Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences - Volume 3

Trends in Japanese Language Studies : from Comparative to Typological

Kadowaki, Seiichi

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The key-note speech on the first international workshop held at the Graduate School of Letters,University of Hokkaido is reported. Researchers on Japanese language are demanded to see the language in a broader linguistic perspective, that is, from not only comparative but typological viewpoint. Typological viewpoints lead us to new comparative concepts. The reduplicative form of Japanese nouns can be an explicit point of the number system, although Japanese are implicit in the number system. Moreover, ancient Japanese may have a dual number system at least on the body-part nouns. Numeratives have been considered as classifiers. But we can find another type of classifiers such as onomatopea “koro-koro/goro-goro”with typological comparing to American-Indian languages. The linguistic contact between Korean and Japanese are typologically considered. The loan type in Korea changed from “intimate”to “cultural”at the liberation from Japan’s colony. The“language purification movement”hunted Japanese loanwords, but some words pronounced similarly to Chinese-origin ones are left and Korean people feel them as native Korean words. A few affixes borrowed from English are modified to fit the pronunciation of Korean native affixes.