北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第3号

自由に語らせる調査的面接法の有効性 : 学習者の会話能力に対する母語話者の評価の調査において

小池, 真理

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45580
KEYWORDS : 会話授業のシラバス; 会話能力; ロールプレイ; 日本語母語話者による評価; 調査的面接法


In Japanese language syllabuses for the purpose of improving conversational ability, it is necessary to include communication skills in addition to grammatical items. In selecting items which should be included in such syllabusses and deciding their order of priority, we should know the views of Japanese native speakers. Surveys of how Japanese native speakers evaluate learners 'performance may yield different results, depending on the method and design of the survey used. We have to use the method of the survey in which Japanese language teachers' view points and leading comments can be excluded. In this study I showed video recordings of learners' role-plays to two Japanese native speakers with no experience in teaching languages and two Japanese language teachers, and asked them to comment on learners' performance. Analysis of their comments indicates that this method is effective on the survey.