北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第11号

日本語教育史研究方法論の再検討のために・その2 : 安田-松岡「論争」その他の問題に寄せて

中村, 重穂

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45676
KEYWORDS : 日本語教育史; 山口喜一郎; 安田敏朗; 松岡弘; "政治的文脈からの脱色化"


In this paper, the author critically examines a 'discussion' between Toshiaki Yasuda and Hiroshi Matsuoka originating from a symposium held at the Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language Academic Conference in 2002. Matsuoka criticized Yasuda's comment on the future of the historical study of Japanese language teaching. He insisted on the universality of language teaching based on the comparison of Comenius with Kiichiro Yamaguchi in the field of pedagogical thought and teaching methods. However, it is pointed out that Matsuoka made an unfair low evaluation of Yasuda's comment, an inappropriate comparison beween Comenius and Yamaguchi, and a narrow interpretation of Yamaguchi's textbook. Moreover, t he author criticizes this evaluation and interpretation since it seems to be caused by a feeling of retaliation for the criticisms against Japanese language teaching from Yasuda and Takeshi Komagome. In addition, the author also points out and criticizes an inconsistent attitude of Matsuoka and Masaaki Seki in that they criticized Japanese language teaching outsiders (Yasuda and Komagome) yet make no criticism against insiders. Finally, the author advocates the necessity of learning from historians and for criticism against a discourse lacking in understanding of Japanese language teaching.