-12.4% of primary production (feeding impact) and 2.4-10.7% of sinking passive flux from the euphotic zone (respiratory flux). Thus, this study emphasizes the importance of active flux by macrozooplankton for vertical material flux in the western North Pacific.
  • 浅野, 竜太; 磯田, 豊; 小林, 直人; 中村, 知裕; 伊藤, 薫. 津軽海峡大間崎背後の負の水平シアー流で引き起こされる鉛直循環流 = Vertical circulation induced by negative shear flow at the downside of Ooma-zaki in the Tsugaru Strait. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(1), p.63-76.


    A new type of mechanism for the generation of vertical circulation is revealed with the use of numerical experiments for the bended channel model. In the steady passage-flow experiment with a flat bottom and no bottom friction, a remarkable vertical circulation is formed only at the downside of bended corner where a negative horizontal shear flow dominates. Specifically, we call this type circulation “Negative Shear induced Vertical Circulation (NSVC)”, which is caused through the dynamical unbalance of gradient flow and the vorticity balance between the lateral vorticity advection and the sea surface divergence. A field observation was carried out around the Ooma-zaki area in the eastern Tsugaru Strait to confirm an enhanced downward flow expected by the realistic experiment including the bottom slope and friction. The spatial istributions of water temperature support the existence of this downward motion.
  • 堀尾, 一樹; 磯田, 豊; 小林, 直人; 千葉, 彩. 海面加熱で駆動される陸棚斜面湧昇流 = Shelf slope upwelling induced by sea surface heating. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(1), p.41-62.


    If there is the coastal upwelling, it is common to think that the upward advection of cold deep water will make the coastal side cooler than the offshore side. Shelf slope upwelling (SSU) presented in this study, however, occurs only when the shallow coastal side is rather warm due to a continuous sea surface heating in summer. The present study investigated the formation process of such SSU using a numerical model driven by surface heating. From the results of examining unsteady state of heat budget and dynamic balance, SSU was found to be a kind of compensation flow, not the bottom Ekman flow. That is, to satisfy continuity in a vertical section, the offshore flow caused by the horizontal density/temperature gradient was supplemented by the shoreward flow strongly confined to the sloping seabed. This SSU will probably be one of the important flows contributing to material transport, e.g., unused nutrients and anoxic water etc., from deep to near coast in summer, while it is difficult to prove the existence of SSU even indirectly from the observed water temperature.
  • Fang, Xiaorong; Isoda, Yutaka. Dynamic equilibrium state of a Cooling Induced Current in the Japan Sea. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(1), p.25-40.


    A multi-layered numerical model driven by seasonal change in sea surface heat flux with excess cooling was used to investigate the dynamics of a cooling induced current (CIC) in the Japan Sea. The original idea of the CIC was proposed by Isoda (1999) (Journal of Oceanography, 55, 585-596) as follows : eastward thermal flow in the interior region, i.e., Tsushima Warm Current (TWC), accompanied with meridional thermal gradient on the planetary-β plane would be determined by the heat balance between net heat loss at the sea surface and lateral heat transport from the southern entrance into the Japan Sea. The CIC model produced a significant meandering TWC with an east-west wave number of three, based on the property of a standing Rossby wave, only under the model condition that coexisted with seasonal disturbances of heat. A positive heat supply from the southern entrance to the Japan Sea occurred in late winter, extended slowly to the TWC region as the offshore advection of meandering patchiness in summer, and then contributed to the heat loss by sea surface cooling in the following winter. The whole
    TWC region was cooled not only at the sea surface in winter, but also by eastward advection of upwelled cold waters originating from the western boundary area in summer to autumn. The meandering flow was stably confined to the southern part because of the dominant southward eddy momentum fluxes, which were caused by the northwest-southeast inclinations of meandering ridge-axes. Owing to such seasonal change in the lateral transports of momentum and heat, the meandering TWC (or CIC) flow pattern was maintained as a “dynamic equilibrium state”.
  • Matsuura, Hiromi; Isoda, Yutaka. Pseudo-fortnightly variation produced by interaction between passage-flow and diurnal tidal currents in the Tsugaru Strait. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(1), p.13-23.


    We examine the reason why non-equilibrium response of lunar fortnightly tide, i.e., Mf tide with 13.7-day period, dominates in the Japan/East Sea including the Tsugaru Strait. In the present study, tides combining with passage-flow through the (Tsugaru) Strait are numerically simulated with a two-dimensional form of hydrodynamic model. It has been known that nonlinear interaction of dominant diurnal constituents K1 and O1 results in new oscillation with the same period of Mf tide. Analysis of computed sea level and currents is aimed primarily at describing the enhanced currents and patterns of energy flow in the Strait. Next, the focus of our model study is investigation of mechanisms of pseudo-fortnightly current enhancement where passage-flow interacts with diurnal current variations, resulting in temporal change in the friction due to “form drag”. Thus, we combine the study for form drag of passage-flow with the hydrodynamic interactions of diurnal tidal currents to provide some insight into the locally generated fortnightly tidal forcing within the Strait.
  • 三宅, 誠音; 磯田, 豊; 今井, 圭理; 小熊, 健治; 澤田, 光希. 襟裳沖陸棚斜面域から日高舟状海盆へ侵入する親潮順圧流の数値モデル実験と海洋観測 = Model experiments and observations of Oyashio barotropic flow intruding to Hidaka Trough via steep shelf slope area off Cape Erimo. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2020, 70(1), p.1-11.


    The shelf slope off Cape Erimo is very steep, and its slope width (L~30 km) is smaller than the internal radius deformation (λi~50 km). A simple model is used to investigate the dynamic response of Oyashio barotropic flow passing through this local
    steep slope area. Model results suggest that near-bottom Oyashio water cannot intrude from shelf area off Cape Erimo to Hidaka Trough, because inverse flow accompanied by the bottom trapped shelf wave is generated over the steep slope under the physical condition of L <λi. To confirm the existence of such inverse flow, hydrographic data at upstream and downstream both sides of shelf area off Cape Erimo were examined.

第69巻 第2号 (2019-12-09)


  • Matsuno, Kohei; Fujiwara, Amane; Hirawake, Toru; Yamaguchi, Atsushi. Ingestion rates and grazing impacts of Arctic and Pacific copepods in the western Arctic Ocean during autumn. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2019, 69(2), p.93-102.


    Increasing numbers of Pacific copepods are being transported from the Bering Sea to the Arctic Ocean, so there is clear potential to affect the structure and composition of the Arctic food web. We investigated the grazing impacts of Arctic and Pacific copepods in the western Arctic Ocean using shipboard experiments during autumn. Ingestion rates for both Arctic and Pacific species were low and linked to low food availability. The ingestion rates varied with species, but were not related to chlorophyll a. The maximum ingestion rates calculated by the Michaelis-Menten equation were higher in the Arctic species (3.6% body carbon day−1) than in the Pacific species (0.10% body carbon day−1). The community grazing impacts were 0-0.57% remove day−1, and the Pacific copepods contributed 0.1-17% for this parameter. Even if Pacific copepods are transported into the Arctic Ocean and ingest the natural protist assemblage, their impact is spatially and seasonally limited, and, at present, Pacific copepods are unlikely to cause a shift in the protist biomass of the western Arctic Ocean during autumn.
  • 柊, 萌乃; 山口, 篤. 初夏のオホーツク海における深海におよぶ優占大型カイアシ類の鉛直分布および個体群構造 = Vertical distribution and population structure of large dominant planktonic copepods down to greater depths in the Okhotsk Sea during early summer. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2019, 69(2), p.83-91.


    Vertical distribution and population structure of large dominant planktonic copepods (Neocalanus cristatus, N. flemingeri, N. plumchrus, Eucalanus bungii, Metridia okhotensis, M. pacifica, Paraeuchaeta elongata, P. birostrata, P. rubra, Heterorhabdus tanneri, and Heterostylites major) were studied down to greater depths in the Okhotsk Sea during early summer. For suspensionfeeders (Neocalanus spp., Eucalanus bungii, and Metridia spp.), their vertical distributions were well separated within 0-250m depths. For carnivores (Paraeuchaeta spp. and Heterorhabdidae), vertical partitioning within the genus and family was also the cases throughout the 0-3,000 m water column. The vertical partitioning within the same feeding pattern copepods may have a function to reduce competition on similar food items. Population structures of the most suspension feeders were dominated by middle- to late-copepodids with low-lipid accumulation. This may reflection of their life cycle seasonal phenomena. For most of the copepods treated in this study, the sex ratio was skewed for females. It caused by the degeneration of feeding appendages (Eucalanus bungii and Paraeuchaeta spp.) and the vertical distribution behaviors (Metridia spp. : stay deep-layer where food-limited throughout the day) of adult males. Since adult females may perform massive feeding in adult females, their body sizes were much larger than the males.
  • 松岡, 翔太; 方, 暁蓉; 磯田, 豊. 日本海東部海域における高塩分中層水 = High-Salinity Intermediate Water in the eastern Japan Sea. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2019, 69(2), p.71-82.


    To understand the formation area of High-Salinity Intermediate Water (Smax-IW) with a density of more than 27.3 σθ in the Japan Sea and its transport path, historical hydrographic data from winter to spring and Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data by the Japan Meteorological Agency in 2009 are examined. Spatial distributions of salinity and acceleration potential on the 27.33 σθ surface suggest that Smax-IW flows southwestward from the subarctic area north of the polar front, where Smax-IW outcrops and has an opportunity to become denser by direct winter cooling.
  • 堀尾, 一樹; 飯田, 博之; 磯田, 豊. サハリン島南部Aniva湾における夏季の表層時計回り循環流 = Near-surface Clockwise Circulation around the Aniva Bay South of the Sakhalin Island in Summer. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2019, 69(2), p.57-69.


    Near-surface circulation around the Aniva Bay south of the Sakhalin Island was examined using the surface drifter’s data in summer 2016. Although large amplification of inertial oscillation was observed, the trajectories for 2 surface drifters clearly revealed the existence of clockwise circulation over the bay with typical speeds of 20~30 cm s-1. To confirm the formation of this circulation in summer, satellite Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) data were used to investigate the seasonal variability of flow pattern. We infer development of circulation in July and decline in October, i.e., the formation period during the latter half of sea-surface heating season.

第69巻 第1号 (2019-08-07)


  • 濵, 斉之; 阿部, 義之; 松野, 孝平; 山口, 篤. 4連ノルパックネットを用いたネット目合いの違いが濾過効率と採集効率に与える影響に関する研究 = Study on Effect of Net Mesh Size on Filtering Efficiency and Zooplankton Sampling Efficiency using Quad-NORPAC Net. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2019, 69(1), p.47-56.


    To evaluate the effect of net mesh size on filtering efficiency and zooplankton collection efficiency, we developed Quad-NORPAC net equipped four-different mesh sizes (63, 100, 150, and 335 µm). Based on zooplankton samples collected by Quad-NORPAC net at 13 stations off Fukushima during 2-12 June 2016, zooplankton settling volume and wet weight (335 µm) measured, and size and taxonomic data were captured by imaging analysis (ZooScan). As net mesh property, mesh porosity ranged between 22.8% (63 µm) and 45.5% (150 µm). Filtering volumes of four mesh nets were highly correlated (r2=0.97-0.99), while those of 63 µm was greatly lower than the others (i.e. that of 63 µm was factored as 0.598 of 335 µm). Zooplankton collection efficiency, which evaluated an abundance of 63 µm mesh as 100%, ranged for 66.8-120.1% for 100 and 150 µm, while was extremely low (6.5-32.3%) for 335 µm. Zooplankton collection efficiency varied with size and taxa. Thus, collection efficiencies of Gastropoda, Copepoda, Cladocera, and Appendicularia, the smaller-sized taxa (<500 µm in equivalent spherical diameter [ESD]), were substantially low (<10%), while those of Noctiluca scintillans, Cnidaria, and Euphausiacea, large-sized taxa (>500 µm ESD), were relatively high (40-80%). From the viewpoint of filtering efficiency and collection efficiency, within the four mesh sizes, 150 µm mesh net is considered to be sufficient for quantitative collection of zooplankton.
  • 三島, かおり; 松野, 孝平; 山口, 篤. 光学式プランクトンカウンターによる夏季の西部北太平洋における動物プランクトン群集のサイズ構造解析 = Zooplankton Size Structure in the Summer Western North Pacific Ocean: Analysis by Optical Plankton Counter. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2019, 69(1), p.37-45.


    To evaluate latitudinal and east-west changes in zooplankton abundance, biomass and size spectra, Optical Plankton Counter (OPC) measurements were made on zooplankton samples collected by vertical hauls of NORPAC net from 0-150 m depth at 35˚-46˚N along three north-south transects (144˚, 155˚, and 175˚30’E) in the western North Pacific during July-August of 2008 and 2009. Zooplankton abundance and biomass ranged at 4612-241,782 ind. m-2 and 0.05-23.09 g DW m-2, respectively. Zooplankton abundance and biomass were dominated by small-size class (0-1 mm equivalent spherical diameter [ESD]) in the subtropical region, while dominated by large-size class (1-2 and 2-3 mm ESD) in the transitional domain which caused by the dominance of large-sized copepods: Neocalanus spp. and Eucalanus bungii there. Inter-annual changes were observed for the 155˚E line: dominated by large size class (>5 mm ESD) in 2008 which caused by the dominance of Salpida. For size structure of zooplankton, analyses on normalized biomass size spectra (NBSS) were made. East-west differences were detected for the slope of NBSS. Thus, the slopes of NBSS were moderate for eastern lines (175˚30’E). This east-west gradient in NBSS slope may be related to the east-west gradient in primary productivity which related to east-west differences in the magnitude of iron supply from dust. Overall, NBSS slope in the western North Pacific was characterized by moderate and highly variable. It would be related to pulse-like input of nutrient (=sporadic peak of primary productivity) and dominance of large- gelatinous zooplankton. These two factors are considered to be a special characteristic of the plankton community in summer of the western North Pacific.
  • Ura, Kazuhiro; Suzuki, Natsuki; Takei, Narumi; Higuchi, Ichiro; Yuhi, Tomoharu; Nishimiya, Osamu; Takagi, Yasuaki. Quantitative Changes of Major Yolk Protein in the Coelomic Fluid and Gonads of the Sea Urchin, Mesocentrotus nudus, during the Reproductive Cycle. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2019, 69(1), p.29-36.


    Both female and male sea urchins accumulate the major yolk protein (MYP) in the nutritive phagocytes of immature gonads before gametogenesis. Additionally, the most abundant protein in the coelomic fluids of both sexes is MYP. In females, MYP in the coelomic fluid is taken up by the nutritive phagocytes and then transported into growing oocytes. In this study, quantitative changes of MYP in the coelomic fluid of both sexes were examined during the reproductive cycle of the wild sea urchin, Mesocentrotus nudus. In females but not males, positive correlation between MYP level and the gonadosomatic index was observed. These results indicate that MYP in the coelomic fluid is suitable as a biomarker of the onset of puberty and progression of maturity in female sea urchins.
  • 高増, 厚司; 磯田, 豊; 朝日, 啓二郎. 日本海の衛星海面高度偏差を用いた海面冷却駆動流の抽出 = Extraction of cooling-induced current from the satellite sea surface height anomaly in the Japan Sea. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2019, 69(1), p.19-28.


    To extract “Cooling-Induced Current (CIC)” component of the Tsushima Warm Current from the satellite sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) data, harmonic analysis of SSHA in spring (February to April) is conducted for 8- and 5-year period, with respect to similarities in the year-to-year variation of Asian Monsoon Index (MOI). In the long-term response of 8-year period, north-eastward flow off shelf edge along the Japanese island is intensified just at the most severe cooling year, which is suggested by the maximum MOI. Such intensified flow, i.e., CIC, gradually migrates offshore during 2 years, and then connects to inflow in the Tsushima/Korean strait via the east coast of Korean peninsula with time lag of about 3 years.
  • 伊藤, 海彦; 磯田, 豊; 千手, 智晴. 日本海深層Bottom Water内におけるGyroscopic Waveの3波共鳴 = Nonlinearly Interacting Triad of Gyroscopic Waves at the Bottom Water in the Japan Sea. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2019, 69(1), p.1-17.


    We focus on the motions at frequencies close to the local inertial frequency (fs ; vertical component of the Earth’s rotation), i.e., near-inertial waves, at the great depths (> 2500 m) in the Japan Sea. In this confined basin, deep stratification is very weak, especially buoyancy frequency N~0 at the Bottom Water (BW) where the horizontal component of the Earth’s rotation (fc) vector becomes more important for the generation of gyroscopic waves (GsW). The combined effect of both fs and fc is called ‘non-traditional’ effect for linear internal waves. At first, we review that non-traditional effects change the dynamics of near-inertial waves through our original physical interpretation. Its effect is also shown to enable an irreversible transformation of vertical low-wavenumber into vertical high-wavenumber in the BW, when southward propagating near-inertial GsW reflects at the sea bottom. Such transition suggests the predominant near-inertial oscillation of vertical shear currents, which may provide new mechanism for effective mixing in the BW. In later section, as one of the candidates for vertical mixing process, ‘nonlinearly interacting triad of GsW’ is studied in the framework of a fully nonlinear non-hydrostatic numerical model.

第68巻 第3号 (2018-12-7)


  • Maekakuchi, Marie; Abe, Yoshiyuki; Matsuno, Kohei; Hirawake, Toru; Yamaguchi, Atsushi. Horizontal and vertical distribution of the appendicularian community and population structure in the Bering and Chukchi Seas during the summer of 2007. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2018, 68(3), p.43-49.


    The horizontal and vertical distributions of the appendicularian community and the population structure of dominant species in the southeastern and northern Bering Sea shelf and the Chukchi Sea were studied during the summer of 2007. The feeding impact was also calculated and the results were compared with those found in 1983-1996. Oikopleura vanhoeffeni was the dominant species in this region and stage I specimens with small tail lengths ( : TL < 2 mm) dominated the population. The mean daily clearance rate was 16.4 ml ind.−1 day−1, which corresponded to a population daily clearance rate in the water column of 0.003-25.5% day−1. The dominance of stage I and specimens with a small TL suggest that the main spawning of O. vanhoeffeni occurred before summer in 2007. Large-sized individuals (TL > 14 mm) dominated in 1983-1996 and, considering the generation length of O. vanhoeffeni (ca. one year), the main spawning of O. vanhoeffeni would not have occurred before summer from 1983-1996. In 2007, O. vanhoeffeni are considered to have spawned earlier because newly recruited small individuals are more abundant. Recently, the timing of the sea ice retreat is becoming earlier in this region, and the fastest ice-free timing was reported in 2007. Earlier sea ice retreat may induce an altered timing of primary production and other biological phenology. Thus, the early spawning of O. vanhoeffeni in 2007 may result in the dominance of smaller specimens observed in that year.

第68巻 第2号 (2018-8-2)


  • Ando, Yasuhiro; Matsumoto, Nobuto; Yoneta, Yukino; Tada, Naoto. Stereospecific Analysis of Fish Oil Triacylglycerols by Silicic Acid HPLC Using Monoacylglycerol Analytical Intermediates. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2018, 68(2), p.33-41.


    This study establishes a method for the stereospecific analysis of fish oil triacylglycerols (TAG) using silicic acid high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The analysis includes partial degradation of TAG to monoacylglycerols (MAG), derivatization of MAG to (R)-(−)-1-(1-naphthyl)ethyl urethanes, fractionation of sn-1-, sn-2-, and sn-3-MAG by HPLC, and fatty acid analysis of methyl esters by gas chromatography. For the analysis of fish oil TAG, several modifications were required in the original method developed for the analysis of olive oil TAG. For the HPLC analysis, reducing the proportion of 2-propanol in the mobile phase enabled clear separation of sn-1- and sn-3-MAG, which consisted of a wide variety of fatty acids of fish origin. Another improvement that was made was purifying the fatty acid methyl esters prepared from MAG urethanes by thin-layer chromatography. Stereospecific analysis was achieved when commencing with only 1 mg of fish oil TAG. Acyl migration, which affects the accuracy of the analysis, was found to be less than 5%. Using this method, stereospecific analysis can be carried out by HPLC on a conventional silica column, in contrast to the conventional HPLC method that requires expensive chiral columns. This method can also be used for the analysis of the TAG of both common and rare fish.
  • Morita, Ayumi; Wada, Satoshi. Antenna Length in the Hermit Crab Pagurus middendorffii : Sexual Dimorphism and Effect on Two Types of Male–male Competition. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2018, 68(2), p.27-32.


    Male–male competition is considered a mechanism for sexual selection and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in many animals. There are two types of male–male competition: scramble competition and contest competition. Many studies have focused on contest competition to explain sexual dimorphism of body size and/or weaponry, but it can also result from scramble competition. In this study, we described sexual dimorphism in antenna length of the hermit crab Pagurus middendorffii and tested the effects of antenna length in scramble and contest competition. Although antennae were longer in males than in females, longer antennae provided males no advantage in either competition. These results suggest sexual dimorphism of antenna length in this species is maintained by other ecological factors such as advantage in foraging at the rocky shore.

第68巻 第1号 (2018-3-16)


  • 夏池, 真史; 山本, 圭吾; 中嶋, 昌紀; 澤山, 茂樹; 今井, 一郎. 大阪湾における麻痺性貝毒原因渦鞭毛藻Alexandrium tamarenseと珪藻Skeletonema sp.の栄養塩利用性の比較 = Comparison of nutrient availabilities between the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense and the non-toxic diatom Skeletonema sp. in Osaka Bay, Japan. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2018, 68(1), p.17-26.


    Alexandrium tamarense is a toxic dinoflagellate known to cause paralytic shellfish poisoning to human and marine animals. Previous studies observed the depletion of macronutrients during the A.tamarense blooming periods in Osaka Bay, Japan, and suggest the different nutrient availabilities between surface and bottom layers allow A.tamarense to grow. In this study, the field observation and Algal growth potential(AGP) bioassay with A.tamarence and non-toxic, dominant diatom Skeletonema sp. in Osaka Bay are conducted to compare the nutrient availabilities during the period of A.tamarense occurrences in the Bay. The field observations confirmed the depletion of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, PO4-P, and SiO2-Si concentrations with the A.tamarense occurences in spring. The phosphorous limitation to both speicies at surface layer were frequently determined by the AGP bioassay in spring. The bioassay also revealed the higher AGP of both species at deeper water than those at surface water and different limiting nutrients between surface and bottom waters or between A.tamarense and Skeletonema sp. These different nutrient availabilities probably allow A.tamarense and dominant diatoms to coexist and grow Osaka Bay during spring.
  • Natsuike, Masafumi; Shiraishi, Tomotaka; Ishii, Ken-Ichiro; Yamamoto, Keigo; Nakajima, Masaki; Sawayama, Shigeki; Imai, Ichiro. Different Nutrient Availabilities of Surface and Bottom Water under Nutrient-depleted Conditions during Bloom Formation of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense in Osaka Bay, Japan. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2018, 68(1), p.7-16.


    Alexandriium tamarense is a toxic dinoflagellate known to produce neurotoxins cause paralytic shellfish poisoning to human and marine animals. To understand the growth dynamics of A.tamarense, the seasonal changes in A,tamarense vegetative cells and environmental factors were evaluated using monthly field observations at two fixed stations in Osaka Bay, Japan, from January to May 2008. Additionally, a bioassay with axenic A.tamarense clonal cultures was performed to determine the growth potentials and growth-limiting nutrients of seawater samples collected during the field observations. The density of A.tamarense increased from February to April, and depletions of dissolved phosphate and silicate were observed in the surface layer during this period. The bioassay showed that phosphorous limitation occurred at the surface water of one station during March and April, while nitrogen limitation occurred in the bottom water. Moreover, at the other station, the growth potentials of the bottom water were higher than those of the surface water during February and April. Thus, the differences of nutrient availabilities between surface and bottom water during spring in Osaka Bay potentially allow A.tamarense to grow with nutrients uptake from bottom water by vertical migration.
  • Fujimori, Yasuzumi. A new approach of determining gillnet selectivity based on the relationship between fish length and girth to estimate the length distribution of fish encountering a net. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2018, 68(1), p.1-6.


    A method of estimating the length distribution of fish that encounter a gillnet based on selectivity curve using the length-girth relationship of the target fish was proposed for use in fish surveys. This method was verified in a tank experiment using gillnets for rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss) of known size composition. Data from on body part of fish caught, near the dorsal fin, were used to estimate the selectivity curve. The curves, expressed as a normal curve, of each mesh size had the same shape, even though each was estimated individually. Additionally, there was a complete linear relationship between the mean of the curves regarded as the optimal girth and the mesh size. The estimated length distribution of the fish population corresponded to the length distribution of fish used in the tank experiment. These results confined the the efficacy of proposed method.

第67巻 第3号 (2017-12-28)


  • 今井, 一郎; 各務, 彰記; 小原, 静夏; 結城, 貴志; 小池, 一彦; 萩原, 悦子; 小川, 憲太; 米山, 弘行. 海底耕耘を活用した Chattonella 赤潮制御の試み = Feasibility Studies on Sediment Perturbation as Control Strategies for Chattonella Red Tides. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2017, 67(3), p.57-66.


    Diatoms are the most predominant phytoplankton group in the coastal sea and many planktonic diatom species produce resting stage cells in their life cycle to endure unfavorable conditions. These diatom resting stage cells play an important role in initiating the blooms. It is empirically known that diatom cells are sparse in water during the course of red tides of harmful flagellates such as dinoflagellates and raphidophytes. A promising strategy to control the occurrences of red tides by harmful flagellates is to artificially induce diatom blooms just before the development of red tides of harmful flagellates. There usually exist more than 10⁵ cells of diatom resting stage cells or more in 1-g bottom sediments of coastal water areas, but they need light for germination and rejuvenation to become planktonic form. Sediment perturbation was carried out to transfer diatom resting stage cells in bottom sediments to euphotic zone and to induce germination and rejuvenation. This trial was made using dragnet fishing boats in coastal sea area of Tomonoura, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture, in July 2016. The densities of diatom resting stage cells were 2.8×10⁵g-1 wet sediment at the site(Stn. A, 4m depth) outside of the dragnet-trawling zone and 1.2×10⁵g-1 wet sediment at the site(Stn. B, 4m depth) in the trawling zone. The densities of planktonic diatoms increased in the water column at Stn. B just after the trawling, but not at Stn, A, and totally increased thereafter(maximum value of 1,383 cells mL-1). The cell densities of the raphidophyte Chattonella spp. decreased at Stns. A and B. The water sample after sediment perturbation was collected at 2 m deep at Stn. B, and incubation experiments were conducted for the bottles in combination with the inoculation of Chattonella antiqua(200 cells mL-1) and the strengthening of SWM-3 culture medium(1/100). Diatoms always increased and Chattonella cells decreased in all the experimental bottles. The present study demonstrated a possible feasibility of sediment perturbation as a environment-frendly control strategy for Chattonella red tides in coastal sea area with artificial induction of phytoplankton flora to diatom dominant communities.
  • 朝日, 啓二郎; 磯田, 豊. 日本海風成循環流の季節変化に対する地形性ベータの影響 = Influence of Topographic β-effect upon Seasonal Variation of Wild-driven Circulation in the Japan Sea. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2017, 67(3), p.39-55.


    A two-layer analytic solution and the two-layer numerical model driven by the wind stress are used to explain the observed seasonal variation of horizontal circulation in the Japan Sea. Special attention is given to the topographic β-effect on the generation of bottom-trapped wave and surface-trapped wave activities on the planetary β plane. The positive curl of wind stress in the northern Japan Sea, where the planetary β in the lower layer is locally canceled by the topographic β, was found to play an important role in the seasonal change of abyssal circulation.
  • 河合, 俊郎; 木村, 克也; 川畑, 達; 神, 正人. 青森県むつ市沖から採集されたカグラザメ Hexanchus griseus = Record of Bluntnose Sixgill Shark, Hexanchus griseus(Hexanchiformes: Hexanchidae), from Mutsu, Aomori Northern Japan. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2017, 67(3), p.35-37.


    A single male specimen of a bluntnose sixgill shark, Hexanchus griseus(Bonnaterre, 1788), was collected from the western North Pacific, off Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan in January 2015. This is the first record of this species from Aomori Prefecture, and the northern-most record of this species around Japanese waters.

第67巻 第2号 (2017-8-10)


  • Tomiyama, Kosuke; Matsuno, Kohei; Abe, Yoshiyuki; Shimada, Hiroshi; Yamaguchi, Atsushi. Inter-oceanic differences in macrozooplankton biomas and community structure in four regions around Hokkaido Island, Japan : consequences for marine ecosystem structure. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2017, 67(2), p.25-34.


    Inter-oceanic differences in macrozooplankton(euphausiids, amphipods, cnidarians and chaetognaths) biomass and community structure were studied in four regions(northern Japan Sea, southern Okhotsk Sea, Donan and Doto areas of North Pacific) around Hokkaido Island. Whole zooplankton biomass ranged between 25 and 315 g WM m-2 and was significantly higher in the southern Okhotsk Sea. Macrozooplankton composed 5-15% of the whole zooplankton biomass. Across all macrozooplankton taxa, the number of species varied with region : the fewest species(2-4 species) were in the southern Okhotsk Sea, followed by the northern Japan Sea(3-5 species), and the most species(4-9 species) were in the Donan and Doto areas of the North Pacific. Depth topography and thermal conditions are considered possible causes of the differences in species richness across regions. Through inter-oceanic comparison, marine ecosystem characteristics of each region were evaluated. The zooplankton community in the northern Japan Sea was characterized by a predominance of carnivorous macrozooplankton taxa(amphipods, cnidarians and chaetognaths) and fewer herbivorous taxa(euphausiids and mesozooplankton), and it was determined to be as a top-down controlled ecosystem. In contrast, in the southern Okhotsk Sea, the zooplankton community was predominated by herbivorous mesozooplankton and euphausiids, and the marine ecosystem was determined to be a bottom-up control region. In the North Pacific, zooplankton community in the Doto area was predominated by chaetognaths. The zooplankton community in the Donan area showed mixed characteristics of the Doto area and the northern Japan Sea because of the seasonal water mass exchange from these two regions.
  • Taguchi, Akira; Sawamura, Masayuki; Bower, John R.. Preliminary investigation of the relationships between environmental conditions and landings of North Pacific giant octopus(Enteroctopus dofleini) at Minamikayabe, Hokkaido. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2017, 67(2), p.17-24.


    Relationships between environmental factors and fluctuations in landing of North Pacific giant octopus(Enteroctopus dofleini Wulker, 1910) at Minamikayabe town, Hakodate city, Japan, during 1985-2016 were analyzed using regression analysis. Annual landings ranged between 165 and 403 tons, with an average of 273 tons. The relationship between landings and temperature was significant in 9 of the 24 months examined; 7 of the 9 occurred in catches 3-4 years after the temperature was measured. Rainfall showed no significant relationship with catch amounts. The results of the regression analyses suggest that landings of E. dofleini were related to ocean temperature, especially to temperatures 3-4 years before the landings occurred, presumably during the early part of the life cycle of the landed octopuses.
  • Ohashi, Shinpei; Miyamoto, Kei. Report of a twospot cusk Neobythites bimaculatus from Japan with rare ocellus pattern. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2017, 67(2), p.13-16.


    A specimen of twospot cusk Neobythites bimaculatus(237 mm in standard length) was collected in September 2014 from near Okinawa Island, southern Japan. This ophidiid species usually has two distinct ocelli on the dorsal fin and none on the anal fin. In addition, minor ocellus patterns are also known; they include a faint third ocellus rarely on the dorsal fin and two faint ocelli on the anal fin of a smaller specimen (73 mm in standard length). The present specimen possesses both a faint third ocellus on the dorsal fin and a single faint ocellus on the anal fin. This ocellus patttern has not been seen in this species, hence we report it with a detailed description and a slight alteration to the diagnosis.

第67巻 第1号 (2017-3-15)


  • 百田, 和幸; 宗原, 弘幸. トクビレ科ヤギウオPallasina barbata(Steindachner,1876)の繁殖生態と形態発育 = Reproductive Ecology and Morphological Changes during the Early Life Stages of Pallasina barbata(Steindachner,1876). 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2017, 67(1), p.7-12.


    Aspects of the reproductive ecology and early life history of the tubenose poacher Pallasina barbata(Steindachner,1876) were clarified based on observations on the development of eggs without artificial insemination and on morphological changes of larvae and juveniles. The reproductive mode was identified as internal gametic association, which has been reported in several cottoids. The inferred spawning periods and hatching periods were May and March, respectively, suggesting the embryonic period lasted 10 months, which is near the longest known among the Agonids. The eggs were found in the sponge Mycale adhaerens. Newly-hatched larvae were in the flexion stage, and the notochord length(NL) was 7.3mm. In the flexion larvae stage, two white spots occurred in the dorsal finfold, which have not been reported in larvae of other Agonids. Extension of the snout and protrusion of the lower jaw barbel began from 11.7mm NL at post-flexion. At 20.2mm standard length(SL), the finfold had disappeared, and all the fin ray number attained the fixed number. The scale number of bony plates reached the same number as in the adult at 28.7mm SL.
  • 杉崎, 篤; 喜多, 壮太; 丸山, 英男; 関, 秀司. イカ内蔵のカドミウム除去に用いるキレート樹脂のカドミウム吸脱着特性 = Characteristics of Cadmium Adsorption and Desorption of a Chelating Resin Used for the Cadmium Removal from Squid Viscera. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2017, 67(1), p.1-5.


    Characteristics of the cadmium adsorption and desorption of a chelating resin CR11 was studied. The Langmuir adsorption model modified for the competitive adsorption of cadmium ion and hydrogen ion was applied to describe the effect of pH on the cadmium adsorption of the chelating resin. The adsorption model well described the experimental data and the maximum adsorption capacity and the adsorption constants of cadmium ion and hydrogen ion were determined. The cadmium desorption efficiency form the chelating resin by an eluent(HCI solution) could also be predicted by the adsorption model. The cadmium removal from the eluent by electrolysis was examined for the reuse of the eluent in the regeneration process of chelating resin. The experimental data well followed the pseudo-first order kinetic model and the kinetic constant was determined. The kinetic constant increased with the increase of electric current up to 0.13 A.

第66巻 第3号 (2016-12-27)


  • Fukuzaki, Koji; Yoshioka, Takahito; Sawayama, Shigeki; Imai, Ichiro. Iron requirements of Heterosigma akashiwo(Raphidophyceae), Heterocapsa circularisquama(Dinophyceae) and two common centric diatoms. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(3), p.121-128.


    Iron is increasingly recognized to play a key role in the growth of microalgae in various marine systems, but there is a paucity of knowledge about the physiological iron requirements of harmful algal species. This study aimed to elucidate the halfsaturation constant for growth(Ks) and the maximum growth rate(μmax) of four phytoplankton species with regard to iron concentrations. The four species were the fish-killing raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo, the bivalve-killing dinoflagellate Heterocapsa circularisquama, and the centric diatoms Ditylum brightwellii(large sized) and Chaetoceros didymus(small sized). We conducted incubation experiments with axenic cultures of the four species using a chemically defined synthetic medium. Compared with Heterocapsa circularisquama(0.59 day-1) and Heterosigma akashiwo(0.50 day-1), the two diatom species exhibited high μmax values(0.68 day-1). The smaller diatom had the lowest Ks value of 7.5×10-9M, while the larger diatom had the highest Ks value of 2.1×10-7M. The Ks values of Heterosigma akashiwo and Heterocapsa circularisquama were 5.1×10-8 and 3.1×10-8M, respectively. Smaller-sized phytoplankton showed better affinity to lower concentrations of iron in the sea.
  • Pramitasari, Sulistyani Dyah; Okamoto, Junichiro; Yoshimura, Mika; Kimura, Nobuo. Trailing the Effectiveness of a Modified Trawl Net in the Northern Java Sea, Indonesia. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(3), p.115-120.


