北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第3号

初級日本語学習者の漢字パターン認識について : 単漢字検索における問題点

鈴木, 正子;伊藤, 早苗

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45579
KEYWORDS : 漢字辞書検索; 初級日本語学習者; 漢字パターン認識; SKIP; 部首検索


This study is a pilot study aimed at investigating the use and its difficulty of kanji dictionaries by learners of Japanese at beginning level. Nine informants, who had completed a beginning-level Japanese course, were given a task to search for unknown single kanji characters in kanji dictionaries. The search process and the follow-up interview were recorded with video cameras and taperecorders. The data was analyzed according to those points : the kind of search (by SKIP, by radical, by on-kun reading), the number of searches, achievement of the task, correctness of search. The findings are that (1) learners searched by SKIP most, followed by radical and by on-kun reading ; (2) the methods of search, the number of searches, achievement of task, and the methods of incorrect search differed according to kanji characters ; (3) the causes of incorrect search relate to the difficulty of classification of SKIP, stroke-count, the recognition of radical and phonetic elements, and the reading ; (4) incorrect searches relating to the recognition of kanji-pattern were most numerous. Based on the result of this study, it is necessary to narrow the argument down and improve the method of research for further study whose results could be utilized to improve the syllabus of kanji-class.