北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第3号

再び、「~たばかり」について : 意味論的観点から

中村, 重穂

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45576
KEYWORDS : 「~たばかり」; 意義素; 意義特徴; 否定的評価の後続; 意義素の外縁


In this paper, the author re-analyzes the semantic features in the sememe of the Japanese aspectual expression -TA BAKARI, using the methodology for semantic analysis in Kunihiro (1982). As a result, a third semantic feature <negative evaluation after -TA BAKARI> is discovered, in addition to the two semantic features <immediately after> and <continuation / duration of condition> presented in Nakamura (1990). However, this new semantic feature includes a fuzzy element in its connotation, and needs much further investigation. In addition, it is found that 70% of occurrences of -TA BAKARI are in the structure <-TA BAKARI NO + noun> and 6% in a structure with a disjunctive coordinate conjunction. On the basis of this data, it seems necessary to rewrite grammatical explanations and examples in Japanese textbooks.