    Overfishing has occurred in several regions around Indonesia, including the Northern Java Sea, primarily due to the large number of artisanal fishers and fishing boats, and the use of "un-environmentally friendly fishing gear", such as trawl nets. Consequently, Presidential Decree No.39 was enacted on July 1, 1980, which prohibited trawl operations in Indonesia to reduce fishing and social conflicts, and to protect resources. Fishers have responded to this government regulation by modifying their gear to elude its enforcement. However, these modifications are oriented more economic than conservation benefits. To rectify this issue, an environmentally-frendly trawl net that enables resource conservation needs to be developed and authorized. Therefore, in this study, a modified trawl net that included a flapper, selector, and square mesh was trialed and compared with a conventional trawl net following the experimental design. It was found that the modified trawl net has the potential to contribute to fishery resource preservation with no associated economic loss to fishers.
  • 伊田, 智喜; 有田, 駿; 磯田, 豊. 宗谷暖流域における反時計回り非線形渦流列の励起機構 = Generation Mechanism of the Anti-clockwise Nonlinear Eddy Street in the Region of the Soya Warm Current. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(3), p.99-114.


    The generation mechanism of anti-clockwise nonlinear eddy street along the Soya Warm Current is examined using the inflow-forced numerical model incorporating the simple shelf-slope topography. According to the conservation of potential vorticity, a strong positive vorticity is produced off the inflow entrance by vortex stretching as the water column is pushed out to deeper offshore. It rapidly grows up an isolated anti-clockwise circular eddy, i.e., a nonlinear eddy, during advection time traveling round the eddy. Therefore, this advection time controls the oscillated period, and each isolated eddy is periodically generated and stably advected downstream by the mean shear-flow. Such flow system accompanied by the eddy street is interpreted as the self-excited oscillation.
  • 舘野, 愛実; 藤原, 将平; 磯田, 豊; 朝日, 啓二郎. 北太平洋風成循環流の季節変化に関する数値モデル実験 = Numerical model experiments for seasonal variation of North Pacific wind-driven circulation. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(3), p.87-97.


    A two-layer model ocean with Izu-Ogasawara Ridge(IOR) and the Emperor Seamounts(ESs), driven by seasonally varying wind stress, is used to explain the observed seasonal variations of barotropic and baroclinic response in the North Pacific. Since isostasy is achieved for annual mean state, the annually averaged subarctic and subtropical surface gyres are separated without any bathymetric influence. For a short time scale such as seasonal variation, the barotropic flow is inhibited from ascending the bottom slope because of the restriction of the potential vorticity conservation, and generates the baroclinic Annual Rossby Waves(ARW) through the impinging process on the shelf slope. The most conspicuous feature in barotropic response is the southward invasion of the subarctic anti-clockwise circulation strengthened in winter into the subtropical region along the IOR and the western shelf slope. It is also found that the westward propagating baroclinic ARW from the southern ESs is appeared to be enhanced in spring by superimposing on the seasonal change of Ekman pumping. These model results are consistent with those estimatied from the observation.

第66巻 第2号 (2016-08-10)


  • Matsuno, Kohei; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Fujiwara, Amane; Onodera, Jonaotaro; Watanabe, Eiji; Harada, Naomi; Kikuchi, Takashi. Seasonal changes in mesozooplankton swimmer community and fecal pellets collected by sediment trap moored at the Northwind Abyssal Plain in the western Arctic Ocean. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(2), p.77-85.


    In the western Arctic Ocean, the long sea ice coverage period prevents year-round seasonal zooplankton sampling by ordinary ship-board observation. To overcome these problems, the analysis of zooplankton swimmers in samples collected by a year-round moored sediment trap may be a powerful tool. In this study, we studied seasonal changes in zooplankton swimmer community and fecal pellets collected by a sediment trap moored at fixed depths(180-260m) of the Northwind Abyssal Plain in the western Arctic Ocean from October 2010 to September 2012. The fecal pellets were separated into four types : oval, cylinder, spherical and brown-colored pellets. The occurrence of brown-colored pellets was limited to the open water period(July-August) and reached 80% of the total at that time. Ship-board experiments showed that the brown-colored fecal pellets were egested by amphipods(Themisto libellula). The high occurrence of brown-colored fecal pellets during the open water period might be a reflection of the massive feeding activity of amphipods. Zooplankton swimmer flux ranged from 35-739 ind m-2 day-1, and poecilostomatoid copepods were the most abundant(accounted for 69% of the annual mean). Seasonally, barnacle and bivalve larvae were abundant during August-September and August-November, respectively. These meroplanktionic larvae were considered to be transported by current flow from the southern continental shelf, whereas they were absent from summer to autumn 2012. The annual changes in meroplanktonic larvae occurrence would be a reflection of the annual changes in water mass formation at the upper layer of the sediment trap moored station.
  • 中塚, 美紀子; 安藤, 靖浩. 北海道近海産マイナー魚28種の脂質特性 = Lipid profiles of 28 Minor Marine Fish Species Caught from the Waters around Hokkaido, Japan. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(2), p.69-76.


    Lipid content, lipid class composition, and fatty acid composition were determined for 28 minor marine fish species caught from the waters around Hokkaido, Japan. The samples include some rare fish such as dusky rockfish Sebastes variabilis "nagamenuke" and prowfish Zaprora silenus "bouzuginpo." Most samples had low lipid contents, and therefore, can be used in low-fat fish foods. In contrast, the fish of four species and the liver of eight species were rich in lipid as they contained triacylgycerols or diacylglycerylethers as major lipid classes. Such fatty fish can be used as a source of marine lipids. The liver of brown hakeling Physiculus maximowiczi "donko" and ocean sunfish Mola mola "manbou" was found to be useful for including EPA and DHA. Prowfish and other two species were shown to contain tetracosahexaenoic acid in their fatty flesh and/or liver. These findings are useful fundamental information on the minor marine fish.
  • 岩城, 里奈; 田村, 亮輔; 五嶋, 聖治. アサリの定位方向が摂食効率に与える影響 = Effects of Burrowing Direction on Feeding Efficiency of the Short-necked Clam Ruditapes philippinarum. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(2), p.63-68.


    The substratum of Tateno fishing ground of the short-necked clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, Hakodate Bay, Hokkaido, Japan is characterized by higher percentage of cobbles and pebbles compared with other regions. The shell growth rate of the adult clam in this region is slower than that of other fishing grounds. In this study, the relationship between the uncommon sediment composition and the depressed growth was examined from the viewpoint of feeding efficiency of the clam. Infaunal bivalves usually stay with vertically directed siphons up to the sediment surface in suspension feeding, but in this region the clams often burrow into the sediment at an angle when they cannot burrow into sediment deeper. In the laboratory experiment the clam could not turn its valves but often extended its siphons up under condition of restricted burrowing. Filtration rate of the clam, which was estimated by changes in the chlorophyll-α concentration of the diatom Chaetoceros gracilis as an algal diet, was the highest in the vertical position of siphons among all setup directions. Therefore, the short-necked clam cannot keep their body the most effective direction by restricted burrowing due to many cobbles and pebbles, which may cause food intake reduction. It seems one of the reasons for depressed growth of the short-necked clam in this region.
  • Atsumi, Keisuke. Anatomical Features of the Pelvic Girdle in the Family Ateleopodidae(Pisces: Ateleopodiformes). 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(2), p.59-61.


    The osteology and myology of the pelvic girdle in a deep sea ateleopodiform fish, Ateleopus japonicus, were studied. The pelvic girdle is characterized by four unique features : (1) a pelvis that consists of a cartilaginous plate with a pair of large openings, (2) a pelvic fin that is thread-like owning to a greatly elongated first fin ray and subsequent rays that are concealed under the skin, (3) a greater number of muscles inserted on the first pelvic ray than in other teleosts, and (4) a pelvis that supports fin rays laterally, allowing muscles to insert on the first pelvic ray both anteriorly and posteriorly. The latter three characteristics suggest that the pelvic fin of A.japonicus is highly flexible and mobile. As demonstrated in other fishes with thread-like pelvic fins, this fin may not function in swimming, but may function in other actions such an searching for prey or signaling.

第66巻 第1号 (2016-03-18)


  • Yoshimura, Mika; Okamoto, Junichiro; Yasuma, Hiroki; Kimura, Nobuo. Characteristics of operations at fish-landing sites managed by private owners in Thailand. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(1), p.51-58.


    This study presents the results of a survey on the operation characteristics of landing sites managed by private owners in Thailand. The survey was conducted by interviewing private landing site owners, managers of fishery cooperatives, middlemen, and fishers. The results of interviews were summarized with respect to scale of business, fisheries, transaction, types of people associated with landing sites, location, and daily schedule. Landing sites were located along canals in coastal provinces. The scale of businesses was variable, depending on the type of middlemen ; local retailers, processing factories, export companies, etc. We visited landing sites for commercial fishing boats. The main fishing boat tipes were trawlers and purse seiners. The most common characteristic in the operation of private landing sites was the reliance of almost all transactions on individual relationships between fishers, landing site owwners, and middlemen. Private landing sites were essential for fishers to land fish near fishing grounds and played the role of wholesaler for middlemen to acquire fishery products as per amounts and species needed. The management system of landing sites and fishery wholesale markets is now in the transition period in Thailand.
  • 岡本, 純一郎; 吉村, 美香; 木村, 暢夫. 国際競争下での日本遠洋漁業の維持存立策:漁船の2重国籍問題,船籍登録と所有権 = An Approach towards Resilient Japanese Far Seas Fishing under the Increasing International Competition : Dual nationalities, registration and ownership of fishing vessel. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(1), p.47-50.


    According to the maritime norm, the nationality of ship is authorized with the registration of ship by the state concerned, and the ship registered is allowed to fly the flag of the state. The Japanese legislation for the registration of ship requires that the nationality of the ship shall be genuinely linked with the nationality of owner(s) of the ship, and does not allow a bareboat chartered-out vessel to the foreign state to temporarily terminate the registration of the ship in Japan. Under the regime of EEZ, many Japanese far seas fishing vessels(FSFVs) were decommissioned or forced to transfer of ownership to the coastal state if they wanted continuation of fishing operation in the EEZ of coastal states concerned, which led drastic reduction of Japanese FSFVs. The UN Convention of the Law of the Sea(1982) which stipulates the status of ships in Article 92 does not regulate the linkage between nationality and ownership of ship, and the United Nations Convention on Conditions for Registration of Ships(1986), while not in force, clearly recognizes the case of registration of the bareboat chartered-in ship. Some States(Canada, New Zealand, England, etc.) allow the bareboat chartered-in vessel to register it with their registration of ship. As the shortterm bareboat chartered-out would be one of breakthroughs for the plight of Japanese FSFVs loosing opportunity in the high seas, it is keenly requested that Japanese policy of ship registration allows temporary termination of the registration of Japanese ship for bareboat chartered-out.
  • 古川, 奈未; 古川, 佳道; 山名, 裕介; 柏尾, 翔; 植草, 亮人; 五嶋, 聖治. 人工礁に放流した稚ナマコの成長と生残 = Growth and Survival of Released Juveniles of the Japanese Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus into Artifical Reefs. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(1), p.39-46.


    The objective of this study was to follow growth and survival of the Japanese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus juveniles released into artificial reefs, and to verify practical effectiveness of the artifical reef to reduce early disapperance of released juveniles and an overall effect of the juvenile release to enhance the sea cucumber stock. We set up the artifical reefs near a breakwater in Esashi, sowthwestern coast of Hokkaido, where juveniles of sea cucumber were almost unoberved. To examine effective size of the reef, we prepared four types of the artificial reefs on the basis of size, and released 1-year old juveniles into them. The censuses were conducted ten times from June 2008 to July 2011 by SCUBA diving. The juveniles grew in average from 16 mm to 77 mm in standard body length during three years of the survey, and the growth rate became lower inversely depending on size of the artifical reefs. The number of juveniles decreased by about 36% after a month from the release and remained until 16 months after that. It then declined to 17% over the next 18 months. The juveniles in the larger artificial reefs showed better survival rates but lower growth rates comparing with those in the smaller ones. Considering increase in the number of the larger sea cucumber around the breakwater after 3 years of the release, it seems more likely that grown-up juveniles moved from the artificial reefs toward an offshore natural habitat, and they might keep about 30% survival rate during the 3 years. These results suggest that the release with artifical reefs makes a certain level of effect to increase the sea cucumber stocks.
  • 松本, 健太郎; 有馬, 大地; 松野, 孝平; 山﨑, 康裕; 大西, 広二; 大木, 淳之; 平譯, 享; 山口, 篤; 今井, 一郎. 西部北太平洋155°E線に沿った春季植物プランクトン群集の水平および鉛直分布:多波長励起蛍光光度計による解析 = The Spatial and Vertical Distributions of a Spring Phytoplankton Community along 155°E in the Western North Pacific : An In Situ Multi-Excitation Fluorometer Analysis. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(1), p.29-38.


    The spring phytoplankton community in the western North Pacific is characterized by large variability in both the horizontal and verical dimensions. To evaluate this variability, phytoplankton communitiesat 39°30'N-44°00'N along 155°E were investigated in situ using a multi-excitation fluorometer during May 2014. The sea surface chlorophyll a(Chi. a) level was high and composed mainly of diatoms near 43°30'N-42'N, while it was low and composed of dinoflagellates south of 40°N. Based on seven fixed-station investigations, the phytoplanklton communities were classified into 4 types : a low Chl. a level before bloom (44°N), massive diatom bloom(42°N-43°N), low Chl. a level with dinoflagellates(40°N-41°N) and lowest Chl.a(at the southernmost station at 39°30'N). These phytoplankton communities corresponded with the formation of a water mass separating the Subartctic front(SAF) and Subarctic boundary(SAB). Multi-excitation fluorometry data showed a high correlation with Chl. a measurements obtained via Thrmo-salinometer and biovolume microscopic analyses(r²=0.67-0.97,p<0.05). Thus, we concluded that a multi-excitation fluorometer can be applied for the evaluation of detailed spatial and temporal changes in the phytoplankton community at various locations.
  • 小島, 千里; 宮下, 洋平; 萩原, 匠; 山口, 篤; 今井, 一郎. 北海道大沼国定公園内の湖沼群におけるヨシ由来の細菌によるアオコ発生制御の可能性 = Possible control strategy of cyanobacterial blooms by bacteria from reed(Phragmites australis) communities in lakes of Ohnuma Quasi-National park, Hokkaido. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(1), p.19-28.


    Toxic blooms of cyanobacteria have negative impacts on fresh water ecosystems, and there is an urgent need to develop strategies to control those blooms. Algicidal bacteria that kill noxious species of cyanobacteria are expected as tools for mitigating impacts of the toxic cyanobacterial blooms. This study carried out to search algicidal bacteria against toxic cyanobacteria from biofilm on reeds and water samples in reed communities in Ohnuma Quasi-National Park and evaluated for control ability of cyanobacterial bloom by bacteria from reeds. Bacteria were isolated from the biofilm on reed and water samples, and the algicidal ability was examined using Microcystis aeruginosa by co-culture experiments. Algicidal bacteria were detected in high densities(order of 10⁵-10⁶ CFU g⁻¹ wet reed weight) from the biofilm of reeds including artificially planted reeds. Water samples from reed communities also contained more algicidal bacteria than those samples from no reed communities. The results suggested a possibility that reeds supply algicidal bacteria to adjacent water and reed communities have high potential ability to control toxic cyanobacterial blooms via bacteria possessing algicidal and groth-inhibiting activities.
  • 稲葉, 信晴; 秋里, 綾乃; 黒田, 麻美; 西, 広海; 田原, 義雄; 坂見, 知子; 今井, 一郎. 八代海における有害ラフィド藻Chattonella antiquaに対する殺藻及び増殖阻害細菌の時空間的変動 = Temporal and spatial dynamics of algicidal and growth-inhibiting bacteria against the fish-killing raphidophyte Chattonella antiqua in seawater of Yatsushiro Sea, south-western Kyushu, Japan. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(1), p.9-18.


    The harmful raphidophyte Cattonella antiqua is known as a notorious red-tide causing autotrophic flagellate. Mass mortalities of mainly cultured yellowtails by C. antiqua in 2009 and 2010 at Yatsushiro Sea, located in Kyushu, the southernmost of the four main islands of Japan, reaching 8.7 billion Japanese yen(about 80 million US dollar) have been newly reported. There is an urgent need to seek strategies for reducing negative impacts by Chattonella red-tides. In this study, temporal and spatial fluctuations of algicidal bacteria(AB) and growth-inhibiting bacteria(GIB) against C. antiqua in the seawater at southwest of Yatsushiro Sea were investigated in 2012. Densities of AB or GIB ranged between 3.7×10¹-5.6×10³CFU mL⁻¹ at 0 m and 1.4×10¹-8.5×10²CFU mL⁻¹ at 1m above the bottom(B-1m). Percentages of bacteria that killed or inhibited the growth of C. antiqua within the total culturable bacteria fluctuated between 3.3-17%(0m) and 3.3-10%(B-1m). AB and GIB were mostly found as particle-associated form(0m : 71%, B-1m : 87%). Partial 16S rRNA sequencing revealed that all of AB and GIB detected in this study were comprised of α- and γ-proteobacteria as well as the previous study conducted in 2011. This study gives an important ecological implication of algicidal and growth-inhibiting bacteria in coastal water in relation to the occurrences and prevention of harmful red-tides by Cattonella spp.
  • 武田, 忠明; 櫻井, 泉; 前川, 公彦; 埜澤, 尚範. サロマ湖養殖ホタテガイの養殖環境と閉殻筋アルギニンリン酸量の季節変化 = Seasonal Variations of Arginine Phosphate Concentration in Adductor Muscle of Japanese Scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis Associated with Aquaculture Environment in Lake Saroma, Hokkaido. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2016, 66(1), p.1-7.


    In Japan, the Japanese scallop aquaculture industry has started in Lake Saroma, Hokkaido. Recently, the scallop in the lake are produced from 4,000 tons to 9,000 tons in year by hanging culture. However, mass die-offs of cultured scallops have been frequently observed in the lake. For instance, hte mortality rate in 2007 and 2008 reached about 10% or more of the amount of aquaculture. Although these die-offs might be due to abrupt changes in the aquaculture environment, the relationship between environmental stress and die-off in scallops has yet to be clarified. Our previous results suggest that arginine phosphate concentration(ArgP) in the adductor muscle can be a good predictor of scallop die-off. This study aimed to evaluate scallop die-off on the aquaculture site by using ArgP. We investigated the relationship between the environmental changes such as water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, and water flow in the lake and ArgP in the adductor muscle. As a result, annual average of ArgP showed 14.6 ± 2.6 mol/g in the year characterized with less environmental change and low mortality rate. Therefore, the value of AreP would become one of the indicator to evaluate the changes in the aquaculture environment.

第65巻 第3号 (2015-12-20)


  • 泉, ひかり; 萩原, 聖士; 玄, 浩一郎; 井尻, 成保; 足立, 伸次. ニホンウナギ卵の母性mRNA次世代シーケンスのためのrRNA除去法の検討 = Selective Depletion of Ribosomal RNA from Total RNA for Next-generation Sequencing Analysis of Maternal mRNA in Eggs of the Japanese Eel Anguilla japonica. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(3), p.125-130.


    Removal of ribosomal RNAs(rRNA) from total RNA in eggs before preparation of a RNA library is required for the analysis of maternal mRNA using next-generarion sequencing ; this mRNA is essential for normal development. In mammals, the rRNA-depletion method is well-established and is already being used for the development of experiment kits. However, this method is not designed for other species, e.g., non-model organisms. In the current study, we attempted to remove rRNA from total RNA of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica, which is one of the most important aquaculture species in Japan. Removal was performed via hibridization-selection using mammalian probes from a commmercially available kit and/or an ordinally designed eel probe. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction(PCR) was performed to examine the depletion efficiency of 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA were comparative between each method, and >98% depletion was achieved. In addition, RNA-sequencing analysis using a next-generation sequencer and read-mapping analysis were carried out using the rRNA-depleted RNA, which was prepared using a mammalian probe, and mapping analysis revealed that rRNA reads were <1% of the total reads. These results suggest that an rRNA-depletion kit designed for a mammal can also be used for fish species.

第65巻 第2号 (2015-8-20)


  • Bower, John R.; Gallardo, Wenresti; Jumnongsong, Sirisuda. Internationalization of higher education in fisheries sciences in Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines : Results of a survey of motivations and priorities. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(2), p.117-124.


    This study presents and discusses the results of a survey of internationalization of higher education in fisheries science at four universities in Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines. Faculty members were asked about the importance, rationales, benefits and risks of internationalization at their universities. Information was also collected on the importance of foreign-language training, geographic priorities, and obstacles. More than 90% of respondents ranked internationalization either a high or medium priority. At every university, the most important reason to internationalize was to strengthen research and knowledge capacity and production. Key benefits included improved academic quality, and strengthened research and knowledge production. Nearly two-thirds of respondents noted internationalization also has associated risks; the most important were loss of cultural or national identity, and brain drain. The foreign language ranked most important was English. Japan and the ASEAN region ranked consistently high in importance for international collaboration, indicating the importance of intra-Asia collaboration, but efforts should be made to prevent less-developed countries and institutions from being left behind. The most important obstacle to internationalization at all universities was lack of financial support.
  • 今井, 圭理; 渡邉, 豊. 「おしょろ丸」を利用した北太平洋表層における東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故後の放射性セシウム濃度の継続的調査 = Time series of radioactive cesium concentration in the North Pacific surface water after the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident by using T/S "Oshoro-Maru" cruses. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(2), p.111-116.


    Massive radioactive cesium was released to the North Pacific Ocean by the accident of the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant from March 2011. Using the T/S "Oshoro-Maru" cruise, we started monitoring the concentration of radioactive cesium radioactive cesium(134Cs and 137Cs) in the North Pacific surface water from May 2011. Until December 2014, the samplings were carried out at 394 stations in the North Pacific Ocean including the Japan Sea and the Bering Sea. High concentration of radioactive cesium has been observed off Tohoku in 2011, and afterwards spread through the eastern side of the North Pacific by the Kuroshio Extension. In the most region, the radioactive cesium in the surface water reduced by less than the detection limit by the end of 2012. In order to clarify the spatiotemporal change of radioactive cesium in the ocean in future, the continuous monitoring by using the T/S "Oshoro-Maru" cruise be useful.
  • 宮下, 洋平; 小林, 淳希; 田中, 邦明; 今井, 一郎. 北海道苅間川の遊水池に播種したヒシによる栄養塩の除去機能 = Water Purification by the Water Plant Trapa japonica artificially Seeded in at Detention Pond at a Karima River Aria in Hokkaido. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(2), p.101-109.


    Lake Ohnuma in famous for the beautiful landscape in Hokkaido. However, lake Ohnuma has long been suffering from the serious cyanobacterial blooms in summer. Therefore, there is urgent needs to reduce cyanobacterial blooms. The aim of this study is to find a way to improving the water quality using a floating plant Trapa japonica Flerow. We set two different investigation spots where different densities of T. japonica were seeded. The following environmental parameters were monitored from June to November in 2014 : water temperature, pH, chlorophyll a and pheophytin, and nutrient concentrations. Water samples were examined under an inverted microscope, and the number of microalgaes was counted. The values of pH tended to be lower at high seed density spot after August. High seed density spot exhibited lower DIN than that of low seed density spot especially in June. The concentrations of phosphate and silicate were lower in high seed density spot than those of low seed density spot. As for microalgae diatoms occupied the substantial numbers and densites increased from June and showed the maximum in October for both water and biofilm samples. These results indicate that the more T. japonica is planted, the less nutrient concentrations were observed.
  • 伊藤, 詩織; 田村, 亮輔; 森本, 翔一; 五嶋, 聖治. 北海道函館湾アサリ漁場の形成過程 = Formation of Fishing Ground of the Short-necked Clam Ruditapes philippinarum in Hokuto, Hakodate Bay, Hokkaido. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(2), p.93-100.


    Histological observation on adult gonads of the short-necked clam Ruditapes philippinarum, field surveys about distribution of adults, and settling site of juveniles were investigated to examine formation process of fishing ground of the clam at Hokuto, Hakodate Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. Gametogenesis was observed from April to September, and gonadal maturation occurred between June and September, with peak period from July to August in this survey year. Number of juveniles was the highest in October, and they settled from shore area to offshore area of the sampling site. In December, number of individuals in shore area was more than that of offshore area. On the other hand, adults were distributed over shore area in all research months. From the above results, we can suggest that this fishing ground is formed through the following steps. Larvae settle and recruit in the whole fishing area, and metamorphose into juveniles. Juveniles in the offshore area are transported, move or dead by some factor, and number of juveniles increase relatively in the shore area. Finally, when clams remained in the shore area grow to a fishable size of 32mm in shell length, they become a target for the clam fishing.
  • 磯田, 豊. 非回転系における内部重力波の分散性 = Dispersion properties of internal gravity waves in the non-rotational system. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(2), p.77-91.


    In a continuously stratified fluid, the frequency of internal gravity waves depends only on the angle that the wavenumber makes with horizonal, i.e., the polarization relation in the non-rotational system. That is, the group velociity of internal wave is at right angles to the wavenumber vector, and hence its propagation characteristics are studied by "theory of ray-tracing". On the other hand, under the restriction on vertical scale, the behavior of internal wave can be frequently discussed by using "theory of decomposed mode-waves" or "two-layer approximate model". I try to do original interpretation as for the physical relationship between these three theories.
  • 矢幅, 寛; 磯田, 豊. 非成層期における沿岸海域の吹送流 : 海底摩擦を考慮した水路モデルとBoxモデル = Wind-driven current in coastal sea in the period of non-stratification : Channel and Box models with the bottom friction. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(2), p.61-76.


    We re-examine the maintenance mechanism for the vortices in steady state, taking into considertion of the dissipation term including bottom stress : τb under the forced conditions with a constant and shear wind stress along the channel axis. In case of channel-topography without the bay-head, the flow pattern according to "dynamic balance" of τs=-τb forms. Therefore, the vortices are never produced even by the vortices supply from uniform wind stress due to the bathymetry torque. We also compare two models based on a single-layer and a multi-layer respectively. In case of closed box-topography, the essential flow pattern of vortices can be explained by "vorticity balance" of curl(τs/H)~-curl(τb/H)(H is a depth), and the divergence term generates the lower mode shelf wave and distorts the position of vortices.
  • 小野, 祐嗣; 磯田, 豊; 工藤, 勲; 宮園, 章; 有田, 駿. 東風時に弱化され易い宗谷暖流 = Soya Warm Current Effectively Weakened by Easterly Wind. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(2), p.47-59.


    The subinertial variation of the Soya Warm Current(SWC) is investigated through the analysis of current records obtained from the moored meters settled at three sites along the east coast of Hokkaido, during a period from April to October 2011. We found that the rapid decreases of southeastward SWC were frequently observed due to the strong easterly wind blowing, but the inverse(westerly) wind with the similar amplitude never grew the strong SWC. To understand such asymmetrical response of the SWC to the wind forcing, the numerical model experiments including the nonlinear drag law of bottom friction were carried out. In the circumstances combined with the SWC generated by sea level difference across the Soya Strait and wind-induced current, the model result suggests that the asymmetrial action of bottom friction term causes the different dynamic response. When the momentum balance between easterly wind stress and sea level gradient across the atrait is just realized, the SWC effectively is weakened, and hence such dynamic responce becomes the frictional free. In the case of westerly wind forcing, the SWC is superimposed by the eastward wind-induced current so that the southeastward flow speed tends to increase. However, its increase rate is gradually suppressed, because the bottom friction term on the momentum balance dominants in proportional as the square of flow speed.

第65巻 第1号 (2015-3-16)


  • 楠元, 彩香; 藤森, 康澄; 倉長, 亮二; 志村, 健. 鳥取県沖合底曳き網 (かけまわし) のハタハタに対する選択性マスターカーブの推定 = Estimation of selectivity curve of Danish seine for Japanese sandfish Arctoscopus japonicus off Tottori Prefecture. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(1), p.39-45.


    Bycatch of immature Japanese sandfish Arctoscopus japonicas in Danish seine fishery is an issue in Tottori Prefecture. To manage the size of fish caught, mesh selectivity should be understood. This study aims to estimate a master curve of selectivity and to evaluate an adequate codend mesh size of Danish seine in this area. The sea experiment was conducted using three mesh sizes (43.0, 34.2, 30.0 mm) for codend with cover net under the same condition of the commercial fishery. The estimated master curves are compared in total of four ways which consist of two kinds of data sets (Whole set and AIC min) and two kinds of estimation methods (Separate and Simultaneous). From this result, it was concluded that the 43.0 mm mesh size was the most effective to decreasing the catch of immature sandfish preventing a decrease in the amount of mature fish.
  • 今井, 一郎; 石田, 貴子; 板倉, 茂; 山口, 峰生. 播磨灘および大阪湾における海底泥中の珪藻類休眠期細胞の分布と組成 = Abundance, Spatial Distribution and Composition of Resting Stage Cells of Diatoms in Bottom Sediments of Harima-Nada and Osaka Bay, Eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(1), p.31-38.


    Spatial distributions of viable diatom resting stage cells (DRSC) in bottom sediments (top 3-cm depth) of Harima-Nada and Osaka Bay, eastern Seto 1nland Sea, were investigated with the extinction dilution method (Most Probable Number (MPN) method) based on sediment incubation. The sampling cruise was carried out from June 13 to 16 in 2000. The dominant groups of DRSCs were composed of the species of the genera Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira and Skeletonema in sediment samples that ranged from ND (not detectable) to 1.3×105 MPN cm-3 (mean 1.5×104), from ND to 1.7×105 MPN cm-3 (mean 2.4×104), and from ND to 4.9×104 MPN cm-3 wet sediment (mean 9.2×103), respectively. The densities of DRSCs of other dominant species were also enumerated on such as Skeletonema tropicum, Leptocylindrus danicus, Leptocylindrus minimus, Asterionellopsis glacialis, Thalassionema nitzschioides, Bacteriastrum hyalimum, Odontella longicruris and Stephanopyxis palmeriana. The total number of DRSCs reached a maximum value of 2.1×105 MPN cm-3 wet sediment (mean 5.1×104). The DRSCs in bottom sediments generally distributed more abundantly at the coasts of Harima-Nada where more frequent diatom blooms have occurred than offshore areas showing lower densities of DRSCs. The most dominant diatom genus was Thalassiosira, followed by Chaetoceros and Skeletonema. The previous investigation in 1993 revealed the dominance of Skeletonema resting cells in bottom sediments in the northern coast of Harima-Nada, but Skeletonema resting cells were not abundant in 2000, suggesting a change of water quality conditions from eutrophication to oligotrophication to significant degree.
  • 荘司, 堅也; 磯田, 豊; 久万, 健志; 荒巻, 能史. 日本海深層循環における底層水の形成 = Formation of the Bottom Water in the Abyssal Circulation in the Japan Sea. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(1), p.17-29.


    The abyssal waters in the Japan Sea vertically consist of the homogeneous Bottom Water (BW) and the weak-stratified Deep Water (DW). The formation of BW was inferred based on the spatial difference of their recent warming trends in potential temperature from 2000 to 2007 and the snapshot hydrographic observation in 2007 around a benthic front on the shallower sill region between the Yamato Basin (YB) and the Japan Basin (JB). It is found that there is no significant change in the thickness of BW, but both BW and DW showed clear warming trends. Geothermal heating from the seabed with order of 102 mW m-2 is plausible candidate having potential to cause the vertical mixing of BW and its reasonable warming trend with order of 10-3 °C yr-1. Considering upward advection of such heating from BW, the warming trends of DW at YB and JB are respectively examined using the one-dimensional advection-diffusive equation. The results suggest the existence of horizontal abyssal density current between both basins, i.e., on the sill, which was consistent with the snapshot spatial distributions of salinity and dissolved oxygen. If this local abyssal circulation may be continuously generated by the horizontal density gradient between both basins, the thickness of warming and vertical mixed BW will be always restricted by the sill depth.
  • 藤原, 将平; 磯田, 豊; 妹尾, 浩太郎; 高木, 省吾. 小笠原諸島周辺海域における海洋構造の季節変化 = Seasonal variations of the hydrographic structure around the Ogasawara islands. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2015, 65(1), p.1-15.


    Using a two-layer model driven by the annual change in wind stress, Isobe and Imawaki (2002) suggested that the topographic effect of Izu-Ogasawara Ridge generates the baroclinic activity through the impinging process due to the barotropic response over the bottom slope, but there is no observed evidence for such process. To seek the indirect evidence of the impinging process in this study, seasonal variations of isopycnic vertical displacement over the ridge are investigated through analysis of monthly sea level at Chichijima and hydrographic data around the Ogasawara islands. Although annual signals of sea level and density field were largely masked by the westward propagating synoptic eddies with several-month time scale, we could detect annual cycle of isopycnic surfaces around the permanent pycnocline out of phase with that of sea surface mixed layer, i.e., it moves downward in summer (May to July) and upward in winter (November to January). Furthermore, this annual cycle was relatively amplified along the eastern hydrographic line at the intruding side of westward propagating barotropic waves. These results indirectly support the seasonal occurrence of impinging over the ridge.

第64巻 第3号 (2014-12-15)


  • 今井, 一郎; 奥田, 亜友美; 板倉, 茂; 山口, 峰生. 有明海,八代海,及び鹿児島湾の海底泥中における有害赤潮ラフィド藻 Heterosigma akashiwo のシストの分布 = Abundance and Distribution of Cysts of the Noxious Red Tide Flagellate Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) in Bottom Sediments of Ariake Sea, Yatsushiro Sea and Kagoshima Bay, West and South Coastal Seas of Kyushu, Japan. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2014, 64(3), p.89-103.


    The fish-killing flagellate Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) has a cyst stage in the life cycle. The cysts play an important role functioning as resistant cells to survive adverse environments. They also play a key role in initiating red tides in early summer in temperate coastal waters. Abundance and distribution of viable H. akashiwo cysts possessing germination ability in bottom sediments were investigated in Ariake Sea, Yatsushiro Sea, and Kagoshima Bay, west and south coast of Kyushu, Japan. Viable cysts showing germination ability were enumerated with the extinction dilution method (most probable number method) using surface sediment samples (top 3-cm depth) collected in June 2003. In Ariake Sea, H. akashiwo cyst density ranged from 244 to 11,613 (mean, 2,240) MPN cm-3 (wet sediment), and from 242 to 10744 (mean, 1,719) MPN cm-3 (wet sediment) in Yatsushiro Sea, and from 238 to 2,244 (mean 782) MPN cm-3 (wet sediment) in Kagoshima Bay, respectively. Abundant points were detected in the areas of H. akashiwo red tide occurrences. Cyst densities have no significant relationships with mud contents (%) in Ariake Sea and Yatsushiro Sea, but cysts tended to be abundant at the points with high mud contents in Kagoshima Bay. The information of cyst densities should be effectively utilized together with the results of monitoring of vegetative cells and bottom water temperature affecting the germination of cysts in red-tide occurring areas.
  • 福武, 千尋; 松石, 隆; 永野, 一郎. MSC 漁業審査規準を用いたスケトウダラ太平洋系群を対象とする漁業の持続可能性の評価 = Evaluation of the Sustainability on the Walleye Pollock Fishery off Pacific Coast of Hokkaido by using the MSC Fishery Standard. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2014, 64(3), p.83-87.


    To evaluate and improve the sustainability of Walleye Pollock fisheries for the Pacific stock according to the global standard, the fisheries is evaluated by MSC Fishery Standard which is a globally recognized requirements for an eco-label certification of sustainable fishery published by the Marine Stewardship Counsil. MSC Certification Requirements were used which describes the scoring of 31 performance indicators (PI) grouped to three principles, (1) stock assessment, (2) ecological consideration, and (3) fishery management. For the certification, all score should be over 60, and the average score for each principles should be over 80. The evaluation was carefully conducted by two researchers independently based on the disclosed information. As a result, the total average score was 78.3, and the average score for each principle was (1) 92.5, (2) 69.0, (3) 84.4. The scores of the 4 PIs in principle 2 were under 60. Thus, the fisheries of the Walleye Pollock Pacific stock does not meet the requirements as sustainable fishery as the current condition according to the MSC standards. The main cause for the low score is the lack of the monitoring of the otter trawl fishery on the damage to the sea bed, and on the by-catch. An observers program would improve the sustainability of the fisheries.
  • Abe, Yoshiyuki; Yamaguchi, Atsushi; Matsuno, Kohei; Kono, Tokihiro; Imai, Ichiro. Short-term changes in the population structure of hydromedusa Aglantha digitale during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報. 2014, 64(3), p.71-81.


