北海道大学総合博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Museum

第7号 (Biodiversity and Biogeography of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin 4)    (2014-03-31 issued)

Itinerary of Expedition to the Southern Kuril Islands (2009–2012) PDF
Fukuda, Tomoko 1-7
Alien plants collected or confirmed on the islands of Shikotan, Kunashir and Iturup on the 2009–2012 Botanical Expeditions PDF
Fukuda, Tomoko;Alelsandr A., Taran;Sato, Hiroyuki;kato, Yukie;Tkakahashi, Hideki 8-26
Flora List of Stolbovskyy (Shimanobori) Nature Observation Road,Kunashir Island PDF
Kato, Yukie;Fukuda, Tomoko 27-30
Recent Condition of the Conservation Status of the Furukamappu Mire (Lake Serebryanoye), Kunashir Island PDF
Kato, Yukie;Sato, Hiroyuki 31-32
Colonization of Sandy Environment by Calamagrostis neglecta(Poaceae) in Serebryanoye Mire, Kunashir Island PDF
Sato, Hiroyuki 33-34
Plant List of Poaceae Collected on Kunashir and Iturup Islands on a Botanical Expedition in 2012 PDF
Sato, Hiroyuki;Kato, Yukie;Fukuda, Tomoko;Takahashi, Hideki 35-41
Aquatic Plants Collected in Kunashir and Iturup Islands, in 2012 PDF
Yamazaki, Mami;Sato, Hiroyuki;Kato, Yukie;Fukuda, Tomoko;Takahashi, Hideki 42-46
Vascular Plants Collected in Peschanoye Mire (Tōfutsu-sitsugen), Kunashir Island in 2012 PDF
Takahashi, Hideki;Sato, Hiroyuki;Kato, Yukie;Fukuda, Tomoko 47-52
Vascular Plants Collected on the Veslovskiy Peninsula, Kunashir Island in 2012 PDF
Takahashi, Hideki;Sato, Hiroyuki;Kato, Yukie;Fukuda, Tomoko 53-57
Vascular Plants Collected at Tornaya Bay, Iturup Island in 2012 PDF
Takahashi, Hideki;Fukuda, Tomoko 58-63
Inocybe (Agaricales, Inocybaceae) Collected in the Islands of Iturup and Kunashir PDF
Kobayashi, Takahito;Terashima, Yoshie 64-68
Marine Benthic Macroalgae Survey 2010–2012 around Shikotan, Iturup and Kunashir Islands PDF
Abe, Tsuyoshi 69-73
Bats from Kunashir and Iturup Island PDF
Kawai, Kuniko;Mikhail P, Tiunov;Kondo, Norihisa;Maksim A, Antipin;Victor N, Boiko;Ohtanishi, Noriyuki;Dewa, Hiroshi 74-81