北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第3号


小林, 由子

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45581
KEYWORDS : 補講コース; 指導教官; 日本語履修歴; 専門日本語教育


'The Open Japanese Course at Hokkaido University' is supplementary Japanese language course for post-graduate foreign students. The nature of such a course is a central issue in the Open Japanese Course curriculum. A survey by Hokkaido University student Exchange Committee (1996) suggests that foreign students have a variety of Japanese language needs, but no further research has been carried out in this question. This paper aims to discuss the role of the Open Japanese Course based on interviews with teachers and on students' learning history in the course over the last two and a half years. Japanese language training in specific academic areas occurs through work in their particular departments and the teachers in these department look for Japanese language for communication in everyday life not in academic areas. On the other hand, most students can take the Japanese language course for less than one year, and students who take elementary level and intermediate level are almost separated. This suggests that students should take appropriate level classes for a limited period as their situation allows and that some students who need higher ability take many units for long period. Based on these results the Open Japanese Course should provide units where students can gain general Japanese ability in a short period of less than one year as well as units which allow them to continue studying to gain high level Japanese for general purposes if they want.