    To evaluate the effects of water mass changes and the spring phytoplankton bloom, we analysed short-term changes in the population structure of the dominant hydromedusa Aglantha digitale in the Oyashio region during March-April 2007. Samples were collected with Bongo nets at night via oblique towing from a depth of 200 m to the surface on eight occasions in March and April of 2007. The abundance, biomass and mature individual compositions of A. digitale rapidly increased from April onward. During April, the reproduction and growth of A. digitale is achieved due to the initiation of the spring phytoplankton bloom and the increase in small copepods. Based on dry mass, the growth rate of A. digitale (1.3% day-1) was lower than the reported maximum value (4.9% day-1) for this species. The rapid exchange of the dominant water masses was also observed during spring in the Oyashio region. Significant effects of water mass exchange were detected in the abundance, biomass and body sizes of A. digitale. Thus, the abundance, biomass and population structure of A. digitale in the Oyashio region may be altered during spring by two factors : internal growth and external water mass exchange.

3. 大学院理学研究院 - Faculty of Science

3-1. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 = Geophysical bulletin of Hokkaido University


件数: 155

第85号 (2022-03-26)


  • 風間, 卓仁; 大柳, 諒; 山本, 圭吾; 岡田, 和見; 大島, 弘光. LaCoste & Romberg型相対重力計のリードアウト感度設定の標準化(2021年12月) = Standardization of readout sensitivity of LaCoste & Romberg relative gravimeters in December 2021. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2022, 85, p.11-24.


    We calibrated five LaCoste & Romberg relative gravimeters (serial numbers: G031, G534, G605, G680 and G791) belonging to Kyoto and Hokkaido Universities in December 2021, in order to standardize readout sensitivity of these gravimeters. The readout sensitivity can be calibrated by adjusting the offset angle for long level and turning the SENS screw on the upper surface of each gravimeter. When a galvanometer is connected to the readout socket on the right surface of each gravimeter, the resistance value of a low-pass filter circuit in the galvanometer also contributes to determining the current output sensitivity. As at October-November 2021, the current and voltage sensitivity values of the five gravimeters had been scattered in the range of 0.0526-0.0873 μA/μGal and 0.464-3.560 V/mGal, respectively. We therefore reduced the individual differences of the sensitivity values during the calibration in December 2021, and the current/voltage sensitivity values were standardized to be 0.0631-0.0664 μA/μGal and 2.689-2.953 V/mGal, respectively. Because the sensitivity variation to long level tilt was set to be as small as 2 μGal/sec, it is expected that any of the gravimeters can obtain stable gravity data during both continuous and campaign gravity measurements. We will use these gravimeters with the present status of readout sensitivity, to verify long-term stabilities associated with readout sensitivity and instrumental drift, and response characteristics to environmental disturbances such as microseism and teleseismic waves.
  • 相河, 卓哉; 稲津, 將. アンサンブルスプレッドを活かしたガイダンスの精度向上 = The improvement of post-processing with the ensemble spread. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2022, 85, p.1-10.


    Post-processing is an inevitable procedure to statistically correct systematic errors in a numerical model product. Karman filtering, a post-processing technique, often ameliorated the prediction skill by overlearning due to large random errors. This study conducted an experiment to determine the observation error variance from the ensemble spread, based on an idealised numerical model of Lorenz 96. The results suggested that the overlearning was mitigated in spite of synchronisation of systematic errors and the prediction skill was higher than in previous method.

第84号 (2021-03-26)


  • 渋谷, 桂一; 橋本, 武志; 早川, 智也; 吉川, 契太郎. 無人ヘリを利用した樽前山における繰り返し磁気測量 = Repeated aeromagnetic surveys of Tarumae volcano using an unmanned autonomous helicopter. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2021, 84, p.29-39.


    Repeated aeromagnetic surveys using an unmanned autonomous helicopter was conducted at Mt. Tarumae Volcano. In October 2020, we performed the fourth survey following the previous ones in 2011, 2012 and 2013. In this study, we analyzed the aeromagnetic data in 2020 and compared to the previous data in 2011 and 2013 to obtain the temporal changes of the magnetic anomaly between them. The accuracy of the repeated flight was satisfactory as gaps between the actual flight trajectories were mostly within 5 m. After the reduction of the geomagnetic disturbances of extra-terrestrial origins, we obtained the temporal changes in the total magnetic field by taking the simple differences of the selected nearest points between 2013 and 2020. We also calculated the temporal changes for the pair between 2011 and 2013 through the same procedure. Both the pairs showed positive and negative changes in the south and north, respectively, around the summit lave dome, suggesting the cooling re-magnetization. We explained them as a single magnetic dipole source beneath the lave dome with magnetic moment changes of 7.9 × 106 Am2 and 8.0 × 106 Am2, respectively for the former and the latter pairs. The comparable amount of the magnetic moment for the two periods suggested the possibility of slowdown in the magnetization rate after 2013. This result was consistent with the ground-based monitoring that was annually performed by the Japan Meteorological Agency and Hokkaido University (Hashimoto et al.,2018). Such a cooling trend in the 2010s was also supported by other monitoring data such as the ground eformation and fumarolic temperatures.
  • 一柳, 昌義; 高橋, 浩晃; 大園, 真子. 臨時観測によるニセコ火山群の地震活動 = Seismic activity in Niseko volcano group by temporal observation data. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2021, 84, p.21-28.


    Seismic activity in Niseko volcano group was investigated using temporal and permanent seismic observation data. Three temporal seismic stations had been operated from November 2019 to October 2020. Location of precise hypocenters are calculated with optimum velocity structure estimated in this study. The number of earthquakes detected was 53, which is much larger than the JMA unified catalog. This indicates that there is existence of seismic activity in this region. Detected hypocenters distribute along the mountain ridge in west-east direction. In addition, relatively large earthquakes occur near Nitonupuri and Iwaonupuri volcano edifices. Temporal seismic observation around this volcanic region and its detailed analysis reveal the existence of local seismic activities.
  • 若林, 環; 風間, 卓仁. 京都大学~比叡山頂間の高頻度キャンペーン重力データから推定された可搬型相対重力計の相対スケールファクター = Relative scale factors of portable relative gravimeters, inferred from frequent campaign gravity data measured between Kyoto University and Mt. Hiei. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2021, 84, p.11-20.


    Campaign relative gravity measurement is one of the most powerful methods to monitor spatiotemporal mass variations associated with volcanic activities. In order to quantify volcanic gravity variations accurately, the systematic gravity error due to scale factor should be corrected from original gravity data. We therefore determined relative scale factors of portable relative gravimeters, using relative gravity values measured at six gravity points between Kyoto University and Mt. Hiei in 2020 frequently. We here calculated the relative scale factor of each gravimeter by dividing the gravity value of the LC-G534 gravimeter by that of the corresponding gravimeter. The scale factor of the LC-G680 gravimeter relative to the LC-G534 gravimeter was obtained to be 0.999900 ± 0.000067; although the gravity difference between Kyoto University and Mt. Hiei (about 167 mGal) was not so large for the scale factor calibration, we succeeded in determining the G680’s relative scale factor with small standard deviation because the measurement error of the gravity data became smaller thanks to the frequent gravity measurements. However, the relative scale factors for LC-G680 and D-58 as of 2020 were found to be different from those in 2018 by more than 0.0002. In addition, the standard deviations of the relative scale factors for LC-D58 and CG-5 were obtained to be greater than 0.0002. These results may be related to significant temporal variations in reading values, originating from the overhaul in 2019 (LC-G680), the manual adjustment of the reading range (LC-D58) and the large instrumental drift (CG-5). Our results also imply that scale factor values for LaCoste-type gravimeters can depend on their reading values, as mentioned in a previous study for Scintrex-type gravimeters.
  • 宮坂, 瑞穂; 中川, 光弘. 蘭越町および共和町のボーリングコアに産出する洞爺カルデラ形成噴火噴出物について = Deposits of Toya caldera-forming eruption in boring cores at Kyowa and Rankoshi towns. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2021, 84, p.1-10.


    We examined boring cores excavated at Kyowa and Rankoshi towns to clarify stratigraphy and thickness of deposits of Toya caldera-forming eruption. As a result, there exists thick pyroclastic flow deposits of ca. 20m thick in these areas, and we also recognized fine-grained pyroclastic fall and pyroclastic flow deposits of 10cm-thick each below the thick pyroclastic flow deposits at Rankoshi. Glass compositions of these deposits are in the range of deposits of Toya caldera-forming eruption, suggesting that they are all derived from the eruption and upper pyroclastic flow deposits are more voluminous.

第83号 (2020-03-19)


  • 工藤, 千聖; 青山, 裕; 田中, 良. UAVによる樽前山溶岩ドームの3次元地形モデリング = Three-dimensional reconstruction of topography model of Tarumae lava dome using UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2020, 83, p.103-114.


    Monitoring of volcanic activity is essential for volcanological studies as well as disaster mitigation. In case of a lava dome eruption, it is particularly important to monitor the instability of the dome that may result in its collapse accompanied by a pyroclastic flow. For a study of the growth mechanism of the lava dome and the hazard assessment against the dome collapse, frequent monitoring of the topography with a high resolution is necessary. The airborne photogrammetry and/or the space geodesic technologies are commonly used to observe the ground surface. However, they are usually not suitable for frequent operations from the viewpoint of its cost and/or the recurrence period. Therefore, in this study, we tried the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) photogrammetry for the lava dome topography measurement. This study aimed for evaluating the accuracy of the topography reconstruction by the drone-based photogrammetry as a preparatory step for the future monitoring on a regular basis. We chose the lava dome of Mt. Tarumae as a test field, and tried reconstructing a 3D topography model consisting of dense point cloud and the DSM (Digital Surface Model) from hundreds of aerial images taken by a drone. We succeeded in reconstructing the topography models with or without the GCPs (Ground Control Points), and finally obtained the DSM of a high spatial resolution about 9.5 cm/pixel. To evaluate the accuracy of our DSM, we compared it with the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) provided by the Geographical Survey Institute to estimate the elevation difference between them. Contrary to our expectation, the DSM with the GCPs had a larger self-inconsistency than the one without the GCPs. We suspect that spatially imbalance arrangement of the GCPs may have affected. Our achievement of generating the high-resolution topography model demonstrated that the drone-based photogrammetry is useful for volcano observation. The technique will be more common and easier with improving performance of UAVs in the future.
  • 名和, 一成; 今西, 祐一; 西山, 竜一; 高橋, 浩晃; 大園, 真子; 岡田, 和見; 山口, 照寛; 本多, 亮. 絶対重力計との比較による超伝導重力計のスケールファクターの推定 : 2019年9月北海道大学弟子屈観測所において = Estimation of scale factor of an iGrav superconducting gravimeter by comparison with FG5 absolute gravimeter: A case at Teshikaga observatory of eastern Hokkaido in September 2019. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2020, 83, p.97-101.


    The absolute gravity measurement by FG5 was performed for the first time after starting continuous gravity observation by iGrav SG (# 017) at the Teshikaga Observatory, Hokkaido University. From the comparison between the absolute gravity value obtained with FG5 and the output value of iGrav SG, the scale factor in Medium Feedback mode of iGrav SG was estimated to be -1998 μGal/V (×10-8 ms-2/V).
  • 大園, 真子. GEONET観測網による北海道東部における地殻ひずみの時空間変化 = Spatiotemporal crustal strain distribution around eastern Hokkaido measured by GEONET. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2020, 83, p.85-96.


    The crustal deformation field in eastern Hokkaido is affected by a little complex tectonic system, such as the interplate coupling between the Pacific plate and the Okhotsk plate, deformable volcanic front, local volcanism, and inland seismic activity. In order to confirm spatiotemporal change of the crustal strain distribution in this area, GNSS daily coordinates obtained from GEONET are analyzed. The 41 of data sets made by three-years daily coordinate time series shifting 0.5 years since 1996.5 are prepared after elimination of coseismic steps induced by several large earthquakes. Then, velocity and strain tensors are calculated. It is clear that the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake and the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake generated temporary strain disturbances at this study area. However, most of strain fields indicate NW-SE contractional maximum strain through all period. This contractional direction corresponds to the Pacific plate convergence or orthogonal direction with respect to the Kurile Trench axis. It is thought that the plate convergence effect is working in this area even though disturbances receives, such as large earthquakes. The high strain rate field around volcanic front exists through the whole period. The strain field calculated from simulated interseismic velocity data provided by Itoh et al. (2019), which assumes thinner elastic layer with lower rigidity in the volcanic front region than forearc and backarc regions, also reproduces high strain rate field at this area. Around each volcano, the crustal deformation field is probably composed of this regional heterogeneous structure effect and local volcanic activities.
  • 不破, 智志; 成田, 翔平; 大園, 真子; 村上, 亮. ALOS-2/PALSAR-2で捉えられた樽前山溶岩ドームの沈降(2015-2019年) = Subsidence at lava dome of Tarumae volcano as revealed by ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 InSAR(2015-2019). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2020, 83, p.71-83.


    We applied interferometry analysis to the L-band SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images acquired by ALOS-2 satellite for the Tarumae Volcano from 2015 to 2019 and detected ground deformation at lava dome and eastern mountain flank. As a result, the observed distance length change in line-of-sight increased up to 4 cm at lava dome and eastern flank for 4 years. By the multiple images from two different track directions, quasi east-west and vertical ground deformation was also estimated. Each displacement at the lava dome and eastern flank were < 5 cm of east-west intension and < 5 cm subsidence, and 5 cm of eastward displacement and 7 cm subsidence, respectively. Source modeling to explain the displacement at the lava dome, shows 104 m3 order of deflation at the depth of 200~500 m below the lava dome. A previous study supposed that the observed GNSS baseline length change in the same period is caused by depressurization and cooling at shallow hydrothermal reservoir. Our result also supports this suggestion. Several previous studies suggested that a shallow hydrothermal reservoir at around the same depth has been inflated for 1999~2000. Therefore, it is assumed that this reservoir is contracting during our observation period. On the other hand, it is thought that the eastward and subsidence displacement at the eastern flank might be not caused by volcanic activity for the present. more detailed SAR data analysis, and its temporal accumulation monitoring will give us further constrains on the on-going process at the shallow hydrothermal system of the Tarumae Volcano.
  • 柘植, 鮎太; 青山, 裕. しかべ間歇泉の多項目観測と特徴的な噴出周期変化について : 序報 = Multi-parameter observations at Shikabe Geyser, and unique changes in interval between eruptions (preliminary report). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2020, 83, p.49-70.


    We started multi-parameter observations on November 25, 2019 using several physical monitoring instruments at the Shikabe geyser in order to obtain new knowledge on the phenomena associated with the geyser eruption and to understand the mechanism of IBE(Interval between eruptions) change. We confirmed regular pattern of signals corresponding to eruption and quiescence in the observed data. Our data also show that IBE of the Shikabe geyser was not always constant but rather showing characteristic change in time. The average of IBE during normal eruption cycle is about 12.5 to 13.5 minutes. IBE sometimes becomes 2-3 minutes longer than the mean interval, and the next IBE is certainly about 1 minutes shorter than the average. Finally, we estimated the hydraulic head of the Shikabe geyser based on the following two conditions obtained from the observed data. 1. Ascent flow rate near the surface of the water level just before overflow; 2. Quiescence time between the end of previous eruption and the start of the next overflow. Hydraulic head value estimated from these two conditions was 1.03-3.73m above the ground surface.
  • 青山, 裕; 田中, 良; 橋本, 武志; 村上, 亮; 成田, 翔平. 十勝岳の火口近傍における力学観測 : 序報 = Seismic and geodetic monitoring near the active crater at Tokachidake volcano (preliminary report). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2020, 83, p.25-48.


    Broadband seismometer and tiltmeter newly installed near the crater of Tokachidake volcano made it possible to observe interesting tilt change events that had not been recognized at Tokachidake before. These events are mainly observed at the Maetokachi West station (MTKW) built in October 2016. The tilt events are roughly classified into the following three types: 1. Oscillating micro tilt fluctuation with a period of about several hundred seconds that is remarkable in the horizontal component of the broadband seismometer, 2. Small tilt change that can be recognized as an event by both the broadband seismometer and the tiltmeter, 3. Tilt change that can be remarkably recognized even in the long-term tilt record. Micro tilt fluctuation in type 1 has an amplitude of about several nanoradian at MTKW and it seems that it appears and disappears in response to the atmospheric pressure change. The oscillation direction of the tilt fluctuation at MTKW is between N35°W and N45°W. Small tilt change in type 2 has an amplitude of several tens to several hundreds of nanoradian at MTKW. Many events show step-like subsidence in the crater direction, but some events with slightly large amplitude show complex time functions. Tilt change in type 3 has an amplitude of several microradian at MTKW that can be recognized even in long-term tilt records. Type 3 events were clearly confirmed from November 1 to November 5, 2019 and on January 20, 2020. Tilt changes that seem to be a series of type 3 events were also observed from around November 25, 2019 to December 7, 2019. These phenomena are thought to reflect some pressure fluctuations in the shallow part near the crater. Similar tilt change events have also been reported in Azumayama volcano. These tilt events may be a universal phenomenon in volcanoes with active fumaroles and hydrothermal activities.
  • 風間, 卓仁. 可搬型相対重力計を用いた重力連続観測 : システムの概要およびラコスト重力計G680による観測例 = Continuous gravity measurements using portable relative gravimeters : The system overview and a case study of the LaCoste G680 gravimeter. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2020, 83, p.9-23.


    Relative gravity data is continuously collected using different types of portable relative gravimeters on a trial basis, toward the future utilization of continuous relative gravity measurements for monitoring spatiotemporal mass variations associated with volcanic activities. The gravity data is first recorded using the Tera Term software installed to a Windows-based PC; although a typical LaCoste & Romberg gravimeter does not have any devices to transmit its gravity value digitally, its analog voltage output from its readout socket can be converted to serial data format using an appropriate analog-digital converter. The recorded gravity data is then sent to an Ubuntu-based computer periodically to draw graphs of gravity time series. The graphs are finally uploaded to a web server so as to monitor temporal gravity variations anytime and anywhere. The above system for continuous relative gravity measurement was applied to the LaCoste G680 gravimeter, which was installed at the Kyoto-A gravity point, Kyoto University in September 2017. The G680’s gravity data in 2018 clearly showed time variations in short-period tide and annual instrumental drift. In particular, the instrumental drift was expressed by the linear gravity decrease of about 10 mGal/year and the additional annual gravity variation of about 1.5 mGal amplitude. These results suggest that typical LaCoste gravimeters can be utilized for continuous relative gravity measurements without major instrumental remodeling.
  • 一柳, 昌義; 大園, 真子; 高田, 真秀; 高橋, 浩晃. 2019年に発生した札幌市西区福井・平和付近の地震活動 = The 2019 earthquake swarm in Fukui-Heiwa border area of Nishi-ward, Sapporo. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2020, 83, p.1-7.


    An earthquake swarm begun on 25 July 2019 in mountain side of Nishi-ward, Sapporo city. The largest earthquake was the M3.1 on 1 August 2019. One temporal seismic station had been deployed in the focal region from 30 July 2019 to 27 September 2019. Hypocenter and velocity structure estimation was processed using the VELEST program. Hypocenters were distributed 1km wide in E-W direction and 6-8km deep, which was consistent with a nodal plane of focal mechanism.

第82号 (2019-03-19)


  • 井上, 智裕; 橋本, 武志. MT法による雌阿寒岳北麓の比抵抗構造探査:序報 = Magnetotelluric survey on the northern foot of Meakandake volcano : preliminary report. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2019, 82, p.25-38.


    We performed a broadband MT survey in the northern part of Mt. Meakandake, one of the active volcanoes in eastern Hokkaido to clarify the relationship between the subsurface electrical structure and the volcanic activities of this area. On the northeastern foot of Meakandake, remarkable crustal deformation from late 2016 through 2017. We planned a magnetotelluric survey to investigate the electrical structure across the deformation source. In this study, we describe the features of our MT data and show the 1-D models as a preliminary modeling. In the inversion, we only used a frequency range between about 0.1 and 100 Hz, in which the responses showed approximately a 1-D feature. The inverted 1-D models exhibited distinct low resistivity layer (1-10Ωm) at depths around a few hundred meters to 1 km at all sites. In addition, at the sites in the SE half of the survey line, another low resistivity layer of approximately 10Ωm was associated at a depth around 2-3 km.
  • 名和, 一成; 池田, 博; 岡田, 和見; 高橋, 浩晃; 岡, 大輔. iGrav型超伝導重力計(#017)の道東カルデラ火山地域への移設 : 苫小牧から札幌・南新川を経て弟子屈へ = Moving the iGrav superconducting gravimeter (#017) : from Tomakomai to Teshikagavia Minami-shinkawa (Sapporo) in Hokkaido, Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2019, 82, p.19-24.


    In November, 2018, continuous observation with the iGrav type superconducting gravimeter (#017) was started at the Teshikaga Observatory of the Hokkaido University in order to carry out high spatiotemporal resolution gravity monitoring in the volcanic area in eastern Hokkaido. The gravimeter used in a CCS project of Tomakomai site, was temporarily relocated to the Minami-shinkawa Observatory in September of the same year. And then it moved to the Teshikaga Observatory from Minami-shinkawa in November, just before entering the snowy season. In this paper, we report on the process of relocation and the data obtained during the process.
  • 高橋, 浩晃; 青山, 裕; 大園, 真子; 田中, 良; 伊藤, ちひろ; 渡邉, 早姫; 松島, 健; 山下, 裕亮; 宮町, 宏樹; 奥山, 哲; ゴルディエフ, エフゲニー; ムラビヨフ, ヤロスラフ; マグースキン, キリル; マリック, ナタリヤ; ミノロフ, イワン; チェブロフ, ダニラ. ロシア・カムチャツカ半島アバチンスキー火山での傾斜観測 = Tiltmerer observation in Avachinsky volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2019, 82, p.11-18.


    Tiltmeter observation network with 4 stations were installed on active Avachinsky volcano, Kamchatka, Russia, in 2017. Bubble tilt sensors were equipped on base of pit. Waveform of a distance earthquake recorded at AVCT and UGLT stations indicated that the sensors were normal. Observation data for 9 days suggested long term tilt change of 30 μrad at AVCT and 300 μrad at UGLT, respectively. Daily tilt fluctuation at UGLT might reflect larger daily temperature change of air due to shallow pit depth. Proper pre-processing filtering is required based on noise characteristic investigation.
  • 稲津, 將; 越石, 健太; 梶野, 瑞王. 新燃岳の噴火における火山灰の拡散沈着シミュレーション = Diffusion-deposition simulation of volcanic ash emitted by eruption of Mt. Shinmoedake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2019, 82, p.1-9.


    This study performs the diffusion-deposition simulation for volcanic ash following its forecast procedure by the Japanese Meteorological Agency, for the case of the volcanic eruption at Mt. Shinmoedake on 26 January 2011 and 18 February 2011. The volcanic ash with a smaller particle size was transported farther from the crater, so that most of ash fall in the foothill consisted of the smaller particles. In contrast, the large particles were mostly deposited around the crater, but it contributed to the mass amount of ash fall even in the foothill. Compared with ash fall observation, the simulation successfully reproduced the amount of ash fall for these cases.

第81号 (2018-03-19)


  • 不破, 智志; 大園, 真子. GNSS観測に基づく2016年熊本地震(M7.3)の余効変動時系列解析による九州地方の粘性構造の推定 = Viscosity distribution beneath the Kyushu Island estimated by GNSS postseismic time series of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (M7.3). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2018, 81, p.45-55.


    In order to investigate the viscosity distribution beneath the Kyushu Island, we analyzed postseismic time series of Global Navigation Satellite System induced by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake(M7.3) . For the ~1.5 years of daily coordinates at 135 GEONET stations, we fitted theoretical time evolutions with two approaches.(1) Assuming that the first 50-days is dominated by the afterslip, we applied both of logarithmic and exponential functions. For the estimation, we firstly found the appropriate common time decay constants for the afterslip(0.996 days) , then estimated other parameters.(2) Ignoring first rapid afterslip signals, we fitted only exponential function for the time series after 50-days. As a result, both approaches indicate 1017-1020 Pa s of viscosity in the Kyushu Island. Especially, low viscosity of ~1018 Pa s was obtained around the central region of Kyushu. This corresponds to the location of low viscosity in the lower crust. Therefore, the estimated viscosity distribution is probably affected by the beneath of the viscoelastic structure through the lower crust to the surface.
  • 椎名, 高裕; 高橋, 浩晃; 勝俣, 啓; 一柳, 昌義. 3次元速度構造を考慮した襟裳岬周辺における地震の震源決定 = A distribution of earthquakes around the Erimo cape, Hokkaido, Japan, determined by three-dimensional velocity structure. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2018, 81, p.33-43.


     In order to evaluate differences in an earthquake distribution in one- or three-dimensional velocity structures, we tried re-determinations of locations of earthquakes occurred around the Erimo cape, Hokkaido, Japan, in the three-dimensional heterogeneous model. Because of lowvelocity anomaly developed beneath the Hidaka mountain range, the relocated earthquakes mark that their focal depths tend to decrease. The maximum focal depth change is about 15 km. These changes of relocated earthquakes from those estimated in the one-dimensional model suggest that precise determinations of hypocenter considering realistic, three-dimensional velocity structure would improve our understandings for seismic activity and their focal mechanism around the Erimo cape.
  • 岡田, 和見; 高橋, 浩晃; 一柳, 昌義; 岡崎, 紀俊; 高木, 朗充. 十勝岳重力観測網での2機種の相対重力計による測定値の比較 = Comparison of gravity measurement values between two relative gravimeter models in Tokachi-dake volcano. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2018, 81, p.27-32.


    Simultaneous relative gravity measurements using three SCINTREX CG5 and one LaCoste & Romberg G gravimeters were carried out in active Tokachi-dake volcano. No tares were identified in all measurement series. Differences in measured relative gravity values between the CG5#0033 and G#791 were less than 0.023 mGal for each observation point. Maximum difference between CG5#0552 and G#791, however, reached to 0 .196 mGal. Discrepancy between CG5#0552 and CG5#0033 was also recognized. Above differences seemed to correlate with relative gravity and altitude from reference to stations. These results suggested possible larger difference between individuals but lesser between gravimeter models. Investigation of possible error factors, e.g. spring constants, recovery characteristics of gravimeter tilting, and air proofing of chamber are required.
  • 一柳, 昌義; シェスタコフ, ニコライ; 奥山, 哲; 大園, 真子; 笠原, 稔; 高橋, 浩晃. 2014年7月8日に発生した北海道白老町付近(胆振地方中東部)の地震(MJMA 5.6)について = Seismic activity associated with the 2014 Shiraoi earthquake (MJMA 5.6) in middle east Iburi region, Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2018, 81, p.17-26.


    A M5.6 shallow earthquake occurred on 8 July 2014 in middle east Iburi region, southwestern Hokkaido. Maximum seismic intensity of 5- was observed at Shiraoi town. Three temporal seismic stations had been installed in the focal region from 9 July 2014 to 30 April 2015. We determined 384 aftershock hypocenters by the double-difference tomographic hypocenter determination with proper seismic velocity structure. Relocated aftershocks were clearly distributed on a southeastern ward dipping plane with 5~10 km depth. This configuration agreed with a nodal plane of mainshock focal mechanism. Aftershocks occurred in surrounding part of a low seismicity patch. Mainshock was located deepest part of aftershock zone. These facts suggested that mainshock rupture propagated from deep to shallow, and a low seismicity patch was mainshock slip area. No clear correlation between this earthquake sequence and nearest active Tarumae volcano activity were identified.
  • 名和, 一成; 宮川, 歩夢; 山崎, 雅; 望月, 一磨; 高橋, 浩晃; 大園, 真子; 岡田, 和見; 岡, 大輔; 岡崎, 紀俊; 本多, 亮. 道東カルデラ火山地域における絶対重力測定 = Absolute gravity measurements in caldera area of eastern Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2018, 81, p.11-16.


     For the purpose of the establishment of the gravity base station, we carried out absolute gravity measurements in the vicinity of Akan and Kussharo caldera area, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. The measurements were conducted in a period between September 7 and 8 at Akan gravity station and between September 9 and 11 at Teshikaga gravity station, by using a FG5 #217. The gravity values determined for the Akan station and the Teshikaga station at the floor level are 980444640 μGal, 980518903 μGal, respectively.
  • 高木, 朗充; 宮城, 洋介; 小澤, 拓; 本多, 亮; 高橋, 浩晃. CG-5重力計の登山を伴う野外調査時における重力値安定性の基礎調査 = Basic examination regarding stability of gravity value observed by CG-5 for the climbing field survey. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2018, 81, p.1-10.


    The shake by mountain climibing influences the graviity measurement with CG-5 graviemeter. To investigate this influence, we conducted two investigations: the dynamic and the static disturbances. The dynamic disturbance means swing caused by walking, and the static disturbance means a tilt of the gravimeter with long time in carrying. In the investigation of the dynamic disturbance, measured gravity leaped negatively just after the climbing, but they did not correlate to times of climbing. In the investigation of the static disturbance, we found the correlation between leap values of gravity and duration times of tilt in the case of tilt angle greater than 5.0 degree.

第80号 (2017-03-19)


  • 紀要 石森, 健太朗; 大園, 真子. 2003年十勝沖地震(M8.0)による北海道地域の地震時歪み異常分布の検出 = Coseismic strain anomaly induced by the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M8.0) around Hokkaido, Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2017, 80, p.13-22.


    Observed coseismic crustal deformation is an answer of the elastic response induced by the seismic fault dislocation. Because real subsurface structure is not pure elastic space, thus the observed coseismic displacement distribution probably different from the predicted displacement field when we assume the pure elastic medium. By the coseismic strain analysis using dense GNSS network at the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, a supporting result, which shows that the strain anomaly related to inhomogeneous subsurface structure, is proposed. However, there is no other previous study. Therefore, we try to detect the same relationship from coseismic displacement at the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. After an appropriate rectangular coseismic fault is estimated, we obtained difference between observed and predicted dilatation as the strain anomaly field. As a result, the strain anomaly shows excess extension around the Ishikari Plain. There are two possible causes for this region. One is inelastic response by the existence of thick sedimentary layer. Another is different coseismic behavior induced by clear basement boundary around this region. The east side of this excess extension area, extension deficit area is also detected. Around this area, high seismic velocity area corresponds to the Hidaka metamorphic belt is distributed. Therefore, this relatively rigid elastic medium possibly generates the extension deficit. The coseismic crustal strain distribution at the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake also suggest the existence of the coseismic strain anomaly induced by inhomogeneous subsurface structure.
  • 紀要 一柳, 昌義; 高田, 真秀; 高橋, 浩晃. 2016年6月16日に発生した函館市南茅部付近の地震(MJMA 5.3)と余震活動 = Seismic activity associated with the 2016 Minamikayabe earthquake (MJMA5.3)in southern Hokkaido, Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2017, 80, p.1-11.


    A M5.3 shallow earthquake occurred on 16 June 2016 in Minamikayabe region, southern Hokkaido. Three temporal seismic stations had been operated in the focal region from 18 June 2016 to 29 August 2016. Initial hypocenters and 1-D P-wave velocity structure were estimated from waveform data of temporal and permanent seismic stations. Fine aftershock distribution inferred from the double-difference procedure showed that the hypocenters were distributed in NW-SE direction, which might be agree with a fault plane of mainshock focal mechanism. Five foreshocks occurred near mainshock hypocenter showed similar waveform with high correlation. Characteristic persistent background seismicity and latest middle size earthquake might be related to high geothermal gradient in this region.

第79号 (2016-03-19)


  • 論説 田中, 良; 橋本, 武志; 鈴木, 敦生. 雌阿寒岳ナカマチネシリ火口の全磁力変化と熱活動 = Magnetic total field changes and thermal activity around Nakamachineshiri crater, Meakandake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2016, 79, p.15-23.


    We performed measurements of the magnetic total intensity at Nakamachineshiri crater of Meakandake volcano, eastern Hokkaido, in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Comparing the three campaigns, we found small but systematic magnetic changes suggesting demagnetization at the shallow subsurface of the crater during 2014-2015. We estimated the best-fit demagnetized source as a sphere with magnetic moment of 2×106 Am2 at a depth of 250 m (960 m a.s.l) beneath the crater. We then considered it was brought by thermal demagnetization, and made an order estimation of the heating rate at the source by assuming a simplistic temperature-magnetization relationship. In addition, we assessed the surface heat loss due to discharging fumarolic gas, evaporation and radiation from hot ponds, and geothermal anomalies. Total amount of the surface heat discharge rate was estimated to be in a range from a few to 10-odd MW. This might be comparable or one-order smaller than the heating rate based on the crude estimation from magnetic measurements.
  • 論説 高橋, 浩晃; 一柳, 昌義; 岡崎, 紀俊; 高木, 朗充; 宮城, 洋介; 本多, 亮. 十勝岳白銀荘での重力鉛直勾配測定 = Measurements for vertical gradient of gravity on mountain slope of active Tokachi-dake volcano, Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2016, 79, p.9-13.


    Measurements for vertical gradient of gravity were carried out on mountain slope of active Tokachidake volcano. Round-trip gravity measurements at a lower and an upper surfaces of a tripod with about 0.97 m height difference using four SCINTREX CG5 gravimeters were conducted. Estimated gravity gradient were 0.285 to 0.290 mGal/m. These values were smaller than the Free-air gradient of 0 .3086 mGal/m, which is usually referred. Effect from local terrain was suggested because of precipitous topography. Estimations of gravity gradient near active crater by direct measurements and numerical simulation are desirable to evaluate ground deformation effects in gravity change due to volcanic activity.
  • 論説 一柳, 昌義; 高橋, 浩晃; 山口, 照寛; 岡田, 和見; 大園, 真子; 岡崎, 紀俊. 2015年に発生した阿寒湖付近の地震(MJMA 5.0) = Seismic activity of the 2015 near Lake Akan earthquake (MJMA5.0) in eastern Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2016, 79, p.1-8.


    An M5.0 shallow earthquake occurred on 4 June 2015 in the eastern Hokkaido. In order to evaluate aftershock activity, three temporal seismic stations had been operated in the focal region from 4 June 2015 to 22 August 2015. Hypocenters calculated with a local seismic velocity structure indicated clear southwestern-dipping distribution. This alignment on a plane was consistent with one of nodal plane of mainshock focal mechanism. This earthquake and historical records suggested higher seismic activity in this region.

第78号 (2015-03-19)


  • 論説 三嶋, 渉; 橋本, 武志; 茂木, 透; 森山, 多加志; 仰木, 淳平; 森永, 健司. 道東地域の地磁気永年変化と三成分絶対測量(続報) = Geomagnetic secular changes in eastern Hokkaido (Part 2). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2015, 78, p.69-82.


    Regional to subregional-scale anomaly in the rate of geomagnetic secular changes have been observed in eastern Hokkaido. The origin of such anomalous changes has long been discussed. Based on the total field records, some previous studies suspected the piezomagnetic effect is due to stress loading accompanying subducting plate motion as the major cause. We started three-component absolute measurements at eight continuous magnetic stations in 2009, aiming at revealing the mechanisms of the anomaly. This study reports the results of the absolute measurements up to 2014, as well as the continuous total field records. Although we have performed the absolute measurements only twice or three times at each station, it is readily recognized that the rate of secular change with respect to Memambetsu in horizontal and vertical components differs from site to site. Steeper trends near the southern coast are the characteristics similar to the case in the total field. Declination looks more complicated, presumably showing clockwise rotation in the northern area, while anti-clockwise in the south. Considering the compressional stress region of eastern Hokkaido and existence of highly-magnetized rocks in the coastal area, the piezomagnetic effect is still a candidate for these spatiotemporal variations. Based on the available dataset, we conclude that the anomaly in the total field is not brought by the so-called orientation effect, and that there must be such real changes of tens to hundred km scale, whatever the cause is. It should be the next step in the future works to verify the piezomagnetic hypothesis by comparing the three-component rate of change through a numerical simulation.
  • 論説 小山, 順二. 巨大地震は火山の大噴火を励起するか? = Is it true that great earthquakes induce large volcanic eruptions worldwide?. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2015, 78, p.53-68.


