メディア・コミュニケーション研究 = Media and Communication Studies - 53

COLT Part Bによる観察方法とその問題点

河合, 靖;酒井, 優子;横山, 吉樹;石塚, 博規;青木, 千加子

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/34562


The purpose of this methodological paper is to give guidance for the use of COLT (Communicative Orientation of Language Teaching Observation Scheme) and discuss issues and probable solutions in implementing this method. The standardization of the class observation system is essential to describe, compare, and analyze language classes. COLT is a tool for the in-class interaction analysis that was developed by Spada & Fröhlich (1995) to measure communication-orientation in language teaching. It is widely used in academic research for interaction process analysis, pre-and in-service teacher education, as well as action research for reflective teaching. COLT consists of Part A and Part B. The authors previously introduced Part A (Ishizuka, et al., 2005); thus, this paper focuses on Part B. Recently in Japan, class observation research using COLT has increased; however, the majority of research utilizes Part A. Part B requires labor intensity in coding and calculation. The coding procedure is also complicated. Part B though provides more precise information regarding class communication-orientation than Part A does. This paper, first, briefly discusses the development of class observation tools and reviews studies using COLT. Then, observation categories and coding system are explained with examples from the authors’recent study. Lastly, issues in coding and calculation procedures are discussed. This paper hopefully benefits researchers and practitioners in improving second language education.