北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第11号


池上, 素子

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45674
KEYWORDS : 原因・理由; 契機的; 事実的; 仮定的; 従属度


This paper examines the uses of tame and ni yotte expressing causes or reasons in Japanese through comparing the two. In this study, the following results were found: 1) The following points are common to tame and ni yotte: First, both of them are able to show optional or plural causes using ka or to. Second, some particles can be attached to tame and ni yotte. 2) They are different from each other in the following points: a) Ni yotte can show an incitement, but tame cannot. b) While ni yotte is not used for indirect causes, tame can be used in such a case. c) Ni yotte is ambiguous whether it expresses actual things or hypothetic ones. However, tame is always used for actual things. d) While tame is often used for bad things, ni yotte does not have such a tendency. e) Tame has a character near sentences more than ni yotte. f) Ru-forms in tame-clauses can be used for only habitual things in the past. However, ni yotte does not have such a tendency.