Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy - Vol.XVIII, No.3

Permian Calcareous Algae Found in the Matsumae Group, Matsumae Peninsula, Southwestern Hokkaido

Minoura, Nachio;Kato, Makoto

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Permian calcareous algae Gymnocodium bellerophontis and Mizzia velebitana were found in an algal limestone bed intercalated in the Matsumae Group exposed at the upper stream of Komatagawa River, about 5 km northwest of Fukushima town, Southwestern Hokkaido. The limestone is intercalated within the alternation of greenish gray basaltic tuff and slate, and the whole sequence is continuous at least about 2 km along its strike direction. Considerable part of the Matsumae group may be assigned to Permian in age.