メディア・コミュニケーション研究 = Media and Communication Studies - 55

古典的主流理論におけるパワーとパラダイム : 国際関係理論における主概念と三つの分析レベルの相互関係

渡部, 淳

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/38499


This paper aims to consider the role of what I call "core concept" in the transformation of theory of International Relations. Focusing on the commonalities and differences between classical theorists such as Carr, Morgenthau, Keohane and Nye, this argues that theoretical evolution as well as constitution is generated from the dynamism between "core concept" and three levels of analysis; ontology, epistemology and methodology. Certain set of assumptions oriented from the concept of power is such an example in the theories of Realism which demonstrates certain contrast well even between Realists as in the comparison of Morgenthau and Carr. The challenge of interdependence theory well illustrates not only the pivotal position of the "core concept" but also its relations to each level of analysis especially ontology. Studies on paradigmatic change of theories require not only the survey based on the level of analysis but also "core concept," hierarchy among issue areas and world view.