国際広報メディア・観光学ジャーナル = The Journal of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies - No.8

十勝地域の「まちそだて」の方向性を探る : 「まちそだて」事例集 十勝篇

筑和, 正格

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/38505


The purpose of this paper is to publish various cases I gathered in the Tokachi region and to offer them for the use of researchers of new "Community Development". The gathered cases are not simply chronologically arranged but disposed according to the perspectives of new "Community Development". Cases are therefore classified into "agriculture", "industry", "university", "culture", "tourism", "active women", "farm inn", and "vehicle-free promenade". Among these subjects, "farm inn", and "vehicle-free promenade" may be regarded as subordinate to "agriculture", or "culture". Yet I treat them independently because these subjects deal with serious problems the Tokachi region faces now, and it is significant to report directly the voices of persons concerned. The subject, "active women", is also related to all other subjects, and in this sense, it can be called "crosscategorial". The reason I treat it independently is that the theme "the role of women in new 'Community Development'" which has already emerged in my preceding research of the Furano region in 2006, offers an interesting viewpoint for an analysis of contemporary Japanese society. Fortunately, the supposition I had had at the beginning of the research-that the spirit of self-reliance of the colonial period survived through the history of the Tokachi region-was confirmed by fact-finding on the spot. Participants in activities related to new "Community Development" invariably display an attitude of which "devising" is characteristic. "To devise" represents the spirit of many of the inhabitants of the Tokachi region.