北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第13号

初級学習者による漢字語の意味理解のための外部リソース使用実態調査 : 電子辞書の使用法に焦点をあてて

副田, 恵理子;平塚, 真理

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45683
KEYWORDS : 未知語; 検索活動; 外部リソース; 電子辞書; 漢字


This study is a pilot study aimed at investigating how beginning-level Japanese learners use such tools as paper dictionaries, electronic dictionaries, translation websites, dictionary websites, or dictionary software to understand the meaning of unknown Kanji words. Three Japanese learners were given tasks requiring the understanding of unknown words. In the process of completing the tasks, they could freely use any language reference tools. The process of tasks and follow-up interviews were recorded on video camera. The data were analyzed qualitatively, focusing on the use of electronic dictionaries. The data show that electronic dictionaries were used in a wide range of situations, and most of the searching was done using the handwriting function. Detailed analysis of the process revealed that learners could not adequately utilize the functions of the dictionary, t heir handwriting was not recognized by the dictionary, and they could not search for Kun-reading words appropriately. Another problem for the Japanese learners is that Japanese-English dictionaries intended for Japanese native speakers do not include the meaning of Kanji used as prefixes. The result of this study suggests it is necessary to improve the instruction of electronic dictionary use.