Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy - Vol.XIX, Nos.1-2

Some Upper Palaeozoic Corals from Turkey

Kato, Makoto

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Three Upper Palaeozoic corals from three different horizons are first described from the Sainbeyli region of Turkey. Waagenophyllum (W.) kueichowense Huang horizon is probably the Permian Khachik age. Kueichouphyllum yabei Minato horizon is the Viséan and Caninia cornucopiae Michelin horizon may be the Tournaisian in age. Both Waagenophyllum and Kueichouphyllum are the elements of old Tethyan faunal realm in the Permian and in the Carboniferous respectively, thus indicating that in general Turkey was a part of that palaeobiogeographical province during most of the Upper Palaeozoic.