北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第11号


バックハウス, アンソニー・E

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45673
KEYWORDS : 形容詞と副詞; 派生; 日本語学習辞書


This paper considers the status of forms such as nagaku in Furansu ni nagaku sunde ita hito, where a form identical to the-ku form of an adjective describes the manner of the action or event denoted by the verb. Some regard this as simply one use of an adjective (NAGAI), whereas others see it as involving a de-adjectival derived adverb (NAGAKU) as a distinct word. The first view thus treats this use as a matter of inflection, the second as a case of derivation. Derivation is generally seen as being less regular than inflection, in terms of both productivity (i.e. 'gaps' occur) and semantic transparency (i.e. unpredictable changes of meaning and use occur), and in principle any such irregularities call for treatment as separate items in dictionaries. This paper uses a newspaper corpus to examine the behaviour of -ku forms relating to 18 basic adjectives from this perspective. For the corpus employed, the findings indicate that 9 of the -ku forms examined show significant irregularities, either through non-occurrence in this use (1 item: samuku) or through semantic unpredictability compared with the corresponding adjective (8 items: chiisaku, mijikaku, furuku, yoku, karuku, ureshiku, osoku, sukunaku). This result lends support to the derivational view, and points to the need for more extensive incorporation of -ku forms as adverbs in dictionaries, particularly for learners of Japanese, who need guidance for natural production as well as for comprehension in this area.