    After the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake of Mw 9.0, one of the great concern is whether or not the megathrust earthquake induces large volcanic eruptions and disastrous aftershocks in Japan. There exist 110 active volcanoes in Japan and large eruptions including historical events of each volcano have been compiled in terms of Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI; Newhall and Self, 1982) from 0 (Non-explosive) to 8 (Mega-colossal). According to “Volcanoes of the World” by Siebert et al. (2010), we could find 50 eruptions in Japan since 600 A.D. classified as VEI 4 (Large) and 5 ~ (Very Large). Speaking about great earthquakes whose earthquake (moment) magnitude M (Mw) is equal to or larger than 8.0, there occurred 34 times since 684 A.D. in Japan. I have compared the time of occurrences of Large volcanic eruptions and large earthquakes (M>7.5) at first, taking examples of Mt. Fuji, Tokachidake, Hokkaido Komagatake and Sakurajima volcanoes. Since I could not find any systematic correlation between them, I decided to compare all the Large (and Very Large) volcanic eruptions and the great earthquakes (M>8.0) in Japan. In order to develop the quantitative discussion, we need to introduce cross-correlogram analysis (Perkel et al., 1967; Grun, 2009) for these two discrete point-processes. All that I could find was very poor correlation between great earthquakes and Large volcanic eruptions in Japan. It is true that many papers have been showing us the correlation between large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. However, speaking about Large eruptions (not speaking about volcanic disasters), it is not true for the correlation between them. The reason is that some small-scale volcanic activity out of many volcanoes has been activated by great earthquakes almost all the time in the world. Even just after the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust, it has been reported that the volcanic activity of about 20 volcanoes in Japan has been enhanced. It is also true that some volcanoes are activated in the present, about 4 years after the megathrust. The evidences should be added, which are the eruptions of Mt. Fuji in 1707 (VEI 5), 49 days after the 1707 Hoei earthquake of M 8.6 and of Bezymianny in Kamchatka in 1956 (VEI 5), 4 years after the 1952 Kamchatka earthquake of Mw 9.2. Both of the volcanoes have spent about 900 ~ 1200 years of quiescence in the volcanic activity. All these would suggest that great earthquakes might induce Large volcanic eruptions nearby, however it is totally dependent on its own potential and preparedness to erupt of each volcano and the earthquakes just play a role of a trigger.
  • 論説 一柳, 昌義; 高橋, 浩晃; 山口, 照寛; 東, 龍介; 山田, 卓司; 大園, 真子; 眞城, 亮成; 笠原, 稔; 谷岡, 勇市郎. 2012年に発生した北海道北部中川町付近の群発地震活動 = The 2012 Earthquake Swarm in Nakagawa town, northern Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2015, 78, p.37-51.


    An earthquake swarm begun at 15 July 2012 in Nakagawa town of northern Hokkaido. The largest earthquake with MJMA4.3 occurred on 16 July 2012. We carried out temporal seismic observation with seven stations from 18 July 2012 to the last October 2012. Hypocenters were calculated using the Double-Difference hypocenter determination procedure with a local one dimensional P-wave velocity structure. Precise hypocenter data indicated that epicenters were distributed in very narrow area of 2 km×2 km with shallow depth from 4 km to 7 km. Earthquakes after middle of August occurred only in southern part of the region and depth had got shallower with time. Hypocenters indicated no clear alignment in consistent with any nodal planes of major earthquakes. An independent hypocenter cluster with shallower than 2 km was observed above the main activity area. A slow slip event (SSE) with Mw 5.4 coincidentally detected by GNSS crustal deformation data during the swarm. This swarm was situated at the southeastern end of the fault of SSE. This fact suggested that seismic swarm might triggered SSE or was induced by SSE.
  • 論説 島倉, 広至; 三浦, 貴生; 浜根, 大輔; 松枝, 大治; 三浦, 裕行. 北海道手稲鉱山産Te, Bi, As 鉱物 = Te, Bi and As minerals from Teine Mine, Hokkaido, Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2015, 78, p.19-35.


    The Teine mine is a epithermal Au-Ag-Cu deposit located at the west part of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. More than 30 veins are distributed in the 5km2 area. So far, 48 mineral species are reported from the Teine mine. However, mineralogical study is not enough to describe the wide variety of mineral occurrence in this mine. The authors perform a descriptive study of ore samples stored at the Hokkaido University Museum and found 15 newly observed minerals from the Teine mine. Especially, cupropavonite,hodrushite,koritnigite, krautite and poubaite are first report from Japan. Poubaite, PbBi2Se2Te2, found in goldfieldite grain, is idiomorphic and less than 30 μm in diameter. It shows creamy white color and metallic luster. Bireflectance is strong. The observed empirical formula, PbBi2(Te2.0Se1.9S0.1) Σ4, is consistent with the ideal formula (Zdenek et al., 1987).
  • 論説 奥山, 哲; 高橋, 浩晃. 有限要素法による十勝岳62-I I火口周辺の局所的地殻変動の予備解析 = Preliminary FEM analysis of the local deformation around the 62-II eruptive vent at Mt. Tokachi. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2015, 78, p.11-18.


    We present the result of our preliminary FEM analysis of local deformation at Mt. Tokachi. Since 2006, displacement of several cm/yr has been observed by GPS measurement and SAR interferometry at 62-II eruptive vent which was formed by the eruptive event in 1962. The spatial scale of the deformation observed by SAR interferometry is around 2 km. This indicates that the deformation source is at the depth of less than 1 km, supporting that the deformation source is the hydrothermal activity rather than the magma chamber. As a preliminary analysis, we assumed spheroidal pressure source beneath the 62-II vent and simulated the surface deformation to observe the relation between the surface deformation and source depth/shape. We then compared the simulated deformation and SAR interferometry result to find that prolate spheroid (flattening of 0.8) at the depth of 200 m best explains the observation.
  • 論説 松本, 亜希子; 宮坂, 瑞穂; 中川, 光弘. EPMAによる火山ガラス組成分析:Na損失の検証と分析条件の提案 = Analysis of volcanic glass compositions using WDS-EPMA: Examination of Na Migration and Proposal of Analytical condition. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2015, 78, p.1-9.


    We examined the analysis method of the compositions of volcanic glass using WDS-EPMA, focusing on Na migration caused by electron-beam bombardment. As a result of the comparison among the beam current in 10 μm square area, it is concluded that Na migration occurs in any cases at 15 kV. During the first 30 seconds, Na decay is not observed, and therefore, the detection of Na must be finished within the first 30 seconds. Considering the variations of other elements, the 15 kV accelerating voltage and 7 nA beam current with raster scanning of 10 μm square area is the best condition for the determination of volcanic glass compositions. This can prevent “grow-in” of Si and Al, as well as can make smaller the deviations of the minor elements. Using this condition, we can discuss the variations of volcanic glass compositions (except for Na) without any corrections.

第77号 (2014-03-19)


  • 総説 小山, 順二. ランジュバン方程式の複素スケール変換と狭心症 = Langevin Equation Transformed by Complex Scaling and Pectoris. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2014, 77, p.31-43.


    複雑なランダムシステムの活性化をランダム現象の力学過程を複雑化することで考える.先ず,複雑なランダムシステムがランダムに変動するクラスター群の集まりであると考え,それぞれのクラスターはそれぞれのランジュバン方程式で記述され,クラスター毎の運動はブラウン運動のふるまいを示す.システム全体が持つランダムな複雑さをランジュバン方程式間に存在するスケール変換で特徴づける.このように考えた複雑なランダムシステムは一般化ブラウン運動の一つのモデルとなるものであり,一般化ブラウン運動を特徴づけるハースト定数Hとここで考えたスケール変換のフラクタル次元D(D>0)との間に,1-D=2H-2 の関係が導かれる.  H=1/2の古典的なブラウン運動は,D=2を示し,2次元空間を埋め尽くすような運動を示している.0<H<1/2の範囲では,フラクタル次元が1<D<2となるから,一般化ブラウン運動が一度通った点を再び通ることはなく,自己回避型の運動となる.さらに,1/2<H<1では,2<D<3となり,2次元空間の同じ点を繰り返し通過する運動になる.また,0<D<1のフラクタル次元をもつ運動も定義される.それはもはや連続した運動を表現するものではなく,いたるところで途切れた運動となる.この場合,1<H<3/2となり一般化ブラウン運動の定義域を超えているが,連続でないブラウン運動も次元の理解の自然な拡張として許すなら,ここで考えたスケール変換によるブラウン運動の表現は従来の制約をこえ,より一般的な表現になっている.議論は,複素スケール変換を同様に考えた場合にも及び,そこでは複素ブラウン運動の不安定 化など,そのふるまいを物理的に理解する一つのモデルを提示する.
  • 論説 高橋, 浩晃; 山口, 照寛. SCINTREX CG5相対重力計S/N130141025の検定(その2): 札幌一等重力点と筑波基準重力点との結合測定 = Calibration of SCINTREX CG5 Gravimeter S/N130141025 (No.2): A connection measurement between the SappporoGS and the TsukubaFGS. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2014, 77, p.25-29.


    Gravimetric connection between SapporoGS and TsukubaFGS via ChitoseGS and HanedaGS with SCINTREX CG5 gravimeter S/N130141025 was carried out for instrument calibration. Observed relative gravity between SapporoGS and TsukubaFGS was 526mGal, which was the same as that of value determined by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan in order of 10-4. This measurement suggested that scale constant of this gravimeter is valid for below 500mGal difference with correction coefficient of 1.0002.
  • 論説 高橋, 浩晃; 重藤, 迪子; 山口, 照寛; 岡崎, 紀俊. SCINTREX CG5相対重力計S/N130141025の検定(その1): 道内重力点での検定測定 = Calibration of SCINTREX CG5 Gravimeter S/N130141025 (No.1): Gravity Measurements for Calibration in Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2014, 77, p.15-23.


    Relative gravity measurements with SCINTREX CG5 gravimeter S/N130141025 for instrument calibration were carried out at fundamental, first order gravity benchmarks, and triangulation point in Hokkaido. Observed relative gravity value between ObihiroFGS and ShintotsukawaFGS by CG5 was 76 mGal, which is same as that of value determined by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan in the order of 10-4. Estimated correction coefficient was 1.00020. Simultaneous measurement by three gravimeters at Teine triangulation point showed 231 mGal relative gravity value from MinamiShinkawa benchmark within 0.120 mGal difference between instruments. This suggested that estimation of correction coefficients for several hundreds to a thousand mGal difference should be conducted for precise calibration. Drift rate fluctuation shown in continuous measurement data also should be evaluated in future.
  • 論説 一柳, 昌義; 笠原, 稔; 高橋, 浩晃; 岡崎, 紀俊; 高橋, 良; 大園, 真子. 2012年に発生した渡島地方森町濁川カルデラでの群発地震活動 = The 2012 Earthquake Swarm in Nigorikawa Caldera, Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2014, 77, p.5-13.


    An earthquake swarm begun at the end of January, 2012 and the activity reached a peak in middle February, then gradually decreased by the end of April, in the Nigorikawa caldera, Hokkaido. The largest earthquake was the MJMA3.6 event which occurred on 15 February 2012 with maximum intensity 3.Temporal seismic observation with two stations carried out from 20 February to 9 April in the caldera. Detailed hypocenter distribution estimated by using both data temporal and secular observations shows two clusters, one of them is aligned along the northern caldera wall and another is located at eastern outside of caldera. Strike of alignment epicenter of the north cluster shows NE-SW direction, which is in good agreement with one of the nodal plane of focal mechanism of the largest event.
  • 論説 高橋, 浩晃; 一柳, 昌義. 知床硫黄山北西山腹爆裂火口での常時微動測定 = Microtremor Observation at an Explosion Crater on northwestern mountainside of Shiretoko-Iozan Volcano, eastern Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2014, 77, p.1-4.


    Microtremor observation was carried out in an active explosion crater of Shiretoko-Iozan volcano. Velocity seismograms indicated amplitude of microtremor was to be around 10-6m/s. Comparison with the 1981 observation showed no significant change of microtremor amplitude. This result suggested that activity status of this crater had been stable. Microtremor amplitude at the mountain base showed one fifth of that in the crater. This fact implied that microtremor is due to geothermal activity in the crater.

第76号 (2013-03-19)


  • 論説 一柳, 昌義; 山口, 照寛; 高田, 真秀; 東, 龍介; 黒井, 和典; 山田, 卓司; 高橋, 浩晃; 前田, 宜浩. 2010年12月2日に札幌市直下で発生した石狩地方中部の地震(MJMA4.6)と札幌周辺の地震活動 = Seismic Activity Associated with the 2010 M4.6 Sapporo Earthquake in central Ishikari region, Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2013, 76, p.1-13.


    On December 2, 2010, MJMA4.6 shallow felt earthquake occurred beneath southeastern part of Sapporo city. Three temporal seismic stations were installed near epicentral area. Reliable hypocenter data estimated by double difference procedure with local seismic velocity structure indicated clear southeastern-dipping distribution. Fault plane from focal mechanism estimated from P-wave polarization well agreed with this hypocenter distribution. Geometry of hypocenter distribution was also well consistent with an anticline structure and possible buried active fault estimated for earthquake disaster damage assumption by local government. Recalculation of hypocenters of the 1985, 1990, and 2010 felt earthquakes under equal condition implied that epicentral locations of these three events were approximately same. These facts implied possible stress concentration in epicentral region.
  • 総説 西田, 泰典. 自然電位と地殻活動 = Self-potential Study related to Tectonic Activities. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2013, 76, p.15-86.


    The self-potential (SP) method is based on measuring the natural electric potential differences, which generally exist between any two points on the ground. The SP fields have their origins in different mechanisms which can be used to identify ore deposits, geological features, ground water flow, and hydrothermal systems. The amplitude has a very wide spectrum, from a few mV/km to a few V/km, and their spatial distribution is correlated with the size of sources that lie at a depth within several hundred meters depth. Despite the fact that SP studies have been carried out by many researchers in the past, especially in field of mine prospecting, the use of the method had been restricted because the sources of SP anomalies were not fully identified and the development of other geophysical methods, such as seismic, electromagnetic and gravimetric methods, was very fast. However, since 1970, the SP method has again risen as a modern prospecting method for delineating the thermal state of geothermal fields. These studies have encouraged the application of the SP method to volcanological, geothermal, hydrological, seismological studies and so on. Spatial and temporal measurements of the SP field may prove to have the advantage of sensing dynamic aspects of the tectonic activities. This article will focus on fundamentals of theoretical and experimental SP studies and will show many field examples to guid for beginners.
  • 論説 小山, 順二; 都筑, 基博. 日本付近の一重と二重の地震セグメント帯で発生した地震が励起した津波 = Tsunami generation near Japan by earthquakes in Along-strike Single Segmentation and Along-dip Double Segmentation. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2013, 76, p.87-96.


    After the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake, we have proposed a hypothesis on the earthquake activity characterizing the distribution of earthquakes into Along-dip Double Segmentation (ADDS) and Along-strike Single Segmentation (ASSS): The apparent absence of earthquakes in the trench-ward segments as opposed to the Japan Island-ward segments that generate repeated smaller earthquakes (ADDS), where the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust occurred. In the mean time, a young and buoyant plate is subducting rapidly under the overriding plate where there is weak seismic activity before the main event all over the plate interface of the subduction zone (ASSS). The 1960 and 2010 Chile megathrusts occurred in ASSS. In and near Japan, ADDS earthquake activity is restrictively found along the Pacific side of Hokkaido and Tohoku regions and the Hyuganada, Kyushu. The rest of seismic activity near Japan is classified into ASSS. We found a distinct difference in tsunami excitations between earthquakes in ADDS and ASSS, comparing tsunami magnitude m from local tsunami heights and seismic moment Mo from long-period surface-waves. Tsunami wave heights of ASSS earthquakes are almost two times larger than those of ADDS's. This is also confirmed by studying tsunami magnitude Mt calculated from teleseismic tsunami wave heights. The reason of this different excitation of tsunamis is also considered.
  • 論説 大園, 真子. GPS 観測に基づく北海道地方の2011 年東北地方太平洋沖地震(Mw 9.0)に伴うひずみの時空間変化 = Spatiotemporal strain distribution based on GPS network in Hokkaido induced by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake(Mw 9.0). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2013, 76, p.97-110.


    Wide and large coseismic displacement field around Tohoku region, northeastern Japan, are induced by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake. Because their effect is confirmable not only in Tohoku region, but also Hokkaido, I focus on the coseismic and postseismic strain field in Hokkaido using nationwide GPS network. A remarkable coseismic deformation is observed around southwestern Hokkaido, and the coseismic strain distribution shows also large extension with NNW-SSE direction (~ 0.6ppm). Published fault models basically explain this coseismic deformation pattern. The displacement field during one year after the earthquake shows significant effect of postseismic deformation especially in the western part of Hokkaido. Along the Pacific coast, which parallels to Kuril trench, two different patterns appear relative to the interseismic period; smaller displacement in the eastern part (Erimo to Kushiro) , and approximately same displacement in the western part (Kushiro to Nemuro) . The shortening strain toward plate convergence direction is large in both interseismic and postseismic periods at the eastern part. It suggests that the interplate coupling around eastern Hokkaido has still continued. The relationship between postseismic strain field and shallow seismicity after the 2011 earthquake does not appear clearly at present.
  • 総説 村井, 芳夫; 東, 龍介; 篠原, 雅直; 町田, 祐弥; 山田, 知朗; 中東, 和夫; 真保, 敬; 望月, 公廣; 日野, 亮太; 伊藤, 喜宏; 佐藤, 利典; 塩原, 肇; 植平, 賢司; 八木原, 寛; 尾鼻, 浩一郎; 高橋, 成実; 小平, 秀一; 平田, 賢治; 対馬, 弘晃; 岩崎, 貴哉. 海底地震観測からわかった2011 年東北地方太平洋沖地震の余震分布と応力変化 = Aftershock distribution of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake and stress regime changes revealed by ocean bottom seismographic observation. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2013, 76, p.147-158.


  • 論説 蓬田, 清. M10 地震の発生条件:2011 年東北沖地震の新しい知見から = A possible M10 event that I can deduce from the lessons of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2013, 76, p.111-128.


    After the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, the immediate threat of megathrust earthquakes in and around Japan has been suddenly advocated by some researchers. One even points out the possibility of a larger event than ever, an event of Magnitude 10. In this study, we discuss whether an event of M10 will be realistic or not, from not only statistical aspects of earthquake occurrence or macroscopic scaling laws of seismic sources in a conventional manner(e.g., fault size, the amount of slips)but also the diversity of megathrust earthquakes that was revealed after the occurrence of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. From a simple extrapolation of seismicity and macroscopic scaling laws, one event of M10 occurs every 500 years all over the world, with its fault length, width and average slip to be 1,200 km, 600 km and 50 m, respectively. The width may not exceed 200 km very much because of the limitation of an elastic region of a plate boundary in a subduction zone. We therefore need either of (1) average slip as large as 100 m or (2) fault length of more than 1,500 km for a possible M10 event. The average slip may be able to exceed 100 m, considering an area of very large shallow slips associated with the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, but we must take care that this is possible only for an event of the along-dip double segmentation. This type of events is, however, generally adjacent to segments of weak plate coupling with small coseismic slips. In contrast, an event of the conventional along-dip single segmentation may extend its fault into many adjacent segments. A drawback in this case is that the average slip may not exceed 50 m unless there are several segments of very strong plate coupling, resulting in co-seismic slips lager than those with usual events repeating in each segnent. Although a very large strong shallow segment of the double segmentation is a candidate of am M10 event, we cannot find any clear evidence of such a region from the present spatial seismic pattern in the world. The subduction zone in south Chile is the best candidate from its apparent strong plate coupling although it may not occur for a while due to the nearly complete strain release associated with the 1960 earthquake. We consider a very large event will be impossible even if a large portion of subduction zones breaks in the Aleutian trench because of the existence of several segments of weak plate coupling with slow events or aseismic slips in this trench.
  • 総説 小山, 順二; 都筑, 基博; 蓬田, 清; 吉澤, 和範. 2011 年東北沖超巨大地震が明らかにした超巨大地震の多様性 = Variability of megathrust earthquakes in the world revealed by the Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake on 11 March, 2011. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2013, 76, p.129-146.


    2011 年3 月11 日マグニチュード9.0 の超巨大地震が東北地方太平洋沿岸をおそった.この地震は過去千年以上にわたる日本付近で発生したどの地震よりも大きな津波を励起し,地震動災害ばかりではなく歴史に残る甚大な津波災害を発生させた.従来,このような超巨大地震が日本付近で発生することは,地震学的に想定されてこなかった.我々は,この超巨大地震の発生を考えるうえで,今まで見過ごされてきた超巨大地震の発生場には二つの異なった特徴があることに気が付いた.それはAlong-dip Double Segmentation(ADDS)とAlong-strike Single Segmentation(ASSS)という異なった地震活動である.我々はこの考えに基づき,世界中で発生した超巨大地震を調べなおし,超巨大地震の発生場を,地震活動の特徴(ADDS/ASSS),地震メカニズム,破壊様式,沈み込み帯の形状,上盤プレートの性質や背弧海盆の活動といった性質から,明らかにする.

第75号 (2012-03-19)


  • 深見, 浩司. 積雪寒冷地における積雪期の不圧地下水位の変動について = On the Fluctuation of Unconfined Groundwater Level for Snow Period. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.15-24.


    The fluctuation of unconfined groundwater level for the snow period was examined, using past 30-years data of groundwater level observatory and neighboring meteorological observatory (AMEDAS observatory)in Ishikari Gulf area that was snowy cold region. The relationship between the accumulated precipitation(maximum water equivalent of snow)from the data of the AMEDAS observatory(ΣΡ)and the increase of unconfined groundwater level in snow melt season(ΔΗ) was considerably good. The successive tendency like as decreasing the accumulated precipitation for snow period do not seem to be admitted in the past 30-years.
  • 研究論文 知北, 和久; 和田, 知之; 工藤, 勲; キム, ヨンオン. 山岳氷河の質量・水収支の経年変動 = Interannual variations of mass balance and hydrology. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.1-13.


    Meteorological and hydrological data for a drainage basin of a mountain glacier, the Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, monitored by U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) for more than 40 yrs, are corrected and retrieved. Interannual variations of daily mean air temperature and daily precipitation near the glacier and daily runoff rate at a proglacial stream averaged over the ablation period (June to September) indicate that the increasing rates of 1968-2010 and 1985-2010 are 0.012 ℃/yr and 0.014 ℃/yr, 0.024 mm/yr and 0.041 mm/yr, and 0.092 mm/yr and 0.25 mm/yr, respectively. Thus, the runoff rate and precipitation tend to increase greatly in the recent years. The daily glacier-melt runoff rate averaged over the ablation period was obtained on the assumption of zero englacial water storage change over the period. As a result, the glacier-melt runoff rate exhibits the linear relationship with the daily mean air temperature near the glacier. The summer ablation of the glacier was larger than the winter accumulation in many years, consequently indicating that the net mass balance is negative in almost all the years. Especially since 1988, the net mass balance is negative in any years. The tendency of greatly negative cumulative net mass balance since 1988 suggests that the glacier thickness become zero in ca. 2160. Meanwhile, the glacier area tends to decrease greatly and linearly since 1993 at the rate of -0.18 km2/yr. This indicates that the glacier area would be zero in ca. 2096. The large decrease of cumulative net mass balance since 1980’s is common to the three glaciers, Gulkana, Wolverine and South Cascade, monitored by USGS since 1960’s. The decreasing rate of glacier thickness in 1980’s to 2004 is -0.74 m/yr for Gulkana Glacier, -0.78 m/yr for Wolverine Glacier, and -0.71 m/yr for South Cascade Glacier, thus showing the similar tendency in thinning.
  • 研究論文 松島, 喜雄; 大島, 弘光; 森, 済; 前川, 徳光; 鈴木, 敦生; 寺田, 暁彦; 鍵山, 恒臣. 携帯型赤外カメラを用いた航空機による地表面温度測定(2006) -有珠火山・登別火山・樽前火山- = Airborne survey of active volcano using portable infrared thermal camera( 2006) - Usu, Noboribetsu and Tarumai volcano -. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.43-58.


    As a part of the joint geophysical and geochemical observations of Usu volcano in 2006, the airborne infrared thermal survey was conducted at Usu volcano, Noboribetsu geothermal area and Tarumai volcano. The observation was operated by the helicopter which has a hole on the floor for aerial photo of vertical direction. The portable infrared thermal camera (AVIO TVS-620) was fixed on the hole to face the ground perpendicularly using the stand designed for this survey. The position and horizontal direction of the camera were measured by GPS. The vertical angle of the camera was determined by two crossing electronic clinometers placed on the stand. The thermal images (one second interval) ware transferred directly from the camera to computer through the USB cable. The number of the pixel of each frame is 320 for horizontal direction and 236 for vertical direction. The instant view of one pixel is 1.4 mrad. The altitude of the flight was 2300m so that the temperature at a pixel represents the mean temperature of about 3 m2 and the each frame corresponds to the area of 1030 m × 730 m. The detective wavelength of the camera is 8 -14 ìm and the signal attenuation by the atmosphere was ignored in the analysis of the surface temperature. The helicopter kept the constant height during the measurement. The thermally active area was covered by 6, 2 and 3 measurement lines in Usu, Noboribetsu and Tarumai, respectively. The selected thermal images with suitable condition were combined (about 90 frames in Usu volcano) considering the horizontal orientation, vertical angle and the position. The resultant image represents the overall surface temperature distribution at respective field. The surface temperature distribution of Usu volcano shows that the thermally active area is mainly composed from four parts: Nishi-yama crater, Kompira-yama crater, summit area and Showa-shinzan. Nishiyama and Kompira-yama craters were newly formed craters at 2000 eruption activity. The surface temperature distribution of Noboribetsu shows the fumarole activity at Ohyu-numa and Jigoku-dani thermal area and that of Tarumai shows the fumarole activity at A and B craters, respectively. The detailed thermal structure at respective field is cleared by this observation. It is confirmed that this convenient observation system is satisfied for the practical use.
  • 研究論文 阪田, 義隆; 池田, 隆司. 扇状地の地下水シミュレーションにおける高解像度モデルの有効性 = Effectiveness of a high resolution model on groundwater simulation in an alluvial fan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.73-89.


    Large heterogeneity in an alluvial fan influences considerably on groundwater flow field. Applied to groundwater simulation, however, an alluvial aquifer, consisted of permeable gravelly sediments, is often simplified as a single or a few homogeneous layer(s) due to its complexity, lack of hydrogeological information, and knowledge. In a previous study in the Toyohira alluvial fan, we have formulated a relationship between hydraulic conductivities and auxiliary variables in undisturbed gravelly cores by focusing on the effective grain size diameter and lengths of matrix packing level. In this study, a permeability distribution model with the one-meter resolution was yielded by estimating spatial probabilities of auxiliary variables, and then was applied to groundwater flow and heat transport coupling simulation. The simulation results showed preferential flow vectors in high permeable cells, resulting in complex contours of heads and temperatures. It was inferred that such complicated groundwater flow fields occurred in actuality in the fan, because the calculated variations in heads and temperatures had the same trend as measured in an observation well. High permeable cells, which are connected with the river bed, influence selective flow significantly. A block averaged model with the five-meters resolution was also examined. As a result, outputs of vectors and contours were much uniformed and smoothed, because anisotropy in macro cells was disregarded. It was revealed that the high resolution model was effective and necessary for capturing more detail and actual groundwater flow field in an alluvial fan.
  • 研究論文 橋本, 武志; 茂木, 透; 西村, 三治; 有田, 真; 清水, 淳平; 井, 智史; 源, 泰拓; 長町, 信吾. 道東地域の地磁気永年変化と三成分絶対測量 = Geomagnetic secular changes in eastern Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.117-132.


    Localized geomagnetic secular changes have been reported in the eastern Hokkaido, previously by repeat surveys, and more recently, by continuous recording. Some previous studies discuss the piezo-magnetic field due to stress accumulation by plate subduction. To elucidate the nature of such “anomalous” secular changes in the total field, we started geomagnetic three-component absolute measurements. Firstly, we estimated the so-called orientation effect which may be contained in the simple differential total field, by using the results of the absolute measurements. At some stations this effect has been found to be non-negligible.   While correcting the orientation effect, we assessed an effect of global-scale secular changes by using the IGRF-11 model. This effect contributes much to regional-scale secular changes in the eastern Hokkaido. As a result, considerable part of the observed differential total field can be explained by this component. Then, residuals which deviated from the global secular field are obtained, which showed relatively good agreement with the predicted piezo-magnetic field. However, it is still uncertain that the residual field is significant or not, as well as its origin.   Our analysis has also revealed an “anomalous” decreasing trend in the total field in the late 90s at NIB station which is located at the eastern side of Kussharo caldera. We speculate that this anomalous magnetic change may have some relation to the elevated signature of volcanic unrest at Atosanupuri where seismic swarm was followed by significant ground deformation in the mid 90s. 
  • 研究論文 堺, 正太朗; 渡部, 重十; 諸岡, 倫子; Holmberg, Madeleine; Wahlund, Jan-Erik. 土星プラズマディスクにおけるダスト-プラズマ相互作用 = Dust-plasma interaction through the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in the Saturn’s inner magnetosphere. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.133-144.


    We statistically investigated the ion bulk speeds in the equatorial region of the Saturn’s inner magnetosphere using the Langmuir Probe (LP) onboard the Cassini spacecraft. The LP observations showed that the ion speeds are about 60% of the ideal co-rotation speed at 5 RS and the ions have between co-rotation and Keplerian speed. Beyond 7 RS the ion speeds are spread to be a larger speed and become close to the ideal co-rotation speed. It is suggested that the sub-micron sized negatively charged E ring dust contributes to the plasma dynamics in the plasma disk. We also calculated the ion speeds using the three components MHD equations, which include the interaction with dusts to investigate the effect of the ion-dust coulomb collision and the massloadings, and the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. Our model shows that the ion speeds can be significantly reduced by the magnetospheric electric fields generated by the collisions between ions and dusts. It is also indicated that the coulomb and/or direct collisions between ions and dusts can be effective around Enceladus.
  • 研究論文 橋本, 武志; 小山, 崇夫; 金子, 隆之; 大湊, 隆雄; 吉本, 充宏; 鈴木, 英一; 柳澤, 孝寿. 無人ヘリコプターを利用した樽前山の空中磁気測量 = Aeromagnetic survey using an unmanned autonomous helicopter over Tarumae Volcano. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.145-159.


    The first low-altitude airborne magnetic survey was performed over the summit area of Tarumae Volcano, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. An unmanned autonomous helicopter was used as the platform for the magnetic survey. Obtained total field anomaly is inverted into a matrix of magnetized prisms, each of which has a uniform magnetization parallel to the present geomagnetic field. Magnetization in the summit atrio ranges from 3 to 8 A/m with an average of 5.3 A/m. The summit lava dome and its vicinity show relatively high magnetization, while the eastern to southwestern part of the atrio is less magnetized. Such variability may be attributed to the difference in magnetization between blocky lava and pyroclastic deposits, as well as to chemical demagnetization due to persistent fumarolic activity at several vents. From the viewpoint of an aeromagnetic survey, high positioning repeatability is one of the most advantageous features of such an unmanned autonomous helicopter. Optimized operation of the system would enable us to detect temporal changes associated with volcanic activity in the future.
  • 研究論文 小山, 順二; 都筑, 基博; 蓬田, 清. 斜め衝突帯の巨大地震 (1) 相模トラフ = Megathrust Earthquakes in Oblique Subduction Zones Part 1: The Sagmi Trough. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.161-174.


    Since the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake, Japan, it has been recognized that there is a variety of megathrust earthquakes occurring in the world not just only the Chilean type megathrust earthquake. In the variation, one end member is the 1960 Chile earthquake and the other is the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, while the former is characterized by subduction zone of a young plate forming the Cordilleran orogeny, the latter is by an obliquely subducting plate along a continental margin with active back-arc activity. We study in detail megathrust earthquakes along such oblique subduction zones, considering characteristics of earthquake activities, focal mechanisms, rupture patterns, geometry of subduction zones, types of overriding plates and back-arc activities. Discussions are further made on one of the oblique subduction zones near Japan Islands, the Sagami Trough, in order to derive some information and the possibility of future large earthquakes there from the seismological data at hand. We found that there is a variety of large earthquakes in the oblique subduction zones in the world. Since we have no hand to suspect the future activity of a particular subduction zone, comparative studies on seismic activities in different oblique subduction zones are inevitable.
  • 研究論文 三井, 雄太; 柳谷, 俊. 珪岩・水晶・溶融石英の破壊に伴う発光の色について -結晶の圧電性の寄与- = On the differences of fractoluminescence color among crystalline quartzite, quartz crystal and fused silica -contribution of piezoelectricity-. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.109-115.


    We observed clear fractoluminescence in crystalline quartzite, quartz crystal and fused silica at uniaxial compressional loading tests by commercial digital cameras. These fractoluminescence are composed of blue and red colors. In particular, a blue color does not appear in fractures of fused silica but appear in crystalline quartzite and quartz crystal, which implies that the piezoelectric charge and discharge play a key role in the blue-color fractoluminescence via excitation of N2 molecules.
  • 研究論文 石井, 吉之; 佐藤, 大輔. 積雪底面融解量の場所による変化と流域平均量 = Spatial Variation and Watershed Average of Snowpack Bottom Melting Rate. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.59-71.


    In regions covered with a thick layer of snow, snow melting occurs at the snow-ground interface during the winter, a process we call snowpack bottom melting (SBM). To examine the spatial variation of the SBM rate and to estimate its watershed average value, field observations were made in a nival mountainous watershed in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Three different methods were adopted to determine the SBM rate, namely, heat flow calculation, snow lysimeter, and snow pit-wall observation methods, and we found the heat flow calculation method to be the most reliable among the three methods. SBM rates were measured using the heat flow calculation method at 7 sites in the watershed, where each site was selected by considering the slope or flatness, whether it was south- or north-facing, the vegetation, and the elevation. The SBM rate on the south-facing slope was larger than that on north-facing slope, and it was smallest in the forested site. Spatial differences in the SBR rate did not depend on the snowpack condition, but on the ground condition, especially on the gradient of soil temperature near the ground surface. Winter streamflow recession analysis taking into account a steady SBM input showed that 20 % to 30 % of SBM was supplied to the groundwater reservoir and contributed to winter streamflow.
  • 研究論文 浦野, 慎一. ペンマン式およびプレストリ・テーラ式のボーエン比に関する考察 = Study on Bowen Ratios shown in the Penman and Priestley・Taylor Equations. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.91-107.


