北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第13号


中野, 友理

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45682
KEYWORDS : 「ノダ」; 「発見」用法; 既定性; 世界知識


This paper aims to clarify the relationship between two usages of the Japanese no-da sentence. Japanese no-da supposedly offers the speaker's knowledge to the listener and provides new information or reminds the listener of him or her knowledge. This usage represents no-da's main function. A second usage is often observed in conversation. This no-da sentence provides new information that the speaker has just gathered from the context of the conversation. The question is whether no-da has two meanings or one. We conclude that each of the two different usages is used in different conversational contexts. One is used when the speaker does not need to assume that the listener knows about the information provided by the no-da sentence. Such utterance with no-da is supposed to establish that the speaker has acquired information from the context, more than to exchange information between the speaker and listener. The common point of the two usages is that speaker's knowledge is referred to in the process of information processing. We therefore consider that no-da has just one meaning, which is to inclicate that speaker's knowledge has been referred to in the utterances. This meaning shows different functions in different conversational situations.