子ども発達臨床研究センター英文年報 = Research and Clinical Center for Child Development : Annual Report - No. 30

Emotional Experience and Immanent Expressive Activity in Human Minds

Sato, Kimiharu

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/42961
KEYWORDS : Vygotsky; consciousness; emotional experience; expressive behavior


Vygotsky insisted the need of studying the human consciousness for total understanding the human mind throughout his life. For describing the real human mental activities, Vygotsky focused on the different two phases of the actual mental activities, i.e., verbal thinking and the emotional experience. He considered the emotional experience (perezhivanie) as emerge from the interconnection between individual personal activity and the environment. In this paper, Vygotsky's concept of the emotional experience is interpreted as the actual expressive activity to shape and externalize one's own innate thought or emotion. Artistic expressive behaviors of the artist and preschool children are discussed to examine the dual interconnected processes between the innate mental world and the environmental outer world.