北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第14号

大学校舎における学びと知識・情報のネットワーク : 北海道大学留学生センターの設計理念

柳町, 智治

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/46739
KEYWORDS : 留学生センター; 校舎; 設計; 理念; 知識・情報のネットワーク


The International Student Center (ISC) of Hokkaido University is moving from the present building to a section of the Faculty of Engineering in March 2011. This article is a tribute to the present ISC building which has made significant contributions to the international community of the university since its completion in 1994. The purpose of the article is to discuss how the philosophy embodied in the architectural plan of the building has served to improve the 'intellectual performance' of users of the Center. The building's innovative open plan has made the various activities occurring there transparent and highly visible, thereby enabling its users to situate themselves in and to gain access to the 'knowledge and information network' circulating within it.