Neo-Science of Natural History : Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies - Proceedings

Biological Classification and Identification System (BioCIS)

Toda, Masanori J.;Matsushita, Kotaro;Mawatari, Shunsuke F.

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KEYWORDS : Biodiversity; Character matrix; Database; Multiple-entry key; Species identification


The Biological Classification and Identification System (BioCIS) as a basic, general-purpose database system, though still under construction, will provide taxonomists with a very useful tool to construct multiple-entry keys based on character matrices. In turn, such multiple-entry keys give various end-users, non-specialists in taxonomy, a great deal of freedom and ease in species identification. The system is designed to be applicable to any group of organisms and to grow through interactions between taxonomists and end-users, in the prospect of developing a hierarchical system of keys for all taxonomic levels of organisms on earth, as a "hub" database system for biological classification and identification.