    The bowen ratios shown in the Penman(1948)(PE) and Priestley-Taylor(1972)(PT) equations, widely used to estimate evaporation rate from saturated surface, were studied theoretically, and a new method was proposed based on the structures of equations.   The PE equation has two terms. The first term X uses the decline of saturation vapor pressure curve Δ, and uses the parameter of γ/Δ ( γ is psychrometric constant) as a substitute for the actual Bowen ratio β. And the second term Υ uses the vapor pressure deficit Δe and wind function f(u), and uses the parameter of Ea (=f(u)Δe) as a substitute for the actual flux caused by the actual vapor pressure difference. Because these of γ/Δ and Ea are the provisional parameters which differ according to reference height, both value of X and Y is also provisional in the estimation of evaporation rates. That is to say, the Penman equation has a structure that divides the evaporation rate into two parts, X and Y, and estimates each value using the provisional parameters γ/Δ and Ea, which are variables that change with changes in height. The Penman equation can be applied at any reference height if the wind function is known at that height. Under natural average conditions with a positive Bowen ratio, the constant Bowen ratio line in psychrometric chart is the shape of going to upper right. Therefore, the ratio of X to the whole rate increases as the reference height nears the surface.   On the other hand, the PT equation consists of one term which has the structure of multiplying the first term X of PE equation by coefficient α. The α is a coefficient to correct the error due to ignore the second term Y of PE equation, and also to correct the difference of γ/Δ from actual Bowen ratio β. Hence, coefficient α is also provisional parameter which differ according to reference height. As it is clear from the characteristic of the X and Y of PE equation, and as Priestley and Taylor(1972) have already mentioned, if the reference height nears surface this α becomes to be nearly equal 1. This suggests that under natural average conditions of evaporation occuring, the Bowen ratio can be approximated γ/Δs (Δs is the decline of saturation vapor pressure curve at saturated surface). If we assume that the thin layer on the saturated surface has the Bowen ratio β as the form of the γ/Δs, the temperature and vapor pressure at any height should fall along the constant Bowen ratio line shown as Δs in the psychrometric chart. If so, the equations of PE and PT are resulted end in the equation of Bowen ratio method, and we can decide β from the observation data of only one height because we can easily estimate Δs using computer calculation. The advantage of this method are; only one point data at the height of z is needed, the wind speed data and wind function of PE equation are not needed, and coefficient α of PT equation become useless. In this study, this method was proposed as the name of Surface Bowen Ratio (SBR) method, and it was verified using data from two lakes, Hokkaido, Japan. The resulting values calculated from the SBR method were close to those from the original Penman method and it was thus proven that this method has potential as an effective method for estimating evaporation rates more easily. The SBR method is on the basis of above assumption. Hence, it is necessary to confirm the effectiveness of assumption hereafter.
  • 研究論文 寺田, 暁彦; 吉川, 慎; 大島, 弘光; 前川, 徳光; 松島, 喜雄. 空中赤外観測に基づく噴気地および火口湖面からの放熱量推定 -有珠火山・登別火山・北海道駒ケ岳火山- = Airborne IR surveys of Usu, Noboribetsu and Hokkaido-Komagatake volcanoes: Evaluation of heat discharge rates from steaming grounds and hot crater lakes. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2012, 75, p.25-41.


    Aerial IR surveys were carried out in September 2010 over geothermal areas at Usu, Noboribetsu and Hokkaido-Komagatake volcanoes, Japan. The heat discharge rate from steaming grounds that formed during the 2000 eruption of Usu volcano is estimated to be 5.6 MW, which is half the rate measured in September 2006. Integration of the heat discharge rate from April 2000 to September 2010 yields an accumulated discharge of approximately 2.4 × 1016 J. This amount of heat corresponds to several percent of the total intruded magma heat estimated from analyses of ground deformation associated with the 2000 eruption. Areas of steaming ground associated with the 2000 eruption showed rapid growth compared with those of the 1977 eruption but discharged less heat. We suspect that differences in the hydrological environments of the two eruptions, led to contrasting patterns of propagation of the hydrothermal systems around the intruded magmas.   The heat discharge rate from the summit areas of Usu volcano, Showa-shinzan and Noboribetsu volcano in 2010 are estimated to be 40, 6.2 and 22 MW, respectively, similar to the rates measured in September 2006.   No high-temperature grounds were detected at the vents and fissure formed during the 1942 eruption of Hokkaido-Komagatake volcano. We observed no geothermal activities at vents associated with the 1929, 1996, 1998 and 2000 eruptions, due to the absorption effect of atmospheric cloud.

第74号 (2011-3-19)


  • 研究論文 阿形, 葉; 蓬田, 清; 勝俣, 啓. 明瞭なフェーズがない地震の新しい震源決定法:十勝岳火山体の地殻深部低周波地震への応用 = A New Method of Hypocenter Determination without Clear Seismic Phases:Application to Low-frequency Seismic Events beneath Tokachi-dake Volcano, Hokkaido, Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2011, 74, p.67-88.


    Hypocenters are generally determined by a method which focuses on onsets of P and/or S waves. As the number, density and quality of seismic stations are recently enhanced, tremors with small amplitude and large duration without any clear onsets of P and/or S waves have been discovered. Epicenters of these events cannot be therefore determined precisely by conventional methods of epicenter determination. New approaches for epicenter determination are required without picking up onsets of P and/or S waves. In this study, we introduce a new method called Relative Maximum Algorithm(RMA ).This is a hybrid method of the Source-Scanning Algorithm (SSA )(Kao and Shan, 2004)and the Network Correlation Coefficient(NCC )(Ohta and Ide, 2008).This utilizes the maximum of amplitude in each seismogram and determines its focal point and origin time relative to those of a reference event. We determine focal points and theirdistribution of events without any clear phases by the three methods and compare their results each other. The events used in this study are fourteen events located in a 15-35 km depth range, that is, in the lower crust, beneath Tokachi-dake volcano located in the center of Hokkaido, Japan, which occurred in November 2002. We used seismograms recorded at up to twelve Hinet stations around this volcanic region. We determine their focal points with precision of about 2 km in all the directions and about 0.5 sec in origin time. Although the accuracy of Hi-net report appears better than that of RMA , we may enhance the accuracy of RMA by careful analyzes of waveforms such as bandpass and time window filtering, considering each quality of observed waveform data.
  • 研究論文 武, 直樹; 渡部, 重十. 金星雲高度および風速の同時推定 = Simultaneous Estimation of Cloud Height and Wind Velocity of Venus. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2011, 74, p.57-66.


    Venus has numerous cloud features caused by unknown UV absorber in ultraviolet light. Horizontal wind velocities have been derived by tracking those features in order to examine the atmospheric circulation such as superrotation. However, the generation mechanism is not well understood yet, because the altitude of the winds is ambiguous. Ignatiev et al. (2009) performed radiative transfer calculations and showed that the cloud top altitudes in 1.51μm wavelength are 74±1km in low and middle latitudes and 63-67km in polar region, respectively. They investigated also the correlation between the cloud top altitude in UV wavelength and that in infrared, and found that those cloud top altitudes are almost same in low and middle latitudes under the assumption of constant scale height of the cloud. In this paper, we propose a fully geometrical method using 3 images to derive cloud height and wind velocities simultaneously. The cloud height and wind velocities estimated by this method are similar to other results.
  • 研究論文 本多, 亮; 山谷, 祐介; 市原, 寛; 長谷, 英彰; 茂木, 透; 山下, 晴之; 大山, 倫敦; 上嶋, 誠; 中川, 光弘. 屈斜路カルデラ周辺におけるMT 法による比抵抗探査 = Magnetotelluric Investigation around the Kutcharo Caldera Region. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2011, 74, p.45-55.


    Two noticeable caldera lakes exist around Teshikaga region, Eastern Hokkaido, Northern Japan. One is the Lake Masyu, and the other is the Lake Kutcharo, upon the largest caldera in Japan. The calderas locate on the Akan-Shiretoko volcanic line, and the region is still active. We can see many geothermal and fumarolic phenomena around. Recently, the chronology of the volcanic activity in this region is well surveyed by geologists, and the clarification of the eruption mechanism is now discussed from the disaster prevention point of view. Also, there is an interesting fact that the Teshikaga region seems to locate just at the offset of the volcanic line. Geophysical approaches can propose the effective information for these unsolved problems. In this paper, we report about the magnetotelluric observation that we have been performing these couple of years.
  • 研究論文 本多, 亮; 市原, 寛; 神山, 裕幸; 茂木, 透; 中川, 光弘. 北海道東部弟子屈地域の重力異常 = Gravity Anomaly over the Teshikaga Region, Eastern Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2011, 74, p.21-43.


    We have been measuring gravity data over the Kutcharo area, Eastern Hokkaido (Doto Region). The main purpose of our data collection can be divided into two. The first is the earthquake fault, which runs through the rim of lake Kutcharo. Teshikaga region had been the only region which experienced large (MJMA > 6) inland earthquake, until the 2004 Rumoi-nanbu earthquake occurred. The second is the largest volcanic caldera in Japan, the Kutcharo caldera. In this paper, we made detailed Bouguer anomaly map over the Teshikaga region. The gravity anomaly map was improved by newly obtained data and the lake water correction. Our gravity survey was performed during these 5 years, around the earthquake fault and at the northern side of the Lake Kutcharo. The lake water gravity correction was calculated for the Lake Masyu and the Lake Kutcharo. We also made Digital Depth Model for the Lake Masyu and the Lake Kutchrao.
  • 研究論文 宮村, 淳一; 岡崎, 紀俊; 伏谷, 祐二; 重野, 伸昭; 橋本, 武志. 十勝岳における自然電位繰り返し測定 = Repeat Surveys of Self-potential in Tokachidake Volcano. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2011, 74, p.1-19.


    We have performed repeat surveys of self-potential (SP) in Tokachidake Volcano since 1995, in which some elevated volcanic activity followed the appearance of fumaroles at 62-0 Crater. Since thermal anomalies had always preceded to the eruptions at Tokachidake in the last 100 years, we expected some temporal and spatial variations of SP anomalies accompanying the thermal activity beneath active craters. Topography-related SP distribution was seen on the northwestern flank in the surveys of 1995, 2008 and 2010. This characteristic feature with a gradient of -0.3 mV/m was independent of the survey year and thus thought to be generated from stable flow of ground water. We assumed that the gradient is uniform over the survey area and corrected the topographic effect prior to the following analyzes in order to emphasize the SP of volcanic origins. We found positive SP anomalies on 62-Craters and Taisho Crater where thermal anomalies have been seen throughout our SP surveys. These SP anomalies are probably related to the hydrothermal activity beneath the craters but the corresponding electrokinetic current sources should not be very deep since spatial size of these SP anomalies are smaller than a few hundred meters. We also detected temporal variations of SP anomalies corresponding to the thermal activity at 62-Craters. The positive SP anomaly on 62-Craters gradually developed toward 1998 up to +100 mV, being accompanied by an increase of thermal activity. The anomaly showed a subsequent attenuation down to -50 mV by 2001 in accordance with a decrease of thermal activity. In addition, another large positive SP anomaly with an amplitude of approximately +200mV appeared near the active fumaroles on Taisho Crater where fuming was enhanced in 2010. The result of our SP surveys implies that main thermal activity in the near future may develop at Taisho Crater rather than at 62-Craters. We point that attention should be paid not only to 62-Craters but also to Taisho Crater in monitoring the volcanic activity until the next eruption at Tokachidake.

第73号 (2010-03-19)


  • 山谷, 祐介; 橋本, 武志; 茂木, 透; 村上, 亮; 岡崎, 紀俊; 吉本, 充宏; 伏谷, 祐二; 橋本, 政樹; 山本, 輝明; 西村, 三治; 有田, 真; 的場, 敦史; 土屋, 遼平. 十勝岳62-Ⅱ火口周辺の3次元比抵抗構造 = Three-dimensional resistivity structure around the 62-II crater at Tokachidake volcano. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.281-294.


    Tokachidake Volcano is an active volcano, situated at the SW end of the Daisetsu-Tokachi volcanic chain in the central Hokkaido, Japan. We performed the AMT resistivity survey around the 62 -II crater at the volcano in order to realize the hydrothermal zone, focusing on the recent activity of the crustal inflation and demagnetization beneath the crater. The measured AMT data suggested the three-dimensional structure beneath the study area. Prior to the resistivity modeling, we estimated an effect due to a steep topography in the study area. This estimation clearly showed a strong effect to the apparent resistivity, impedance phase and induction vector. Therefore, the simplified topography was included to the three-dimensional model. The resistivity model supposed by a forward modeling was characterized by a conductor (0.5Ωm) beneath the 62-II crater. We investigated a physical condition which could bring the resistivity of 0.5Ωm, and then estimated that high porosity (0.3)rocks were saturated with hot(~200℃)pore water including dissolved components. Although the origin of hydrothermal water has been unresolved, this result suggests that a hydrothermal zone is developed beneath the 62-II crater.
  • 橋本, 武志; 西村, 三治; 有田, 真; 山本, 輝明; 小木曽, 仁; 重野, 伸昭; 岡崎, 紀俊; 茂木, 透. 十勝岳の全磁力変化と蓄熱過程(2008 - 2009年) = Heat accumulation beneath Tokachidake volcano as inferred from magnetic changes. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.269-280.


    We report the recent results of geomagnetic repeat surveys aiming for the detection of subsurface thermal changes at Tokachidake volcano, central Hokkaido, northern Japan. We conducted the first survey in October, 2008. The same pegs and marks were reoccupied in July and September, 2009. During this period a clear dipolar pattern of magnetic changes was detected around the 62-II crater, the present main vent of Tokachidake. This change is quite consistent with the pattern due to a demagnetized sphere placed at a depth of 150 m(1,600 m a.s.l.)beneath the 62-II crater. The change of magnetic moment amounts to 1 - 2×106 Am2. The maximum magnetic change is about 35 nT, overwhelming the errors due to extra-terrestrial changes, secular changes, or seasonal variations. The most likely explanation of this demagnetization is the thermomagnetic effect due to heating beneath the crater. Considering the moderate fumarolic temperature in the 62-II crater, the thermal demagnetization is not caused directly by magma intrusion. We here propose a model that water vapor supplied from depths is releasing latent heat through condensation at the source depth. The heating rate corresponding to the observed magnetic changes is an order of 10 MW. A more speculative suggestion is that water vapor of 107~108 kg/yr is required to realize this heating rate. Considering the fact that fumarolic activity of 62-II crater has somewhat declined since 2006, the ongoing demagnetization may be attributed to the decrease of heat discharge rate from the crater. If this is the case, elevation of heat supply from depths is not necessarily required.
  • 山下, 晴之; 渡邉, 朋典; 森谷, 武男; 茂木, 透. ウェーブレット変換の地震エコー記録への適用とその効果 = Application of wavelet transform to EQ-echo records and its effect. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.257-268.


    Anomalous VHF-band radio-wave propagation beyond the line of sight prior to earthquakes has been observed since 2002 in Hokkaido area. These records of the propagation have been collected as variations of electric field, and they include not only EQ-echoes which are shown as anomalous upward rapid drifts associated with an impending earthquake but also other transient signals and high frequency noises. It is not appropriate to apply the Fourier transform to such rapid variations because transient local changes in time domain data are transformed into the overall feature in frequency domain. In contrast, the wavelet transform suppresses this influence of tramsform by means of expansion and contraction of a mother wavelet. In this study, we applied band-pass filtering with the wavelet transform to reduce steady noise. As a result, we could distinguish components of high frequency noise and intensity variation relating to EQ-echoes. It improves the estimate of edge intervals of EQ-echoes. Furthermore, by the frequency analysis for the EQ-echoes associated with large earthquakes in Hokkaido, we found that high frequency components were attenuating in the EQ-echo especially in case of the southern Rumoi sub-prefecture earthquake(M 6.1)of 2004. This type of EQechoes may be characterized as long-distance propagation.
  • 宮村, 淳一; 上野, 寛; 横田, 崇. 体積歪変化量から推定した伊豆東部火山群のマグマ貫入量と火山活動評価の試み = Estimation of Amount of Intrusive Magma by Using Volumetric Strain Data and Attempt of Evaluation of Volcanic Activity in Izu-Tobu Volcanoes. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.239-255.


    Many dyke intrusion events have repeatedly occurred at Izu-Tobu Volcanoes since 1978.In order to evaluate volcanic activity of Izu-Tobu Volcanoes and to forecast the volcanic eruption,we investigate relationship between the amount of intrusive magma estimated from dyke parameters obtained by previous studies and the amount of volumetric strain change observed at Higashi-Izu.As a result,we find that there is an obvious correlation between the volume of dyke intrusions and the maximum amount of volumetric strain changes in 24 hours. In addition,we notice that large magma intrusion causes a remarkable seismic activity more than expected from the amount of volumetric strain changes. We propose a new technique for estimating the volume of dyke intrusion by using volumetric strain data observed at Higashi-Izu and introduce a new alert criteria based on the potential of volcanic eruption at Izu-Tobu Volcanoes.If our alert criteria is introduced,it is possible that volcanic warning is issued in an earlier stage of dyke intrusion event compared with the past.
  • 土方, 勝一郎. 2007年中越沖地震の地震動特性 = Ground motion characteristics of 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki earthquake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.229-237.


    Strong motion records of 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki earthquake were examined in order to evaluate ground motion characteristics of the earthquake. Ground motion observed at Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant site were significantly larger than the response spectra evaluated on the basis of Noda et al(. 2002), and the level of the ground motion observed at Arahama area(unit 1 - 4 side)was approximately twice as large as that at Ominato area(unit 5 - 7 side). Observation records of the offshore events other than the eathquake were also larger than the response spectra based on Noda et al(. 2002), whereas records of the inland events were smaller than those. In addition, these characteristics were also observed in the vicinity of the site through the analysis of the ground motion records obtained by KiK-net.
  • 前田, 宜浩; 高井, 伸雄; 笹谷, 努. 2003年十勝沖地震の最大余震による特異な地震動特性 = Anomalous strong ground motion features of the largest aftershock of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.217-227.


    The largest aftershock(Mw 7.3)of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake(Mw 8.3)generates larger peak ground acceleration(PGA)values than the main shock in the western side of the epicenters despite their magnitude difference. We study the features of strong ground motions from the largest aftershock in detail using PGA values. Spatial distribution maps of PGA ratio between the largest aftershock and adjacent earthquake shows obvious azimuth dependency compared with the other earthquake pairs occurring around Japan. Attenuation relationship of the largest aftershock shows a large azimuth-dependent scattering at distances from 200 to 300 km compared with three smaller earthquakes occurring around the largest aftershock. Because this large scattering appears only in the largest aftershock, we conclude that the azimuth dependency is a peculiar feature of the largest aftershock. Fourier spectral ratios between the largest aftershock and adjacent earthquake at several stations show azimuth dependency at higher frequencies than 1 Hz, which is consistent with the azimuth dependency of PGA values. The azimuth dependency in high-frequency range cannot be explained simply by the source and path effects, and therefore, we make a hypothesis that the azimuth dependency is an apparent one generated by two earthquakes occurring simultaneously at different regions. Synthetic PGA distributions generated by two simultaneous events calculated by the empirical attenuation relationship are in agreement with the observed PGA distribution of the largest aftershock.
  • 研究論文 工藤, 一嘉. 強震動の測定小史における機動観測 = Mobile Observation in a History of Strong-Motion Measurement. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.207-215.


    A historical sketch of mobile strong-motion observations is illustrated with a brief review of standard measurements of strong earthquake ground motion in Japan. A mobile strong-motion observation has generally been carried out for aftershocks and/or earthquake swarms as initiated by Kanai et al.(1966). Great advantages of mobile array observation by organizing plural groups were found in the aftershocks of two large Hokkaido earthquakes of 1993, Hokkaido-Nansei oki, and Kushiro oki. A significance of mobile strong-motion observation is also described. A potable strong-motion instrument is a key factor for mobile observation and recent developments by continuous recordings will give us new-findings.
  • 三輪田, 吾郎; 高井, 伸雄; 清水, 学; 笹谷, 努; 前田, 宜浩; 山本, 明夫. 2003年十勝沖地震の地震記録に見られる 地盤の非線形応答に関する研究 = A study on nonlinear site response appeared on strong ground motions during the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.195-205.


    Nonlinear site response was observed at TKCH 07 in Toyokoro and HKD 109 in Urakawa during the mainshock(Mj 8.0)and the largest aftershock(Mj 7.1)of the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthqua ke. At TKCH 07, peak ground acceleration(PGA)was smaller than PGA at the other strong motion station in Toyokoro. At HKD 109, the accelerogram shows a characteristic spiky waveform. Due to this spiky wave, large PGA was observed compared to the other stations in Urakawa, although PGA at HKD 109 was smaller than PGA at JMA Urakawa station during the main shock and smaller aftershocks.
  • 研究論文 竹中, 博士; 中村, 武史. 横等方的媒質における理論地震記象への非弾性減衰の導入 = Incorporation of Anelastic Attenuation Effects in Synthetic Seismograms for Transversely Isotropic Media. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.185-194.


    We propose an effective scheme for incorporating anelastic attenuation in synthetic seismograms for transversely isotropic media, where the scheme uses only two kinds of quality factors Q: QP and QS instead of five kinds of Q corresponding to five independent elastic constants. It is a straightforward extension of the scheme for isotropic media in the reflectivity method. We implement our scheme in a reflectivity code for transversely isotropic media, and show some numerical examples to illustrate feasibility of the scheme.
  • 研究論文 吉田, 邦一. 地震計鉛直アレー記録の相分解法の改良 = An Improvement to the Phase Decomposition Analysis of Seismic Vertical Array Records. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.175-183.


    I modify a vertical array analysis method that decomposes complex seismograms into body and surface wave time histories that have been proposed by Yoshida and Sasatani(2008). In the previous study, P, S and surface waves at the surface were decomposed by a least-squares method without any weighting. In the present study, the data are weighted by using the maximum amplitude of each spectrum of seismograms. I carried out a numerical test of this method with synthetic vertical array records consisting of vertically incident plane P and S waves and laterally incident plane Love and Rayleigh waves. P, S, Love, and Rayleigh waves were perfectly decomposed for synthetic records without noise. I applied this method to real vertical array records from the Ashigara valley, a moderate-sized sedimentary valley. The array records from an earthquake occurring at the depth of 123 km near the array(epicentral distance of about 31 km)I find small difference between the present weighted and the previous non-weighted estimations.
  • 吉田, 邦一; 笹谷, 努; 前田, 宜浩; 高井, 伸雄; 三輪田, 吾郎; 大畑, 大志郎; Prasad, Dhakal Yadab; 鏡味, 洋史; Fat-Helbary, Raafat El-Shafei. 石狩平野北西部における微動アレー探査 = Microtremor Array Survey in the Northwestern Part of the Ishikari Plain. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.159-173.


    S-wave velocity structures were explored in the northwestern part of Ishikari plain from microtremor array measurements. We measured microtremors using seismometer arrays at 3 sites on 4 days during May - July 2005. Phase velocities in a frequency range of 0.22 - 4.32 Hz were estimated using SPAC(SPatial AutoCorrelation)analysis of the microtremor records. The S-wave velocity structures were obtained by the inversion from the phase velocities using a genetic algorithm technique. The inverted S-wave velocity structures obtained from the microtremor array surveys in the present and previous studies indicate that the S-wave velocities of a geologic layer clearly depend on the depth.
  • 研究論文 森川, 信之; 神野, 達夫; 成田, 章; 藤原, 広行; 福島, 美光. 近年の強震動記録に基づく計測震度の距離減衰式 = A New Attenuation Relation of Seismic Intensity for Japan Based on Recent Strong-Motion Records. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.149-158.


    We obtain a new attenuation distance-relation of seismic intensity for Japan using the strongmotion data-base constructed by Kanno et al.(2006). We also obtain additional correction terms corresponding to the site amplification, anomalous seismic intensity and event type(plate-boundary or intra-slab). Although we used strong-motion data until the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake, the attenuation relation agrees to observed records during recent large earthquakes.
  • 浅野, 公之; 岩田, 知孝. 経験的グリーン関数法による2009年8月11日駿河湾の地震(MJMA 6.5)の震源モデルの推定と強震動シミュレーション = Source modeling and strong motion simulation of the 2009 Suruga Bay earthquake(MJMA 6.5)using the empirical Green's function method. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.137-147.


    On August 11, 2009, an intraplate earthquake (MJMA 6.5) occurred within the subducting Philippine Sea slab beneath Suruga Bay at a depth of 23 km. The source model composed of two strong motion generation areas(SMGA)has been estimated by the broadband strong motion simulation using the empirical Green's function method in the frequency range between 0.3 Hz and 10 Hz. The stress drop of each SMGA is estimated to be 35.7 MPa and 27.5 MPa. The rupture of SMGA 1 on the southeast dipping fault plane mainly propagated southwestward, and that of SMGA 2 on the northeast dipping fault plane propagated northwestward. The obtained source model explains the observed acceleration, velocity, and displacement waveforms of this event in the broadband frequency range fairly well. Then, the size of SMGA for the 2009 Suruga Bay earthquake is compared with the scaling relationship by previous studies on other intraslab and inland crustal earthquakes. The size of SMGA for intraslab earthquakes in the previous studies is generally smaller than that for inland crustal earthquakes. In contrast, the SMGA of the 2009 Suruga Bay earthquake is almost comparable to the empirical scaling relationship for inland crustal earthquakes. That difference is mainly because the relatively shallower source depth of this event compared to other intraslab earthquakes. For advanced strong motion prediction for intraslab earthquakes, it could be necessary to adopt depth-dependency and regional differences in stress drop on SMGA or asperity in the source modeling.
  • 研究論文 岩田, 知孝; 浅野, 公之. 強震動予測のためのスラブ内地震の特性化震源モデルの構築 = Characterized Source Model of Intraslab Earthquakes for Strong Ground Motion Prediction. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.129-135.


    We study characterized source model for the strong motion prediction of intraslab earthquakes in the same manner as crustal earthquakes (Somerville et al., 1999) and interplate earthquakes (Murotani et al., 2009). We characterized the heterogeneous slip distributions of 11 events with MW 6.6-8.3 and determined rupture area(S), total asperity area(Sa), and average slip(D)with following the procedure proposed by Somerville et al.(1999). Assuming power of 2/3 dependency of S and Sa on seismic moment and that of 1/3 for D, we got the empirical relationships as follows, S(km2 )= 6.57×10-11×M0 2/3(Nm) Sa(km2 )= 1.04×10-11×M0 2/3(Nm) D(cm)= 2.25×10-5×M0 2/3(Nm) The stress parameters on and off asperities are estimated as 28.9 MPa and 4.6 MPa, respectively, from the asperity model by Boatwright(1988). We also summarized size and position of strong motion generation area(SMGA, Miyake et al., 2003)for intraslab earthquakes by broad-band ground motion simulations. We found SMGA corresponds to the asperity and the size of SMGA is equivalent to or a little bit smaller than the asperity size. Based on these characteristics, we propose the characterized source model of intraslab earthquakes for strong ground motion prediction. We confirmed the procedure by simulating strong ground motions for the 2001 Geiyo earthquake(MW 6.8, hypocentral depth=46 km). Using these empirical relationships, we constructed the characterized source models for the 2001 Geiyo earthquake and simulated ground motions at strong motion observation sites using the empirical Green's function method.
  • 研究論文 松島, 信一; 室谷, 智子; 吾妻, 崇; 入倉, 孝次郎; 北川, 貞之. 内陸地殻内の長大断層で発生する地震に関するスケーリング則 = Scaling relations of earthquakes on active mega-fault systems. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.117-127.


    Since 2005, The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion(HERP)has been publishing National Seismic Hazard Maps for Japan to provide useful information for disaster prevention countermeasures for the country and local public agencies, as well as promote public awareness of disaster prevention of earthquakes. In the course of making the year 2009 version of the map, which is the commemorate of the tenth anniversary of the settlement of the Comprehensive Basic Policy, the methods to evaluate magnitude of earthquakes, to predict strong ground motion, and to construct underground structure were investigated in the Earthquake Research Committee and its subcommittees. Within approximately 100 active fault zones that were evaluated by HERP, there are 6 megafault systems that extend more than 80 km, which are longer than the fault length in the database used to evaluate the scaling relations by Matsuda(1975). In order to predict the magnitude of earthquakes occurring on mega-fault systems, we examined the scaling relations for mega-fault systems using nine earthquakes of which source processes were analyzed by waveform inversion. As a result, we found that the data fit in between the scaling relations of seismic moment and rupture area by Somerville et al.(1999)and Irikura and Miyake(2001). We also found maximum displacement of surface rupture is two to three times larger than the average slip on the seismic fault. Using this relation, the seismic moment on mega-fault systems can be adjusted.
  • 研究論文 諸井, 孝文; 武村, 雅之. 1923年関東地震の再現をふまえた強震動研究とデータ分析に関する一考察 = Discussion about strong ground motion research and data processing based on examinations of the 1923 Kanto earthquake.. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.101-116.


    Datasets of structural damage and regional damage due to past earthquakes are not only useful to know the actual state of each event but also effective for strong ground motion predictions and damage mitigations of future earthquakes. In this paper, several considerations are illustrated concerning strong ground motion research and data processing analysis. Especially, the activity to make research results contribute to society is discussed based on three examples of earthquake damage data analysis. The examples shown here describe that the well known notion in general, what is called common knowledge, does not necessarily have high reliability, and that the lack of confirmation of the data accuracy misleads the conclusion of research results beyond common sense. From these examples, the importance of an empirical research policy as well as a reasonable research policy is discussed. And it is pointed out that the information exchange among the researchers in various fields will be very effective for the development of the strong ground motion research.
  • 研究論文 加藤, 研一. 強震動研究と建築構造物の入力地震動評価 = Strong motion studies and their influence on input motions for seismic design of building structures. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.87-100.


    The seismic provisions of the Building Standard Law of Japan were revised in 2000 towards a performance-based design code. This is a drastic revision since the input ground motions are defined on the outcropped engineering bedrock in terms of acceleration response spectra. In addition, the revised seismic design code for structures taller than 60 m accepts to use site-specific design ground motions due to scenario earthquakes. Recently, extremely large acceleration more than 1 g were often observed in near fault regions of crustal earthquakes. The amplitude level of those records exceeds the above-mentioned design ground motions on the outcropped engineering bedrock. After the brief review of the seismic provisions of the Building Standard Law, I shall propose the basic concept of site specific design ground motions by combining both scenario and non-scenario earthquakes, considering the recent development of strong motion studies.
  • 池田, 孝. 観測記録に基づいたスラブ内地震の短周期レベル = Short-period Spectral Level of the Intra-slab Earthquakes from Strong Motion Records. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.71-85.


    Acceleration source spectra of three intra-slab earthquakes which occurred recently were evaluated by eliminating the effects of propagation path and site characteristics from observation records. Short-period spectral level A were evaluated from the acceleration source spectra, and stress parameters Ao were calculated from A and seismic moment M0. The relationship between Ao, focal mechanism, regionality, location, M0, and focal depth were examined. Ao of intra-slab earthquakes was not much affected by focal mechanism, regionality in the Pacific plate. The effect of location and focal depth to Ao is not clear, but Ao is not dependent on focal depth for medium and large earthquakes in the Pacific plate. Upper level of Ao is not affected by M0 and is 40-80 MPa. But lower level of Ao is affected by M0, that is, lower than 5 MPa for small earthquakes(M0<5 ×1017 Nm), 20- 80 MPa for medium earthquakes(5 ×1017 Nm<M0<1×1019 Nm), and 60-80 MPa for large earthquakes( M0>1 ×1019 Nm).
  • 研究論文 筧, 楽麿; 西條, 裕介; 染井, 一寛. 高密度観測網のデータを使ったスラブ内地震による強震動の解析 : 島弧の構造との関連 = Analyses of Strong Ground Motions from Intraslab Earthquakes Using High-Density Observation Network Data : Relation to the Island Arc Structure. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.57-70.


    Observed waveforms recorded by the high-density strong ground motion observation network from two intraslab earthquakes are analyzed in detail. One is the 2001 Iwate-ken Nairiku Nanbu earthquake(MJMA = 6.4, depth = 121.5 km), which occurred in the Pacific slab subducting beneath the Tohoku island arc. The other is the 2006 Oita-ken Seibu earthquake(MJMA = 6.2, depth= 145.2 km), which occurred in the Philippine Sea slab subducting beneath the Kyushu island arc. In both cases, observed strong ground motions show singular spatial distribution, where high-frequency seismic waves at the stations located in backarc side of the volcanic front have much smaller amplitudes compared with those at the forearc side stations. This singular distribution of strong ground motions can be interpreted by considering attenuation of high-frequency seismic waves at the backarc side stations due to the wave propagation through the low-Q value zone beneath the volcanic front. In the case of the 2006 Oita-ken Seibu earthquake, effect of high-frequency seismic waves trapped in the high-Q slab is also important. It may cause the large amplitude of high-frequency waves observed at the stations in Chugoku and Shikoku, the shallower-slab side extent of forearc side.
  • 研究論文 植竹, 富一. 深発地震を用いた東京湾岸地域の長周期地震動特性評価 = Evaluation of the long-period ground motion characteristics in Tokyo Bay area using the deep earthquake data. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.49-55.


    A deep(H=374 km)earthquake of Mj=6.7 occurred in Kyoto-Oki region on July 16, 2007. Broad-band velocity ground motions during this event were observed at many thermal power stations in the Tokyo bay area. Waveforms observed at the stations of the east side of the Tokyo bay show longer duration than those at the west side of the bay. The apparent frequencies of later arrivals are lower than those of S-wave parts. Velocity waveforms observed in the mountain area and in the bedrock of the basin have short duration and no significant later arrivals. This suggests that the later arrivals were excited by the Kanto basin.
  • 研究論文 山本, 明夫; 小丸, 安史; 吉村, 昌宏; 山口, 亮. 微地形区分データを用いた広域の液状化危険度予測について = A study of Liquefaction Potential in a Wide Area using an Engineering Geomorphologic Classification Database. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.37-47.


    A liquefaction potential map of a wide area is very useful for evaluating risk of liquefaction for the dwelling houses. In this study, the liquefaction potential map is developed by overlaying three maps including a PGV(Peak Ground Velocity)map, a liquefaction map from the past earthquakes and a land classification map. The damage ratio of the dwelling houses are evaluated as a production of three results which are the liquefaction susceptibility by the PGV at the ground surface and the ratio of liquefaction area in grid cells of 30 arc-seconds latitude ×45 arc-seconds longitude and the damage ratio of the dwelling houses in a liquefaction area from the past earthquakes. The prediction of this evaluation procedure shows a good agreement with the damage ratio of the dwelling houses for the 1987 Chiba-ken Toho-oki Earthquake.
  • 研究論文 南雲, 秀樹. 2006年大分県中部の地震の震源特性 = Source Characteristics of the 2006 Oita-Chubu Earthquake(MJ 6.2) Occurred in the Philippine Sea Slab. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.23-35.


    A moderate size intraslab earthquake occurred on 12 June, 2006 at the depth of about 145 km in the Philippine Sea Plate beneath central Oita. Focal mechanism solution determined by F-net shows that this event has a down-dip extension focal mechanism and aftershock activity of this event is very low. Observed displacement waveforms indicate rupture propagates on the east-dipping nodal plane. To investigate source process of this event, inversion of strong motion waveforms is carried out. Result shows complex rupture propagation during this earthquake. Largest slip area is located near the hypocenter. Snapshots show rupture propagates to the right upper direction on the fault plane at first and change to the left upper direction after few seconds. Based on inversion result, the characterized source models of 2006 event are constructed. In this study source models with one and two asperities are proposed. Simulations using the empirical Green's function method suggest that the source model with two asperities is preferable but detail rupture process of this event is much more complex.
  • 研究論文 武村, 雅之. 歴史的視点から見た地震学と社会 = Historical change of social activities in Japanese seismology. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2010, 73, p.1-22.


    The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster in 1995 killed more than 6000 people. At that moment, the Seismological Society of Japan and the Japanese government examined themselves and fully recognized that communications beneficial for disaster prevention were not sufficiently exchanged and valuable knowledge obtained from earthquake research were not efficiently applied to the general public and disaster prevention organizations. The Seismological Society of Japan established new committees in charge of publicity and education in 1996 to provide opportunities of the communication between seismologists and general public. The Japanese government also established the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion as a direct system of accountability for government policies regarding earthquakes. Since 1880, the year of the establishment of the first Seismological Society in the world, the Japanese seismological community has experienced 4 big changes such as the Great Nobi Earthquake Disaster in 1891, the Great Kanto Earthquake Disaster in 1923, the Second World War, and this earthquake disaster. These histories are reviewed from the point of view of social activities in Japanese seismology. Finally, we will discuss achievement for the sake of the mitigation of earthquake disaster on the lessons learned from the history.

第72号 (2009-03-15)


  • 高橋, 浩晃; 前田, 宜浩; 笠原, 稔. 中千島で発生した巨大地震 = Characteristics of great earthquakes occurring in the central Kuril Islands. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.399-410.


