看護総合科学研究会誌 = Journal of comprehensive nursing research - vol. 10 no. 2

評価基準を活用したポジショニングの学習成果 : 安楽な体位と判断する評価基準を作成して

矢野, 理香;森下, 節子;青柳, 道子;渡辺, 玲奈

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/38740
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/37430
KEYWORDS : positioning; position; evaluation standard; comfort; nursing skill; ポジショニング; 体位; 評価基準; 安楽; 看護技術


Purpose: The authors conducted positioning classes utilizing evaluation criterions to help students to judge comfortable positions. The purpose of our study is to clarify learning outcomes of the positioning for which "Evaluation Criterions for Judging Comfortable Positions" is used by technical achievements and subjective evaluations of one simulated patient. Method: The authors selected 7 first-year students from 69 of the Division of Nursing who participated in the class randomly. Implementation of positioning for supine position, lateral position and fowler position of one simulated patient were videotaped. Based on "Evaluation Criterions for Judging Comfortable Positions" obtained from a reference discussion, the authors evaluated technical achievements. Furthermore, we judged comfort levels from subjective evaluations of the simulated patient by a questionnaire method. Results and discussion: The subjects performed positioning 21 times. Comfort levels over 80% were obtained in 17 of them and the authors judged that it was high. The evaluation result from the simulated patient was also high and we concluded that they were comfortable positions. However, among the evaluation criterions, the achievement level of "Respect functional position" was low. Therefore, we concluded that they did not reach the practice of the skill based on knowledge about "Respect functional position".