Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences - Volume 6

Japanization in the Field of Classical Chinese Dictionaries

Ikeda, Shoju

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How did dictionaries arranged by radical undergo Japanization? In the following I shall take up for consideration the Tenrei bansho meigi, Shinsenjikyo, and Ruiju myogi sho and consider this question by examining in particular their relationship with the original version of the Chinese Yupian, compiled in 543 by Gu Yewang of the Liang. There is much that needs to be said about early Japanese dictionaries. In this paper I have focused on their relationship with the Yupian and have discussed questions such as its position as a source among Buddhist monks and its connections with questions pertaining to radicals, in particular the manner in which the arrangement of characters under individual radicals in the Yupian was modified.