Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences - Volume 3

Uchimura Kanzo’s Use of Japanese Thoughts and Ideas in his Faith

La Fay, Michelle

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Japanese individuals who became Protestant Christians during the Meiji era (1867-1912) did so at a time when their traditional lifestyle was undergoing a transition. The samurai background along with a quest for a new foundation for society and lifestyle was an important factor in the way that young Japanese assimilated Christianity and the Bible into their lives. I discuss Uchimura Kanzo and the way that he used Japanese thoughts and ideas in his faith. Looking at “how” Uchimura used Japanese thoughts and ideas in his faith will not only help us to understand some of Uchimura’s methods but will also allow us to identify some of the fundamental characteristics that formed the foundation of his faith and life. Many important key terms were discovered including sincerity, loyalty, obedience, virtue, morality, and independence. The key Christian word, love, was not often seen in this investigation of Uchimura’s integration of faith and culture. However, Uchimura may have seen the above key terms as being expressions of love.