北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第3号

「から」「ので」「て」 : 日本語の原因・理由を表す表現について

山下, 好孝

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45574
KEYWORDS : テ形; カラ; ノデ; 文接続


This article examines the use of KARA, NODE and TE which express reason or cause in Japanese. Many scholars have researched the difference between KARA and NODE and have concluded that the use of one expression or the other depends on the degree of courtesy of the speech. As for the use of the TE expressing reason or cause, there has been only limited research. In this study I examine the properties of clauses connected by the TE form. The clause which proceeds the causal TE form should have a stative predicate. The clause which follows should express the speaker's feeling. Not only feeling adjectives but also other predicates which express the feeling of the speaker, including negative potential forms, can occur in the second clause. Finally I examine the results of a questionnaire concerning the use of the causal TE form. The sample was made up of 55 Japanese native speakers. The data from this questionnaire supports the hypothesis proposed.