    We investigate the characteristics of great earthquakes occurring in the central Kuril Islands on 1915, 1918, 2006 and 2007. Comparisons of seismic intensity distributions, tsunami data and waveforms of above four events were made. Though magnitudes of these earthquakes were almost the same, only the 1915 event did not generate observable tsunami. This fact may be due to deep focal depth of this earthquake. Similarities of seismic intensity distributions between the 1915, 1971 and 2008 deep-focus earthquakes also imply that the 1915 event was the deep-focus event in the northeastern Okhotsk Sea. Waveform properties of the 1915 and 2008 events supports above hypothesis. We conclude, therefore, that the 1915 earthquake was not the event in the central Kuril Island but in the Okhotsk Sea with deep depth. Large tsunami and widespread felt area of the 1918 earthquake show that this event was a typical shallow-dipping thrust event on plate boundary as indicated by previous studies.
  • 平田, 貴一; 茂木, 透; 山谷, 祐介; 長谷, 英彰; 市原, 寛. MT法による黒松内地域の地下構造 = Subsurface structure of the Kuromatsunai area using MT survey. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.387-398.


    A magnetotelluric (MT) survey was conducted in the Kuromatsunai area to identify resistivity structures and their features. A basin that formed in the Kuromatsunai lowland area during the Miocene contains a thick Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene sediments. On the west side of the lowland is an active fault zone that is experiencing ongoing, east-down displacement. Three magnetic field components and two horizontal electrical field components were observed over 20-40 hours at eleven sites, and magnetotelluric impedances were calculated for a frequency range of 320-0.00034 Hz. The strike direction of dominant resistivity structures was determined using a phase tensor estimation (Caldwell et al., 2004). A two-dimensional resistivity structure was obtained through a two-dimensional inversion with smoothness constraints and static shift corrections (Ogawa and Uchida, 1996). The results show that relatively resistive Plio-Pleistocene to upper Miocene strata occupy the shallow subsurface of the lowland. Conductive lower to middle Miocene strata underlie the Plio-Pleistocene units. Resistive granitic rocks present at greater depth below the lowland differ from the material present at similar depth outside of the lowland area. Granitic rocks are also exposed at the eastern end of the lowland. Induction vectors observed in the MT survey at Komagatake Volcano (Yamaya et al., 2004) suggest that telluric current flows toward the Japan Sea from the Pacific side of Funka Bay through a conductive layer at the back of the bay. It is likely that this conductive unit corresponds to the thick Miocene strata of the Kuromatsunai area.
  • 中西, 一郎. 文禄五年 (1596) 閏七月豊後・伊予地震による伊予国板島城 (現宇和島城) の被害 : 藤堂虎高の遺帖 = Damage of the castle Itajima (present castle Uwajima) caused by the 1596 Bungo-Iyo earthquake in the Iyo Province of Shikoku island in southwestern Japan : missing record written by Toudou Torataka. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.383-386.


    A record is found in the historical document of the Toudou family in relation to the 1596 Bungo-Iyo earthquake. The document was written about 180 years after the occurrence of the earthquake. The record shows that the castle Uwajima was damaged by the 1596 earthquake and provides us with an important constraint on the location of the earthquake.
  • 上垣, 拓郎; 池上, 裕; 中西, 一郎; 小久保, 一哉; 露木, 貴裕; 中村, 浩二; 原田, 智史. 巨大遠地地震による長周期歪地震波形の解析 : 2004年Sumatra-Andaman地震 (Mw9.0) 及び2005年Nias地震 (Mw8.6) = Analysis of long-period strain seismograms from great far earthquakes : 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (Mw9.0) and 2005 Nias earthquake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.379-382.


    The long-period strain seismograms from the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of December 26, 2004 and the Nias earthquake of March 28, 2005 are analyzed by comparing the observed seismograms with synthetic seismograms calculated by normal mode theory. The multiple CMT source (Tsai et al., 2005) and Harvard CMT solution explain the seismograms recorded by both extensometers and volumetric strainmeters from the 2004 and 2005 earthquakes, respectively. The long-period strain seismograms observed in Japan are consistent with about 9 min source duration and 1200 km fault length proposed by Tsai et al. (2005) and Velasco et al. (2006).
  • 上垣, 拓郎; 中西, 一郎; 露木, 貴裕; 原田, 智史. 巨大近地地震による長周期体積歪波形の解析 : 2006年及び2007年千島列島地震 (Mw8.3及び8.1) と津波 = Analysis of long-period volumetric strain generated by great near earthquakes : 2006 and 2007 Kurile Islands earthquakes (Mw8.3 and 8.1) and tsunamis. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.373-377.


    The Kurile Islands earthquakes of November 15, 2006 and January 13, 2007 are studied by using the volumetric strainmeter array in Tokai-Kanto area, Japan. The first-motion of long-period P waves recorded by the array shows good correlation with the first-arrival of tsunami waves observed on the Pacific side of Japan. The amplitude ratio of the long-period P waves (T > 50 s) between the two earthquakes explains the difference in moment magnitudes. The inconsistency between moment magnitudes and JMA magnitudes of the two earthquakes may have been caused by the difference of phases and period ranges used in the determination of the two magnitudes.
  • 河野, 裕希; 松本, 聡; 松島, 健; 植平, 賢司; 清水, 洋; 馬越, 孝道. 雲仙火山周辺域における相対応力場と1990-1995年噴火活動 = Relative stress field around Unzen Volcano and its relationship with the 1990-1995 eruption. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.363-371.


    We investigated a stress field around the magma chamber beneath Unzen Volcano, Kyushu, Japan, which erupted from 1990 until 1995, by using a stress-tensor inversion method. We used P wave polarity data of seismograms by earthquakes occurred during 1985-1999 for analysis. Our result clearly indicated that there were no changes in stress field during the period except for during 1986-1988. This suggested that the magma intrusion into shallower depths did not affect the stress field in this region. Clear change in stress field was observed during 1986-1988. This might be explained by applying the meshtexture crack model proposed by Hill (1977).
  • 宮城, 洋介. ALOS/PALSARによって観測された,アリューシャン列島・Okmok火山における2008年噴火 = The 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano in Aleutian Islands observed by ALOS/PALSAR. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.353-361.


    On July 12 (UTC), 2008, Okmok volcano in the Aleutian Islands began to erupt after a lapse of 11 years. Okmok volcano is located on Umnak Island in the Aleutian volcanic chain, and has erupted from an active vent located in the southwest part of the caldera floor more than 10 times since 19th century. Although there are few habitants around Okmok volcano, ash from the eruption could lead to catastrophic airplane accidents because of the heavy air traffic over the Aleutian Islands. In the 2008 event, ash plumes were emitted up to 15,000m above sea level from the new vent located close to the caldera center, not the active vent. JAXA carried out several observations using ALOS/PALSR before and after the eruption. PALSAR can observe the volcano surface even if it is emitting a great deal of smoke. Comparing images acquired before and after the eruption, we detected surface changes on and around the Okmok caldera and could locate new vents in the area close to the caldera center. Using DInSAR technique of PALSAR data acquired after the eruption, we detected a deflation of the volcanic edifice for the period at least one and a half months after the beginning of the eruption.
  • 高木, 朗充. 1988年雌阿寒岳の噴火活動に伴う地震活動の特性 = Characteristics of seismic activities accompanied with the Meakandake 1988 eruption. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.331-352.


    Meakandake volcano is located southwest on the Akan caldera rim, the eastern part of Hokkaido. Four small eruptions occurred at Meakandake from January to February, 1988. Seismic activity was higher for one year including this eruption stage. Research Center for Earthquake Prediction of Hokkaido University (RCEP) installed temporal seismic array on the northwest flank of the volcanic edifice twenty days before the first eruption in order to clarify characteristics of seismicity associated with volcanic activity. Daily number of earthquakes became suddenly decreased, three days before the first eruption. And hypocenters were estimated to be very shallow by seismic amplitude ratios. After March 1988, deep low frequency events occurred frequently. During the observation, so various types of waveforms were recorded that we classified seismograms broadly in two groups. One is "simple event" and the other is "complex event". Mechanism of "complex event" is not so simpler than that of "simple event". "Simple event" is subclassified into three; HF, LF and PT. "Complex event" is subclassified into four; TD, TS, LD, and T. Dominant frequency of waveforms of "simple event" splits to 6 - 8 Hz and 10 - 13Hz, which correspond to LF and HF, respectively. There were four seismic swarms after eruptions. Waveforms in every swarm were so similar one another. Although they were, namely, earthquake family, they were able to be classified to LF and HF. And their first motions of seismograms were the same direction. In order to explain these characteristics, we proposed the tensile crack model with Doppler effect.
  • 吉田, 邦一; 笠原, 稔; 笹谷, 努. ボアホール地震観測網により観測された札幌周辺の微小地震 = Microearthquakes beneath Sapporo urban area observed by using borehole seismometers. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.315-330.


    On May, 1997, Sapporo municipality installed three borehole seismometers in Sapporo city to observe microearthquakes in and in its vicinity of Sapporo. Ueyama company has also installed strong-motion and high-gain seismometers at three borehole stations in and around Sapporo since 1999. We have collected seismic record from these borehole stations as well as other highgain seismic stations operated by various organizations and have determined hypocenters of 128 microearthquakes (M=0.2-2.8) occurring beneath Sapporo urban area from May, 1997 to January, 2004. Hypocentral distribution shows clusters of earthquakes near the central part and the eastern--southeastern part of Sapporo. A focal mechanism for one earthquake estimated from P-wave first motion polarities has nearly east--west pressure axis.
  • 一柳, 昌義; 高橋, 浩晃; 山口, 照寛; 高田, 真秀; 岡山, 宗夫; 笠原, 稔; 岡崎, 紀俊. 高密度臨時地震観測による2004年斜里岳群発地震活動 = Seismic activity of the 2004 Syari-dake Earthquake swarm by dense temporary seismic observation network in the eastern part of Hokkaido, Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.299-314.


    From April 27, 2004, Mt. Syari-dake earthquake swarm occurred in the eastern part of Hokkaido, Japan. The activity began at 4:19 on April 27, 2004. We installed nine temporary seismic stations around the seismic active area immediately after its occurrence and had continued the observation for about seven months. We determined 2228 hypocenters of earthquakes. It is found that the seismic active area is clearly distributed on the plane having southwest-northeast strike with dip angle of about 80 degrees. This plane well agrees with one of the nodal planes of the focal mechanisms of several earthquakes determined by P-wave first motions. Hypocenters migrate northeastward at a rate of 96 m/day and westward at a rate of 51 m/day. We also investigated hypocenter distribution before the installing of the temporary seismic stations. To improve accuracy of hypocenter determination we applied travel time correction for every permanent seismic stations. Relocated precise hypocenters demonstrate that the main seismic activity started to expand eastward just after the begining of the swarm.
  • 三品, 正明; 立花, 憲司; 三浦, 哲. 孔井式歪計によって観測された福島県沖の地震に伴った余効変動 = Postseismic deformation associated with off Fukushima Earthquakes as inferred data of borehole strainmeters. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.287-298.


    Borehole strainmeters installed in the coastal area of Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures recorded the remarkable postseismic strain change following earthquake off Fukushima Prefecture on July 19, 2008 (M 6.9). Using exponential function, we simulated the postseismic strain change and obtained time constant and amplitude of the postseismic change. Time constant was 57 h. The amplitude ratio to the amplitude of the co-seismic change was 0.9 (KNK: Kinkazan), 1.1 (EN3: Enoshima) and 1.6 (MH2: Mihodo), respectively. This means almost the same amount of slip as the main shock occurred on the fault plane after the shock. We also analyzed data at an off Fukushima Prefecture earthquake on October 31, 2003 (M 6.8). Time constant of the postseismic change was 40 h. The amplitude ratio was 0.5 (KNK), 0.6 (EN3) and 1.5 (MH2), respectively. This earthquake also had similar feature as the 2008 event. These characteristics of postseismic slips are considered to relate the distribution of the coupling coefficient between Pacific plate and continental plate. In off Fukushima area, the coupling coefficient may be weaker around the epicenter area of the 2008 earthquake than around the 2003 event.
  • 森谷, 武男; 茂木, 透; 高田, 真秀; 山本, 勲. 地震に先行するVHF帯散乱波の観測的研究(II) = Observational research for VHF scattering waves prior to earthquakes (II). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.269-285.


    A new observation system established in Hokkaido, northern Japan to confirm a suspected relationship between anomalous radio-wave propagation and impending earthquakes has been documenting anomalous VHF-band radiowave propagation beyond the line of sight prior to earthquakes since December, 2002. During such events, radio waves transmitted from an FM radio station were scattered, such that they could be received by an observation station beyond the transmitting station's line of sight. A linear relationship was established between the logarithm of the total duration time of the anomalous transmissions (Te) and the magnitude (M) or maximum seismic intensity (I) of the impending earthquake for M4- to M5-class earthquakes that occurred at depths of about 50 km beneath the Hidaka Mountains in Hokkaido, Japan in June 2004 and March 2008 as reported in the previous paper (Moriya et al., 2005). Similar linear relationships are also valid for earthquakes that occurred at other depths. Te is longer for shallower earthquakes and shorter for deeper ones. Numerous parameters seem to affect Te, including hypocenter depths and epicentral surface conditions (i.e., sea versus land). This relationship is important because it means that pre-seismic, anomalous transmission of VHF-band waves may be useful in predicting the size of an impending earthquake. To avoid misidentification of FM stations that have identical frequencies, three 64 MHz band transmitters were established, each with a unique frequency. Earthquakes that occurred in and around eastern Hokkaido scattered waves from FM-band and 64 MHz-band stations and provided quantitative relationships between Te and M, and between Te and I. Using the interferometer at the TES observation site, the incident azimuth of the scattering waves from the Hiroo station was measured. Prior to two earthquakes that occurred beneath almost the same part of the Tokachi region at depths of 86 km and magnitudes of M 4.9 and 4.0, the interferometer yielded incident azimuths of S18W and S34W. The true azimuths from TES to the hypocenters of the two earthquakes were S35W and S38W, respectively. These two measurements, therefore, suggest that anomalous transmission of VHF waves is caused by scattering at the epicenters of impending earthquakes.
  • 小林, 知勝. クリギング法を用いた歪場の推定の試み = Experiment in estimate of strain field using a kriging method. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.257-268.


    A feasibility test of a kriging method is conducted for estimate of a strain field. In this test the kriging method is applied to man-made data and actual ground displacement data observed in Taiwan. It is investigated how well the method can reproduce the given strain field and extract the complex strain field of Taiwan. To clarify the merits/demerits of this method, we compare the results of the kriging to those inferred from other analysis methods; one is a conventional method in which a strain is directly calculated using a triangulation network and the other is a method incorporating a spatial smoothing procedure. The results demonstrate that the kriging method enables us to provide a largescale strain field spatially smoothly, and further to simultaneously extract a localized deformation. Additionally it is noteworthy that this method is robust for anomalous data, i.e., weights of anomalies are suppressed automatically. On the other hand, the standard triangulation method cannot stably extract a large-scale strain field and at a certain case artificial strain errors are produced. This method is very sensitive to anomalous data and/or even to small fluctuations (errors) of data. The method incorporating a spatial smoothing procedure that has been developed and applied in many recent studies can robustly evaluate strain components that are spatially dominant in the analyzed domain, but miss out a small-scale deformation due to the smoothing.
  • 浅井, 康広; 石井, 紘; 青木, 治三. 2008年5月中国四川省の地震に伴う歪地震動と地下水位変化 = Dynamic strain variations and co-seismic groundwater level changes associated with May 2008 Sichuan Earthquake observed at Tono area, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.247-256.


    The dynamic strain variations and co-seismic groundwater level changes associated with May 2008 Sichuan, China Earthquake (Mw7.9) were observed at TGR350 and SZB (97FT-01, SN-1 and SN-3) at Tono area, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan. We investigated the relationship between the hydroseismogram and the dynamic strain variations observed at each observatory. The following results were obtained: As for the TGR350, the observed co-seismic groundwater level change was caused by dynamic strain variation with peak-to-peak amplitude of order of 10^[-6] strain. As for the SZB (97FT-01, SN-1 and SN-3), the observed co-seismic groundwater level changes in SN-1 and SN-3 were also caused by dynamic strain variation with peak-to-peak amplitude of order of 10^[-6] strain.
  • 雨宮, 晋一郎; 高波, 鐵夫; 北川, 源四郎. 上杵臼ひずみ高精度記録からの鋸歯状成分の除去について = On the removal of saw-shape waves in the high-precision records of Kami-Kineusu strainmeter. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.231-245.


    Recently, high precision high frequency A/D converter system was installed for the strainmeters in Urakawa Seismological Observatory, Kami-Kineusu, Urakawa, Hokkaido, Japan. The record could be used as seismogram with very wide frequency-band as well as measuring geodetic deformation. However, a peculiar saw-shape wave was found in the record and it prevents from extracting the component of seismic waves. In this paper, we develop a statistical model for decomposing the observed strainmeter time series into two components: one is the low-frequency component that consists of the effect of air pressure and earth tide, and the other is the saw-shape component, which is the high-frequency component consisting of random noise and the seismic wave. The method was applied to several data set and verified that it can reasonably decompose the time series and extract seismic waves. The possibility of improving the model and the cause of the saw-shape wave are also discussed.
  • 前田, 宜浩; 笠原, 稔. 2007年サハリン西方沖の地震 (Mw 6.2) の震源特性 = Source properties of the 2007 west off Sakhalin earthquake (Mw 6.2). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.219-230.


    On August 2, 2007, a shallow crustal earthquake occurred at west off Sakhalin Island, far eastern Russia. Moment magnitude (MW) of this earthquake determined by Global CMT is 6.2. This earthquake generated severe damage to habitants and buildings at Nevelsk city near the epicenter. Visible large uplift was reported along the coast, and tsunami was observed even though its small magnitude. Teleseismic broadband waveforms from IRIS show long-duration P-wave pulse; the duration is comparable to that of MW 6.8 event. Teleseismic data also show later phases at some stations. Seismic source model is estimated using teleseismic data by applying the waveform inversion method. The estimated source model is compared with those from two earthquakes occurring in Sakhalin. The 2007 event is characterized by the slow slip event. Spectral ratio based on broadband strong-motion data between the 2007 event and MW 5.6 event shows that smaller excitation of short-period seismic waves by the 2007 event than the MW 5.6 event. This feature is also confirmed by the analysis of teleseismic waveforms. Theoretical source spectral ratio based on the ω^[-2] source model using source parameters estimated from the waveform inversion well explains the observed spectral ratio. Seismic moment derived from waveform inversion is smaller than those derived from the crustal deformation and tsunami data. An aseismic slip is considered as a possible cause of this discrepancy.
  • 本多, 亮; 笠原, 稔; 茂木, 透. 北海道北部地域の重力測定(その2) = Gravity survey in the northern Hokkaido region, northern Japan (II). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.203-218.


    Although there are a plenty amount of gravity data over the northern part of Hokkaido (Dohoku region), most of them are not published yet. We have been performing gravity measurement in this region since 2007. Additionally, new data is added by new measurement during 2008. These new data clearly demonstrate the improvement of the gravity anomaly distribution over the Japan-sea side area of Dohoku region. Recurrent thrust type faultings which are dominant in this region generate positive Bouguer gravity anomalies over the hanging wall side, and horizontal gravity gradients above fault lines. Bouguer gravity anomaly map clearly indicates that the lineament of large horizontal gravity gradient coincides with the Horonobe fault. This may indicate the cumulative faulting on the same place.
  • 岡崎, 紀俊; 高橋, 浩晃; 笠原, 稔; 志賀, 透. 連続および繰返しGPS観測による2006年雌阿寒岳小噴火に伴う地殻変動 = Crustal deformation associated with the small eruption on March 2006 of Meakandake Volcano detected by continuous and repeated GPS observation. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.191-201.


    Continuous and temporary dense GPS network in Meakandake volcano, eastern Hokkaido, operated by Geological Survey of Hokkaido, Japan Meteorological Agency and Hokkaido University, detected co-eruptive crustal deformation due to the 2006 small phreatic eruption. Although no deformation was observed at stations in foot of volcano edifice, large horizontal displacements with ̃5cm were observed at stations in the northern part of Ponmachineshiri summit crater. We estimated crustal deformation models from ten stations data and obtained following findings; (1) stations in the northern part of summit crater indicate relative large horizontal displacement to northward, (2) displacements at stations in the southern part were relatively small, (3) estimated tensile faults were situated just beneath the new fissures on northwestern slope and summit crater in very shallow depth. These facts imply that the 2006 eruption was due to the intrusion of volcanic fluid, such as high pressure gas or supersaturated waters into the shallow part. This agrees with the result of petrological analyses study of eruption products.
  • 高橋, 浩晃; 宮村, 淳一. 日本列島における深部低周波地震の発生状況 = Deep low-frequency earthquakes occurring in Japanese islands. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.177-190.


    We investigate the activity of deep low-frequency earthquakes (DLE) in Japanese Islands by JMA hypocenter catalogue during 1997 to 2008. It is confirmed that DLE cluster is distributed in every region. This implies that DLE phenomenon is common in Japanese subduction zone. Many active DLE clusters are identified in and around the quaternary volcanoes in whole area. There are also many non-volcanic clusters in Hokkaido and Tohoku regions, but very few in Kanto, Koushinetsu, Chubu, Hokuriku and Kyushu regions. High activity of non-volcanic clusters is observed in Kinki region. No clear correlation between DLE number and volcano activity index during 100 and 10,000 years is recognized. This fact implies the possibility that DLE activity is not precursor signal of shallow volcanic activities such as eruption at any time. Lower limit of DLE hypocenter depth generally coincides with depth of Moho discontinuity of each region. This may indicates that structure of upper mantle and lower crust and its boundary strongly control the occurrence of DLE's.
  • 後藤, 章夫. Goto (1997) の粘性計算法の再評価 = Re-examination of viscosity evaluation model by Goto (1997). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.159-175.


    Viscosity evaluation model by Goto (1997) has been re-examined using 608 viscosity data for 37 samples from literature. The model gives viscosity (η) of multicomponent silicate melts using Williams -- Landel -- Ferry (WLF) equation: logη = logηTg + A(T-Tg)/(B+T-Tg) {ηTg: viscosity at glass transition temperature; A, B: adjustable constants; T: temperature; Tg: glass transition temperature} Although used samples were only seven to formulate compositional dependency/independency of four parameters in WLF equation, by measuring viscosity and glass transition temperature, this model has successfully evaluated the viscosity from literature in wide range of temperature and chemical composition. Compared to other well-accepted viscosity model published in 2003, the accuracy of Goto model is almost equal overall, or seems to be higher in that it does not evaluate extremely different viscosity from the empirically determined value. This universality may be due to the application of compositional parameter from classical viscosity model that gives satisfactory evaluations for magmatic silicate melts in wide range of chemical composition at high temperature, and theoretical base of WLF equation.
  • 寺田, 暁彦; 鍵山, 恒臣; 松島, 喜雄; 吉川, 慎; 吉川, 章文; 小山, 寛; 山﨑, 伸行; 平松, 秀行; 大島, 弘光. 有珠火山2000年新山からの総放熱率 = Quantitative evaluation of heat discharge rates from the geothermal area formed during the 2000 eruption of Usu volcano, Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.139-157.


    We estimate heat-discharge rates for a geothermal area formed during the 2000 eruption of Usu volcano, Japan. Field observations carried out in September 2006 reveal that heat-discharge rates from fumaroles, areas of steaming grounds and crater lakes are 8, 9.2, and 2 MW, respectively. The total heat-discharge rate measured in September 2006 represents just 1% of the rate immediately following the eruption. Integration of the heat-discharge rate from April 2000 to September 2006 yields an accumulated discharge of approximately 2.3 × 10^[16]J, equating to the cooling of 8 × 10^6 m^3 of magma. This amount of magma corresponds to several percent of the total intruded magma volume estimated from analyses of ground deformation associated with the 2000 eruption. Compared with the 1977 eruption, the 2000 eruption involved the discharge of large amounts of heat from fumaroles. Fumaroles that developed during the 2000 eruption showed a decline in activity in short time. Areas of steaming ground associated with the 2000 eruption showed more rapid growth compared with those of the 1977 eruption but discharged less heat. We suspect that differences in the hydrological environments of the two eruptions (e.g., permeability around the intruded magmas) led to contrasting patterns of propagation of the hydrothermal systems around the intruded magmas.
  • 寺田, 暁彦; 鍵山, 恒臣; 吉川, 慎; 吉川, 章文; 小山, 寛; 山﨑, 伸行; 平松, 秀行; 大島, 弘光. 氷を用いた噴気地からの放熱率評価 : 有珠火山2000年新山西山噴気地での観測実験 = Evaluation of heat-discharge rate through the Nishiyama steaming ground at Usu volcano, Japan : field experiments using ice box calorimetry. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.125-138.


    We developed a new technique, Ice Box Calorimetry, for estimating heat discharge rates through steaming ground. Ice within an aluminum box provides a powerful tool for measuring the total heat transfer from the ground surface, including conductive heat, convective heat, and latent heat within vapor. Using this method, we are able to rapidly measure heat discharge rates without the need for specialized apparatus. Applying Ice Box Calorimetry to the Nishiyama steaming ground at Usu volcano, Japan in September 2006, we identified local variations in heat discharge rates. The total heat discharged from the steaming ground in September 2006 is estimated to be 16 MW.
  • 小池, 哲司; 長谷川, 浩; 藤井, 郁子; 橋本, 武志. 有珠山西山火口群での全磁力測量 = Magnetic survey at the 2000 eruption area of Usu volcano. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.117-124.


    We conducted a total field magnetic survey in the 2000 eruption area of Mt Usu. A distinct negative magnetic anomaly was found in the geothermal field in the NW part of the survey area. Meanwhile, no clear magnetic anomaly was found around N-B crater, where active fumaroles were seen. Regarding the negative anomaly in the geothermal field, we performed a 3-D inversion of demagnetized prism model. As a result it has been suggested that the magnetic anomaly is due to the demagnetization at a small depth less than 70 m from the ground surface.
  • 高倉, 伸一; 橋本, 武志; 小川, 康雄; 井上, 寛之; 山谷, 祐介; 市原, 寛; 茂木, 透; 宇津木, 充; 松島, 喜雄; 佐藤, 秀幸. 有珠火山東麓におけるMT法電磁探査 = Magnetotelluric investigations along the eastern foot of Usu Volcano. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.107-115.


    We conducted magnetotelluric surveys on the eastern flank of Usu Volcano. Analyses of the induction vector and 2-D resistivity inversion along the NNE-SSW direction have been performed. The overall structure of this area is characterized by horizontally stratified resistivity of H-L-H-L from surface to depths. A distinct low-resistivity body lies beneath the Showa-Shinzan lava dome at 2-3 km deep, below which an isolated high-resistivity body has been estimated.
  • 橋本, 武志; 小川, 康雄; 高倉, 伸一; 山谷, 祐介; 市原, 寛; 宇津木, 充; 井上, 寛之; 小池, 哲司; 長谷川, 浩; 茂木, 透. 有珠2000年新山域の比抵抗構造 = Resistivity structure beneath the doming zone of the Usu 2000 eruption. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.79-105.


    In the 2000 eruption of Usu volcano, it is widely believed that magmatic intrusion has reached the shallow subsurface to produce significant ground deformation. We performed a magnetotelluric survey over this area aiming for prospecting the intruded magma. The resistivity section exhibits a High-Low-High three-layered structure. The surface layer with a resistivity around 100 Ωm is likely to correspond with the lower Pleistocene andesite. The second layer is very conductive (0.1 to 1 Ωm), thinning and shallowing in the middle. It is difficult to explain such a low resistivity by anything but the Neogene units containing conductive clay minerals with high salinity ground water. Below it the resistivity gradually increases. The top middle part of the third layer shows the resistivities around 10 Ωm. It looks that this part is pushing the second layer upwards. We investigated whether this block is explainable by intruded magma or not from a viewpoint of the resistivity values. We at first calculated the resistivities of rhyolitic melt by using Gaillard (2004) 's model. The melt resistivities are in a range from 1 to 10 Ωm for 800 to 600 ℃. Secondly, we examined the partial melt by using the MBL model of Schilling et al. (1997). Given that the resistivities of melt and solid are 1 and 10,000 Ωm, respectively, the melt fraction corresponding to the bulk resistivity of 10 Ωm should be 15 vol%. Higher melt resistivity requires a larger melt fraction. The discussion above predicts that the bulk resistivity of the intruded magma will increase by some orders of magnitude in the course of cooling and solidification and that this process can be monitored by MT repeat measurements.
  • 田村, 慎; 大津, 直; 岡, 孝雄; 秋田, 藤夫; 若浜, 洋; 酒井, 利彰; 石島, 洋二. 北海道北部, サロベツ原野における浅部地下構造 = Estimation of shallow subsurface structure in the Sarobetsu marshland, Northern Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.51-77.


    The Sarobetsu marshland, it is one of the vast marsh in Hokkaido, is constructed by the Teshio River and the Saribetsu River. Because of the maximum scale high moor of Japan, various vegetation and waterfowls breeding at the Penke and the Panke swamps, Sarobetsu marshland is registered in Ramsar Convention in 2005. But recently, drawing up the underground water by farmers, drain work at surrounding area to make farmland and invasion of Sasa (a kind of bamboo) make the marshland dry. Therefore, it is an urgent problem for the preservation of marshland environments. Geological Survey of Hokkaido (GSH) and Horonobe Research Institute for the Subsurface Environment (Horonobe-RISE) had started electrical and geological surveys to clarify the underground water structure in this area to maintain a balance of marshland and farmland. In the results, resistivity layer in this area is divided into five layers and the third layer is further subdivided into two layers. And also we can make four lines of two-dimensional resistivity model. Comparing with the resistivity model and geological data, we conclude that the layers I, II and III, are correspond to the alluvium, the layer IV corresponds to the basement, and the layer V corresponds to the Koetoi layer. From the depth contour map of the base of the layer III (or the top of the layer IV), the alluvium layer get sharply thinner as closer to the eastern hills. This area is meandering zone of Sarobetsu River and mostly corresponds to the Sarobetsu fault zone.
  • 宮町, 宏樹; 一柳, 昌義; 前田, 宜浩; 山口, 照寛; 高田, 真秀; 高橋, 浩晃; 笠原, 稔; 平野, 舟一郎; セン, ラク・ス; ミハイロフ, ワレンチン; オクサーナ, ミクリコーワ; レビン, ユーリ; キム, チュン・ウン; ワシレンコ, ニコライ; シェスタコフ, ニコライ; ゲラシメンコ, ミハイル; ボルモトフ, ウラジミール; ルネバ, マルガリータ; グンビーナ, ラリッサ. スタグナントスラブのイメージングのための極東ロシア広帯域地震観測網の構築 = Construction of the broadband seismic network in Far Eastern Russia for imaging the stagnant slab. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.37-49.


    During the period from 2004 to 2008, we established the broadband seismic network consisting of 8 stations in Far Eastern Russia, in order to detect seismic waves passing through the stagnant slab distributed in depth range from 660 to 900 km and to clarify the feature of the stagnant slab beneath Far Eastern Russia. At each seismic station, STS-2 broadband seismometer and a short period seismometer are installed using 24 bits analog/digital converter with 100Hz sampling and the records are stored continuously on a nonvolatile memory card. In this paper, we report the seismic network in detail.
  • 一條, 和宏; 村井, 芳夫; 町田, 祐弥; 三浦, 亮; 西村, 裕一; 高波, 鐡夫. 北海道えりも沖における海底地震観測から得られた地震活動 = Seismic activities deduced from ocean bottom seismographic observation off Cape Erimo, Hokkaido. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.23-35.


    Observation of micro-earthquakes using Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBSs) was carried out from May 17 to July 2, 2007 to obtain seismic activities beneath the area off Cape Erimo, Hokkaido. In this neighboring region, large earthquakes with magnitude around 8 occurred at intervals of 40̃60 years. In this study area, clusters of micro-earthquakes were detected immediately before the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M8.0) by a previous OBS observation (Takanami et al., 2005). The purpose of this study is to investigate the seismic activity after the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake by comparing with the results by Takanami et al. (2005). Most of the hypocenters determined in this study are located at shallower depth than those by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). This means that it is difficult to obtain detailed micro-seismicity in offshore area by using land stations only. Therefore, ocean bottom seismographic observations are necessary to detect micro-earthquakes in the region far from the land. According to the depth of the subducting Pacific plate, which is about 10km beneath this study area, it is interpreted that most of these earthquakes occurred at the plate boundary. Seismic activities in this study area were lower than those by Takanami et al. (2005), but some concentrated earthquakes were detected. However, there was no temporal concentration. This suggests that cumulated stress was released by the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake and the following post-seismic slip and that the seismicity of this area returns to the steady state.
  • 山本, 明彦; 吉田, 政裕. Walsh変換による重力解析とその減災学への応用 = Gravity analysis by Walsh transform and its application to disaster mitigation science. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.11-22.


    Analysis of anobserved potential field anomaly in terms of its linear components has become popular in recent years. We performed gravity analysis using the Walsh transform to automatically extract known or unknown lineament structures around several focal areas. We applied 2-dimensional discrete Walsh transform to densely-distributed gravity data in Southwest Japan. In this study five regions are selected for the analysis, where a large earthquake occurred recently and earthquake faults are known to exist. Results show that gravity lineaments associated with earthquake faults can be successfully detected by the analysis. Specifically, the remarkably high Walsh outputs are found around the Atera Fault and the epicentral area of the 1984 Western Nagano Preecture earthquake. These results suggest that the Walsh gravity analysis is quite effective to detect known or unknown linea-ments having very weak and linear Bouguer gravity changes, and is also applicable to mitigation science of natural disaster.
  • 江原, 幸雄. 地熱地域における1m深地温と75cm深平均地温勾配との関係 = Relation between 1m depth temperature and average geothermal gradient at 75cm depth in geothermal fields. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2009, 72, p.1-10.


    Shallow ground temperatures such as 1m depth temperature have been measured to delineate thermal anomalies of geothermal fields and also to estimate heat discharge rates from geothermal fields. As a result, a close linear relation between 1m depth temperature and average geothermal gradient at 75cm depth has been recognized in many geothermal fields and was used to estimate conductive heat discharge rates. However, such a linear relation may show that the shallow thermal regime in geothermal fields is not conduction dominated but convection dominated. If so, estimated heat discharge rates assuming conductive heat transfer should be modified. The shallow geothermal regime in geothermal fields was reexamined to estimate heat discharge rates more exactly.

第71号 (2008-03-15)


  • 笠原, 稔; 山口, 照寛; 高田, 真秀; 一柳, 昌義; 岡山, 宗夫. 2003年十勝沖地震(Mw8.0)前後の北海道太平洋沿岸5観測点の地殻変動連続記録について = On continuous crustal deformation data recorded at 5 stations located along the Pacific coast in Hokkaido before and after the 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake, Mw=8.0. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2008, 71, p.103-129.


    Secular and short term strain variations before and after the 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake, Mw8.0, recorded at five continuous crustal movement stations located along the Pacific coast are reported. There is no obvious forerunner movement at all stations. However, clear co-seismic and post-seismic strain changes are recorded at all stations. Strain data are digitized by 18 bits with 1 Hz sampling rate so that the complete strain seismogram of Mw8.0 event were recorded at MYR station nearest the source of the event. Strain seismograms recorded at all stations in Hokkaido are also reported.
  • 梶原, 崇憲; 茂木, 透. Poissonの関係式を用いた北海道北部地域における重力・磁気異常の地下構造解析 = Subsurface structure analysis of gravity and magnetic anomalies in northern Hokkaido using Poisson's equation. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2008, 71, p.91-101.


    The Poisson's equation expresses a linear relationship between the gravity and magnetic potentials arising from a body with uniform density and magnetization contrast. The equation was extended to multi body case by repeatedly applying it within a small uniform body called the moving window. The moving-window Poisson's (MWP) analysis technique was proposed by Chandler et al. (1981) to apply to general complex structures. The correlation coefficient between the total magnetic intensity anomaly reduced to the pole and vertical derivative of the gravity anomaly, and the magnetization-to-density ratio were obtained by the MWP analysis. We investigated the profiles of these parameters for synthetic multi density and magnetic intensity structures and clarified how structure boundaries are delineated. The MWP was applied to the dataset of gravity anomalies and magnetic intensity anomalies collected in Northern Hokkaido. As the result, the MWP analysis put some constraints on density and magnetization structures modeled by a conventional analytical method such as the Talwani method.
  • 本多, 亮; 茂木, 透. 北海道北部地域の重力測定 = Gravity survey in the Northern Hokkaido region, Northern Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2008, 71, p.71-90.


