Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy - Vol.XXII, No.3

Late Palaeozoic Corals from the Himalayas

Kato, Makoto;Gupta, Vishwa Jit

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Permian corals, representing 3 typical Tethyan genera (Protomichelinia, Iranophyllum and Ipciphyllum) are described from the Shyok Melange, near Shigar, Baltislan. The Carboniferous corals Pseudozaphrentoides, Pseudotimania, Arachnolasmella and Bothrophyllum (?), and a Devonian Ceratophyllum are also described from a Devonian-Carboniferous sequence developed near Tanze, Zanskar Region. These fossils form the first records of Late Palaeozoic corals from the above-mentioned regions of the Himalayas. The Permian corals are of Chihsian to Maokouan age, the Carboniferous corals are of late Viséan or early Namurian age, and the Devonian representative is of Famennian age.