Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and mineralogy - Vol.XXIII, No.2

On the Nature of Remanence in the 1985 Andesitic Pumice with Self-Reversed Magnetization from Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia

Fujiwara, Yoshiki;Gautam, Pitambar;Yoshida, Mitsuo;Katsui, Yoshio

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The magnetic remanence of the andesitic pumice of the Nevado del Ruiz 1985 eruption has the multi-component nature. The major normal component behavior is due to the titanomagnetite phase with variable chemistry. The major reverse component has a peak demagnetization and acquisition range between 200°-225℃ but no such mineral phase could be detected. The titanomagentite phase contributes to the major normal component and has probably no relation to the reverse magnetization.