Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity - Proceedings

Echinoderms in Sagami Bay : Past and Present Studies

Fujita, Toshihiko

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/38447
KEYWORDS : Echinodermata; Collection; Research history; Taxonomy; Fauna


Many taxonomically important echinoderms have been collected from Sagami Bay in the 130 years since German biologist Ludwig Döderlein discovered the extraordinarily diverse marine fauna of the bay. Four large and historically important echinoderm collections exist from previous taxonomical surveys of Sagami Bay. Recently, the National Museum of Nature and Science collected additional echinoderm material from Sagami Bay. For some taxa of echinoderms, compilation of lists of species occurring in Sagami Bay is almost complete based on the results of both historical and recent collections. However, despite this long research history, there are still taxonomical problems among echinoderms, and we need further study to elucidate the echinoderm fauna of Sagami Bay.