    The northern part of Hokkaido (Dohoku region) is recognized as the boundary region between the Okhotsk and Amurian plates. In this region, strain concentration is reported based on triangulation and GPS observations. However, there had not been observed any inland earthquakes larger than MJMA 6 in Dohoku region, until the 2004 Rumoi-Nanbu earthquake (MJMA 6.1) occurred. There may be a possibility of occurrence of intraplate large earthquake in the future. The mechanism of the earthquakes observed in the region is strikeslip and thrust type, owing to the east-west compression. In case the thrust type earthquake had been rupturing recurrently, it should be resulted as positive Bouguer gravity anomalies. There exists plenty amounts of gravity observation data in this region, for the purpose of oil and mineral exploration. However, it exists as a hand written paper document. Additionally, these data are basically unreleased. So we performed gravity measurement in the Dohoku region to draw more detailed Bouguer anomaly map. The observed gravity data is listed in this document.
  • 小松, 研吾; 渡部, 重十. 地球電子放射線帯内側領域における動径拡散係数 = Radial diffusion coefficient for the inner part of the Earth's electron radiation belt. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2008, 71, p.61-70.


    The radiation belts are the region that energetic charged particles are trapped by Earth’s magnetic field. The radiation belts have been observed by a lot of satellites and researched by theoretical approach since the discovery of it. The electron radiation belt is separated into two regions called the outer belt and the inner belt by the slot region in which the flux is very small. It is well known that the outer belt flux vary by several orders of magnitude associated with geomagnetic disturbances (e.g., Baker et al., 1994) and the exact mechanism of such variations has been a puzzle so that the outer belt flux variations have been well researched to explain this in two-decade. On the other hand, the inner belt is more stable and the flux variation in the inner belt is smaller than that of the outer belt so that the inner belt has not been attracted much attention. A radial diffusion model can reproduce an equilibrium structure of the electron radiation belts (Lyons and Thorne, 1973). Radiation belt electrons are supplied from the outer boundary of the radiation belt, and the flux is arranged by the balance of intensity of the diffusion and the loss due to pitch-angle scattering by whistler mode waves in the magnetosphere. The electron flux variations of the radiation belt can be investigated by using a radial diffusion model with time-dependent radial diffusion coefficients and a time-dependent outer boundary condition. Brautigam and Albert (2000) investigated the outer belt electron flux variation by using the time-dependent radial diffusion model. The time-dependent radial diffusion coefficients formulated by Brautigam and Albert (2000) are customarily used in the time-dependent radial diffusion model. They parameterised the amplitude of the electrostatic field variation as a linear function of Kp index, and applied them to the electrostatic coefficient derived by Cornwall (1968). They were also formulated the electromagnetic coefficient as a function of Kp index. Because these coefficients are based on the observation of the outer belt, it is not appropriate to apply them to the slot and the inner belt regions. In fact, extrapolating these diffusion coefficients to the slot and the inner belt and doing numerical simulation, the slot is not formed and the electron flux near the Earth region is extremely large. In this study, in order to find a radial diffusion coefficient that can apply the inner part of the electron radiation belt as well as the outer belt, we performed some simulations by using the time-dependent radial diffusion model assuming that several types of the amplitude and the profile of the electrostatic field variation. The results show that the amplitude of the electrostatic field variation depends on L and is smaller toward the Earth.
  • 佐波, 瑞恵; 茂木, 透; 西田, 泰典; 橋本, 武志; 田村, 慎. 数値モデル計算によるマグマ貫入に伴う地熱系発達過程の研究 = Numerical modeling of hydrothermal systems due to a magma intrusion. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2008, 71, p.49-59.


    Cooling of intruded magma, development and decay of hydrothermal systems are investigated by model calculations for various combination of parameters such as hydraulic permeability of the intruded magma and its surroundings. Dependence of the pressure gradient on the hydrothermal systems is also investigated to inspect the effect of the potential flow of the groundwater along the topography. In the case that the horizontal pressure gradient is smaller than buoyancy, the hydrothermal system develops just above the intruded magma, while the greater pressure gradient as well as high permeability of surroundings carries the hydrothermal system to downstream. We applied these examinations to the newly formed Nishiyama geothermal field at the time of the 2000 Usu eruption. Numerical calculations considering the real topography in and around the Nishiyama geothermal field well reproduce the observed temporal variations of geothermal field appeared on the ground surface, assuming the in-situ hydraulic permeability of the intruded magma and the surroundings as l0-12~10-13m2 and 10-l0~10-11m2, respectively.
  • 吉澤, 和範. 北朝鮮核実験による地震波形記録 = Seismic waves generated by North Korean nuclear test on October 9, 2006. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2008, 71, p.39-48.


    Seismic waves generated by a nuclear test carried out by North Korea on October 9, 2006 were observed throughout the Japanese islands. Clear arrivals of Pn waves, which traveled below the Moho discontinuity underneath the Japan Sea, were recorded by the Japanese broad-band seismic network, F-net, deployed by National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED). We analyzed the waveforms of the nuclear event observed at F-net stations as well as some global seismic stations in East Asia. Apparent path-average velocity of Pn waves and their maximum amplitudes are estimated from vertical component seismograms of the F-net stations. We found conspicuous regional variations of apparent path-average velocity and maximum amplitude. For example, fast apparent velocity and larger amplitude are observed in the paths across the Japan basin in the northern Japan Sea, whereas slow velocity as well as relatively smaller amplitudes are found in the path to stations in Kyushu. Such regional variability of Pn waves is likely to make it difficult to estimate source parameters for this small-scale explosive event in the Korean Peninsula, only using the Japanese seismic network. These results suggest the necessity of a precise three-dimensional seismic model of the Japan Sea to utilize Japanese seismic network data for analysis of regional seismic waves that propagate along a variety of paths in the Japan Sea.
  • 鈴木, 建夫; 新井田, 清信; 西田, 泰典; 大島, 弘光; 室伏, 誠. 火山岩塊の運動再考 (4) : 浅間火山1938年および有珠火山1977年噴火における放出火山岩塊の解析 = Reconsideration of volcanic block kinematics (4) : Data analysis of ejected volcanic blocks with special attention to the 1938 Asama and the 1977 Usu eruptions. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2008, 71, p.19-38.


    Spatial distribution of volcanic blocks, as well as landing distance from a crater, landing angle and diameter of the blocks has been well investigated on and around the crater in cases of the 1938 Asama and the 1977 Usu eruptions by some researchers. Then, this paper reproduces detailed kinematic aspects of the eruptions so as to interpret the above-mentioned field data, on the basis of a generalized ballistic equation of ejected volcanic blocks proposed by the present authors. Calculations are made for combination of various parameters, such as air resistance to the blocks, direction of the wind, orientation dependence of the initial velocity and so on. The observed wind velocities are referred in the calculation. Comparison between the calculated and the observed results leads to the following conclusion: (1) In the 1938 Asama eruption, the distribution of volcanic blocks shows that the direction of the explosion principal axis is due east (N90°E) and its inclination angle is 30°. The angle dependence of the initial velocity (M = 1.5) is almost the same as that in the Sakurajima volcano. (2) In the 1977 Usu eruption, direction of the explosion principal axis is N170°E and its inclination angle is 20°, and the angle dependence of the initial velocity is large as much as M = 5.0. (3) The air resistance to the blocks is estimated as about Kd = 0.5 in both the eruptions. This value is valid in other volcanic eruptions because the air resistance seems to be same everywhere.
  • 鈴木, 建夫; 新井田, 清信; 西田, 泰典; 大島, 弘光; 室伏, 誠. 火山岩塊の運動再考 (3) : 放出火山岩塊に対する風の効果と岩塊の初速度についてのモデル計算 = Reconsideration of volcanic block kinematics (3) : Model calculations considering the effects of the wind and the initial velocity of volcanic block. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2008, 71, p.1-18.


    From the volcano-energetics point of view, it is very important to evaluate the velocity, direction and distribution of ejected volcanic blocks. However, in most cases, it is hard to measure directly such quantities during the eruption. Therefore, the volcanic blocks landed on and around the crater have been investigated to reproduce dynamic aspects of eruption after the eruption. In the present paper, ballistic curves of the volcanic blocks are numerically analyzed for various combination of parameters, such as direction of the explosion principal axis of ejection, velocity and direction of the wind, air resistance to the block and dependence of direction of the initial velocity of ejection. The calculations are made on the basis of a generalized ballistic equation of ejected blocks, in which the wind velocity and the air resistance to the block are treated as vector quantities. Calculated results lead to the following characteristic conclusions: (1)The winds above 20m/s along the direction of ejection plays the major role in the ballistic curves, while the lower wind velocity is less effective. (2) Spatial distribution of the landed blocks is mainly affected by the direction of the explosion principal axis. The distribution of the volcanic blocks which was spread to the specific direction is described by inclination of the explosion principal axis. (3) The spatial distribution of the small size blocks depends remarkably on the air resistance.

第70号 (2007-03-15)


  • 小野, 忍; 大島, 弘光. 1977 年有珠山噴火で生じた噴煙柱の解析 = Analysys of the eruption columns formed by the 1977 eruption of Mt.Usu. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.153-161.


    The 1977 eruption of Mt.Usu generated four high-altitude eruption columns which produce BIGⅠ,BIGⅡ,BIGⅢ and BIGⅣ tephra-fall deposits respectively. Expressing the initial eruption velocity in terms of the solid mass eruption rate, the initial temperature, the initial radius and the initial gas fraction from the conservation of solid particles, we apply a steady plume model to the four eruption columns. The initial velocity increases with initial gas mass fraction and initial temperature for the solid mass eruption rate estimated from the volume of deposits, the apparent density of tephra and the eruption duration. For three eruption columns depositing BIGⅠ,BIGⅡ and BIGⅢ, the initial temperature and initial gas mass fraction are estimated at 600K and >0.11. The eruption column depositing BIGⅣ is formed at 800K and >0.15. The estimated initial temperature are low and initial gas mass fraction are high in comparison with general physical properties of dacitic magma. These inadequate values suggest that the growth of eruption columns take the influence of pyroclasts fallout from the column and thermal disequilibrium between pyroclasts and gases.
  • 森, 濟. 広域水準測量から見た北海道駒ケ岳の深部マグマ溜まり = Deep magma chamber inferred from the leveling survey near and around Mt. Hokkaido-Komagatake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.145-142.


    Mt. Hokkaido-Komagatake is located at the southwestern part of Hokkaido and one of the most active volcanoes in Japan. The volcano had made one of the largest eruptions in the 20th century in Japan. But the usual seismic activity of the volcano is extremely low, and only few earthquakes observed before the each small phreatic eruption in 1996, 1998 and 2000. Wide area and long range geodetic measurements, therefore, are important to infer the long term activity of the volcano. The first order leveling survey, which is administered by Geographical Survey Institute Japan, is the only one geodetic method having the good accuracy and the long term data enough to investigate the long term volcanic activity. In Hokkaido, the distribution of the first order leveling routes is sparse compared with that in the other part of Japan. Mt. Hokkaido-Komagatake and Mt. Usu are the only two volcanoes, which were passed by the first order leveling routes at the foot of them, and the leveling routes extended in more than two directions. The trend of regional deformation is found in the leveling results, and that is corrected. After this correction, the area of volcanic deformation is extended to about 50km far from the center of the deformation. The location of the wide area deformation center estimated by the isotropic pressure source (Mogi’s model) is situated at the southwestern foot of Mt. Hokkaido-Komagatake. Its horizontal distance from the central crater of the volcano is about 7km and its depth ranges from 15 to 24km. The rate of magma accumulation is supposed 1.4~2.6×106㎥/year.
  • 後藤, 章夫; 鍵山, 恒臣; 宮本, 毅; 横尾, 亮彦; 谷口, 宏充. 放熱率測定に基づいた有珠2000年噴火の活動推移長期予測 = Long-term prediction of Usu volcano 2000 eruptive activity based on the measurements of heat discharge rate. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.137-144.


    The energy source of volcanic activity is the heat of magma. Heat discharge rate on the initial stage of Usu 2000 eruptive activity was estimated to be around 1×109 J/sec, that was over one order higher than that on the initial stage of the 1977 activity, and comparable to its peak release rate observed after two years from the beginning of the eruptive activity. Compare to the 1977 activity, much shorter duration of the 2000 activity may be the result of rapid cooling of the intruded magma. Abundant ground water supplied from Lake Toya might remove the heat effectively through active vapor plume rise.
  • 橋本, 武志; 茂木, 透; 西田, 泰典; 高田, 真秀; 鈴木, 敦生; 前川, 徳光; 佐藤, 秀幸. ドーム状隆起に伴う磁場変化 ―有珠山2000 年噴火時の全磁力変化再検討― = Geomagnetic changes due to doming - The 2000 eruption of Usu volcano -. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.123-135.


    We investigated geomagnetic changes due to dome-like deformation by using a truncated circular cone model. In the case of the normal magnetization, magnetic total field decreases in the northern side of the uplift center, while it increases in the southern side. We found that the original topography prior to the mound formation does not affect the pattern of this magnetic change. We then apply this calculation to the mound-forming activity in the 2000 eruption of Usu Volcano to infer the magnetic change on the foot of the mound. The expected range of magnetic total field change at the station U01 is -80 to -800 nT which is in the opposite sense to the observed actual change (+70 nT). We examined some alternative mechanisms to compensate this decrease due to the deformation. None of them, however, can be a promising candidate. The most reasonable explanation so far for this contradiction is the reversed magnetization of the Tertiary lava that may comprise the mound.
  • 青山, 裕; 鬼澤, 真也; 為栗, 健; 鈴木, 敦生; 前川, 徳光; 大島, 弘光; 森, 濟; 橋本, 武志; 志賀, 透; 小山, 寛; 中橋, 正樹; 吉川, 章文; 福山, 由朗. 臨時稠密地震観測で見えてきた有珠山の微小地震活動 = Micro-earthquake activity at Usu volcano revealed by temporary dense observation. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.107-121.


    We performed temporary dense observation at Usu volcano in summer 2006, aiming to reveal micro-earthquake activity under the summit crater during dormant period of the volcanic activity. During about 80 days of temporary observation, more than 330 volcanic earthquakes were observed. Of these earthquakes, well-recorded 142 events are selected for relocation analysis assuming the 3D-velocity structure model which is a result of the explosion seismic experiment at Usu volcano in 2001. Following the result of relocation, we estimated focal mechanism of 7 earthquakes whose magnitudes are more than 1.0. The temporal observation and analyses gave us three new insights about seismic activity; 1) Continuous activity of volcanic earthquake is seen at the shallow part under the southern crater floor, 2) Hypocentral regions are distributed along the SW end of the U-shaped fault which was built in the 1977-1982 eruption associated with the uplift of Usu-Shinzan crypt dome, 3) Strike direction of the 7 major earthquakes are almost parallel to the U-shaped fault, and dominant mechanism is dip-slip type which suggests subsidence of summit domes relative to the southern crater floor.
  • 松島, 喜雄. 数値シミュレーションによる薩摩硫黄島硫黄岳の火山熱水系の考察 = Mathematical simulation of magma-hydrothermal system in Iwodake volcano. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.95-105.


    The thermal activity of Iwodake volcano is characterized by the predominant volcanic gas ejection at the summit crater and the heat discharge from high ground temperature area which is distributed widely from the summit crater to hillside of the mountain. The volcanic gas at the summit crater is of magmatic origin and its temperature is observed to be 880°C in maximum. The total amount of the volcanic gas discharged from the summit area is estimated to be 150kg /sec from the SO2 measurement and the chemical composition of the volcanic gas. The heat discharge rate form the high ground temperature area at the hillside, which is distributed around the fumaroles is estimated to be 50MW from the surface temperature measurement. These thermal activities of Iwodake volcano is thought to be continued for more than 800 years. A plausible model to explain the long degassing of large amount of volcanic gas is magma circulation in a conduit which extended from the deep-seated magma reservoir. The continuous active degassing probably causes the hydrothermal system within the volcano because the volcanic gas ascending the conduit from the top of the magma to the surface is diffused to the surrounding formation. The development of such hydrothermal system is studied using the mathematical simulation. The result shows that the overall thermal activity of Iwodake volcano such as the volcanic gas ejection at the summit crater, widely distributed ground temperature anomaly at hillside and hot springs along the coast can be caused by the degassing activity. The important factors in order to induce the wide-ranging hydrothermal system are permeability of the volcanic edifice and the depth of the degassing. The simulation indicate that the permeability of 10-13m2 and the degassing at sea level are suitable condition for the Iwodake thermal activity.
  • 小松, 研吾; 渡部, 重十. 地球放射線帯の動径拡散モデルの構築 = Development of a radial diffusion model for Earth’s radiation belts. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.85-93.


    The radiation belts are the region that energetic charged particles are trapped by Earth’s magnetic field. It is well known that the energetic particles flux are varied during geomagnetic disturbances. Many researchers have studied about the flux variation of radiation belt, but the mechanism of the variation has not been understood in detail. A radial diffusion model can reproduce a basic structure of the radiation belts. Radiation belt particles are supplied from the outer boundary of the radiation belt, and the flux is arranged by the balance of intensity of the diffusion and the loss due to pitch-angle scattering. An intensity and a distribution of the electrostatic field and the whistler waves which determine the magnitude of the diffusion and the loss of radiation belt particles are uncertain. Cornwall (1968) derived the radial diffusion coeffcient due to substorm convection electrostatic field. Brautigam and Albert (2000) derived the root mean square of electrostatic field which is a linear function of Kp index from observations. Lyons et al. (1972) calculated the pitch-angle diffusion within the plasmasphere and the lifetime of the particles. Solving the radial diffusion equations using these functions, the slot region is not formed and the flux near the Earth region is too large. Diffusion coeffcient is reduced by 1/100 at L < Lpp, the slot is formed and too much flux injection from outer belt is suppressed. The change of radial diffusion coeffcient at the plasmapause location may affect the structure of radiation belts.
  • 鈴木, 建夫; 新井田, 清信; 西田, 泰典; 大島, 弘光; 室伏, 誠. 火山岩塊の運動再考(2)- 放出火山岩塊の空気抵抗と爆発主軸の傾き効果 - = Reconsideration of volcanic block kinematics (2)-Air resistance to volcanic blocks and inclination effect of explosion principal axis -. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.67-83.


    The present authors pointed out, in the last paper, a mistake in the equation of motion for volcanic blocks. Reliable assumption of the air resistance to the blocks is required for accurate estimation of initial velocity of volcanic blocks. However, little attention has been given to the point. This paper organizes the problems about the estimation of the air resistance and proposes a new method of the estimation. Also this paper organizes the effect of factors on the distribution of volcanic blocks. Model calculations revealed the effect of the atmospheric air density cannot be ignored. For the effect of explosion principal axis on the distribution of volcanic blocks, this paper proposes an extended equation which volcanic blocks eject to all the directions around the crater.
  • 鈴木, 建夫; 新井田, 清信; 西田, 泰典; 大島, 弘光; 室伏, 誠. 火山岩塊の運動再考(1)- 放出火山岩塊の運動方程式 - = Reconsideration of volcanic block kinematics (1)- Equation of motion for ejected volcanic blocks -. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.53-65.


    Many authors have discussed the eruption time sequence and the mechanism of volcanic eruptions by estimating the ejected velocity of the volcanic blocks, with the aid of other factors of eruptive phenomena. Equations of motion for the volcanic blocks have been proposed by considering the factors, such as the air resistance, the influence of the wind, the inclination of the explosion principal axis and so on. However, the equation of motion and its solution has not been considered that the air resistance power was vector quantity for the flight of volcanic blocks. In this paper a new equation of motion for the ejected volcanic blocks is proposed by considering the air resistance power as vector quantity.
  • 長谷, 英彰; 橋本, 武志; 西田, 泰典; 宇津木, 充; 井上, 寛之; 佐波, 瑞恵. 有珠山自然電位観測2006 = Self-potential Survey on Usu Volcano, 2006 Campaign. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.43-52.


    We conducted self-potential (SP) surveys on Usu volcano since July to December 2006. The compiled SP map reveals positive anomalies around Ko-Usu lava dome and at the foot of the volcano, and a negative anomaly on the top of O-Usu lava dome. The SP profile on the summit caldera shows the same pattern of 1985’s. However, the peak-to-peak variation of the SP value is different: the 1985’s of that shows 1000 mV while the 2006’s shows 1400 mV. Topographic effect is clearly shown along the southwestern foot of the volcano, in which coefficient is about -2.5 mV/m. The SP profile corrected of the topographic effect reveals a large and extensive positive anomaly over +600mV and several local positive anomalies over +1000 mV on the summit caldera. The corrected SP also reveals that a positive anomaly at the south part of Ko-Usu lava dome and a negative anomaly at the O-Usu lava dome do not exist. The revealed positive SP anomalies are likely to be affected by an extensive altered layer, located beneath the summit caldera. The largest positive anomaly is shown on the ridge of Usu-Shinzan cryptodome after topographic correction. This anomaly is not regarded to be formed by hydrothermal upwelling, because any indications of fumarolic and geothermal activities have not been observed on the ridge of the volcano. The SP anomaly may be affected by intruded material into the volcano. The SP amplitude in the northwestern part of Nishiyama is very small in spite of rugged topography. An extensive low resistivity layer (< 10 ohm-m) located in the shallow part in the northwestern of Nishiyama probably shields the SP variation.
  • 本多, 亮; 神山, 裕幸; 山口, 照寛; 市原, 寛; 茂木, 透. 2004 年留萌支庁南部地震震源域の重力測定 = Gravity survey in and around the focal area of 2004 Rumoi-nanbu earthquake, Northern Hokkaido, Northern Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.27-41.


    An earthquake (MJMA 6.1), occurred in December 14, 2004, at southern area of Rumoi sub-prefecture, northern Hokkaido, Japan. The earthquake intensity was assumed to 6 in Obira town. In Hokkaido, this is the first inland earthquake larger than M6 since Teshikaga earthquake (MJMA 6.5, 1967). Detailed aftershock distribution shows that the aftershocks occur on an eastward dipping plane of 10 km square, depth of which 5 km. The mainshock assumed to have occurred near the southern end of this plane. Despite the sparseness of existing gravity stations over the focal region, it was found that the aftershocks occur just above the gravitational rise of about 20 mGals. So the gravity survey was operated in Nov. 2005 to Aug. 2006, to make a detailed Bouguer anomaly map and to explicate the subsurface structure of the focal region. The measurement was done with CG-3 type gravimeter. Measurement positions were carefully decided by operating differential GPS observation. The accuracy of altitude decision is within 1 meter in all of the measurement points. Besides, data provided by Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd. was very helpful. The appropriate assumed density was detected to 2300 kg/m3, using density log of deep borehole near the focal region, and the correlations of gravity correction terms. The Bouguer anomaly map by current dataset also shows good coincidence with aftershock distribution.
  • 佐藤, 創我; LIU, Huixin; 渡部, 重十; 小川, 泰信. 極域電離圏上部におけるイオン上昇流の観測 = Ion upflow observed in the polar ionosphere. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.13-25.


    Ion upflow has been investigated by use of ESR (EISCAT Svalbard Radar), SuperDARN, ACE satellite and CHAMP satellite. The field-aligned ion upflows were observed by ESR, which occurred in night-time between 16 and 17, April 2002, and 19 June 2004. However, ESR didn’t show remarkable increase of electron density, electron temperature and ion temperature, which are generated by auroral particle precipitation or frictional heating. The Solar wind parameters were obtained by ACE satellite. SuperDARN showed variation of convection electric field depending on By component of Interplanetary Magnetic Field. CHAMP satellite observed also variations of neutral density, neutral wind, ion density and electron temperature along the satellite orbits. At the time, ESR was in the polar cap region. Our analyses may suggest that the ion upflow observed by ESR was generated in the upwind region of plasma convection in the high-latitude ionosphere and was moving to ESR station by the convection.
  • 西田, 泰典; 橋本, 武志. 北海道における地殻,上部マントルの熱的構造:総合報告 = Geothermal structure of the crust and the upper mantle in Hokkaido, Japan: A review. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2007, 70, p.1-12.


    Many researchers have studied the thermal state of the crust and the upper mantle and its tectonic implications in Hokkaido, Japan. Terrestrial heat flow data have revealed the following characteristic features: (1) High heat flow (84〜125 mW/m2) is observed in the backarc side of the volcanic front, while low heat flow (< 42 mW/m2) is observed in the forearc side, showing the typical thermal aspects of the island arc. (2) The central axis zone of Hokkaido (the Kamuikotan and Hidaka metamorphic belts) shows relatively low heat flow (42〜80 mW/m2). The low heat flow zone extends for Sakhalin. (3) Extremely low (25〜34 mW/m2) and high (125 〜210 mW/m2) heat flow is distributed locally on the Ishikari-Tomakomai low land and its neighbor on the west, respectively. Based on the heat flow data and other geophysical data, such as the seismic velocity structure, aeromagnetic data, and so on, the Curie point depth, the solidus temperature depth, temperature at the Moho, and the mantle heat flow have been estimated. The estimated thermal structure implies the temperature of the lower crust comes to the solidus temperature beneath the backarc side of Hokkaido. The result is well supported by the electrical resistivity soundings: the low resistive layer (10~40 ohm-m) develops in the lower crust and is ascribed to the effect of partial melting of the crustal rocks.

第69号 (2006-03-15)


  • 市原, 寛; 茂木, 透; 山谷, 祐介; 神山, 裕幸; 小川, 康雄. 広帯域MT観測及び重力測定による北海道東部弟子屈地域の地殻構造 = Crust Structure at Teshikaga region, Eastern Hokkaido, demonstrated by wide-band magnetotelluric and gravity surveys. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.233-255.


    Wide-band magnetotelliric and gravity surveys were conducted at the Teshikaga area, located in eastern Hokkaido, Japan, where intra-plate earthquakes had teken place. We inferred shallower (<2-Km depth) crustal density structur using the gravity and borehole data, and then compared it with resistivity structure revealed by two-dimensional MT inversions. The results show that the density and resistivity structures are closely correlated with each other. The resistivity profiles and Bouguer anomaly map indicate that the high density and high resistivity zone, which presumably represents Miocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks is apparently cut by a major dextral strike slip fault. Location and strike of the apparent dextral strike slip fault closely match those of the inferred earthquake fault formed by the 1938's earthquake estimated from surface displacement. However, the dextral strike slip movement is not the result of recent crustal movement, because sinistral movement has been documented for the earthquake faults. Preexisting dextral strike slip fault was presumably reactivated to cause present-day earthquakes.
  • 池上, 裕; 岡本, 大志; 中西, 一郎; 小久保, 一哉. 2004年12月26日 Sumatra-Andaman 地震の理論歪地震波形の計算と観測波形の比較 = Calculation of Theoretical Strain Seismogram by Normal Mode Theory and Comparison with Observed Data from the Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake of December 26, 2004. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.221-231.


    The great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of December 26, 2004 is studied by using extensometer (strain-meter) as very-broard-band seismograph. We analyze the strain seismograms obtained by 100 m extensometers installed at Matsushiro Seismological Observatory. Japan Meteorological Agency. We compare the observed strain seismograms with thouse calculated by normal mode theory and obtain fairly good agreement between the observed and calculated seismograms for a five-sourcse model with a moment magnitude of 9.3 and a source duration of about 600 sec. We find a peculiar strain change right after the passage of Rayleigh wave in the NS component of the strain seismograms. This strain change cannot be explained by the summation of normal modes and double-couple type sources.
  • 高橋, 浩晃. 北海道で発生した津波地震 ー1975年北海道東方沖地震:再訪ー = Characteristics of a Tsunami Earthquake Occurring in Hokkaido -Revisting the Hokkaido-Toho-Oki Earthquake on June 10, 1975-. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.207-220.


    The 1975 Hokkiado-Oki earthquake (Ms7.0) was characterized as a tsunami earthquake which had anomalous long source process time and spectrum of seismic waves. Predominant period of seismic waves were situated in several tens to several hundreds seconds. This abnormal long-period seismic wave generated very weak intensity distribution compared to the seismic moment (Mo) and epicenter distance. Aftershock distribution and focal mechanismw indicated this event occurrde on very shallow plate boundary close to the trench axis, in where seismicity has been very low. If next tsunami earthquake will occur near Hokkaido, JMA will be likely to underestimate the M, because JMA seismographs are able to record the waves only less than several tens of seconds. This may cause error in judgment for urgent tsunami warning because of smaller M, than real Mo. Therefore, a reliable quick Mo estimation method is proposed by using near-and far-field strain seismograms and far-field broadband seismograms especially for tsunami earthquake warning. In this method Mo is estimated from source time function τ which is detected from the duration time of near-field huge pulses or far-field S-wave pulses for strainmeter and of P-wave pulse for broadband seismographs. Strain seismographs near the fault are able to fully record whole period strain change without falling off and saturation because of its flat response from several Hz to DC component. Trial Mo estimation from the observed near-field pulse associated with the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (Mw8.0) shows in good agreement with Mo calculated by teleseismic waveform inversion. This implies that realtime Mo estimation will be done from only watching the growth process of strain seismographs near seismic fault.
  • OKADA, Jun. 浅部膨張・深部収縮源によるデイサイトマグマ貫入ー有珠山への適用ー = Dacitic magma doming associated with shallow inflation and deep deflation sources-An application to Mt. Usu, Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.191-206.


    Series of Mogi's single source model display characteristic family curves on the logarithmic graph of vertical displacement versus horizontal distance. The family curves on log-log plots are simply characterized by the flat part at short distances and constant decay at farther distances. The specific corner distances, which are defined by the bending corner of the curves, are mainly controlled by the source depth. The edifice scale deformation associated with the 2000 eruption of Mt. Usu is far from that predicted by Mogi's single source. The vertical displacement shows much more sharp decay with distance around 5-6 Km and uplift-to-subsidence reversal at much farther distances on the logarithmic graph. This steep decay and a farther reversal can be well explained by a simplified twin spherical source model, with shallow inflation and deep deflation. It provides better fitness to the data, when the deflation volume at 10 Km is assumed to be nearly equivalent to the inflation volume at 2 Km. Similar result is also evident for the horizontal model. The combined twin source model of shallow inflation and deep deflationi is also applied to the available leveling data for the histolical 3 eruptions of Mt. Usu in 1910, 1943-45 and 1977-82. Edifice-scale deformations accompanied by 4 dome-building eruptions in 20th century can be also well explained by shallow inflation and deep deflation source. Strong similarity between the 2000 and the 1910 eruptions is especially interesting considering the smilarity of mutual surface eruptives activities and crypto-dome formations.
  • 前田, 宜浩; 笹谷, 努. 2003年十勝沖地震(Mw8.3)による周期約20秒の長周期地震動 = Long-period Ground Motions with a Period of About 20 Seconds from the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.175-190.


    A lot of strong ground motion data from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (Mw8.3) were obtained by a dense strong motion network including K-NET, KiK-net and so on. We examine the long-period ground motions with a period of about 20 seconds based on these data. First, we estimate propagation directions and phase velocities of long-period Rayleigh waves at 64 seismic array sites in Hokkaido arranged from the dense network; the radius of the array is about 15 Km. The semblance analysis is applied to band-pass filtered, verticalcomponent waveforms at each array; the central frequencies are 0.03 and 0.05 Hz. The propagation directions of these long-period seismic waves basically radiate from the source region of the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. However, the propagation directions seem to turn from the northwest to the west across the Hidaka Mountains, extending from the north to the south in the central Hokkaido. The phase velocities are 3 to 4 Km/sec; the phase velocity of the 0.03 Hz central frequency wave is slightly higher than that of the 0.05 Hz central frequency wave across one array. Next we examine ground velocity waveforms and spatial distribution of peak ground velocities (PGV) based on all data in the eastern Japan from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake. Long-period waves with a period of about 20 seconds predominate on the ground velocity waveforms; at some sites shorter-period seismic waves are overlaid on the longperiod waves. The PGV distribution shows peculiar features; PGV in Hokkaido, the northern part of the epicenter, are larger than those in Tohoku, the south-western part of the epicenter, at the comparable distance. The PGV attenuation relation also shows peculiar features; the decay rate changes around a distance of about 200 Km and the large scatter with one order exists at a distance of about 300 Km. We interpret these features by comparing the observed waveforms with the synthetic ones calculated by using the CMT solution and 1-D velocity structure. The direct S-waves contribute PGV at distances less than about 200 Km, while the long-period surface waves (Rayleigh waves) contribute PGV at distances larger than about 200 Km. The source radiation pattern of long-period surface waves generates the large scatter of PGV at a distance of about 300 Km. This study concludes that the source radiation patterns of long-period S and surface waves mainly contribute the spatial distribution of PGV for large earthquakes such as the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake.
  • 神山, 裕幸; 山本, 明彦; 長谷川, 健; 梶原, 崇憲; 茂木, 透. 日高山脈トッタベツ深成岩体の重力異常と貫入形態 = Gravity anomaly and intrusive style of the tilted Tottabetsu plutonic complex, Hidaka Mountains, Northern Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.147-173.


    An exposed cross section of the tilted Tottabetsu plutonic complex allows direct observation of its 2-D cross-sectional shape and pretilting vertical variation in lithology and small-scale internal structures. Furthermore, the cross-sectional exposure allows directevaluation of pretilting vertical density variations in both the pluton and the country rocks, which serve as a strong constraint in gravity modeling that complements information on the‘missing’original horizontal dimension of this tilted pluton. The pluton is rectangular in cross-sectional shape, measuring ~10-Km thick by ~8-Km wide. It is stratified with the uppermost thin granitic unit (~1-Km thick) and the underlying thick gabbro-diorite units (~9-Km thick) that preserve a stratigraphic record of numerous botter replenishments in the form of alternation of originally horizontal mafic sheets and cumulate layers. The paleohorizontals (i.e. floor of the magma chamber at any one time) inferred from the sheets, pipes and cumulate layering and foliation dip steeply eastward, being roughly perpendicular to the original side walls and subparalell to the original roof of the pluton. Thus, in terms of the 2-D cross-sectional exposure, the pluton apparently had a vertically-elongated cylindrical form with vertical side walls and a flat roof before tilting. Both the pluton and the country rocks show systematic density increase with paleodepth, but density contrast of the pluton with the country rocks varies between each unit. The gabbro-diorite units show positive density contrasts (Δp=0-0.2g/㎝^{3}) with the tonalitic and metasedimentary country rocks, while the granitic unit shows negative density contrasts with the country rocks (Δp=~0.1g/㎝{3}). The new Bouguer anomaly map shows distinct correlations between the bedrock geology and local gravity field. As expected from the positive density contrasts of the gabbros and diorites relative to country rocks, a local gravity high is seen associated with the exposure of the gabbro-diorite units. At the same time, a weak gravity low is seen associated with the exposure of granite, concordant with the negative density contrasts of the granites relative to the country rocks. The gravity model shows that the subsurface contact between the pluton and the country rock gently dips westward, being roughly perpendicular to the steeply east-dipping paleohorizontals inferred from the surface geology. This strongly supports that the hidden pretilting side wall of the pluton was also nearly vertical. At first sight, the cylindrical shape with vertical side walls and a flat roof could be interpreted as being the result of emplacement at dilational sites along major faults and shear zones. However, such an emplacement mechanism invoking space creation by horizontal displacement of country rocks contradicts gradual vertical stacking of the originally horizontal mafic sheets that represent recurrent hotter injections. We suggest that space for the successive magma batches injected into the Tottabetsu magma chamber was created by vertical displacement of fault-bounded blocks of roof or floor country rocks with little horizontal displacement.
  • 長田, 絹絵; 吉澤, 和範; 蓬田, 清. ScSp波による北海道周辺での太平洋プレートの形状の推定 = Upper Boundary of the Pacific Plate Subducting Under Hokkaido,Japan,Estimated from ScSp Phase. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.135-146.


