サハリンの言語世界 : 北大文学研究科公開シンポジウム報告集 = Linguistic World of Sakhalin : Proceedings of the Symposium, September 6, 2008 - Proceedings


山田, 祥子

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/38295


Uilta, one of the indigenous languages of Sakhalin, is devided into 2 dialects: Southern Dialect (a.k.a. Poronaisk Dialect) and Northern Dialect (a.k.a. East-Sakhalin Dialect). There are found, however, few comparative descriptions of them, and the dialectal differences are mostly still open. The present paper aims to suggest some topics for the studies on the Northern Dialect, comparing with the Southern Dialect. The contents are as below: 0. Introduction 1. Dialect classification of Uilta 1.1 Regional groups 1.2 Dialect classification 1.3 The previous description: Ikegami (2001) 2. Topics for the study on Uilta Northern Dialect (1): based on Ikegami (2001) 2.1 Phonemes and difference of phonetic values 2.2 Single occuring voiceless velar stop in intervocalic position 2.3 Fusion/ agglutination with imperfective verbal-noun-ending 2.4 Nominal predicate constructions 3. Topics for the study on Uilta Northern Dialect (2): other problems 3.1 The word order 3.2 Hearsay forms in the folklore texts 4. Conclusions These are just some tentative proposals for future studies and discussions. The dialectal i.e. regional differences of the Uilta language are possibly connected with influences from other languages. It is expected that such dialect studies will lead to the expanded comparative studies with the various languages on Sakhalin.