北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第3号


池上, 素子

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45575
KEYWORDS : 逆接; 推論の制限; 推論の前提の捉え方; 話し手/開き手志向


Both KEREDO and NONI are disjunctive subordinate conjunctions, but they show several differences. The purpose of this paper is to claim that there is a function common to these particles, namely, to restrict the hearer's inferences, and to examine certain differences between the two from the viewpoint of inference preconditions. NONI regards a precondition as a necessary and sufficient condition, while KEREDO regards a precondition simply as one condition. The following differences are examined from this perspective. First, NONI has a nuance of disappointment, surprise, dissatisfaction and so on, but KEREDO does not. Second, while NONI has a tendency to lay emphasis on the speaker's expectation, KEREDO has a tendency to lay emphasis on the hearer's expectation. Third, NONI has only one usage as a disjunctive, but KEREDO has several, including preface, hesitation, supplementation and so on.