低温科学 = Low Temperature Science - 第68巻

山岳における大気化学観測, その動向と課題 : 小レビュー

五十嵐, 康人;直江, 寛明;高橋, 宙;猪股, 弥生

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45166


Atmospheric chemistry and aerosol observations at mountainous platforms are interested as a way to obtain vertical profiles or free tropospheric information of the concerned aerosols and chemical trace species. In order to facilitate such researches in Japan, recent research trends in atmospheric chemistry at high altitude sites over the world are reviewed. In spite of the difficulties in logistics and maintenance, the utilization of mountain platforms in the atmospheric research seems growing. Concerns are mostly placed on the global atmospheric change in relation to the climate study thus the temporal changes of atmospheric species along with those of meteorological dynamics are reported in many studies. Effects by the local wind circulation, which is characteristic meteorology to the mountain range, on the time series of atmospheric chemistry are described. Also, the venting of polluted boundary layer air into the free troposphere by the thermally induced air flow is discussed. Such venting occurring at mountains beside the industrial region may play a substantial role in a large-scale pollution outflow into the far down-wind regions.