北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第13号


中村, 重穂

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45684
KEYWORDS : 「だ」; 「である」; 論文; 文章表現指導


This paper examines the usage of "da" and "dearu" in a Japanese academic paper based on a questionnaire. The results of this research found that "dearu" is mainly used in an academic paper. Also with regard to "dearu", the following seven usages were found: 1 presenting each sequence of paragraphs, 2 including the part that the writer emphasizes, 3 predicate including a demonstrative of precedent content, 4 including the word showing an example, 5 preceding an expression that demands a certain descriptive element, 6 in the structures of "noun1 + dearu to iu + noun2" or "noun/na-adjective+dearu to+verb", 7 after a modality-expression. On the other hand, "da" is observed in "daroo" as the final part of a sentence including "da" as a structural element, and the part which reflects the subjectivity of a writer or a speaker of a quotation. Based on the above results, a number of rules pertaining to the instruction of written Japanese are presented. However, the validity of these rules, as well as other possible usages should be examined in more detail. Also, the possibility of instruction using "mixed-styles" and its pedagogical techniques should be further investigated.