北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第13号

初級語彙・文型による「耳をすませば」スクリプトの分析 : 日本語学習資源としてのアニメーション映画の可能性

田中, 里実;本間, 淳子

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/45685
KEYWORDS : アニメーションのスクリプト; 映像資源; 日本語能力試験3・4級; 初級学習者


The number of J-culture devotees has increased dramatically in the past several years and they tend to become Japanese learners. This paper analyzes the script of an animated movie, "Mimi o sumaseba (Whisper of the heart)", produced by Studio Ghibli in 1995, as a resource for Japanese language learners, especially beginners. First, we compare the use of i-adjectives in the script to the "daily language corpus" of Kobayashi (2009). The results show that the three most used i-adjectives, Ii, Nai and Sugoi are the same and that the frequency of use of i-adjective inflections also corresponds to the list. Second, we compare the grammatical and vocabulary items of the script to those of the JLPT 3rd Grade Test. The script covers 40% of the verbs, 37% of the i-adjectives and na-adjectives, and 77.2% of the basic grammatical items. This result shows that we can depend highly upon this script as a resource for introductory Japanese language for beginners. Further analyses of animated movies will make it possible to cover all the major grammatical items and basic vocabularies.