北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第11号

リズム単位を利用した発音指導 : 後ろ向きフットカウントの試み

山下, 好孝

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45677
KEYWORDS : フット; 拍; リズム; 音声指導


Traditionally Japanese pronunciation practice is based on the "mora" as the basic phonetic unit. The explanation of Japanese accent rules also makes use of the mora. But the concept of mora is difficult for foreign learners to perceive. And, of course, they don't put the accent on the proper position in Japanese words. In this report I propose the use of the foot as a unit for pronunciation practice. A foot is made of two morae. Sometimes two morae make one long syllable, and one long syllable composes a foot. On the other hand, one mora can make a short syllable, and two short syllables make a foot. In my Japanese classes I introduced foot-dividing exercises both in written and oral practice. I also introduced backward foot-counting in the case of verbs and adjectives. This new method has proved to be effective among intermediate and upper level Japanese learners. They pay more attention to special morae such as ONBIN combinations. Based on foot-dividing it is much easier for them to put the accent on the proper position in a word, because the accent rule is very simple if the unit is a foot.