    Geometry of the upper boundary of the subducting Pacific plate or slab was estimated in the Hokkaido region, Japan, using the ScSp phase: the converted phase to P wave at the boundary from the S wave reflected at the core-mantle boundary and propagating nearly vertically (i.e., ScS phase). Taking the advantage of a dense seismic network named “Hi-net” recently deployed across the Japanese islands, we applied several seismic array analyses to the recorded waveform data for a large nearby deep earthquake, in order to enhance weak ScSp signals in record. At first, we set up five blocks for the region in the subducting direction of the plate. After aligning the travel time of the ScS phase and stacking seismograms among stations in a same sub-block perpendicular to the plate subduction, we searched for the optimal plate model (i.e., two-dimensional geometry of the upper boundary of the plate) for each block. The model was parameterized with six depths, and the seismograms were stacked based on the travel time of ScSp as time lag at each sab-block, so that the optimal model would yield the maximum amplitude of ScSp after stacking. The searches were done, using ray tracings of the ScSp phase with a reference velocity model and the non-linear inversion scheme called Neighbourhood Algorithm. THe optimal model of each block was combined each other by cubic spline interpolation, in order to construct three-dimensional geometry of the upper boundary of the plate. We then performed the frequency-wavenumber (f-k)spectral analysis to refine the above result. Assuming each station as a reference point, we made each beam output with adjacent 7 stations as a function of wavenumber(kx,ky) and frequency. The peak of its power spectrum was considered as the ScSp signal, estimating the wavenumber vector, that is, the azimuth of arrival and slowness,so that we can estimate the position and depth of the corresponding S-to-P conversion. In the frequency range of 0.5 to 1.5 Hz, we could estimate the conversion points for 21 stations, and refined the geometry of the upper boundary already obtained by the above non-linear stacking approach. The final plate model was compared with the distribution of intraplate earthquakes in the Pacific plate. This comparison clearly reveals that the upper seismic zone merges with the lower from 150 to 200 Km in depth, by systematically deviating away from the upper boundary of the plate.
  • 笹谷, 努; 森川, 信之; 前田, 宜浩. スラブ内地震の震源特性 = Source Characteristics of Intraslab Earthquakes. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.123-134.


    We examine source characteristics of intraslab earthqakes based on the eleven source models estimated by the empirical Green’sfunction method. This method provides strong motion generation areas that reproduce near-source ground motions in a broadband period range(0.1~10sec). The storong motion generation areas roughly coincide with the asperity areas where stresses are largely released. Fault parameters of the asperity source model are outer fault parameters (entire source area and total seismic moment) and inner fault prameters (area of asperities,stress drop on each asperity and short-period level of the S-wave acceleration source spectrum). We find self-similar scaling of total seismic moment to the asperity areas. The number of asperities is one for Mw6 events,two to three for Mw7 events and five for Mw8 events. We also find self-similar scaling of total seismic moment to the short-period level of the S-wave acceleration source spectrum that is directly related to the asperity parameters (area of asperities and stress drop on each asperity ).Further we find that the aftershock area overestimates the entire source area.This means that estimation of the entire source area is somewhat difficult for intraslab earthquakes. Based on our results we propose a procedure for characterizing the source model for future intraslab earthquakes. Step 1:setting the total seismic moment (Mo), Step 2:setting the asperity areas (Sa) from the empirical relationship of Sa-Mo, Step 3: setting the short-period level (A) from the empirical relationship of A-Mo, Step 4: setting the number of asperities, Step 5: setting the stress drop (Δσ)on each asperity from the theoretical relation of A, Sa and Δσ, Step 6: setting the entire source area (S) from the theoretical relation of Mo, Sa, Δσ and S. The theoretical relations are derived from the multiple-asperity model.
  • TAIRA, Taka'aki; YOMOGIDA, Kiyoshi. S波コーダ振幅から推測される北海道東部における2次元不均質構造 = 2-D Heterogeneous Structure in Eastern Hokkaido Inferred from S-wave Coda Amplification Factors. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.113-122.


    We examined 2-D heterogeneous structure in the eastern Hokkaido region, using the S-wave coda amplification factor (CAF) with seismic storong-motion date of Kyoshin Net(K-NET). CAF is defined as the spectral ratio of coda waves among different stations after corrections for source, site, and overall propagation.(i.e,cada-Q) effects. Confirming that code-Q values are nearly independent of both source and station, the site effect at each station was esetimated by the coda-normalization method. The source effect was removed by taking the spectral ratio of S-wave coda among stations for each earthquake. We evaluated the CAF value of each source-station pair for three components,using 95 seismograms for five local earthquakes recorded at 21 stations of K-NET. A map of CAF values at the frequency band of 16 Hz shows a systematic variation, implying that heterogeneities are concentrated at the central area (Shibeccha) in the eastern Hokkaido region, manifested locally as a large degree of scattering.
  • 長谷川, 健; 山本, 明彦; 神山, 裕幸; 中川, 光弘. 阿寒カルデラとその周辺の重力構造 = Gravity Structure of the Akan Caldera and Its Vicinity, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.97-112.


    We performed gravity surveys and compiled pre-existing gravity data to obtain gravity anomalies of the Akan Caldera, eastern Hokkaido, and a new gravity map around the caldera was produced. In particular, we conducted gravity surveys on the frozen lake surface in winter to reveal a fine gravity structure. A new Bouguer anomaly map shows that the Akan Caldera is characterized by three closed mimima and takes its minimum value(~70mgal)in the central area of the caldera. It is consistent with our geologic studies suggesting that the Akan Caldera is multiple caldera. Characteristic low anomalies in the Akan Caldera gradually increase towards topographic rim outside and reach their maximum around the rims. Post-caldera volcanoes are distributed not along topographic caldera rim but along a periphery of the low-anomaly region, which is situated inside the topographic rim.
  • 吉田, 邦一; 笹谷, 努. 強震観測におけるSTA/LTA トリガー方式の問題点 = Issues in an STA/LTA Trigger Algorithm for Strong Motion Observations. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.85-95.


    We point out that sometimes a STA/LTA trigger algorithm does not work appropriately for strong-motion observations. The STA/LTA trigger algorithm evaluates the ratio of short-time average(STA) to long-time average(LTA) and is adopted to recognize an earthquake for recording by an event recorder. We observed strong-motion records in the northern part of the Ishikari plain during the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake and its largest aftershock. Peak ground accelerations of the records are about 1 m/s^{2 } and peak ground velocities, about 0.3 m/s. However,two of the stations which adopted the STA/LTA trigger algorithm failed in recording during the main shock and the largest aftershock. We evaluate STA/LTA ratios by using the records obtained at other stations in order to investigate factors in not triggering these events. Weak long-period initial motion of P-wave, which was observed during the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake and its largest aftershock, make the STA increase slowly. Since the LTA also increases during the slow STA increase, the STA/LTA ratios do not increase enough to trigger an even if peak ground motion is large. We note that the STA/LTA trigger algorithm alone is not perfect for strong-motion observations,especially at an urban site.
  • 南雲, 秀樹. 濃尾平野における地震動シミュレーション = Simulating Seismic Wave Propagation in the Nobi Basin. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.69-83.


    Nagoya City, one of the largest cities in Japan,is located on the Nobi basin where the future occurrence of Tokai and /or Tonankai earthquake disasters is feared. The prediction of strong ground motions in this region is a pressing concern in order to mitigate these disasters. In this study,I constructed a subsurface velocity structure model for an area of 60 Km×40 Km in the Nobi basin on the basis of geophysical exploration data. Basement structure of the Nobi basin has the following features. Large vertical offsets of 2.0 to 2.5 Km exist between the mountain area and the sediment site at the western boundary of the basin by the Yoro fault. The basement beneath the plain gradually becomes shallower toward the northeast direction,and the outcrop of the basement rock is observed at approximately 40 Km from the Yoro fault. I assume four sedimentary layers on basement. This model explained the observed PS-P times at most sites. Next I carried out 3D finite-difference waveform modeling for two events. The maximum amplitudes and waveforms of S-wave were reproduced well at most sites by the simulation. The generation and propagation of the Rayleigh wave were also reproduced by the simulation. These results indicate the validity of the proposed 3D velocity model.However,some differences were seen in the propagation character of the Rayleigh wave. These are discrepancies between observed and simulated group velocities of the Rayleigh wave. These differences suggest that proposed model have to be modified in detail.
  • 宮町, 宏樹; 藤田, 大介; 山本, 明彦; 平野, 舟一郎; 八木原, 寛; 後藤, 和彦; 中尾, 茂; 角田, 寿喜. 鹿児島県奄美大島における重力測定 = Gravity Measurement in Amami-Oshima Isuland, Kagoshima,Japan. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.51-67.


    A high dense gravity measurement composed of 323 sites was carried out in Amami-Oshima Island,Kagoshima,in order to reveal the detailed gravity anomaly distribution. The obtained distribution shows that Amami-Oshima Island has the positive anomalies ranging from +32~+66 mgal with a trend from NE to SW parallel to Ryukyu trench. The trend-reduced gravity anomaly distribution also indicates the northern and southern areas in the island with negative gravity anomalies.
  • 宮腰, 研; 大西, 良広; 赤澤, 隆士; 堀家, 正則. 大阪堆積盆地モデルに基づいた表面波の卓越周期に関する検討 = Predominant period for surface waves based on the Osaka basin model. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.41-50.


    We estimated the predominant period of surface waves from the dispersion curves of the Love and the Rayleigh fundamental mode, calculated from 1-D verlocity structure models extracted from the Osaka basin model.The estimated predominant period is from 1 to 10 s for the Love waves and 1 to 6 s for the Rayleigh waves in the Osaka plain. The linear relationships between the predominant period of surface waves and the bedrock depth are confirmed. Predominant period is proportionality to the bedrock depth. Coefficient proportionality approximately equals 5 s/Km for Love waves and 2 s/Km for Rayleigh waves. We compared the estimated predominant periods with the observed ones at strong ground motion observation stations maintained by CEORKA (Committee of Earthquake Observation and Research in the Kansai Area)for the main shock(M_J7.4)and aftershock(M_J6.5) of the 2004 off the Kii peninsula earthquake. Except for some CEORKA sites, where the depth of the bedrock is deeper than 1.5 Km, the estimated predominant period of surface waves is consistent with the observed one. This result is the first approximation,effective for the predominant period of surface waves in the Osaka plain. However,there is a possibility of a variation of the predominant period for the surface waves coming from a different direction.
  • KATSUMATA, Kei; YAMANAKA, Yoshiko. The 29 November 2004 M7.1 Kushiro-oki earthquake:An event between the on-going seismic quiescence area and the asperity ruptured by the 1973 Nemuro-oki earthquake = 地震活動静穏化域と1973年根室半島沖地震震源域との間で発生した2004年11月29日釧路沖地震(M7.1). 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.23-39.


    We have investigated the source process and the aftershock distribution of a large earthquake with M=7.1 occurred on 29 November 2004 off the coast of Kushiro (or Shiranuka) in the eastern Hokkaido,Japan. The source parameters are summarized as follows:the total seismic moment M_0=3.4×10^{19}Nm,thatis,M_w=7.0;(strike,dip,ship)=(238°,33°,117°);depth of the initial break point=48 km;and source duration time =10sec. The aftershocks were relocated using the three-dimensional velocity structures of P-and S-waves,and we found that the aftershocks concentrated on a plane with the area of 30×15㎞^{2}dipping 22°toward the landside whose orientation agrees closely with that of the northwest-dipping nodal plane of the focal mechanism. The stress drop was estimated to be 89 bars. The aftershock area does not overlap with the asperity ruptured by the main shock,but outlined the asperity. These observations strongly suggest that the main shock itself is a very usual interplate event at depth of around 50 km in the Japan subduction zone. However,taking the tectonic circumstance into account,thisi is an outstanding event since the focal area was located between the five-years-lasting seismic quiescence area and the asperity ruptured by the 1973 Nemuro- Oki earthquake.
  • 吉澤, 和範. 2004年スマトラ島沖大地震で発生した地球周回表面波 = Muti-orbit surface waves generated by the 2004 great Sumatra earchquake. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.15-21.


    The great Sumatra earchquake on December 26, 2004, which devastated the coastal areas of the Indian Ocean by the subsequent tsunami, generated tremendous numbers of surface-wave trains which traveled around the globe for many times. We analyse vertical-component seismograms of the event recorded by the F-net broadband seismic network in Japan, which has been deployed and maintained by NIED (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Japan). By applying a band-pass filter between 3 and 5 mHz, we extract the long-period Airy phase of the fundamental-mode Rayleigh wave. The long period records display a magnificent series of multi-orbit Rayleigh wave trains that have circumnavigated the Earth for more than 6 times; i.e., we are able to observe clear signals up to R13-R14 phases. Although much later arrival phases than R14 become less visible mainly due to lateral heterogeneities in the Earth as well as dispersions of surface waves, we are still able to detect some smaal signals up to R18.
  • 森谷, 武男; テイセイヤー, ローマン. 回転成分地震計の改良と観測された回転成分地震波の性質 = Development of Rotation Seismometer and Characteristics of Rotation Seismograms. 北海道大学地球物理学研究報告. 2006, 69, p.1-13.


    We have developed rotation seismometer using four translation seismic sensors (L22d), which have the same amplitude and phase characteristics. A negative input impedance amplifier and band-pass filter have eliminated mechanical deviations of individual sensor and adjusted to have suitable characteristics. Temporal earthquake observations have executed using translation and rotation sensors, at three places, which have different surface geology. They were Mitsuishi (MUJ), Obihiro (OBI), and Usu volcano (SWZ) in Hokkaido. We demonstrate some seismograms of rotation and translation components. Between maximum amplitudes of rotation (Ar) and translation (At), an emprical formula; Log Ar=p Log At (1) has been found, and p takesdifferent value for each observing site. We have obtained p value to be 1.39 for MUJ, and 1.29 for OBI, from local earthquakes seismograms. At SWZ, we obtained 0.84 from volcanic swarm type seismograms, which contains some low frequency type.

3-2. Eurasian journal of forest research


件数: 18

Vol.22 (2022)


  • Practical Forestry and horticulture SUGAI, Tetsuto; YOKOYAMA, Satoko; TAMAI, Yutaka; MORI, Hirotaka; MARCHI, Enrico; WATANABE, Toshihiro; SATOH, Fuyuki; KOIKE, Takayoshi. Effects of soil compaction on the seedlings growth and ectomycorrhizal fungal community in hybrid larch. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.78-80.


    Soil physical composition is one of the fundamental factors regulating plant growth as well as soil microbes. For the rising expectation to optimize techniques of forestry machinery for sustainable forest managements in Japan, it is essential to assess the effects of soil compaction caused by machinery running on seedlings of afforestation tree species. Since most afforestation tree species interact with soil microbes, such as the symbiosis with ectomycorrhizal fungi, the effects of soil compaction would extend to the relationship between these microbes and planted seedlings. We evaluated the effects of soil compaction on growth and ectomycorrhizal fungi in hybrid larch seedlings. The experimental site was established with no compacted and compacted plots in the Sapporo experimental forest site of Hokkaido University, where two-year-old seedlings were planted. At compacted plots, the surface hardness was 25 kg cm-2 and the bulk density was 1.1 g cm-3. Height growth of seedlings was significantly suppressed, and the dry weight was decreased 50% at compacted plots than that of seedlings grown at uncompacted plots. The dominant group of associated ectomycorrhizal fungi was changed by soil compaction. Our data showed that the effect of soil compaction can suppress growth of seedlings and shape the specific ectomycorrhizal fungal community.
  • Practical Forestry and horticulture KITAOKA, Satoshi; SHINANO, Tauro; SUZUKI, Takashi; SHOJI, Sunao; HASEGAWA, Yasuchika. Application of a new film for horticultural use to convert UV-light to photosynthetic active radiation. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.73-77.


    Except for near visible light waves (about <340 nm), ultraviolet radiation (UV-B and part of UV-A) are harmful to all living organisms due to the destruction of DNA. The Hasegawa film (H-film) was developed through modification and chemical reaction on special film with europium (Eu); the H-film transforms UV-A radiation (300-350 nm) to a near peak photosynthetic active wave (600-650 nm). To understand how to use the H-film in horticulture efficiently, we applied it to crop production in greenhouse facilities. This report introduces the basic information on the H-film and its application for several crops during autumn and winter, when incident radiation is low. Therefore, we tested how to overcome this limited sunlight production environment by applying the H-film. We found tendencies for accelerated growth rates in Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris var. cicla) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea). As we expected, the growth acceleration was clearly observable through autumn and winter even with shorter daylight hours. Also, we will introduce our greenhouse facilities.
  • Practical Forestry and horticulture BRAZAITIS, Gediminas; MAROZAS, Vitas. Ecological management forests in Lithuania. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.69-72.


    In ecological forest management, it is essential to find compromises between environmental and society's economic demands. In intensively managed forests dominated by clear-cutting, the effect appears beyond the management area. The effects can be seen up to 120m from the clear-cut area. A variety in the size of clear-cuts creates different conditions for birds and biodiversity and might be useful management tool to create a diverse environment on the landscape level. Thinning is a common silvicultural practice in most forests, we found negative short-term effect, however, we do not consider long-term negative impact on biodiversity. Tree retention and deadwood conservation during the final felling is an essential tool for the creation of long-term close-to-natural conditions in forests.
  • Environmental monitoring MASUI, Noboru; TANI, Akira; MATSUURA, Hideyuki; AGATHOKLEOUS, Evgenios; WATANABE, Toshihiro; KOIKE, Takayoshi. Elevated ozone disrupts the plant-insect communication; Changes of attractiveness of Japanese white birch leaves to Agelastica coerulea via Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs). Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.63-68.


    Elevated ground-level ozone (O3) reduced C-based defense chemicals; however, severe grazing damages were found in leaves grown in the low O3 condition of a free air O3-concentration enrichment system. To explain this phenomenon, this study investigates the role of BVOCs (Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds) as signaling compounds for insect herbivores. BVOCs act as scents for herbivore insects to locate host plants, while some BVOCs show high reactivity to O3, inducing changes in the composition of BVOCs in atmospheres with elevated O3. In this study, profiles of BVOCs emitted from birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) leaves were analyzed, and Y-tube insect preference tests were conducted to study the insect olfactory response. The assays were conducted in June and August or September, according to the life cycle of the adult alder leaf beetle Agelastica coerulea. The Y-tube tests revealed that the leaf beetles were attracted to BVOCs, and O3 per se had neither an attractant nor a repellent effect. BVOCs became less attractant when mixed with highly concentrated O3 (>80 ppb). About 20% of the total BVOCs emissions were highly O3-reactive compounds, such as β-ocimene. The results suggest that BVOCs emitted from the birch leaves can be altered by elevated O3, and, thus, potentially reducing the attractiveness of leaves to herbivorous insects searching for food.
  • Environmental monitoring WATANABE, Toshihiro. Basic understanding of aluminum accumulator plants. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.59-62.


    High concentration of aluminum (Al) ion solubilized in acid soils restrict plant growth. The mechanisms of plant adaptation to Al stress can be separated into Al exclusion and internal Al inactivation. In general, plant species that have developed mechanisms of the former type are called “Al excluders”, and those that have developed mechanisms of the latter type are called “Al accumulators”. Aluminium accumulators are widely distributed in acid soils, particularly in humid tropics. In addition to their geographical distribution, Al accumulators show a wide phylogenetic distribution in plant. Here I discussed physiological characteristics of Al accumulation among different Al accumulator species within various vascular plant taxa. Results from the literature suggested that variation of the Al detoxification and accumulation mechanisms in the tissue of Al accumulators seemed to be small in vascular plant.
  • Environmental monitoring MAROZAS, Vitas; PREIKŠA, Žydrūnas; KOIKE, Takayoshi; WATANABE, Toshihiro. Impact of nitrogen pollution disturbances on forest vegetation and fungi near a fertilizer factory. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.52-58.


    The study compared the reaction of different organism groups to nitrogen pollution near a nitrogen factory. Investigations were conducted in an area affected by a nitrogen fertilizer factory (JSC Achema), in central Lithuania. The study was performed in eight permanent plots established for monitoring purposes at different distances (from 2 to 20 km) from the factory, mainly in a prevailing northeast wind direction. The vascular plants, bryophytes and fungi, including lichens, were recorded. The species number of the different organism groups reacted differently to the distance from the factory. The species number of lichens and fungi increased with increasing distance from the nitrogen factory. The number of species of vascular plants was highest near the factory. The number of bryophytes did not correlate with the distance from the factory. Nitrophilic species, Chelidonium majus, Rubus idaeus, Sambucus rasemosa, and Impatiens parviflora, were most common, especially near the factory. A majority of the macrolichens, including epixylic species, reacted extremely negatively to NO2 and NH3, and species richness and abundance increased significantly farther from the air pollution source. Fungi did not react significantly to higher NH3 or NO2 concentrations in the air, and the distance from the factory was not an important variable.
  • Environmental monitoring TAKAGI, Kentaro; AGUILOS, Maricar; LIANG, Naishen; TAKAHASHI, Yoshiyuki; SAIGUSA, Nobuko; KOIKE, Takayoshi; SASA, Kaichiro. Long-term monitoring on the dynamics of ecosystem CO2 balance recovering from a clear-cut harvesting in a cool-temperate forest. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.49-51.


    Clear-cut harvesting is one of the important types of forest management but is considered to be a large CO2 source to the atmosphere. Understanding how this form of logging affects a site’s CO2 balance is critical for determining appropriate management scenarios, yet we have little understanding of how wood harvesting affects the ecosystem CO2 balance. An experimental clear-cutting and plantation establishment study has been conducted in a cool-temperate mixed forest in northern Japan to obtain a complete series of pre- and post-harvest data on the net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) between the ecosystem and the atmosphere until a disturbed ecosystem once more become a net CO2 sink in the annual budget and recapture all the emitted CO2 after the harvest. A mixed forest, which had been a weak CO2 sink, was disturbed by clear-cutting and was replaced with a hybrid larch (Larix gmelinii × L. kaempferi) plantation. The ecosystem turned to be a large CO2 source just after the harvesting in 2003, and the cumulative net CO2 emission reached up to 15.4 MgC ha–1 at 7 years after the harvesting, then the ecosystem turned to be a CO2 retrieve mode (CO2 sink in the annual budget). This ecosystem recaptured all CO2 emission 18 years after the harvesting in 2020, if off-site carbon storage in forest products is not considered. This implies one harvesting operation cause large invisible and long-lasting effect on the forest ecosystem CO2 balance.
  • Environmental monitoring AUGUSTAITIS, Algirdas; AUGUSTAITIENE, Ingrida; SIDABRIENE, Diana; KOIKE, Takayoshi; MAROZAS, Vitas. Integrated effect of environmental changes on forest ecosystems in Lithuania: Strategies for adaptation to and mitigation of the main threats of global climate change. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.45-48.


    Field-measured forest productivity and its time series are crucial to understanding the impact of climate change on the main tree species increment and stand productivity in general. In this study, the causative relationships between environmental factors, such as O3 fluxes and tree ring width formation, including stem sap flow intensity, in the prevalent Lithuanian tree species (Picea abies (L.) Karst, Pinus sylvestris L., Betula pendula, and Betula pubescens ) growing under different nutritional and moisture conditions in northeastern Lithuania were examined. We hope that this information will help us assess a trees capacity to adapt to and mitigate recent global clima te changes. Continuous monitoring of the tree stem increment from annual to hourly scales was crucial for this study. The obtained data revealed that Norway spruce trees are appropriately adapted to current climatic conditions in temperate forests. Even du ring a drought episode, spruce stem increment exceeded the increment of the rest of the studied tree species; therefore, they had the highest water use efficiency compared to the rest of the tree species in the study. O3 fluxed through the stomata at an ho urly scale, stimulating the stem shrinking process more intensively than inhibiting the swelling process, but only for pine and birch trees. Spruce trees demonstrated the highest sensitivity to O3 because O3 significantly affected the stem swelling process. Pine trees were less sensitive to O3 damage, and birch trees were the least affected. Reduced tree growth intensity and the weak relationship between birch tree radial increment and the main meteorological parameters indicate that birch trees have the lo west adaptive capacity to recent environmental changes of the tree species in this study.
  • Restoration ecology and alien species FUJITA, Saki; NOGUCHI, Kyotaro; TANGE, Takeshi. Root growth of Pinus thunbergii seedlings related to the restoration of Tohoku region coastal forests after the disastrous tsunami. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.39-44.


    Due to the disastrous tsunami which occurred along the pacific coastline of eastern Japan, 3660 ha of Pinus thunbergii Parlatore (Japanese black pine) coastal forests were heavily damaged. To restore and recover the functions of these coastal forests, artificial growth berms are being constructed to secure enough space for root growth, especially in the vertical direction. However, due to the use of heavy machinery, the surface soil of the growth berm was packed down and significantly compacted. Compacted soil results in hard soil and is often reported to negatively affect root growth of seedlings. Additionally, in some cases, waterlogging after rainfall is not promptly discharged due to low soil permeability and drainage. As oxygen availability becomes severely limited under waterlogging, this can also negatively affect root growth. Considering these problems, studies have been made to elucidate effects of soil compaction and waterlogging on root growth of P. thunbergii seedlings and broadleaved species which are new candidates for introduction to coastal forests. Furthermore, at some of the restoration sites, plowing of the surface soil is being experimentally done to soften the surface soil and improve drainage. Here, we review results obtained from several field surveys and pot experiments which suggest important key points to realize the healthy root growth of P. thunbergii seedlings at coastal restoration sites.
  • Restoration ecology and alien species MATSUNAMI, Shiro; KITAOKA, Satoshi; KOIKE, Takayoshi; HIRATA, Toshiyuki; MAROZAS, Vitas; SATOH, Fuyuki. Regulating the growth black locust seedlings by inhibiting the sprouting roots; An examination of effectiveness of root-growth regulation plates. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.33-38.


    Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is an alien species that is commonly planted in devastated lands, parks, residential gardens and is used as a nectar source for bees. However, the Japanese government has designated this species as an “Industrial exotic species under watch" because its rapid growth and reproductive capacity allows it to outcompete indigenous vegetation. Field surveys revealed that the back locust spreads through its sprouting roots and the elongation of its horizontal roots at soil depths between 0 and 10 cm. A practical method to regulate the spread of black locust would be to suppress the development of horizontal roots. Based on a nursery experiment, we propose the use of root-barrier panels to block and suppress the growth of horizontal roots. Monitoring the growth of roots in the field is labor-intensive, so we investigated the impact of root-barrier panels on shoot development by measuring the length of sprouting roots, the decrease in secondary flush, the increase in yellowed leaflets, and impact on plant height in a nursery setting. We concluded that root-barrier panels set at a depth of 30 cm effectively inhibited the growth of the horizontal roots of young black locust less than 3years old.
  • Restoration ecology and alien species KITAOKA, Satoshi; FUJITA, Saki; WATANABE, Yoko; CHOI, DongSu; WATANABE, Toshihiro; SHINANO, Takuro; SATOH, Fuyuki; KOIKE, Takayoshi. Growth and nitrogen use characteristics of black locust, an invasive alien species, grown under different light and CO2 conditions. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.28-32.


    Black locust ( Robinia preudoacacia) had introduced form north America for vegetation stability after landslides and forest fires, honey plant, etc. however, this species changes vegetation (plagiosere) with its high growth capacity and reproductive capacity. However, adult trees are easy to fall down after infection of root rot, and to regulate this alien species, native root rot fungi were used in Lithuania. Photosynthetic nitrogen (N) use characteristics of this species had been studying in situ at open and shade sites under larch plantations for regulation of the growth of this species. No seasonal change in N allocation pattern in leaves was found between open and shade site; N should allocate from N L (N in Light Harvesting Chloroplast) to N R (N in Rubisco) in a leaf after shedding of top canopy. To simulate increasing atmospheric CO2 [CO2], we studied on growth and evaluation of symbiotic microbe with black locust grown under a free air CO2 enrichment (FACE). Activities of acetylene reduction of nodule wereaccelerated in FACE (500 ppm). From these results, black locust will increase its growth rate under nutrient poor sites in increasing [CO 2] world, therefore, it is essential to develop the management methods which coexist with black locust.
  • Restoration ecology and alien species QU, Laiye; WANG, Xiaona; MAO, Qiaozhi; AGATHOKLEOUS, Evgenios; CHOI, DongSu; TAMAI, Yutaka; WATANABE, Toshihiro; KOIKE, Takayoshi. Responses of ectomycorrhizal diversity of larch and its hybrid seedlings and saplings to elevated CO2, O3, and high nitrogen loading. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.23-27.


    The genus Larix (larch) is broadly distributed in northern Eurasia, including Japan and Korea. Larch species are a typical afforestation tree in northeastern China, Russia, Korea, and Japan. Larch and red pine seedlings inoculated with Pisolithus arhizus (earth-ball fungus) have increased photosynthetic rates as well as being acid-soil tolerant. Infecting P. arhizus with a variety of ectomycorrhizae (ECM) accelerated these functions. Under elevated CO2 (about 700 ppm) conditions, larch and pine seedlings infected with ECM showed no down-regulation in photosynthesis and displayed higher growth rates than those grown in ambient CO2 (380 ppm) conditions. Simulated nitrogen (N) deposition (50 kg N hr-1yr-1) increased photosynthesis and growth of F1 hybrid larch for the initial two years. There were no significant effects for the next three to eight years on Brown Forest Soil. Among the three species (Japanese, Dahurian and F1 hybrid larch), the dominant ECM species preferred N. Elevated O3 decreased growth, ECM infection rates, and ECM species diversity; however, elevated CO2 moderated or increased them in hybrid larch F 1. After elevated CO2 and O3 fumigation on F1 seedlings, we found Suillus sp., a larch specialist ECM in F1, which means these ECM will be effective materials for larch plantations.
  • Cell, Genetics, and Breeding KITA, Kazuhito; MORIGUCHI, Yoshinari; KON, Hirokazu. Breeding a hybrid larch in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.19-22.


    Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) is an important afforestation species in the boreal temperate zone. However, this species is sensitive to vole (Myodes rufocanus bedfordiae) gnawing and shoot blight disease by Botryosphaeria laricina. We developed the hybrid larch (L. gmelinii var. japonica × L. kaempferi) to overcome these problems. In addition to improving the resistance to vole gnawing and shoot blight disease, this hybrid showed high wood density and carbon accumulation ability, calculated with DBH, tree height, wood density, and tree number/ha. Wood density is inherited equally from the female and male parents, and growth traits are mainly inherited from the male parent. The hybrid larch exhibited a high Young’s modulus and its expected use was for medium and high-rise buildings. Hybridization rates were higher (84.2 – 94.1%) in a single maternal clone seed orchard compared to a multi-clone female and male seed orchard. We propagated nursery stocks of high carbon accumulating females (named “Clean-larch”) by rooted cutting with hybridized seedlings produced in a single maternal clone seed orchard. The hybrid larch is susceptible to Armillaria root rot. A research task left for the future is to find the optimum method for selecting the planting area for hybrid larch and Japanese larch.
  • Cell, Genetics, and Breeding NAKADA, Ryogo. Breeding and genetic resource conservation of forest trees in Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.15-18.


    Forests are valuable resources and essential for both ecosystem and human life. The breeding and genetic resource conservation of forest trees are two important means to secure the sustainability and profitability of forestry and forest management. In this presentation, the author presents the current status of the breeding and genetic resource conservation in Japan, emphasizing some unique approaches in Japan to realize conservation and use of the forest tree genetic resources.
  • Cell, Genetics, and Breeding HOSHINO, Yoichiro. An overview of the current research program for haskap (Lonicera caerulea), a useful genetic resource in Hokkaido, Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.12-14.


    There are many useful genetic resources as berry crop candidates in Hokkaido, Japan. Representative plant genetic resources are haskap ( Lonicera caerulea; Caprifoliaceae), Rubus idaeus (Rosaceae), Actinidia arguta (Actinidiaceae), and so on. Among them, this manuscript focuses on haskap, showing attractive features for commercial production in the Hokkaido regions. In this manuscript, characterization of the wild genetic resources is described. Both diploid (2n = 2x = 18) and tetraploid (2n = 4x = 36) were found in Hokkaido. Our study showed that tetraploid haskap populations are widely distributed in Hokkaido, while diploid populations are distributed only in eastern Hokkaido. The factors affecting this distribution pattern are now analyzed. As an attempt to improve haskap accessions, interspecific hybridization has been applied between haskap and Miyama -uguiskagura (Lonicera gracilipes), belonging to the same genus as haskap. The interspecific hybrids were fertile and could produce fruits. To characterize the fruit contents of the parental species and interspecific hybrids, liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and imaging mass spectrometry were used for detailed analyses.
  • Cell, Genetics, and Breeding ŽILINSKAITĖ, Silva; NAUGŽEMYS, Donatas; PATAMSYTĖ, Jolanta; HOSHINO, Yoichiro; ŽVINGILA, Donatas. Investigation of genetic diversity and relationships of blue-berried honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) cultivars, genetic lines and populations at the Vilnius University Botanical Garden. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.8-11.


    Blue-berried honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L.) as a fruit crop is relatively rare in Lithuania and neighboring countries. Since 1975, the Vilnius University Botanical Garden has collected and investigated blue-berried honeysuckle cultivars. We studied cultivars, genetic lines, and representatives of some populations using molecular marker techniques (RAPD, ISSR, cpDNA). We evaluated the genetic variability and relationships of the studied accessions. Molecular studies indicate that L. caerulea retains high genetic diversity at the intraspecific level.
  • Key note presentation SHINANO, Takuro; MARUYAMA, Hayato; WATANABE, Toshihiro; FUJIMOTO, Hisae; SUZUKI, Masataka. The role of potassium on the remediation for the radiocesium contaminated soil. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2022, 22, p.5-7.


    The Tokyo Electric Company's Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident contaminated a large area of agricultural land with radioactive cesium. If the contamination levels were high, topsoil removal or inversion tillage were the major countermeasures used to decrease the radioactivity of the soil. However, a substantial level of radioactive cesium remained in the soil, even after decontamination and some fields weren't decontaminated. To mitigate radioactive cesium transfer from soil to plant, we tested increasing potassium levels in the soil. In this paper, we demonstrate how we developed these countermeasures in Fukushima.

Vol.21-1 (2019-11)


  • Tiwari, Ravi M.; Akutsu, Kosuke; Shrestha, Bharat B.; Kohyama, Takashi S.. Altitude-dependent variation in biomass and wood production of subalpine Abies spectabilis forest in eastern Himalaya. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research. 2019, 21(1), p.1-10.


    Himalayan subalpine forests with a wide altitudinal range of distribution are ideal target for quantifying the change in biomass dynamics along altitude. We estimated aboveground biomass and coarse wood production rate of subalpine Abies spectabilis forest on a north-facing slope in Langtang National Park, Nepal, over the entire altitudinal range from 3170 to 3820 m a.s.l. We established 36 plots (3251 m2 in total) for closed-canopy stands, and additional sapling plots in open-canopy sites (772 m2) in October 2015. We recorded stem diameter at breast height D and top height H for all trees (H ≥ 2.0 m) and saplings (2.0 >H ≥ 0.2 m). We measured recent five-year radial growth in D for all canopy trees in the plots from stem-core samples and recorded recent three-year height growth of all saplings by annual bud scars on leader shoot. We quantified altitude-dependent change in D-H relationship, by extended allometric equation with asymptotic H. We estimated aboveground biomass (AGB) using an allometric equation between D2H and aboveground tree biomass W. For canopy trees with past D estimates in 2010, we estimated past H from D-H allometry, and past W as well. Based on the change in W, we estimated aboveground coarse wood production rate (CWP) as the annualized increment of AGB for surviving trees. Tree height H of Abies spectabilis at any given D decreased with altitude. Relative growth rate (RGR) of W decreased with W and altitude. RGR of sapling height increased with altitude for taller saplings (> 0.5 m), whereas it decreased with altitude for shorter ones. AGB of Abies trees in 36 plots was 489 Mg ha–1 and CWP was 4.88 Mg ha–1 year–1, indicating relatively slow biomass turnover rate by tree growth (CWP/AGB) at 1% per year. AGB and CWP decreased with altitude. CWP relative to AGB also decreased with altitude. Altitude-dependent decline in canopy height, AGB and CWP/AGB suggests adaptation to ambient conditions for the maintenance of forest structure.


Hokkaido University