Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy - Vol.XIX, No.3

A Study of the Uzumine-Sengosawa Structural Belt in the Abukuma Plateau, Japan

Tsuchiya, Takamura;Hoe, Soeng Gi;Uchiyama, Koji;Mori, Hiroshi

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A conspicuous septa-like belt is found in the Uzumine-Sengosawa region being intruded by several large granitic bodies. Plutonic and metasomatic activity took place together with intense tectonism in this belt resulting in brecciation of the Gozaisho schist and the formation of migmatite, tonalite, granite and ore mineralization. The belt has the same character as the Koshidai-Takaboyama-Daioh・in Structural Belt proposed by Watanabe et al. (1978) and represents the extension towards the north of this last structural belt.