低温科学 = Low Temperature Science - 第68巻


町田, 敏暢;笹川, 基樹;下山, 宏;Arshinov, M.;Davydov, D.;Fofonov, A.;Krasnov, O.;Fedoseev, N.;Mitin, S.;須藤, 洋志;勝又, 啓一;津田, 憲次;中澤, 高清;Maksyutov, S.

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45157


Long-term monitoring for atmospheric greenhouse gases has been conducted by observational network using aircraft and towers in Siberia, Russia. The amplitudes in seasonal variation of carbon dioxide (CO2) observed by towers are 28-33ppb, which are more than 10 ppm larger than those observed at background sites, implying higher biospheric activities in Siberia compared to coastal region. Small vertical difference in annual mean CO2 mixing ratio indicates that emission and absorption fluxes are identical in Siberia. Daytime methane (CH4) mixing ratios exhibit rise in summer and winter at almost all tower sites, which implies that large amount of CH4 is released in summer, especially from wetland. Extremely higher annual mean CH4 in lower altitude compared to upper troposphere suggests that land surface in Siberia acts as a substantial source for CH4.